“The ability to forcibly break my scorpion and the time after Langya Blessed Land was attacked, ten eight-nine is Heavenly Court take action !”

In an instant, Fang Yuan’s thoughts turned around.

“Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng was taken away. He was blood-related to my Time Dao Rank 6 clone, but clone was in my Paragon Immortal Aperture. This clue should not be used.”

“My previous Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, falling into the hands of Heavenly Court, this clue is very important, but this alone is not enough to kill my scorpion.”

“So, what is the means used by Heavenly Court? What kind of key clues are there about me?”

Fang Yuan quickly moved while thinking.

Now that his position is exposed and stays in place, it is definitely the next step. As a matter of urgency, it is still moving positions, and at the same time, repairing Unknown to Ghosts and thinking about how to solve the problem at hand.

Kā chā !

Fang Yuan flying two or three hours, suddenly burst out of a mile in the clear sky.

霹雳 Directly directed to Fang Yuan, His Majesty.

Fang Yuan had been prepared for it and quickly evaded it.

A bang, squatting on the ground, lighting must be formed to form a silhouette.

The silhouette quickly became clear, and Thunder Ghost True Monarch Jing Lan wore a dark armor and was half-squatted on the ground.


Countless tiny lightnings linger on her armor.

The deep pit that smashed out, the bottom of the pit has been completely baked into a dark coke, because of the high temperature, soaring a strand of white smoke.

Jing Lan slowly stood up, her original posture was petite and exquisite, but after wearing the armor, it was more than a foot, and the size of the tall and sturdy was huge.


She’s a breath of Rank 8, sweeping across the mountain.

She slowly looked up, looks at Fang Yuan in the air, cold voice said: “You are Fang Yuan? Where do you want to escape?”

“Central Continent Rank 8 Gu Immortal … and, look at this posture, I am afraid it is Heavenly Court!” Fang Yuan pupils slightly shrunk, the heart of the police rose to the highest.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Me !

Fang Yuan blinked in the eye, facing the strange enemy in front of him, he took action.

In an instant, countless Fang Yuan spread the sky. Jing Lan A blink of an eye, originally cloudless, clear sky, has been flooded by the massive Fang Yuan Strength Dao phantom.

The army hū lā, like a tsunami, killing Jing Lan.

Jing Lan’s eyes closed and suddenly opened, the original black eyelids turned into a blue color, and the infinite electric awn is like a whirlpool, constantly rotating in her pupil of the eye.

She looked all around and found that Fang Yuan was not there.

“Meeting Past Acquaintance… oh.” Jing Lan was unhappy with coldly snorted and suddenly opened his mouth.

“Ah roar!”

She roared and thundered.

In the sound waves, there is a wave of blue electric awns, centering on her and spreading rapidly to all around. Wherever he went, Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao phantom couldn’t resist a breath of time, pēng pēng pēng smashed and collapsed.

After a move, the Wan Yuan clear sky, Fang Yuan Strength Dao phantom was destroyed, leaving only his true body.

“Thunder Dao Rank 8? Why am I still from her body, the breath of Sensed Soul Dao?” Fang Yuan brows slightly wrinkle.

He was not astonished by the destruction of Ten Thousand Me. Ten Thousand Me ultimate move was originally a temptation. In the face of the extreme move of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the number of Ten Thousand Me was too much and it was difficult to achieve good results.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Burning Thought Flying Stone.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Purple Stars.

Fang Yuan pushed the palms and suddenly countless meteors, dragging the long flame tail and slamming to Jing Lan on the ground.

After completing this trick, his right hand clenched his fist and suddenly sprinkled it, and suddenly sprinkled countless purple star glow.

Jing Lan A pair of thunder and lightning scorpion, first saw the Burning Thought Flying Stone, suddenly revealed the disdainful color, but immediately to the purple mind to know the smart star glow, but the pupil of the eye slightly shrink.

“This ultimate move is wonderful, I have to avoid it.” Jing Lan thought in his mind, kā chā, a touch of lightning, direct shot to Fang Yuan.

Hurry up!

Her speed is so fast that Fang Yuan has a faint color.

And the lightning is extremely flexible, not blindly rampage, encountering Burning Thought Flying Stone along the way, all crashed open, but when encountering the purple-spotted star glow, they directly escaped and went.

Fang Yuan was awesome, but Jing Lan was invincible, and after a few turns in the air, he rushed to Fang Yuan.

