Hong long long !

The Super Immortal Formation ran, sending out numerous Thunder, to Fairy Ziwei and Chen Yi.

Since the beginning of the war, this super grand formation has not been suppressed by Feng Jiuge and Fairy Ziwei, and it is a stalemate with Feng Jiuge. At this moment, the power is finally revealed.

Chen Yi is quick to defend, and some are embarrassed.

Langya Earth Spirit saw the machine and immediately driven the silver giant, attacking the giant wood idol, and storming the ancient tree cage of the Far Ancient Stone Dragon.

Fairy Ziwei quickly thought about it, choosing the take action, counterattacking the super Immortal Formation, and the other side is to calculate the battlefield of the Jurassic, and he did not care about Chen Yi.

Fairy Ziwei chose to be safe.

If Feng Jiuge is in front of Fang Yuan, she may not immediately help Feng Jiuge. Because if Feng Jiuge is really bad, she will be very timely in support.

But now the battlefield inside and outside the Jurassic has formed a situation in which Feng Jiuge and Fang Yuan are fighting alone. This is very dangerous and the most prone to accidents.

Feng Jiuge is equally important to Heavenly Court, and even more important than Chen Yi and Thunder Ghost True Monarch for Heavenly Court. Because Feng Jiuge is the Dao Protector of Great Dream Immortal Venerable Feng Jinhuang!

Fairy Ziwei certainly doesn’t want to lose Feng Jiuge.

Fang Yuan can’t wait for Feng Jiuge to die in front of him immediately!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Yama Emperor !

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Yama’s Child !

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Soul Burst!

As soon as he came up, Fang Yuan attacked insanely, incarnation Yama Emperor, Yama’s Child army paved, attacked Feng Jiuge from all directions, and also mixed with Soul Burst means, playing Feng Jiuge head and face filthy with grime, for a while It has already been bleeding.

“Good means!” Feng Jiuge felt the strong threat of life and also applied an extreme move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – one song open way !

In a critical moment, he also refused to take a song open way ultimate move. Once prompted, there is a time limit.

On the one song open way, he has been dodging, but in the battlefield of the Jurassic, it is not a small containment, the effect is not good.

Yama’s Child has been increased, faster, and more forformable power, killing it without fear.

Feng Jiuge Despite all the hard work, I can’t completely break these Yama’s Child.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Scholar of a Melody !

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Jasper Song!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Heaven and Earth Song!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Submit Song!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Farewell Song!

Four Scholar of a Melody, protecting Feng Jiuge, charging to the left and dash to the right in the Yama’s Child army, wanting to be close to Fang Yuan.

As the saying goes, the thief first smashed the king, and the tactical choice was simple and sensible.

Fang Yuan incarnation Yama Emperor, in the battlefield of the Jurassic, flies and moves, naturally relaxed.

Although his Enslave Dao rumors are not high, only Yama’s Child will kill Feng Jiuge, and he can still do well.

After a moment of fighting, Feng Jiuge was full of dignified colors.

Jasper Song often beats Yama’s Child into a jade image and crashes. But these Yama’s Child are also brave and far more difficult than the Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

Heaven and Earth Song In the battlefield of the Jurassic, the effect is not big. Farewell Song can dismantle Immortal Formation, but Immortal Gu, which promotes and maintains the battlefield of Immortal Dao, is in the Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, unlike Immortal Formation and Immortal Gu Home, where Gu insect is left behind. Farewell Song does not affect the interior of Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture and has no effect.

Submit Song, which was most hoped by Feng Jiuge, is a good way to restrain Enslave Dao. He once made a great contribution to Fang Yuan’s, but at this moment, Submit Song is “the bigger the hope, the more disappointing.” Yama’s Child was affected in some actions, but was not affected by Submit Song.

“My Yama’s Child is a Soul Beast transformation in Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, a Soul Beast call, and so on, and on the core Unknown to Ghosts. How could it be restrained by your Submit Song?” Fang Yuan sneered.

“don’t tell me Do I have to show Strong Wind Song?” Feng Jiuge clenched his teeth.

Fang Yuan showed his battle strength and made him scared!

Although he was also psychologically prepared, Feng Jiuge’s heart still had some incredible emotions when he was beaten by Fang Yuan.

How long is this?

It seems that not long ago, Feng Jiuge also chased Fang Yuan, chasing him from the Southern Border to the Western Desert, all the way battered and exhausted.

