Silver giant High power, stretched out his arms and swept the Central Continent four Gu Immortals, instantly setting off a violent storm.

Chen Yi’s eyes are shot, coldly snorted: “Let me come!”

Compared with the silver giant, his body is thin and small, but the momentum is surging, and he immediately competes with the silver giant.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – bundled vines!

Chen Yi reached for a finger, countless green light, swaying and quickly clinging to the silver giant.

The silver giant fist was fierce, obstructed by the green light of a path of, the speed dropped sharply, the direction was tampered with, and the bang slammed on the Cloud Soil, immediately smashing a large pit, the soil splashed.

In contrast, Chen Yi a detached point of view, always motionless, hovering in the air, a finger has been pointed finger towards the silver giant.

Silver giant has more and more green light, wrap up restraint, and then the light is rich, reaching the extreme, showing the solid vines, the roots are thick, and entangled with the silver giant.

Among the Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze Battle Formation, Langya Earth Spirit was angry and stunned. In this bundle of vines, he seemed to fall into the mud. Despite his strength, he was powerful and nowhere to be.

“Sixth Hair!” Langya Earth Spirit screamed.

Sixth Hair took the action immediately, and displayed Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze slammed the golden scales of the body, and the inch-inch cut bundle of vines began to recover quickly.

Chen Yi sneered and showed a new ultimate move.

Countless broken vines were cut down and fell into the Cloud Soil. Under the support of Chen Yi, they quickly became mad and a few breaths formed a giant tree.

The giant trees are divided into silver giants, forming a large circle, trapping the silver giant in the center.

The Langya Earth Spirit was not aware of it, but the silver giant was still locked by the vine, and it was difficult to act in a short time.

At this time, between the giant trees, the lush foliage began to entangle each other, and the roots of the Cloud Soil were also caged and spread out. Mainly trunks, branches and roots must be entangled with each other to form a huge cage.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – ancient tree cage!

The silver giant finally ripped off the restraint of its bundle of vines, but was trapped in the cage of the ancient tree. Langya Earth Spirit was furious and ordered, and Hairyman Gu Immortals took action and played a path of offensive ultimate move.

But this ancient tree cage is forcibly tolerant, and can even grow up with the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move as a nutrient.

Langya Earth Spirit found it wrong, stopped and tried it, and found that only the tears were the best way to break through.

Hairyman Gu Immortals had no choice but to drive Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, waving fist and kick, and attacking the ancient tree cage.

“Damn!” Langya Earth Spirit cursed, full head is cold sweat. He is trapped here, it is difficult to support Fang Yuan, seeing at Feng Jiuge, Fairy Ziwei on the Super Immortal Formation take action.

Without any choice, Langya Earth Spirit had to communicate with Stoneman Gu Immortal: “Fast, let the old dragon out!”


A dragon’s Roar, the huge silhouette vacated, lingering in front of the eyes.

Immemorial Stone Dragon !

It consists of stone blocks all over the body, filled with the rich Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, the dragon body is heavy, the dragon tooth is like a stone forest, the ancient atmosphere, the mighty shock.

Stone Dragon speed seeks like slow but actually fast, quickly vacated, jumped to the sky, cast huge shadows on the ground.

Heavenly Court Sixian was also shrouded in the shadows, looking up and looking at it, all showing horror.

“I don’t think there is an Immemorial Stone Dragon in this Langya Blessed Land!” Feng Jiuge sighed.

Fairy Ziwei said with a slight smile : “This is not owned by Langya Blessed Land, I am afraid it is the nonhuman Gu Immortal.”

As a Wisdom Dao Great Expert, she calculated the truth at this moment.

“Let me take this Stone Dragon apart!” Thunder Ghost True Monarch licked his lips and raised his spirits.

“No!” Chen Yi low roaring sound, and reached out, so the technique was re-applied.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – bundled vines.

The vines spread and tied the Immemorial Stone Dragon. Stone Dragon was blocked, but still rushed to Central Continent.

Four immortals dodge, Immemorial Stone Dragon squatted on the ground, Chen Yi once again displayed the ancient tree cage extreme move, and controlled it!

“How can it like this!?” nonhuman Gu Immortals see this scene, the shock and disappointment in the heart, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Even the Langya Earth Spirit took a breath and was cold.

