Fang Yuan urges the strongest means of attack!

Dragon’s Roar sounds like silver. Ten Thousand Flood Dragon Pentium, fiercely encircled the lonely Ling Jin in the center of the ground.

“Yes, hateful…” Jing Lan gritted his teeth, and the angry intent in his eyes was a raging fire.

After the first blow, her breath fell to the bottom. Ten Thousand Flood Dragon flew and was all killed by her.

“These little sisters are nothing at all! Fang Yuan, you coward, come on, let’s fight!” Jing Lan.

Fang Yuan sneered, really shrinking in the corner, deeply hidden.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon !

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon !

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon !

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ……

Immortal essence At all, Fan Yuan is crazy about Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move.

Jing Lan’s breath quickly declined, roaring and screaming, and constantly provoking Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan is not moving.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon is the ultimate move of Rank 7 peak, but for Jing Lan, it really is nothing.

Because Jing Lan still has ample immortal essence, Immortal Gu has no loss. But whenever Jing Lan uses an extreme move, she has to endure the backlash of the Boundary Wall.

Although she has a way to weaken this backlash, at this moment she is seriously injured and the backlash is deadly.

Don’t forget, she has to take care of herself. But the injury on her body is so easy to cure?

Gu Immortal was injured and it was quite difficult to handle it. Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Body, but the world is unique.

Jing Lan sees that she can’t lure Fang Yuan, but she has to coldly snorted and choose to break through.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon couldn’t stop her, even if she was seriously injured. This is the year that I was able to resist Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Thunder Ghost True Monarch, a battle strength, amazing!

Fang Yuan sighed and knew that she was stronger than defense. Although the strength of the battle can be made into the level of the bare XXXXX, but the face of Jing Lan, she can’t keep her life.

It is not easy to fall to reach this level of Gu Immortal. Unless it is ambush ahead of time, cover Gu Immortal into the Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move and make sure to remove the Gu Immortal before the Battlefield Ultimate Move is cracked.

Of course, from another perspective, Fang Yuan can’t kill Jing Lan, but Jing Lan can’t kill Fang Yuan. Even if she is fast, she can’t stop Fang Yuan from drilling into Boundary Wall.

Even so, Fang Yuan knew clearly that he would still pursue it if he couldn’t kill Jing Lan.

“We must try to weaken this person’s battle strength and fight for the key time for yourself.” Fang Yuan thought of it and reached for it.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Confusing Fog !

Originally Confusing Fog is a purple fog, small size, but can make Rank 8 Gu Immortal lost.

After Fang Yuan’s first improvement, this trick didn’t work for Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but for Rank 7 and Gu Immortal, the effect increased a bit. Not only the color changes, but also the scope of the envelope is greatly expanded, but the duration is very short.

Azure Ghost Desert After the First World War, Fang Yuan Stealing Dao Realm soared and improved the move again, adding a lot of Stealing Dao mortal gu, and integrating the Great Plunder Immortal Gu into the core to steal the enemy’s perception. So the power has soared and it has once again had an impact on Rank 8 Gu Immortal!

For a moment, a lot of clouds shrouded Jing Lan, which made her direction confusing, not distinguishing between the southeast and the northwest.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to drive Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, regrouped and re-smashed.

“Oops! My Immortal Gu is missing a lot. Can these ultimate move be cracked?” Jing Lan tried many things and found that she didn’t have a good way to this ultimate move.

“Hey? What happened?” Fang Yuan observed for a while, seeing that Jing Lan couldn’t stand out, and he was wondering.

This ultimate move, after being improved by Fang Yuan, is more convenient, and it is only the Rank 7 level.

Fang Yuan originally didn’t expect to rely on this trick to stop Jing Lan. His real idea was to delay Jing Lan some time that’s all.

But Jing Lan couldn’t get out, which made Fang Yuan feel surprised.

From the outside of the fog, Fang Yuan can clearly feel that a wave of Immortal Gu breath, this is the means of Jing Lan constantly mobilizing, is trying to crack.

Her move was not ineffective, but it didn’t work very much, just slightly making Confusing Fog shallower.

Fang Yuan blinked in the eyes, and after a while, immediately convened Confusing Fog!

The fog continued to increase and the layers were stacked to seal Jing Lan.

“There is really no conflict.” Fang Yuan smiled and knew that, he had used this trick before, and he didn’t have to escape so hard.

