Langya Blessed Land, the fierce battle is going on.

Central Continent Gu Immortals led the way, all around dispersed, began to lay out Immortal Formation. As long as Immortal Formation is completed, it can attract other Central Continent Gu Immortal, and continue to enter Langya Blessed Land to support Feng Jiuge and the others.

For the Langya Earth Spirit, this is absolutely bad news! So you have to stop them.

“This Feng Jiuge is a good calculation! My Hairyman Gu Immortal is only assembled together to form the Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze Far Ancient Battle Formation, in order to defeat Rank 8. He just wants me to split up, can I do what he wants?” Langya Earth Spirit sneered in the heart.

If you change to the previous White Hair Earth Spirit, perhaps there are already six gods at the moment, very confused.

But the Black Hair Earth Spirit is good at fighting and immediately sees Feng Jiuge’s calculations.

“The division is absolutely impossible! If so, then I will kill some of your Central Continent Gu Immortal and fight with you. Is it faster to lay Immortal Formation, or I will kill you faster!”

Langya Earth Spirit sparkles in the eyes.


Silver giant suddenly roared, and the waves swayed all directions, repelling Feng Jiuge.

Then the silver giant raised his right foot and took a step.

Its movements are very slow, as if an invisible hill hung on the right foot.

“Not good!” Feng Jiuge immediately changed color because he sensed a strong Space Dao from the silver giant.

This is Space Dao ultimate move!

Feng Jiuge wants to stop, and once again urges the three-sound attack, but the silver giant is arrogant and straightforward, forcibly to withstand these offensives, and also to complete the Space Dao ultimate move.

Silver giant finally took his right foot out.

At the moment when its right foot stepped on the ground, the ground under its feet suddenly shrank abundance, and when it went out, it crossed over hundreds of miles!

A Central Continent Gu Immortal was driving in the clouds, and suddenly the surrounding air suddenly rose, and his entire body and front were covered with huge shadows.

He looked back and saw that the pupil was suddenly reduced to the size of the tip. I saw that the silver giant had stood behind him, and a pair of big palms were captured from both sides.

Central Continent Gu Immortal has a big warning, suddenly biting his teeth, urging his lifelong means to escape.

But the palms of the silver giant’s two big palms suddenly burst into a mysterious glow. Two Profound Light hit Central Continent Gu Immortal, and the ultimate move he was about to shape suddenly collapsed!

“Come and save me!” Central Continent Gu Immortal was locked by two strange lights, unable to move a single step, he exclaimed and hurriedly asked his companion for help.

a moment later, he was caged by the silver giant’s two big palms.

The silver giant hands are close together, and the two big palms merge into each other, like a spherical silver sealed cage.

Unparalleled pressure from all sides, forced to come, oppressed the bones of Central Continent Gu Immortal.

Central Continent Gu Immortal has changed dramatically. He can feel that the protective measures on his body are rapidly collapsing and it is difficult to resist the internal crushing in the silver cage!

“Save me!!” He was no longer a calm, screaming and screaming.


a moment later, he was turned into blood and meat, and was completely squeezed by the pressure in the silver cage!

The Rank 10 expert in Central Continent’s 7 Great Ancient Sects is so dead in the hands of Silver Giant.

“Good! Gu Immortal of Central Continent Ten Great Sects, but that’s it.” Silver giant within the body, Langya Earth Spirit laughed heartily, “That’s it! The Feng Jiuge has Rank 8 battle strength, the most difficult bone.” And I don’t want to take care of him. I’ve pinched these soft persimmons first, and I’m going to see who would dare to offend my big Hairyman’s habitat!”

Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze or Far Ancient Second Battle Formation, tried and tested, is the peak crystallization of Far Ancient gu cultivator. It originally had Rank 8 battle strength, but before the Hairyman Gu Immortal combat literacy was too low, even the White Hair Earth Spirit is also like so, so in the Shadow Sect’s offense, the performance was extremely poor, and was broken by Shadow Sect. Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace, take it easy.

Now it is different. Under the great reform of Black Hair Earth Spirit, Langya School was formed and passed by Fang Yuan for a period of time to personally teach that the combat literacy of Hairyman Gu Immortals is not the same as before. As a result , the combination of Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, I really played the role of Rank 8 battle strength, Black Hair Earth Spirit also often prevented Hairyman Gu Immortal from practicing this Far Ancient Battle Formation, so Now Central Continent Rank 7 Gu Immortal also wants to drink this!

