Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Soul Search!

The power of 澎湃 射 射 射 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

But Fang Yuan did not give up, continued to perfuse immortal essence, and kept on.

After a while, it seems that with a pair of meat hands with difficulty to pick up the corner of the steel plate, the Time Dao’s Dao Marks on Xia Cha’s soul has a loophole, so that Fang Yuan’s Soul Search ultimate move finally works.

A lot of information was greedily captured by Fang Yuan at this moment. But Time Dao’s Dao Marks did not admit defeat, and Dao Marks around the defensive loop was still steadfastly surrounding.

Eventually, as time went by, this vulnerability, which was easily opened by Fang Yuan, was filled in by Time Dao’s Dao Marks. Not the degree of defense here is far more strict than before!

Fang Yuan’s Soul Search ultimate move, had to end.

“This Xia Cha is not only Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the background is deep, there is also a means of Time Dao defense on the soul, able to resist the Soul Search ultimate move at the Rank 7 level.”

“This kind of defense, as well as the effectiveness of self-recovery and self-attack, is really wonderful.”

Fang Yuan captured the Southern Border group, and after stealing their Immortal Gu, they took their souls out and completely separated from the body.

To the extent that the risk of holding these Southern Border Gu Immortals has fallen to a very small extent. Next, we will do Soul Search for these souls without physical protection.

The soul of Tie Ou Zhong, Shang Huzhang and the others did not bring much difficulty to Fang Yuan, and all the information was searched by Fang Yuan.

But when I met Yang Ku, there were some troubles. Yang Ku is a Song 7 expert specializing in Soul Dao, and naturally has a strong resistance to this Soul Search.

Yang Ku is not too troublesome, but the more troublesome is Liu Hao.

Liu Hao’s Locking Space Immortal Gu, etc., was arranged by Heavenly Court’s and did not get Fang Yuan. His soul, Heavenly Court has not been missed, and there is still a strong defense.

However, the two men ended up falling under the Fang Yuan’s hand and were counted as Soul Search.

If Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley are the two great holy lands of soul cultivation, Fang Yuan holds Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, which is undoubtedly the first Soul Dao scripture under the sun!

Fang Yuan therefore learned that Liu Hao’s true identity turned out to be Heavenly Court’s inside.

But the most troublesome of all is the soul of Xia Cha.

Xia Cha’s soul is filled with Time Dao’s Dao Marks, forming a strict defense that blocks any external offensive. Fang Yuan’s Soul Search is not good for Xia Cha, and naturally it is also a kind of offensive.

Fang Yuan used all means, which was re-imposed on Immortal Formation, and improved Soul Search ultimate move, so that its power can reach the limit at present, which is Soul Search for Xia Cha soul.

However, the extent of this Soul Search is very difficult and the progress is not smooth.

Fang Yuan often needs to exhaust the tremendous strength to break a small hole. This vulnerability is not always there, but how long it will be re-covered by Time Dao’s Dao Marks.

Fang Yuan only conducted Soul Search with the time when the loopholes formed. After this time, the surface of the vulnerability will surround more Time Dao’s Dao Marks than the original, and the defense will be stronger.

Fortunately, Time Dao’s Dao Marks on Xia Cha’s soul will not increase. There are more Time Dao’s Dao Marks here, which means that Dao Marks is sparse in other places. This gives Fang Yuan the next attack and brings better opportunities.

The souls of other people have been searched, and Xia Cha is left behind.

Fang Yuan takes the Xia Cha soul while the other uses Time Dao clone, rely on Fixed Immortal Travel, and the Immortal Aperture of Gu Immortals.

Because of Soul Search obtained first-hand intelligence, Fang Yuan is fully aware of the sights in these Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture, and using Fixed Immortal Travel is completely with no difficulty.

Moreover, Fang Yuan also knows what is hidden in these Immortal Apertures.

Gu Immortal cultivation, its own Immortal Aperture is the top priority. These Southern Border Gu Immortal, each of which is expert, has a deep background, and Immortal Aperture is naturally a good standard, and the good things inside are naturally everywhere.

Basically, these Gu Immortal are to be put back by Fang Yuan.

Because of the annexation of their Immortal Aperture, the benefits of harvesting Dao Marks are far less than those of Fang Yuan’s extortion.

The growth of Dao Marks brings a background and a brighter future.

But the future is good again, and it’s completely empty.

The immediate danger is Fate Gu. More precisely, it prevents Heavenly Court from completely repairing Fate Gu.

But Fang Yuan has no idea about this. He can now avoid Heavenly Court’s chasing and killing, but Fate Gu is kept in the depths of Heavenly Court. How to prevent Heavenly Court from fixing it is far beyond Fang Yuan’s ability.

Therefore, Fang Yuan tried every means to enter the River of Time and inherit Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

Human Race In history, the three Demon Venerables have successively attacked Heavenly Court. Only Red Lotus Demon Venerable has destroyed Fate Gu. Although it has not been completely destroyed, it has indeed damaged Fate Gu. After the death of Red Lotus Demon Venerable, leaving True Inheritance, it is very likely that a follow-up destruction plan will be left for Fate Gu.

To successfully inherit Red Lotus’ True Inheritance and not be wiped out by Heavenly Court, you need Fang Yuan to improve your Time Dao. The means of other genres, in the battlefield of the River of Time, will be greatly weakened, basically not presentable.

Magnificent Zodiac Pond, and Time Dao Immortal Gu Home, and many more, need Fang Yuan and Southern Border Righteous Path to trade, and the chips of Fang Yuan trading are naturally these Gu Immortal prisoners.

