In the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan has been surrounded by countless Blade Dao phantom. Not only that, but even the entire sky, filled with billions of Blade Light, covering all sides, isolated inside and outside.

“No matter who you are, you defensive ultimate move, it’s really amazing!” Meng Tu is heavily guarded by Blade Dao phantom wrap up, he looks at Fang Yuan, looks gloomy, laughed, while licking his hands, soothing just his own blow Come to the numbness.

“But!” Meng Tu raised his head slightly, looking up at the towering Yama Emperor, but his eyes showed a look of pity. “You shouldn’t stop, come to Fallen Blade Plain to find me.”

“hehe, in fact, if you come here to find me trouble, it is not impossible. It is just that you have chosen a big mistake. If I have just arrived here, you may still have some vitality. But now, He He He…”

Meng Tu laughed, carrying his hands and shaking his head slightly.

a moment later , Fang Yuan followed his words: “But now, it has spread all over your footprints. For years, you are here comprehend Blade Dao, trying to break through bottleneck and become the Great Grandmaster of Blade Dao. You can therefore The earth affected the area of ​​Dao Marks, forming an environment close to Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, which is what I saw before.”

“You…” Meng Tu hearing that , expression changed. He thought that his trump card had no one to know. I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to have not only the slightest horror, but also a few treasures, and his trump card was clearly stated.

Fang Yuan’s voice is low: “Do you know why I am looking for you? Just because you have such a means, you can create such a fighting environment. Now it’s near the Immortal Dao battlefield, but it’s not really The Immortal Dao battlefield, essentially, is a little different, that is, your influence ability has been maximized, and you can’t send and receive the heart, so this place is trapping me on the one hand, and on the other hand, isn’t it trapping you here? ”

Meng Tu heard the pupil shrinking, and the smugness of the moment has disappeared.

“Who are you?” He was nervous and asked Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan laughed, gaze around: “You have a lot of these Blade Dao phantoms, but the texture is not good. Coincidentally, I have similar means for this ultimate move, let’s compare it first.”

On the yellow king’s robes of Fang Yuan’s body, there are countless buzzing sounds. Then the ghosts on the surface of the robe are fresh, and they are produced, then one after another, from small to large. Jump out from Fang Yuan’s Yama Emperor!

These ghosts, each and every one are generally human figures, but they describe ugliness, appearance, squatting, fangs, claws, and the eyes of each and every one are full of blood, which looks quite terrifying.

“Kill!” Meng Tu picked up his eyes and mobilized Blade Dao phantom to kill these ghosts.

These Blade Dao phantoms are similar to his appearance, but their faces are vague and commensurate with the tall ghosts, as if they were the wheels of a rat contrasting carriage.

The ghosts screamed and stretched out their huge arms, just like the trunks of the towering trees all around.

Pēng pēng pēng, along the way to the Blade Dao phantom all collapse.

The ghosts rushed to the Quartet and made a scream of madness. They were invincible along the way. The Blade Dao phantom was completely blasted and blasted. There was no enemy.

“These ghosts are really strong, and each has Rank 7 battle strength!” Meng Tu’s combat experience is also very rich. After observing a few eyes, he immediately feels heavy and eyelid.

“But it doesn’t matter, my Blade Dao phantom, from the natural Dao Marks of Fallen Blade Plain, is almost endless. The texture is not, but it can be piled up!”

Meng Tu immediately calmed down.

“Well, these Yama’s Child battle strength is still right.” Fang Yuan observed for a while, and he was satisfied with it.

The origin of these ghosts is the Far Ancient Soul Beast that Fang Yuan collected from the Azure Ghost Desert.

After Fang Yuan mobilized the Yama Emperor ultimate move, these Far Ancient Soul Beasts can be transformed, and they can be transformed into a single adult shape to become Yama’s Child.

This function comes from the Blood God Child Immortal Gu side.

Fang Yuan Blood Dao is the Grandmaster Realm, and Wisdom Halo support, the existing calculation of the Blood God Child Immortal Gu.

The current Fang Yuan is the Refining Dao Quasi Supreme, and any Immortal Gu Formula can be transformed into an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move after his calculation.

Therefore, Fang Yuan also mastered Blood God Child’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Yama’s Child is designed with reference to the Blood God Child ultimate move, but it is not just the Blood God Child ultimate move. It also references and incorporates some of the essence of Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance.

For example, Soul Beast transforms.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul transforms Soul Beast in Life and Death Gate, making them loyal to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, even in the face of Duke Long.

There is also a Soul Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move – life and death.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, comprehend Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm Life and Death Gate.

What kind of place is Life and Death Gate?

After any death, the soul will be attributed to Life and Death Gate. Only after Red Lotus Demon Venerable destroyed Fate Gu, the power of Life and Death Gate dropped a lot, leaving countless souls in the world and gradually forming Soul Beast.

Life and death is the ultimate move, which is to let Gu Immortal have the ability to recycle the soul of Life and Death Gate.

Fang Yuan has perfectly integrated this trick into the Yama Emperor ultimate move, which makes Yama’s Child have the ability to return instantly.

Soon, a Yama’s Child screamed, the thighs broke, and the bang slammed on the ground, and immediately there were countless Blade Dao phantom swarming and drowning.