Southern Border, Embryo Earth Labyrinth.

One scene after another red dust, continue to interpret.

“It seems that I am really amnesia.” Under the moonlight, Fang Yuan sighed.

He was single, walking in a low courtyard surrounded by adobe walls. There is a well in the courtyard, the bricks in the well wall are scattered mostly, and there is a fruit tree. At this moment, there are no leaves, and it is dry and thin.

“This is my home.” Fang Yuan glanced around and sighed again.

He looked at the room where Old Lady fell asleep, more worn than his bedroom, and there were many holes in the paper window. Seeing this scene, the feeling of shame is floating in the heart of Fang Yuan’s.

Also thinking of Xiu Niang, Fang Yuan’s heart is filled with a love.

Undoubtedly, this is the two most important women in his life.

After a few months of recuperation, his injuries have almost all gone, and he can get out of bed.

At this time, his mind was ups and downs, the moon was frosty, reflecting his tight brows, and on these days on the bed, he thought about his situation more than once.

“Xiu Niang is so sincere to me, I must marry her home and live up to her heart!”

“Mother is actually very interested in Xiu Niang, just because of the situation, I have to reluctantly cut love.”

“I want to swear by Xiu Niang. There are two obstacles. The first one is Shu Family. The Shu Family is big and big, and there are many people. The second one is Xiu Niang’s parents. They are all Gu Masters and look down on me as a mortal. ”

“At the end of the day, it’s still my natural talent, I can’t do Gu Master. If I can become Gu Master, cultivation to Rank 3, Xiu Niang’s parents may be able to accept me.”

“oh! ”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan is deeply sighed.

This is a dead end and cannot be solved at all.

Although there are rumors that there is a change in natural talent, but a poor boy like Fang Yuan, who will cost him a huge price for no reason?

Xiu Niang even has Gu Master natural talent, but it is only C, and its potential is low. If she has a promising future and she is a Rank 3 Gu Master, she can also determine her own happiness. It is not as helpless as it is today.

“How is this good?”

Fang Yuan looks at the moon and sighs, and is infinitely distressed.

But at this moment, he heard a zither sound coming from the vague.

“Hey? Where is this zither sound?” Fang Yuan listened carefully and heard that the music was not just a piano sound, but also a bell chime, bamboo flute and so on.

He listened to his ears, looking for the source of the music, and gradually walked to the side of the well.

“Weird, this music actually came out of my well. What is the reason?” Fang Yuan looked at the well and saw that the moonlight was reflected in the well.

Fang Yuan saw the well wall under the ground. There was a place where dozens of bricks formed the shape of the door, and it was a white jade-like luster. It was unusual.

He was so curious that he tied the hemp rope on the bucket to the fruit tree on the side, and then climbed down the hemp rope.

In the middle, he climbed his legs on the twine and faced the white jade bricks. He reached out and tried to push.

His Strength Dao is very small, but when he is touched by the jade bricks, he turns into nothingness, and he spurts out a force of suction, and takes in the face of Fang Yuan, suddenly sucked in…

A night passed.

Fang Yuan gets up, eyes are shining, Essence, Qi and Spirit are completely different, and there are as different as heaven and earth.

It turns out that there is a inheritance left by Gu Immortal in the wall of the well, called Moral Inheritance. Because history has been too long, it has been broken.

Fang Yuan inherited this broken True Inheritance, opened the aperture in the night, became the Rank 1 Gu Master, and got a few mortal gus recognizing Master, the strength soared, the whole life Realm is completely different.

“The day is pitiful, let me get such a peerless opportunity! This time, I am welcoming Xiu Niang, it is very promising!”

Fang Yuan is in joy, almost overflowing.

But he is also patient and knows that the moment is not free to expose. This opportunity is too big, easy to expose, it is a disaster!

“I have to work hard to make cultivation and secretly accumulate until I have enough strength to protect myself.”

Painstaking cultivation This moral True Inheritance!

Fang Yuan made up his mind and was slightly frowned.

“It’s just this True Inheritance, which requires a stranger. It needs the successor to always keep the justice in mind, to be a moral person. And the higher the morality, the more cultivation will be the result for half the effort.”

“Ethics?” Fang Yuan hesitated.

He was faintly disdainful about the word, but now he has the True Inheritance, and this disdain will drift with the wind.

In the days that followed, Fang Yuan was diligently cultivated and continually accumulated strength.

