鈥淲hat?鈥?Fang Yuan faintly smiled, and then, 鈥淣ature is Refining Dao.鈥?/p>

“Ah! You actually know that Refining Dao is hidden in My Sect?!” Langya Earth Spirit almost jumped in shock, this is the biggest secret of Langya School, and the deepest and most valuable treasure in all the collections!

What is true?

The true meaning is actually a kind of will, Wisdom Dao has three elements, pay attention to Thought, Intent, Emotion. The true meaning is the “meaning” in the ternary, of course, not just the true meaning, but also False Intent, special intention, intentional, deliberate, hostile, fighting intent, etc., too many to mention.

There are countless, but the true meaning is the most valuable and most fascinating, and can make gu cultivator Venerable chase!

Northern Plains’ Northern Great Icefield was originally created by Reckless Demonic Venerable with Reckless True Meaning. Therefore, Gu Master will trigger Reckless True Meaning in the promoted immortal Strength Dao in the northern ice sheet. Gu Immortal’s true intentions can lead to the rise of Transformation Dao or Strength Dao’s Realm.

There are also real novels +3. In the dream, Fang Yuan explores several dreams. The reason why Realm of various genres can be soared is effectively because he has learned the true meaning.

Therefore, the true meaning often means that Realm soars.

Five Regions chaos, why is it unprecedented, the most surging forward with great momentum? The bottom line is the dreams that have emerged throughout Heaven and Earth, and many of those who have succeeded in exploring have gained their true meaning, making Realm soar.

The accumulation of Realm often takes a long time. However, because of the true intention, this process has been greatly shortened. This has enabled the talent elites from all over the world to rush out, collide with each other, chase and kill, and create an unprecedented chaos!

The importance of true meaning is not more than that, and the true meaning of Langya School in the deepest is bigger.

Therefore, the true meaning is derived from Old Ancestor Long Haired.

Who is Old Ancestor Long Haired?

Refining Dao Rank 8 Great Expert, known as the ancient first to Refining Dao!

Human Race has a long history spanning more than 10 million years. Among the River of Time, Refining Dao has three outstanding peaks. They are Old Monster Tian Nan, Old Immortal Space Severing, and Old Ancestor Long Haired.

Old Ancestor Long Haired’s talents on Refining Dao, even Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable are all inferior. The two Venerables have invited Old Ancestor Long Haired take action to help them refining gu.

According to future generations, Old Ancestor Long Haired has been refining 38 Immortal Gus for at least. This is only summed up from the rigorous historical events, not the legends and stories. If you count wild history, rumors, etc., the number of Immortal Gu is enough to break through the 100 mark!

More terrifying is that most of these Immortal Gus are not Rank 6 level, but Rank 7, Rank 8, and so on!

The rejuvenation Dao of Langya School is the true meaning of Old Ancestor Long Haired. The preservation is very complete and comprehensive. If Fang Yuan gets it and draws it, his Refining Dao Realm will immediately ascend to the Quasi Supreme Grandmaster!

This as if is ascending to the skies with a single leap, an ant ant instantly grows into a prehistoric giant beast. It is like a beggar starving, and suddenly became the richest man in the country.

It is such a concept!

The reason why we want to add a quasi-word is because Supreme Grandmaster Realm is a background that needs to transcend the entire Heaven and Earth in this genre, completely innovative from scratch.

At this point, Fang Yuan certainly can’t.

If he got the true meaning of these Refining Dao, he just completely inherited all the Realm of Old Ancestor Long Haired, and has not gone further on this basis, beyond the Refining Dao background of Heaven and Earth.

Fang Yuan doesn’t expect Supreme Grandmaster. In his opinion, this title is more of a supreme glory. Quasi Supreme is definitely enough for Fang Yuan to be proud of all the Refining Dao Gu Immortal in the entire Five Regions and Two Heavens. As long as he gets this meaning, he will be the highest peak in a small hill.

Gu are the true essences of Heaven and Earth , Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways. There is no strongest Gu insect in the world, only the strongest Gu Immortal.

And what is Gu Immortal the strongest?

Realm is definitely one of the most important criteria.

With Quasi Supreme’s Refining Dao Realm, as if has a transcendental height, the strongest foundation, and everything else can be attached.

With seven Soul Shaking Mountain’s compensation, only one will?

Fang Yuan is not losing money?

Of course, no loss.

So many Shaul Shaking Mountain, but only a large number of cultivation resources. Among the many cultivation resources, what kind of resources are the most precious?

Realm this answer is definitely the most people’s answer!

“You want the Refining Dao that survived my body to die? This is impossible!” Langya Earth Spirit refused.

Fang Yuan’s attitude towards Langya Earth Spirit has already been psychologically prepared. He said with a smile: “Revered Great Elder, our Langya School has collected this will, up to three more than 100,000 years. This true meaning has been stored, There is no use, what is the difference between this and the dead? Can it be that, do you want to leave these Refining Dao to the rest of the current Hairyman Gu Immortal?”.

Langya Earth Spirit quickly shook his head: “Since the Langya Blessed Land, the former Earth Spirit has been in the assessment, but these Hairyman Gu Immortal are not qualified.”

“That’s me.” Fang Yuan said immediately.

“You? You are not qualified enough!” Langya Earth Spirit is straightforward and very determined.

