Southern Border has a strong morale, Shadow Sect and the others are eyelid beating, and the face is slightly sinking.

Lu Weiyin is a good-natured man, with a light weight, and a fierce Immemorial Zodiac Tiger is easily taken. Although he did not have the means of attack, but this means, it is deep and unmeasurable, awesome.

Si si 嘶…

An Immemorial Zodiac Snake, dragging the long, thick snake body, spit the scarlet serpent tongue, drilled the vortex giant door and entered the battlefield.

The third head Immemorial Zodiac Beast!

This time, whether it is Lu Weiyin or Xia Cha’s face, has changed.

Because from this Immemorial Zodiac Snake, they perceive the breath of the wild Immortal Gu. This Immemorial Zodiac Snake is far more dangerous than the other two Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

More crucially, however, it is not surprising to see the fourth and fifth Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

“What the grand formation is!” Qiao Family Gu Immortal shouted, and the pressure in his heart was huge.

The rest of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal is very heavy in mind, no longer the spirit of the past.

“I am coming.” At the crucial moment, Lu Weiyin stepped forward again, facing Immemorial Zodiac Snake.

It’s just this time, he’s a lot more cautious, and he’s not going to venture out before Immemorial Zodiac Snake’s body is what kind of Immortal Gu.

“Kill!” Southern Border Gu Immortals roaring, killing intent.

Zodiac Beast, baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Southern Border Gu Immortals picked up the reign of terror, Zodiac Beast suffered heavy casualties, but the whirlpool giant door could not be destroyed, and the Zodiac Beast was constantly being transported inward.

The Zodiac Beast continued to stretch, and as the battle continued, the state of Southern Border Gu Immortals gradually declined and some people began to suffer injuries.

“Zodiac Beast is too much. This battle must have been greatly improved, and the scale of the match against Zodiac Beast far surpasses Feng Jiuge.” Liu Hao was shocked by his heart. He had some calculated results in his hands, from Heavenly Court, but not Know how to submit it. After all, his identity is not Formation Dao, Time Dao Gu Immortal.

“This damn grand formation, we must destroy it, we will have a chance!”

“In fact, as long as we destroy a certain degree and let us pass the information here, there must be a large number of Rightse Path Fellow Immortal to come to support.”

Southern Border Qunxian also knows how to deal with it, but unfortunately the means is not enough. This Time River Execution Formation is carefully calculated after the surge of Fang Yuan Time Dao Realm. Would it be so easy to make the Southern Border group succeed?

“This Time Dao grand formation is really mysterious…” Xia Cha frowned. Since she cracked an array core, she couldn’t find a second array core in a short time.

“Grand formation is seamless, there is no flaw. I have made too few achievements in Formation Dao. Maybe I should go all out once, so that my grand formation can’t stand it and make a flaw!” Xia Cha’s killing intent .

She is the Reveal Great Elder of Xia Family, Time Dao Great Expert, and only the expert pride in her heart. At this moment, she is calculated by Fang Yuan, and she is restrained here.

Lu Weiyin saw the thoughts in Xia Cha’s mind and quickly advised: “Xia Cha, don’t be in the middle of the devil. Fang Yuan very ruthless, and the Heavenly Court can’t help. Shadow Sect has mastered Graceful Battle Stage, this Although the Immortal Gu Home was ruined, there were a lot of Immortal Gu left in their hands. If you want to go all out, I am afraid that Fang Yuan will be in the middle and used for Fang Yuan.”

The most signature means of Graceful Battle Stage is to seal the opponent’s ultimate move and then send it out.

Lu Weiyin’s advice was so wise that Fang Yuan couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. Although he is not Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, the calculation is very correct. The Time River Execution Formation almost exhausted all of Time Yuan’s Time Dao Immortal Gu, and the Immortal Gu in Hei Fan True Inheritance served as the core. Immortal Gu is also fully assisted.

Xia Cha listened to the advice and took a deep breath. She was coldly snorted and suddenly looked toward the first Immemorial Zodiac Chicken.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken is being besieged by a group of Southern Border Gu Immortal. These Gu Immortal are all Rank 7 expert, and the ultimate move is sharp, but on the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, it is not obvious, such as itching.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken is comparable to Rank 8 battle strength, rough skin and thick flesh, Southern Border group of geniuses struggle hard, but also why.