Old Lady persuaded him not to approach Xiu Niang, Fang Yuan nodded promised, and he had his own ideas.

Xiu Niang came to him to ease the pain of Acacia, and Fang Yuan urged her words to let her be patient and have a way.

What makes Fang Yuan very happy is that Xiu Niang believes his rhetoric without reservation.

On the way to cultivation, Old Lady suddenly could not afford to be sick.

Fang Yuan’s heart is like a knife, but the ordinary herbs have no effect, and Fang Yuan is in a hurry.

He was looking for Gu Master to heal, but the Rank 2 Gu Master dismissed his meager consultation and was unwilling to go to the doctor in the winter.

Fang Yuan heard that Gu Master likes to eat fish, and then walked more than 10 li road to a mountain lake.

Fang Yuan burned the bonfire, melted the ice, and plunged into the water, caught the lake fish and sent it to Gu Master.

Gu Master was greatly moved by Fang Yuan’s filial piety. He finally went to the clinic and cured the Old Lady.

Old Lady recovered and Fang Yuan was very happy about it. There is even more surprise. He found that he had a Rank 2 in his aperture.

According to True Inheritance, this kind of morality, as long as Fang Yuan is good at doing things, can continue to make it himself. The greater the good deeds, the higher the Rank number of the refined virtues. There are many wonderful uses of Jide, which is one of the core cores of moral True Inheritance. The biggest role is to improve Fang Yuan’s cultivation natural talent and finally transform it into Righteous Path.

According to the ambiguity in True Inheritance, Righteous Path is second only to Ten Perfect Physiques. There is no such thing as Ten Perfect. It is a great future and represents the bright future and potential!

Fang Yuan will do good deeds at this point, and will not let go of any opportunity around him, and continue to refine it into Jide.

Soon, his virtue and reputation began to spread.

Fang Yuan’s natural talent is getting better and better, and the efficiency of cultivation is getting higher and higher. Two years later, he quietly became the Rank 2 Gu Master.

In an accident, he had to expose Gu Master’s identity in order to rescue a fallen baby.

Coincidentally, a scene of the Family Elder saw of Shu Family, Fang Yuan’s secret was exposed.

Shu Family Family Elder thinks that a mortal person in Fang Yuan District can improve natural talent and build Rank 2. It is definitely a huge secret, so looked towards Fang Yuan take action.

Fang Yuan struggled with him and eventually played exceptionally, making Mortal Realm Ultimate Move a convincing person!

This trick exhausted his accumulated morality.

Shu Family Family Elder got this trick, unscathed, but immediately weeping bitter tears, kneeling on the ground, constantly fanning his face, and then sad cry: “I am not a person, I am not a human, actually move such evil thoughts, dare You are the one who is so great! I am a beast, I am not a human being. Please forgive me, give me the opportunity to repent and make up for it!”

Fang Yuan immediately stunned and did not expect this move to be so powerful.

He has since conquered the Shu Family Family Elder and has the most critical and reliable source of intelligence for the Shu Family Young Master.

At this point, Fang Yuan worked harder to accumulate good deeds. His reputation was widely spread among mortals, and many Gu Masters heard about his name.

After a few more years, the paper couldn’t hold the fire, and the Yuan Yuan’s Gu Master identity was completely exposed.

But he is on other Gu insects, covering his big secrets. Xiu Niang’s parents, his views on him have changed a lot, but still do not want to marry their own daughter to such a poor acid as Fang Yuan.

Compared with the Sol Yuan’s Fang Yuan, the Shu Family Young Master has too much advantage.

However, Xiu Niang loves Fang Yuan, making Shu Family Young Master slap on the fire and repeatedly find trouble with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan’s life has been repeatedly martyrdom and framed, but as long as Xiu Niang is there, he will welcome every day with hope.

Finally, the contradiction has accumulated to the limit, Shu Family Young Master is fighting with Fang Yuan, and he is going to fight with him.

Fang Yuan promised him that this matter is very big, even if it is the surrounding forces, there are many Gu Masters to hear.

On the eve of the duel, in the middle of the night, Fang Yuan encountered Shu Family Gu Master’s teamed up with sneak attack.

Fang Yuan was seriously injured and escaped to the wilderness of the mountains, and her heart was resentful.

Because he knows that he is seriously injured and will not be the opponent of Shu Family Young Master. If he fights for the appointment, he will die. But if he does not go, he will be defeated, and Xiu Niang will be involuntarily, and will be forced by his parents to marry Shu Family Young Master.

