Paragon Immortal Aperture, the dream is blurred.

Fang Yuan has entered the dream.

In the sunset.

“Are you believe in fate?”

A Human Race female immortal, with white snow, a yellow clothes, a curved eyebrow under the bend, a pair of beautiful eyes with smog, sullenly looking at the nosing more beautiful can be imagined.

Fang Yuan played a Stoneman Gu Immortal, but he was not under his control.

Dreams are on their own, Stoneman Gu Immortal with a muffled voice: “I am Tu Ji cultivation Law Dao, naturally believe in fate. Since I saw Fairy Ruo Li, I know that you are the destiny of my hit, is to Use your whole life to pursue someone who loves you!”

Fairy Ruo Li lightly smiled, but her brows glimpsed a little, then she turned to look around Stoneman Gu Immortal Tu Ji: “It is true, we are destined to be a pair of lovers.”

“Oh… what, what? I, I, I…” Stoneman Gu Immortal was horrified, and immediately ecstatic, incredibly low. “Fairy Ruo Li, are you promised me?!”

Fairy Ruo Li is gently nodded.

“Oh my God, God! Hahaha! I am not dreaming? My Heavens!” Tu Ji danced and danced, then screamed and shouted. “Failed more than three thousand times, I finally succeeded! Hahaha! Fairy Ruo Li, from now on, you are my wife.”

“Well, you are my Husband.”

Tu Ji was so excited that the trembling was so intense that he began to shake off the small pieces of stone.

Second Act.

Ruo Li lies gently in Tu Ji’s arms, light like a Bai Yu.

She looked at the sky, the clouds in the sky, and her eyes were clear and clear.

Tu Ji’s eyes are blurred, his eyes have not been transferred, concentrated on Ruo Li’s face.

He whispered in his mouth: “Although it has been more than ten years, I feel that it all seems to be a dream! Ruo Li, Ruo Li, my wife, I swear I will love you, if you have any wishes, I will do everything to satisfy you.”

“Is it?” Ruo Li asked gently.

“Of course!” Tu Ji’s answer was not hesitant.

Ruo Li’s face rarely shows a hesitant color, quite a long time, she started with a difficult meaning: “Then you kill someone for me.”

“Who is killing? Even if Rank 8 exists, believe me, I will kill him if I try my best.” Tu Ji promised to come down and look very solemn.

“Just a newly born baby nothing more.” Ruo Li smiled, his smile filled with bitterness.

Tu Ji Aunt: “Baby?”

Ruo Li took a deep breath : “Are you believe in fate?”

“I specialize in Law Dao, of course, I believe in the world’s various regulations. Everything has its own specific trajectory, that is life.” Tu Ji replied.

Ruo Li continued: “Then I will tell you that this baby is probably the future Gu Venerable, known as Reckless. And I will definitely die in his hands in the future.”

“What?!” Tu Ji was shocked. “Ruo Li, this prophecy, how many times have you counted?”

Ruo Li smiled bitterly: “In fact, it only needs one time, but I have counted it many times. The result of each time is all the same. You know the prophecy of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, why is it so accurate? That is because the fate of the fate is It is fixed. I died in the hands of Reckless, it is my fate.”

Tu Ji’s mouth is dry and calm, and the inner waves are ups and downs, and it is difficult to calm down.

But immediately, the surging Murderous Qi slammed out of him, and he slowly stood up: “Then I will kill him! Although this is a life… but I don’t believe, I dignified Tu Ji, Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Actually kill a baby!!”

Fang Yuan’s soul background is constantly consumed, Third Act.

Tu Ji was seriously injured and returned to Fairy Ruo Li. His mouth trembled, his face was stunned, and there was a residual shock: “I…”

Fairy Ruo Li lightly smiled: “I know that you are on the way to meet your enemies, and he happened to have a breakthrough.”

Tu Ji Yixi: “Are you counting?”

Fairy Ruo Li nodded: “From the moment you attacked, I will count it.”

Tu Ji stunned, hesitated, and asked: “So Ruo Li, since you are already ready, why don’t you come to support me? Our husband and wife will join hands and will surely kill that!”

Ruo Li shook his head and smiled. “You still don’t understand? This is a fateful arrangement. I won’t tell you the result of the calculation. You won’t kill the baby. If you don’t kill the baby, you won’t touch you.” Enemies. Any attempt to change your fate will be punished by fate. Your injury at the moment is punishment. If I support you, there will be another resistance.”

Tu Ji squinted a few times, reacted, thank you very much – ly said: “It turned out to be like this. That’s very good, Ruo Li, your decision is right. You can’t hurt, I would rather be split, and I don’t want you to break one. Root hair.”

Ruo Li smiles at Tu Ji: “Now you know it’s amazing? Don’t try it anymore, stay with me, quietly accompany me, spend the last part of my life with me. I believe that you are there. I will be very happy around me.”

“No!” Tu Ji shuddered and snorted. “Never! I will never sit and watch this happen. I will never let you die. I promised you, made a vow, I want to love you.” Protect you forever.”

“But my death is a fateful arrangement. Tu Ji, my Husband, you said, you are believe in fate.” Ruo Li is meaningful.

