“It is necessary to eradicate this Fang Yuan, and it is a daring to attack the Righteous Path grand formation.” Luo Family Revered Great Elder is roaring.

“This time my family, Gu Immortal, sacrificed fiercely. Fang Yuan has twice contaminated my family’s blood and must pay him the price!” Hou Family Revered Great Elder is full of hatred.

Yao Family Revered Great Elder sighed: “Fang Yuan must be dealt with, but this person can be unusual Demonic Path Gu Immortal. His identity is very complicated, not only Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but also Spring and Autumn Cicada 傍Reborn from the future, smashed 88 Floors True Yang Building, with Ju Yang True Inheritance, and also inherited Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, became the Shadow Sect contemporary Sect Master, and received a lot of funding from Langya Blessed Land. Even Central Continent Heavenly Court Throughout, chasing and killing, he is still at large, and it is a disaster for the world, and it has been repeated and strong, and its strength has progressed so rapidly that it is far beyond common sense. If you say the truth, there is really an imposing manner when Demon Venerable is young.”

“hmph! There is only Great Dream Immortal Venerable in the future, there will be no Great Dream Demon Venerable. Are you afraid of Yao Family?” Xia Family Revered Great Elder immediately sneered.

Yao Family Revered Great Elder Sneer: “I just explain the facts. To get rid of Fang Yuan, you have to face up to this fact. Just like your previous Xia Family lost to Yao Family.”

“You!” Xia Family Revered Great Elder was awesome.

In the recent period, Earth Arteries has mobilized a large number of cultivation resources deep in the ground to attract the Southern Border Righteous Path and Demonic Path and the rogue cultivator. At the time of the competition, there are naturally many frictions and contradictions. Xia Family Not long ago, Yao Family had an ambush and suffered a big loss, but Yao Family also paid a lot of money. So two sides talk, Fire Qi is rich.

“Well, our talks are not about fighting each other, but about how to deal with Fang Yuan. If Fang Yuan continues this kind of looting, what should we do?” At this time, Shang Family Revered Great Elder speaks, tone Slow, no hurry or slow.

A moment of silence.

Shang Family has always been neutral, and is best at trade, and has its own Gu Immortal. So Shang Family Revered Great Elder speaks, and the rest will sell some face.

For a long time, Ba Family Revered Great Elder broke the silence: “Fang Yuan thief must have mastered the magic of exploring dreams, and can get great benefits. Otherwise, why did he try his best to pretend to be Wu Yihai and mix it into my Rightse Path? This time he broke through the grand formation of the glimpse of the gully, and all the dreams were taken over. This is more to say. I don’t know how Wu Family Revered Great Elder thinks about this?”

Wu Family Revered Great Elder is naturally not someone else, it is Wu Yihai’s big brother – Wu Yong.

Wu Family has always dominated the first seat of the Righteous Path. Ba Family is secretly stunned. Unfortunately, Wu Yong broke out and revealed Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, which caused the Ba Family to collapse and Wu Family to hold the throne. But Ba Family will not let go of any such small opportunity.

Wu Yong was silent for a while, and then he said: “Fang Yuan thief, everyone is guilty. Yesterday he robbed Chi Family resources, so tomorrow, he may suddenly appear in any place, our resources even Gu Immortal Clansman is likely to be subject to his poisonous hand.”

Wu Yong said that it is not salty, but also pointed out that dealing with Fang Yuan is the responsibility of all of our Southern Border Righteous Path. Ba Family or someone else, wanting my Wu Family to take the lead and pay great effort, that is impossible.

After listening to Wu Yong’s words, many people frowned.

The style of Wu Yong and Wu Duxiu is very different. In exchange for the Wu Duxiu Leader, it must be the first to bear the brunt. This is the style of the Wu Family.

But Wu Yong shrank at this time, as if the disgrace that Fang Yuan left for Wu Family did not exist.