“How can I let Xiu Niang fall into the hands of this despicable Littleman? Even if it is dead, I want to… what sound?” Fang Yuan was shocked and turned and found that a terrifying Beast Tide on the hill was attacking. .

“Okay! God opened his eyes, let this Beast Tide rush the city, Shu Family can’t catch up, it must be defeated and lost, it is also a revenge for me!”

Fang Yuan was overjoyed, but the smile stopped at a moment later.

He thought of his mother, thought of Xiu Niang, and thought of many neighbors and friends. These people can be cute and cute, and they will come to his mind and linger.

If he allowed Beast Tide to hit the city, he would not know how many of these people would die.

Even if he secretly rescues, how much can he save with his ability?

“Even if I saved Xiu Niang and my mother, what about these people? Do they don’t tell me no children? They also have their own parents! I don’t know if I don’t report them, it hurts them.”

“And, even if Shu Family Young Master is mingling, but Shu Family is not everyone, they also have respectable and lovely people, why should I vent their anger? Don’t tell me they should live Going to die?”

“In addition, I have lived here for nearly twenty years. It also has graciousness of raising for me. Without its protection, I have been smashed by wild beast in the wilderness. Don’t tell me. I have to watch it. Landloos at this city was captured? No, this is my home!”

Thought of this, Fang Yuan eyes must be, suddenly turned and ran to the city.

Although he knows that on his way back, he is likely to encounter the Shu Master of Shu Family and will be killed by them.

But he also wants to go!

Since the inheritance of morality True Inheritance, in the past few years, he has been ready to imprint morality in his own marrow and penetrate into his own mind. He feels that he has an obligation and has the responsibility to do something!

Fang Yuan ran back to the city and informed everyone that the attack on Beast Tide immediately attracted great attention.

This time’s Beast Tide attack is so sudden and concealed, but thanks to Fang Yuan’s announcement, the Gu Masters in the city pool is fully prepared to stabilize the position.

City lord learned of Fang Yuan’s situation and greatly praised Fang Yuan for his death.

With the city lord supporting, Fang Yuan is no longer afraid of Shu Family’s use of power to find him, and his battle with Shu Family Young Master is postponed.

After that, in a year-long battle, Fang Yuan performed extremely well and saved countless Gu Masters and mortals. He is willing to help others, not to reward, on the one hand, his strength has increased greatly, and he has become countless countless virtues. On the other hand, people have praised him and made his reputation extremely high.

After Beast Tide retired, Fang Yuan had a radical change.

He finally dignified and just confronted Shu Family Young Master.

In this life and death, Fang Yuan won with absolute advantage.

But he eventually forgiven the life of Shu Family Young Master.

“Shen San, you complained with morality, I took it, and since then you have been the leader! Please accept me!” Shu Family Young Master bowed down on the spot.

The people in the city are all convinced of Fang Yuan.

Three years later, the city lord felt old and gave way to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan already has the cultivation base of Rank 5 and became the new city lord. On the day of his official appointment, that is a good day for him and Xiu Niang.

The red hi word, the lively guests, the food and wine, the pottery.

Xiu Niang dresses up beautiful and alluring, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Fang Yuan’s deep feelings – ly said: “Beloved San, you and I finally become husband and wife today. I know that I did not read the wrong person.”

Fang Yuan laughed: “That is of course. Just…”

He held his heart.

Xiu Niang is nervous: “What is it? Where are you uncomfortable?”

Fang Yuan shook his head: “Just I suddenly felt a little empty.”

Xiu Niang pū chī A smile, like a peony flower, nothing more beautiful can be imagined : “What are you emptiness? Beloved San, I do not know how many people envy you today.”

Fang Yuan’s face gradually stiffened: “They envy me? It’s nothing more than wealth, power, force, and beauty that’s all.”

He said this, the tone was getting colder, and his eyes reflected a sharp force.

Xiu Niang Slightly discolored: “Beloved San, what’s wrong with you? Your words make me feel uneasy.”

Fang Yuan looked at her seriously and looked at the beautiful woman who made him think, twisted and turned, dreams, and loved.

His eyes are so serious that Xiu Niang in the heart is more and more.

Then, Xiu Niang saw Fang Yuan shaking his head and sighing: “This is so all kinds… it’s just that.”

So a moment later, everything crashed around!

Ps: Today is two more, but it is not convenient to divide into two chapters, so it is combined in one place to form this big chapter.

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