But when Xia Cha’s gaze was bet on the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, the chicken suddenly felt a strong threat. He raised his head and smashed the encirclement of the Southern Border group and flew directly to Xia Cha.

“Good evil creature.” Xia Cha extremely angry, laughing, a lot of Gu insect breath, pouring into an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

I saw a pair of scissors, green and color, as big as the elephant, flying to the neck of the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken didn’t feel any pain, and suffered a blow, as if coming to spring, warm wind and sly, sun shone brightly, grassy flowers, drifting.

Confused, the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken formed a deep wound on the neck, and a lot of blood spurted out like a fountain.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken was shocked, vicious nature excited, giggling, speeding up, still rushing to Xia Cha.

Xia Cha does not dodge or evade, was smashed by Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, but disappeared into a bubble.

Then, the green-green scissors flew again over the head of the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, and the neck was cut as soon as it was seen.

Xia Cha disappeared, and Immemorial Zodiac Chicken’s attention was all attracted by the green scissors, a two-phase battle, dashing on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

“This is Xia Cha’s Spring Scissors, and it’s really good and sharp.” Fang Yuan is behind the scenes, watching the battlefield hole, seeing such a situation, the heart of the movement, the relevant information in his mind emerges.

Xia Cha has an ultimate move with four strokes, and Spring Scissors is just one of them. Undoubtedly, this is the offensive ultimate move in the Rank 8 class. It is sharp and sharp. Even the existence of rough skin and thick flesh like Immemorial Zodiac Chicken can’t resist the blade edge.

Fang Yuan is secretly envious.

This is what he lacks most today.

There is indeed a Rank 8 Time Dao ultimate move in Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, but Fang Yuan lacks the corresponding Rank 8 Immortal Gu. Even if it is improved, the Immortal Gu instead of 6~7 can’t reach the Rank 8 level.

In Fang Yuan’s hand only one Rank 8 Time Dao Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, in Hei Fan True Inheritance, there are several ultimate moves, with it as the core. Such as Zodiac Beast Call, Unlucky Year, etc.

The Zodiac Beast Call at the rank of 8 can summon the Immemorial Zodiac Beast and fight for Fang Yuan.

The Unlucky Year is based on the Years Flow Like Water Gu, which simulates the Luck Dao effect with Time Dao. But neither is the Spring Scissors, it is used directly for attack, and the effect is immediate.

Therefore, Fang Yuan had to hit the idea of ​​Time Flying Edge.


Immemorial Zodiac Chicken has no wild Immortal Gu. After all, it is the Spring Scissors of Xia Cha, which has been cut and bruised and screamed.

Xia Cha used this trick before and after, and injured an Immemorial Zodiac Beast, showing her extraordinary battle strength.

“It’s the head of today’s Xia Family, right number one person! This strength, I am afraid I can meet the standards of Heavenly Court members.” Fang Yuan sighed.

The short Immemorial Zodiac Chicken is going to die in Xia Cha’s hands. Suddenly the grand formation moves and the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken suddenly disappears.

“Give me an acknowledgment allegiance.” Behind the scenes, Fang Yuan went down to the impaired Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, and the fiercely overbearing Enslave Dao went down. Immemorial Zodiac Chicken had to lower his head and express the allegiance to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Fang Yuan successfully recovered the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken.

He was on the left side of the Zodiac Beast, ambushed the Southern Border, and again on the Southern Border to help him weaken Zodiac Beast, and then enslaved.

This method was used in the Heavenly Court as early as the Western Desert, and it was old-fashioned.

But the old ones don’t matter, as long as they are effective.

Shortly, his own battle results will be at hand, and the dead Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, almost all of his body is Rank 8 immortal materials, worthless, but unexpectedly disappeared.

Many Southern Border 蛊Immortal Qi had a big bang, and Xia Cha’s face was also gloomy, but she immediately smiled: “You are finally showing your feet, and I will give you the Immemorial Zodiac Beast. What’s the matter?”

It turns out that Fang Yuan’s grand formation only transmits Zodiac Beast, and that’s all. Now that the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken is sent away, the grand formation is bound to work differently, which gives Xia Cha the convenience and realizes more subtleties.

Soon after, she surveyed the third array core and destroyed it.

But the cheers of the Southern Border group did not last long. The array core was destroyed and turned into a whirlpool gate, and there was another channel for Zodiac Beast input.

“How can it like this?” Southern Border.

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