But Fang Yuan thought about it: “Return.”

a moment later, this Yama’s Child immediately turned into a mist, slamming, shot back to Fang Yuan’s royal robes, and turned into a ghost picture, still, riddled with scars, broken thighs.

“And this change?” Meng Tu was once again horrified, and the originally carried hands were subconsciously loosened, looking at Fang Yuan’s eyes were a bit sluggish.

This Yama’s Child is too old!

Meng Tu originally plans to pile up this one by one Yama’s Child by number, but I didn’t expect to have a return trick.

Although in theory, any ultimate move can be cracked, but Meng Tu is Blade Dao Gu Immortal, not Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Even Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, the Yama Emperor up to the Rank 8 level, is not Wisdom Dao Great Expert, how can it be cracked on the spot?

Even Fairy Ziwei can’t be cracked on the spot.

In the face of Adverse Current Protection Seal, she has to repeatedly collect clues on the battlefield and accumulate it to achieve some results.

Fang Yuan’s Yama Emperor ultimate move, based on Unknown to Ghosts. This Rank 9 ultimate move is the artificial Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. It is completely graded with Adverse Current River. How do you break Meng Tu?

Meng Tu can’t crack it at all, only brace oneself, and continue to fight with Fang Yuan.

The number of Yama’s Child was limited. After killing a large number of Blade Dao phantoms, the scars accumulated and fell into serious injury and were recovered by Fang Yuan one after another.

On the battlefield, Yama’s Child is getting less and less, and the Blade Dao phantom is endless. After all, Fang Yuan has limited time and the Soul Beast has been transformed.

“In this battle alone, the background of Fallen Blade Plain is probably weakened by more than half.” Meng Tu’s face is always gloomy.

The cost of doing so is quite high. He took the entire Fallen Blade Plain, the future income of Meng Family here, and the consumption war with Fang Yuan.

But regardless of the sacrifice, Meng Tu is firmly committed to such a tactic.

Fang Yuan’s previous words really scared him. In his mind, Fang Yuan has been listed as the strongest enemy in his life, Meng Tu cautious and solemn, using any means that can be used to deal with Fang Yuan.

However, this is exactly what Fang Yuan said and want to achieve.

Only such Meng Tu is the best meteorite for his audition of the Yama Emperor ultimate move.

Yama’s Child has only a single digit left. The guard is next to Fang Yuan. There are countless densely packed Blade Dao phantoms on the outside. It is like a flood of water.

“Recovery speed is also acceptable.” Fang Yuan did not change color, always standing in the same place, like a thousand-year-old tree, wind and rain did not move.

At this point, he recovered the first Yama’s Child on the surface of the Yama Emperor robes, and he recovered from injury and returned to the most complete state.

These Soul Beast’s transformed Yama’s Child, once returned to Yama Emperor, will be continuously repaired. Of course, it is also the Yuan Yuan’s soul background.

There is a deep meaning of refining gu.

Yama’s Child essentially is still the cure of Soul Beast, Yama’s Child, and from another angle, it is the process of refining gu.

“If I release these wounded Yama’s Child at this time, I don’t know what the expression of Meng Tu will be.” Fang Yuan smiled secretly, but did not implement it, but used another means.

“Let me see the attacking power of Yama Emperor.” a moment later, Fang Yuan secretly, “Soul Burst!”

Yama Emperor suddenly opened his arms and burst into a sudden, a black wind and a sudden burst of sudden.

Yama’s Child is safe and sound in the black air, as if it is a wind, and the figure is unstable.

But those Blade Dao phantoms are like the faint candlelight in the wind and rain, and there is nothing left in the moment!

For a moment, the entire battlefield was emptied, and hundreds of millions of Blade Lights were destroyed.

Meng Tu was blown down by Soul Burst to achieve a hundred steps, half-squatting on the ground, screaming and glaring, and defensive ultimate move to the maximum power.

“So powerful!” Meng Tu looked up and quickly stood up straight. He looked at Fang Yuan and looked shocked. “This ultimate move is so powerful that it should be a compound trick of attack and defense! The defense is very strong, there is clone The soldier’s formidable method, but the real strongest point, is the attack! This ultimate move I have never heard of it, see no one, don’t tell me is this person to create? If so, can create such an ultimate move, he is who is is This person ?”

“This Soul Burst effect, okay.” Fang Yuan snorted.

His Yama’s Child was thus completely consumed, resulting in the ultimate move power of the Rank 7 peak, but the Rank 8 level is still not available.

“Defense, Yama’s Child, Recovery, Soul Burst… These are all maintained at the Rank 7 peak. But the real power of the Yama Emperor is in the other two. Next, give it a try.”

Fang Yuan was thinking, Meng Tu had smothered and shouted: “Come, try my way of Heaven and Earth!”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

For a moment, a ghost hand, as big as a fan, appeared behind Meng Tu, directly into his body, then retracted and disappeared into the field of vision again.


Meng Tu suddenly spit a mouthful of blood, Heaven and Earth The core Immortal Gu in the knife extreme move was stolen, the ultimate move failed, and the backlash came, and suddenly he was seriously injured.

“What happened? Immortal Gu of Laozi?!” Meng Tu was shocked and shocked!

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