However, any ultimate move will be used more often and the effect will be decremented. Not only is it psychologically prepared, but it also reveals the horse’s feet, leading to calculations and cracks.

Therefore, it is wise for Fang Yuan to leave this ultimate move in his hands. Only he did not expect, actually can trap Jing Lan!

This is an unexpected surprise.

“Oops!” Jing Lan is also realizing that it’s not looking good, at this moment, she is really felt the breath of death.


Countless Sword Flood Dragon drills into Confusing Fog and kills Jing Lan from all directions.

Jing Lan has no fog and is in a difficult battle.

Boundary Wall is still rejecting her, and whenever she uses an ultimate move, she will suffer a backlash.

“don’t tell me my Jing Lan, dignified Thunder Ghost True Monarch, is it really not going to die here?” Over time, the situation is more unfavourable to Jing Lan, making Jing Lan in the heart is more and more .

“No, I want perseverance, I fight! Even if I die, I have to drag this Fang Yuan together!” Jing Lan eyes on her chest, her chest wounds great, revealing the heart.

Her heart is very special, each time beating, there is a burst of purple lightning.

This is her last trump card.

“Really strong babattle strength! Even if it is so seriously injured, it can still be perseverance, and there is still room for it. And her will is impeccable, even if I secretly call so many Wisdom Dao means…”

After a long fight, Fang Yuan sighed and gave up.

The time is now very important, and Fang Yuan needs to calculate as soon as possible to improve the promotion of ghost clothes.

Although the situation is extremely beneficial to Fang Yuan, Heavenly Court will never have no reinforcements. Once the reinforcements arrive, it is the Fang Yuan’s disaster.

Even originally, there is Gu Immortal and Thunder Ghost True Monarch coming together, but the latter is faster and will be far away from the companions. This possibility is also there!

Made a decision when it’s time to decide , Fang Yuan immediately withdrew, and of course he made up more than Ten Thousand Flood Dragon and Confusing Fog before leaving.


Fang Yuan immediately moved and went deep into the Boundary Wall.

Five Regions Boundary Wall is still safer for Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, while shifting, calculated and improved Ghost Official Clothes.

But very quickly, he found that Ghost Official Clothes, no matter how improved, is still limited to Rank 7. Instead, dig into the connection between it and Unknown to Ghosts Ultimate Move.

“Unknown to Ghosts is the Rank 9 ultimate move. Although it belongs to Stealing Dao, it is also a shielded soul sensor with ghost characters, so it is closely related to Soul Dao. The idea is correct, rely on Unknown to Ghosts, I can make the Ghost Official Clothes level higher!”

After finding the right direction, Fang Yuan will race against time and work hard.

His Wisdom Dao is rich in means, and Realm is enough, especially Stealing Dao Realm, to give him the most critical support!

In this way, I fled for a few days and nights, Fang Yuan finally calculated, and once again prompted the Jurassic.

The new ultra-role move makes the two extreme moves of Unknown to Ghosts and Ghost Official Clothes more closely connected.

Originally, these two extreme moves are excluded, but now they have begun to merge with each other, and the phenomenon of rejection has completely disappeared.

“Successful!” Fang Yuan carefully perceives and quickly clenches his fists.

Once again, he blocked the projections and positioning of Heavenly Court. As a result, he turned to safety.

But if he revokes Miluo, he will be exposed again in Heavenly Court’s calculations.

Fang Yuan quickly headed for Northern Plains.

Maintaining a brand new 阎, but not a small expense. This time and Thunder Ghost True Monarch battle, the immortal essence is huge, and Fang Yuan’s original immortal essence reserves, almost bottom.

In this battle, Fang Yuan motivated Ten Thousand Flood Dragon the most, and Confusing Fog was the most ever.

These Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves consume immortal essence.

Coupled with the calculation of the new Milo, it also consumes a lot of immortal essence.

Counting, Fang Yuan has suffered a lot of damage, but it is not without gain. Preservation is the biggest gain, in addition to the new Jurassic, and the three sternums of the Thunder Ghost True Monarch.

“The three sternums were cut by my Dragon Claw, each of which is rare immortal materials. But from Thunder Ghost True Monarch, I dare not use it. Or put it in Treasure Yellow Heaven!”

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