Paragon Immortal Aperture time, a few days later.


Over the border of Little Southern Border, a dark-green color “Stone Dragon” roars, a large, slender body swimming.

Then under the auspices of Fang Yuan’s ultimate move, “Stone Dragon” plunged into the ground of the Little Southern Border, and then the sound of hong long long rang continuously for a thousand miles. The “Stone Dragon” forcibly drilled deep into the ground until The final tail disappeared.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air : “The matter of pulling the veins is finally completed.”

This “Stone Dragon” is not the Stone Dragon of the Stoneman Tribe, but a vein shaped. This vein is made up of Rank 7 immortal materials, which was moved from Fang Yuan from an Immortal Aperture, which was captured by Southern Dao’s Southern Border.

As for the means of moving such a large vein, Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance certainly has a record, but Fang Yuan’s Immortal Gu and the ultimate move itself are from the Southern Border captive.

He himself is also like so, and the outside Wuqing Mosch vein is transferred to his own Immortal Aperture. What Fang Yuan is doing now is nothing more than following his behavior.

“With this Wuqing Moss vein, I can mine a batch of it every year and sell it in Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

But this income, although not many, is better than the long stream.

Because of the Wuqing Mosch vein, it will continue to extract the Earth Qi around, and then grow itself. As long as Fang Yuan maintains a certain degree of mining, it can rely on this place to continuously extract Wuqing Moss.

Although Wuqing Moushi is not expensive in all Rank 7 immortal materials, but in the end is still Rank 7 immortal materials, the value cannot be ignored.

“Maybe… I can also migrate a group of Stoneman and reproduce according to the Wuqing Mosch mine.” Fang Yuan suddenly thought about it.

This is very beneficial for Stoneman.

The higher the rank of the Higher Rank, the positive benefits of the Stoneman Tribe’s reproduction, interest and growth. More secondly, Stoneman will also feed these veins to make them more pure.

This is a win-win situation for mutual benefit.

But if you move to Stoneman, this Wuqing Mosch vein is not suitable for mining, but you have to leave Stoneman as your new home.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment and decided to move to Stoneman.

He did not pay attention to the money brought about by the exploitation of the Wuqing Mosch vein. The future benefits brought by Stoneman and the veins made him more concerned.

From the hands of the Southern Border captives, Fang Yuan is certainly more than just this black-blue inkstone vein.

In the Little Southern Border, there are dozens more mountains.

The mountains of the greater part are all common mountains, but the rich Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is a treasure.

There are also some mountains, reaching the extent of famous mountains!

For example, the interior is rainy mountain.

The hills of this mountain are always covered with a cloud. The raindrops are constantly falling from the dark clouds.

These rains are not ordinary rain, but the rainfall of Rank 6 immortal materials!

Another example is Copper Seal Mountain.

The mountain is red and square-shaped, as if it were a big print, standing on the Little Southern Border.

There is no trace of dirt on the Copper Seal Mountain, which is made up of a variety of copper. There are mixed copper, prajna copper, snowflake copper, etc. common level copper, more immortal materials copper, such as Cang Xuan copper, Thang Long copper.

Of course, mortal materials have the largest amount of copper, occupying the vast majority, and immortal materials have only a small fraction of copper, and most of them are Rank 6 immortal materials. The highest copper material can also reach the Rank 7, the only one, that is the famous bronze! This kind of copper material basically means that there will be no copper in the Second Type Rank 7 level.

Hawthorn, veins, woods… Because these Gu Immortal captives are from Southern Border, almost half of the resources were moved to the Little Southern Border by Fang Yuan. Because of resources and the environment, it is very appropriate.

The other half of the resources are distributed to other small four domains and Little Nine Heavens.

For example, Little Central Continent has a garden of phantom flowers, and the massive sacred soil has laid a fertile plain.

In Little Northern Plains, there is a Heavenly Pillar Wind, which is shaped like a giant pillar and is extremely tall and extremely long. Heavenly Pillar Wind is scraped, never mobility, just blowing in place. Looking from the outside, it is like a giant pillar.

In the Little Eastern Sea, there is a brand new Sea Territory called the Wave Garden Garden. In the sea Territory, the waves are rolling, and in the waves, a myriad of wonderful flowers are born, called Wave Breaker Flower. Because the time of growth and fading is extremely short, it is difficult to pick. It was also a surprise when Fang Yuan obtained the resource’s to cultivate method from Yi Yang.

In the Little Western Desert, more than a dozen Fusang Tree plants have been planted, and each branch of this tree is immortal materials!

“Paragon Immortal Aperture is too big. If it is converted to a specific value, the previous Paragon Immortal Aperture development is only 3%. Now, because of this annexation, there is already an eight-nine percent. Don’t forget the Southern Border. Gu Immortal’s Immortal Aperture still has a lot of resources left, and the biggest head of Xia Cha Celestial Grotto !as a result, which can break through 10%.” Fang Yuan sighs.

These resources are large and small, and many large Resource Points are the economic pillars of each Southern Border Gu Immortal!

In Treasure Yellow Heaven, Heavenly Court has taken action, selling a large number of cheap Dragon Fish, Iron Dragon Fish and Silver Dragon Fish, which has caused a great setback in the business of Fang Yuan’s Dragon Fish.

But what about it?

In Fang Yuan’s hand, the newly added ten economic pillars will support him to continue to take off!

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