They placed high hopes on the Immemorial Stone Dragon, which was actually controlled. On the other hand, Heavenly Court’s side, Chen Yi, Fairy Ziwei, Feng Jiuge have been suppressing the Super Immortal Formation, Thunder Ghost True Monarch has not yet taken action!

Fang Yuan’s face is also not good-looking, but he does not have much surprise.

“Immemorial Stone Dragon is strong, it is strong defense, and it is fearless. Once you get injured, you can quickly recover your injuries with Stoneman’s dedication. This healing method is extremely abnormal!”

Gu Immortal is injured and very troublesome. It is very difficult to get rid of the injury. The higher the cultivation base, the more trouble it will be if it is injured.

Change to Rank 8 Gu Immortal and take the injury. Make sure to make time and focus on healing. But this kind of treatment of Immemorial Stone Dragon can be done in a moment in battle. Therefore, it is often said that those opponents have a headache.

Immemorial Stone Dragon also took out the name of Hehewei.

However, unlike today, it is facing Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal Chen Yi !

First of all, Heavenly Court is the suppression of the nonhuman Gu Immortal, which was established and raised on the body of nonhuman. For Stone Dragon, the Stoneman family, it is known.

Secondly, the Immemorial Stone Dragon is not available for the Rank 8 Wild Immortal Gu, but Chen Yi is recruiting the Rank 8 ultimate move, and adopting the most correct tactics, not attacking, not creating, making the Immemorial Stone Dragon the most advantageous. One point, there is no room for play.

In the end, Chen Yi’s ultimate move is really subtle, especially the ancient tree cage, which is not afraid of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. It is very troublesome to destroy it.

Immemorial Stone Dragon easily lost in the hands of Chen Yi, not surprising.

Although Stone Dragon struggled to struggle and struggled, it was more and more bundled with vines, and the restraint was more serious. Without the help of external forces, it did not have the hope of breaking through the bundles of vines, let alone the ancient ones on the outer layer. The tree is in a cage.

“Erlang, we have to rely on ourselves!” Langya Earth Spirit shouted, and the silver giant finally took the ancient tree cage and broke through the hole.

“Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze is nothing but Far Ancient’s second Battle Formation.” Chen Yi faintly commented, suddenly lightly smiled, whistling lightly said, “But do you think that my ancient tree cage is so good to breakthrough? ”

Silver giant action stops.

Langya Earth Spirit glimpsed a little, looking back, saw a wooden big palm, clinging to the silver giant’s right calf.

“What?” Silver giant turned back, raised his hands, and his arms quickly turned into a knife axe and squatted.

The wooden big palm was smashed by a knife and axe, but it was only half cut and not completely broken.

Silver giant wants to cut again, then from the mud within the earth,uddly drilled a wooden giant.

The wooden giant let go of the big palm, bowed his head and slammed into the silver giant’s chest with his shoulders, and suddenly knocked the silver giant on the ground.

Lang Im School’s Gu Immortals was caught off guard and was about to drive the silver giant to get up, but the wooden giant’s offensive was endless, suddenly leaping, and then a loud bang, heavily pressing the giant giant underneath.

Under tremendous pressure, a Hairyman Gu Immortal made a mistake and issued an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move on the wooden giant.

The wooden giant was nourished, the injury on his arm suddenly recovered, and the body collided. Before it was short silver giant, it is now along with the latter.

Chen Yi proudly coldly snorted, this is his Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – the giant wood statue, inheriting the characteristics of the ancient tree cage, still not afraid of any ultimate move attack, only the fist and kick melee can be effective for it .

“This is the power of Origin Lotus True Inheritance.” Thunder Ghost True Monarch has a sharp eye.

For a time, Chen Yi was so powerful that he suppressed the silver giant and Immemorial Stone Dragon with one person!

This is his true strength. Revered Great Elder, of Origin Lotus School, inherits Origin Lotus True Inheritance, and the strength of the battle is extraordinary.

Previously in the Azure Ghost Desert, he fought quite awkwardly. Most of the time, it is done in the Bean God Palace. Fear of destroying Bean God Palace, he has always been a shackle. In contrast, the most important opponent, Fáng Family’s Revered Great Elder, is very cheap. Strong Dao is introverted, melee, and Chen Yi is beaten to get really angry. It is helpless.

But now, Chen Yi finally has a stage where he can make the most of his means, so he immediately shows strong and powerful strength. The trump card’s Karma Divine Tree ultimate move is not used, he has already made silver giant, Immemorial Stone Dragon Firmly under the wind.

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