“It’s good.” Fang Yuan secretly bit his teeth and suddenly became a Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon. He stretched out the sharp claw and grabbed it to Jing Lan.

Jing Lan has a huge armor and is huge and heavy, but compared to Fang Yuan’s Sword Flood Dragon, it looks a little pocket-sized.

But she is fierce, low roaring sound, does not dodge or evade, directly hit the Dragon Claw with the sharp horn on the helmet.


A loud bang, both sides slammed open.

Fang Yuan’s claw bones are soft and stunned by the power of the earthquake.

On Jing Lan’s armor, the sharp horn was broken, the entire helmet was covered with cracks, and she felt a slight stun.

“This is the Adverse Current Protection Seal!” Jing Lan knows her, from Heavenly Court depart, naturally provided by Fairy Ziwei, about Fang Yuan’s detailed information.

Therefore, Jing Lan is not surprised by this situation, and everything is in her expectation.

She was laughed and re-powered, and her body broke out and slammed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan and her fight, fearless.

Both sides come and go, fighting in the air, playing Sun and Moon lost radiance, Heaven and Earth discoloration.

Fang Yuan squats against the Adverse Current Protection Seal and fights Jing Lan, but he walks away.

“This person has long known about the Adverse Current Protection Seal, so the means of using it are all properly shaped, which makes me have to hold up the Adverse Current Protection Seal to resist the offensive, and not let the Protection Seal bounce back, really harming this person. !”

Fang Yuan’s heart is not good.

Although Jing Lan can’t help Fang Yuan, this situation is only temporary.

She is bound to have Wisdom Dao Great Expert behind her, and is now closely watching the battle, constantly analyzing Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal is constantly subject to analytical projections, and once it reaches a certain level, an ultimate move for the Adverse Current Protection Seal is deduced.

After holding such an extreme move and cracking the Adverse Current Protection Seal, Fang Yuan’s doomsday is here.

“This person is constantly changing the way, and all aspects of my Adverse Current Protection Seal are fascinating!”

“She multi-cultivation Thunder Dao, Soul Dao, Thunder Dao, the attack is extremely fast, the formidable power is amazing, and Soul Dao is condensed into a sturdy, defensive, and extremely fast.”


Fang Yuan casts a trick on Ten Thousand Flood Dragon and then uses Meeting Past Acquaintance to become one of them, disguising himself.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon did not attack Jing Lan, but all around.

“Where to escape?!” Jing Lan shouted, thunder and lightning, squatting from the sky, flashing thousands of hours, the Flood Dragon can not be defeated.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon is much stronger than Ten Thousand Me, but it is nothing compared to this Rank 8 ultimate move.

Fang Yuan was quickly found.

Jing Lan continued to attack and pursued.

Fang Yuan began to flee, rarely to fight back.

“It’s a tortoise shell!” Jing Lan played quite annoyed. Fang Yuan knew that only the Rank 7 cultivation base, but with a layer of Adverse Current Protection Seal, was covered with a thorn and made it impossible to make it.

“Not too good?” Jing Lan to Fairy Ziwei sound transmission.

Fairy Ziwei is far away from Heavenly Court, but pays close attention to it, using the Wisdom Dao grand formation in Heavenly Court to crack the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

As for the Constellation Chessboard, it is temporarily embarrassing because it is not damaged.

“There have been some results, please listen to Senior.” Fairy Ziwei will have an ultimate move, said Jing Lan.

Jing Lan listened, tried it immediately, and after two or three defeats, he finally rushed out and issued a Profound Light.

Gray Profound Light hit Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal suddenly produced a burst of ripple.

“Has a calculation already been made?” Fang Yuan has a tight heart, but fortunately this ultimate move, just Rank 6 nothing more, the level is not high, it is difficult to shake the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

In the eyes of Fairy Ziwei, the star glow flashes, and the effect of the gray Profound Light is firmly in mind. This is both a result and a further spy on the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

“Hahaha, Fang Yuan, it’s hard for you to think of such an extreme move. Unfortunately, today you will die!” Jing Lan laughed.

Her speed is amazing, far faster than Fang Yuan. According to this situation, Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal will be cracked sooner or later.

“You don’t have Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions? Don’t you use it now?” Jing Lan also said with a smile.

A bang, the light in her hand, once again lingered on Fang Yuan’s back.

Fang Yuan did not hesitate to escape.

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