“That… then I don’t believe it!” At first, Tu Ji was struggling and hesitating, but when he said the last time, he couldn’t help but pick it up, his fists clenched and his anger.

The fourth act.

Tu Ji went to find the key baby. The Earthly Disaster suddenly appeared. The city collapsed and the displaced people dispersed. The baby disappeared. Tu Ji killed as soon as he caught the mortal, and he bumped into the digital Righteous Path Human Immortal. After a big fight, Tu Ji killed several people, but he became the wanted man of Human Race Gu Immortal.

The fifth act.

A few years later, the Disaster and Tribulation was awesome, and Tu Ji had a tough transcends tribulation. When he was lying on the sickbed and unable to act, he heard that Ruo Li finally figured out the result and got the specific location of the baby.

“I am going to kill him!” Tu Ji struggled to get up, but after just a few steps, he passed out.

When he woke up, he looked at the full head white hair Fairy Ruo Li, sobbing and crying: “I blame me, blame me, Ruo Li, you have been retiring for so many years, it’s hard to calculate… if not my ability is so bad…”

Fairy Ruo Li gently smiled, comforted: “It doesn’t matter, I can still calculate it.”

The sixth act. They met Beast Tide.

The seventh act. Fairy Ruo Li failed to calculate, bear backlash, exhausted youth, and became an old woman. She lay in the arms of Tu Ji and smiled bitterly: “I look like this, it must be terrible, isn’t it?”

Tu Ji gently stroked her hair, her eyes as always, deep affection: “No, no matter what you look like, you are still the Fairy Ruo Li I love.”

This unique dream continues, and Fang Yuan is always a spectator.

Regardless of how Tu Ji and Ruo Li pursued, all attempts failed. Once, he caught the baby, but let him run because of the accident. Three times, he caught up with the baby, and several take actions eventually caused the baby to escape.

And the baby grew up and became Gu Immortal.

The situation unswervingly followed the path of fate and finally came close to the death of Fairy Ruo Li.

Tu Ji is getting more and more nervous, he knows that the most crucial moment has arrived. He plans all day, painstaking cultivation, and he has to try any way to improve himself, no matter how big the risk.

Instead, Fairy Ruo Li relaxed, and she was no longer keen on projections. She persuaded Tu Ji, don’t be so desperate. Tu Ji does not listen, the more anxious. When Tu Ji had time, she accompanied him, lying in his arms, and then gently staring at his husband, not looking at his eyes for a long time, as if he had never seen enough.

Finally, the eighth act.

The most deadly blow was blocked by Tu Ji, and he fought back and knocked the enemy back.

Tu Ji is dying. He was lying in the arms of Fairy Ruo Li for the first time, but he was very happy: “I, we finally defeated the fate. Ruo Li… my wife… I am achieved, I am really achieved, cough Cough cough…”

He is happy to want to shout and cheer, but he is too weak, he can only cough.

He knew that he had to die, and his life was not long. He took the last moment. He took the hand of Fairy Ruo Li with difficulty and looked at her with deep affection. He said with great solemnity: “I am going, please be sure to Live well, live…”

The crystal tears flowed from the eyes of Fairy Ruo Li, across her face, dripping.

She hugged Stoneman Gu Immortal Tu Ji tightly and whispered in his ear: “Do you know? Although I specialize in Wisdom Dao, I don’t believe in fate. When I count the destiny for me, but Who wants to die? So I found you, in fact, your combination is not in fate. I don’t love you, just want to use your nothing more.”

Tu Ji smiled and responded with a weak and extreme voice: “I know, but what about it? I love you… I am used by you, I am very happy, I am willing. Thank you, give me this opportunity, Let me be used by you… I used to believe in fate, but I don’t believe it now. You see, you are still alive, your life has changed, how good…”

After finishing this sentence, Tu Ji could no longer support the heavy eyelids, slowly closed, and no response.

Fairy Ruo Li cried, never had such a lonely self-control in her life, she shook her head, crying: “I used to be inlie in fate, but I believe now!”

As she said, she burst into the white light, and the rays of light flowed into the water, slowly pouring into Stoneman Gu Immortal Tu Ji.

Stoneman Gu Immortal’s breath grew from the weakest state, while Fairy Ruo Li was getting weaker and weaker, and the silhouette was getting weaker.

Stoneman Gu Immortal opened his eyes again. When he saw the situation, his face was shocked and panicked. He shouted: “No, stop, I don’t want to receive treatment. You will die, you will die!!”

It is a pity that he is powerless and cannot stop.

Fairy Ruo Li’s shadow is already very light, she reveals the last smile, incomparably gentle, and a trace of crafty: “You also know that my ultimate move can’t stop once it is turned on.”

“I want to say the last sentence to you, the most you want to hear in your heart.”

“You stupid stone… I…”

“I love you.”

The barely fell, Fairy Ruo Li is completely transformed into a light and shadow bubble that dissipates between Heaven and Earth.

“No! No-!” Tu Ji groaned, like a wounded wild beast, full of anger and sadness, powerless and painful.

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