“Fang Yuan grows fast! This time, even if you don’t get Wisdom Gu, you must kill this person!” Feng Jiuge sighed in his heart, but also canceled the idea of ​​using Strong Wind Song.

It is too dangerous to spur Strong Wind Song.

Once the mistake is made, Feng Jiuge himself is the first to die.

It is not a last resort, Feng Jiuge will never use Strong Wind Song. Especially in this extremely intense battle, the external interference is too fierce.

“And my Strong Wind Song has been exposed, how can Fang Yuan be such a sinister person, how can I not prevent me?”

Feng Jiuge is also very jealous of Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao.

“This time, my offense, the lineup is strong, Fairy Ziwei is not in this Battlefield Ultimate Move, the frontal battlefield is definitely superior.”

“I am still waiting for Ziwei adults to extrapolate and calculate the battlefield of Immortal Dao. It is a safe move.”

“After all, the Immortal Dao battlefield has Soul Dao and Stealing Dao, but there is no Time Dao breath, no problem with time.”

Feng Jiuge guerrilla warfare, always let Yama’s Child surround him, he believes Fairy Ziwei’s ability, intends to stay on the sidelines.

Fang Yuan is looking for a speedy battle. If Feng Jiuge fights with him, he is naturally in the middle of Fang Yuan. He can laugh when he sleeps.

But is Feng Jiuge a stupid person?

He clearly discerned the situation, and he was eager to tactically choose the battlefield, so that Fang Yuan was secretly sighed.

“Unfortunately, although I have Time Dao means, I also have Time Dao Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, but I can’t integrate it into the battlefield of the Jurassic.”

The battlefield of Miluo is not an extreme move on the Fang Yuan Paragon Immortal Body, but also suffers from the mutual exclusion of Dao Marks.

Between Stealing Dao and Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, Fang Yuan always pays attention to balance, but the degree of mutual exclusion has reached the limit. If you want to add Time Dao on this basis, it is hard to climb!

Time Dao ultimate move The battlefield has the ability to tamper with the time flow and distinguish it from the outside world, but there is no such thing as the battlefield.

Even Fang Yuan casts some Time Dao ultimate move, etc. So long as isn’t Stealing Dao and Soul Dao, all of them are suppressed by Dao Marks of Immortal Dao battlefield.

Immortal Dao Battlefield – Three Sounds!

Feng Jiuge’s offensive was always on the move, and Yama’s Child couldn’t get close. The four Scholar of a Melody around him will be added immediately if he is compromised.

But in fact, the most tempting thing for Fang Yuan is his one song open way ultimate move, which allows Feng Jiuge to transfer instantly. Although in the battlefield of Immortal Dao, this move was suppressed, the transfer distance was limited, and there was no breakthrough through the battlefield. But Fang Yuan’s Ghostly Great Thief Hand is not fast enough. At least compared to Feng Jiuge’s speed, it is slow.

Although one song open way has a time limit, Fang Yuan can’t wait for it. He has to fight quickly and try his best to fight for the time. The sooner Fang Jiuge is killed, the sooner he can support the frontal battlefield.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Meeting Past Acquaintance !

Fang Yuan incarnation Yama Emperor, turned into a Yama’s Child, mixed into the army.

Feng Jiuge has a glimpse of the heart, and the frequency of the transfer has soared.

But after all, Fang Yuan was dark, he was in the clear, fighting for a moment, let Fang Yuan catch an opportunity in battle!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Ghosts disappeared invisibly, bypassing the defensive circles of four Melody scholars and rushing to Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge is still showing three extreme moves, unaware. Ghostly Great Thief Hand suddenly enters Feng Jiuge’s Immortal Aperture, grabs it, grabs one Immortal Gu, holds it tightly, and quickly retreats.

“Oops, Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu!!” Feng Jiuge was shocked by this sneak attack, turned pale with fright.

He quickly turned around and turned around, bursting into the sound waves, and swept all around, playing Ghostly Great Thief Hand to reveal the form.

He was about to storm Ghostly Great Thief Hand, but Fang Yuan had already prepared a long time, and immediately a large number of Yama’s Child rushed to the ground, and Ghostly Great Thief Hand was covered and quickly sent to Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

Ps: 2017 Happy New Year! ! Hahaha! ! !

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