Ba Family Revered Great Elder didn’t want to let Wu Yong go so easily. He said: “Disposal of Fang Yuan is the trouble of the devil, mostly because he owns Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu. I don’t know what Wu Family Revered Great Elder has. Way, to restrain Fixed Immortal Travel?”

Wu Yong smiled and said: “Hey, there is no magic trick on Wu Family. I can’t be compared with Mother, Wu Yong naturally can’t be more than enough. In my opinion, the gu formation of Chi Family Revered Great Elder is indeed. It has an effect. Although it was broken by Fang Yuan, it also prevented him from making a long time. It is better to ask Chi Family Revered Great Elder take action to arrange the Immortal Formation for me and other resources, at least when Fang Yuan sneak attack comes over. It can also delay for a while.”

Chi Family Revered Great Elder Chi Quyou even hurriedly said: “Hey! Immortal Formation, which I arranged, has been repeatedly attacked by Fang Yuan, I am afraid I will live up to the expectations of everyone.”

Wu Yong laughed: “Chi Family Revered Great Elder doesn’t have to be too modest. Fang Yuan of your family, Fang Yuan has not broken. The Immortal Formation built in the gully trench also resists Fang Yuan’s attack. Just Fang Yuan thief Formation Dao Realm is good, and the fact that the Planning Maniac of your noble clan has been close to each other is clear to everyone.”

Wu Yong things indirectly implied from what is said, Chi Quyou heart coldly snorted, but not interface, just silence.

Southern Border There are a lot of Resource Points in the hands of the big superpowers. Chi Quyou wants one after another to build Immortal Formation, to build it to time that will never come?

More critically, this kind of thing is very sensitive.

Resource Point is a ban on all kinds of homes. To defensive measures in these places, it is necessary to give them to outsiders to build.

Now, among the families, only Chi Family has been robbed by Fang Yuan, and there is no pain in the skin. Every family does not have such a strong intention to come to Chi Quyou take action.

Chi Quyou understands this, so don’t talk.

Wu Yong See Chi Quyou for being silent.

At this time, Tie Family Revered Great Elder said with great enthusiasm: “In fact, the method of Wu Family Revered Great Elder is to solve the troubled Righteous Path of Fang Yuan, but only half of it. Chi Family Revered Great Elder arranges Immortal Formation, I can resist Fang Yuan for a while. At this time, if there is a Fire Beacon Tower of my Tie Family on the side, we can move it in time, block Fang Yuan, form a cohesive lore! Two-phase collection, as a result, Fang Yuan is not enough!”

This time, Gu Immortals is even more silent.

The Fire Beacon Tower is the Immortal Gu Home of Tie Family, the strongest, somewhat similar to the Western Desert Xiao Family’s Thousand Miles Silk Corridor. Gu Immortal can be transferred to each other between each Fire Beacon Tower. If you have multiple Fire Beacon Towers together, you can even transfer Rank 8 Gu Immortal!

Tie Family Revered Great Elder’s plan is indeed true. In fact, Tie Family has been working on the Fire Beacon Tower in various places on Southern Border.

But this arrangement is too much threat to other super forces. So until now, various forces are resisting the Tie Family’s plan to lay the Fire Beacon Tower.

Nowadays, Tie Family Revered Great Elder takes advantage of this opportunity and pushes his own Fire Beacon Tower. The heads of the family did not agree, but silence, and expressed the meaning of negation.

“I’m there still still one.” For a long time, Shang Family Revered Great Elder.

After a fragrant effort, the talks between the leaders of the Southern Border Righteous Path came to an end.

Under the moonlight night, Chi Quyou stopped the ultimate move and drove high in the sky, his eyes were faint.

Southern Border Gu Immortal World has always been a mountain, with contradictions between each other. Recently this period of time, Earth Arteries flipped, bringing benefits, but also stimulated more contradictions. This makes Fire Qi bigger among the big superpowers.