Fang Yuan gave a silent smile.

At the moment, the Langya Earth Spirit he deals with is a big Hairymanism. He has always firmly believed that Hairyman is better than Human Race. It should be dominated by Hairyman and Human Race lives with Hairyman.

The Langya Earth Spirit didn’t even look at the Haiyman Gu Immortal, and even fell in love with Fang Yuan, who was a Human Race.

“Long Haired is the supreme treasure of my Hairyman family. Even if it is not good enough, even if it is cheaper, I can’t let you enjoy a Human Race.” Langya Earth Spirit’s thoughts are probably similar.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and the next persuasion will be quite crucial.

He has already thought about it properly. At this time, he solemnly said to the Langya Earth Spirit: “Revered Great Elder, you don’t understand the situation at the moment, it is very dangerous! Heavenly Court can’t attack once, but will attack the second time, the third time… Until the complete success or complete failure, Heavenly Court will never give up.”

“I understand this.” Langya Earth Spirit has a heavy tone.

“If I have this Refining Dao, my strength will skyrocket and help Langya School to be more confident against Heavenly Court. Langya School has helped me so much, this is my home, I will never sit and watch Heavenly Court destroy. It!”

鈥淚f I achieve Refining Dao Quasi Supreme, I can refine Immortal Gu and improve the super grand formation in Langya Blessed Land. You know, I inherited Shadow Sect lost heritage, there are many about Heavenly Court and Central Continent’s 10. The information of Great Ancient Sects, we just exchanged True Inheritance, this time I want to share this information with you. I have calculated that Feng Jiuge and the others are using the impulse move of Fixed Immortal Travel to invade Blessed Land. After we negotiated compensation, I will use Wisdom Gu to come up with the means to defend against Fixed Immortal Travel. Besides, don’t forget that I have some subordinates. These Gu Immortal, you know, are all fighting elites. what.”

Langya Earth Spirit is silent.

Fang Yuan said that it makes a lot of sense, and peacetime doesn’t matter, but at the moment, Heavenly Court 瑙婅, glare like a tiger watching his prey, I don’t know when the next attack will come.

Langya Earth Spirit is not ignorant. The more he knows about Heavenly Court, the greater the pressure on his heart.

Langya School Although there is a Far Ancient Battle Formation like Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, which is comparable to Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the previous battle with Feng Jiuge has exposed the drawbacks of this approach.

Langya School is in desperate need of more help.

Snowman, Inkman, and Stoneman can also barely dispatch a Rank 8 battle strength.

The strongest battle strength is still Fang Yuan.

Langya Earth Spirit has long understood that Fang Yuan, which has the Adverse Current Protection Seal, is the strongest battle strength among them. Langya Earth Spirit, Langya Blessed Land In the future, the power of Fang Yuan is needed.

“Fang Yuan, if you need refining gu, I take action and that’s it in person, don’t forget that there are other Revered Elders, everyone can help you together.” Langya Earth Spirit After a moment of silence, this said.

Fang Yuan faintly smiled : “The power of everyone is definitely not to be underestimated. I have been deeply experienced when I have been calling everyone refining gu before. But can everyone’s Refining Dao ability and Quasi Supreme mention on equal terms? “.

Of course not!

“And rely on the hands of others refining gu, and myself personally refining gu, there are many differences, isn’t that so?”.

Langya Earth Spirit is silent again.

These are the principles of genuine, placed in front of the Langya Earth Spirit, even if he wants to deny it, no.

But by reason, it is impossible to convince the Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan knows that he still wants to know.

“Revered Great Elder, you and I have always been in communication. I am still unclear about my situation today. I don’t understand what I am thinking about now? After I got out of trouble, I saw that Langya Blessed Land was attacked. The news is really anxious. The heart seems to have burned a fire, and I can鈥檛 wait to get back immediately.”

“Langya School is my home, the world is big, and only here can accommodate me. Although I am a Human Race, I prefer to be a Hairyman. Hate is a teasing, let me be born, not people, not Nobly’s Hairyman family.”

“But I am willing to change into a Hairyman forever in the future! I prefer to live in Langya Blessed Land forever. I will be married to Xue’er in the future and unite with other nonhuman to help you achieve the world of Hairyman!”

Fang Yuan was very emotional, and his goose bumps fell on the ground.

Langya Earth Spirit sighed: “Fang Yuan, your mind, I understand, I have long understood. Just… it matters. I have to think about it and think about it. I can’t make this decision now. 鈥?/p>

Fang Yuan In the eyes of bright glow flashes, in this case, you must not let the Langya Earth Spirit think. The more he thinks, the smaller Fang Yuan’s hope is.

So Fang Yuan said: “Revered Great Elder, you think about it, it’s definitely right. No matter how long you think, I will wait for your reply.”

“At this time, I will stare at Heavenly Court and try my best to inquire about the information. If they have a suspicious trend, they will report it to you.”

The words made Langya Earth Spirit make a decision.

He sighed: “The situation is dangerous. If it is still conservative, I am afraid that even Langya Blessed Land can’t keep it. Fang Yuan, you are your own, I can trust it. To be honest, if you are a Hairyman, I am afraid I will have the entire Langya School. I am entrusted to you. This Refining Dao is really… I will give it to you!”

“I will live up to your expectations!!”

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