Intrigue and not to say, I said that Chi Family was attacked by Fang Yuan this time. I didn’t see any other forces taking action at the end.

Flying again, Chi Quyou’s vision changed dramatically and fell into a battlefield in Immortal Dao.

He is not nervous at all, because this is the battlefield of the Jurassic.

Meeting with Fang Yuan this time is also a good thing.

“This is for you.” Fang Yuan throws a few Pure Dream Seeking True Physique and an Information Dao mortal gu, “What about my stuff?”

“All brought.” Chi Quyou took out a lot of immortal essence stones, and there are many immortal materials, divided into categories, and Information Dao mortal gu, which records Formation Dao inheritance.

The two sides quickly inspected the goods, handed over smoothly, and then immediately separated. Just Chi Quyou slightly frowned, Fang Yuan is smiling.

“Chi Family Revered Great Elder, I will find you a deal if there is a chance in the future!” Before Fang Yuan left, the sound transmission passed.

“How do you contact me?”

“You will know when you get there.”

The two quickly evacuated from the place and were alarmed. The transaction was not known to anyone at all.

“The content of this Gu insect is still not very good. It can be seen that the Dream Dao mastered in Fang Yuan’s hand has a lot of results. But I got this and dreams, and I have greatly surpassed the Southern Border other super powers!” Chi Quyou Looking at a dream in my own Immortal Aperture, I was filled with emotion.

Thinking of Fang Yuan, he looked gloomy down again: “Fang Yuan, the thief, obviously wants to cooperate with me. After all, he wants to know the grand formation of Righteous Heavenly Mountain. I might as well cooperate with you and try to find more. More Dream Dao results, and then on the Southern Border Righteous Path, try to figure it out and remove him!”

It is entirely of interest to trade Chi Quyou and Fang Yuan. At this time, wanting to murder Fang Yuan is also profit-driven.

After all, if Fang Yuan sells these Dream Dao results to other superpowers, then Chi Family’s advantage is gone, as if is a huge loss of self-respective.

“This time has given Chi Family several dreams, but Time Dao has a lot of dreams, and then it is quiet closed-door cultivation, growing Time Dao Realm!” Fang Yuan is thinking and calculating.

Chi Family With the Dream Dao approach, of course, some private dreams are needed for exploration. Righteous Heavenly Mountain has a huge Great Dream environment, but under the eyes of the public, secret exploration, it is difficult to prevent leaks, the risk is too great.

Fang Yuan needs to promote this transaction on the one hand, and does not want Chi Family to be exposed on the other.

“I have successfully attacked the ground in this time, Southern Border Righteous Path must figure me out. Fixed Immortal Travel is good, but it is also restrained. Not to mention the background of Southern Border Righteous Path, it means the close relationship between Wu Yong and Heavenly Court. Relationship, I am afraid that Heavenly Court will also intervene. So I will avoid limelight first.”

In fact, Fang Yuan used the results of Dream Dao to find any super power that would enable them to turn their friends into friends and trade.

For Fang Yuan, Chi Family is chosen for natural reasons.

One reason for most important is that in the chaos of 500 years ago, Chi Family was a staunch force against the invasion of Heavenly Court!

Previous life Wu Family Although this is the case, in this life, Wu Yong can actually retrieve the many Immortal Gus of Southern Border Righteous Path from Heavenly Court, which makes Fang Yuan always remember and can’t avoid it.

Ps: Today’s state is not good, and the water will last for three days. I used to watch martial arts novels. The martial arts expert was laxative. After running for three or five days, the battle strength was greatly reduced. I have never understood this description. After this acute gastroenteritis, I have the most personal experience! It was really terrifying, and the diarrhea pulled the water. Twenty times before and after yesterday, the whole person was collapsed. Fortunately, after hanging water last night, the high fever has already retreated. I am very sorry for the place where the recent update is not in place. Thank you very much for your concern!

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