“No, grandfather, you misunderstood me! I can’t control this fire.” Young Heavenly Thief is still acting.

“He He He. You dare to deceive the old man. You just don’t put the old man in your eyes. Fine, old man doesn’t take your life anymore. Just let this fire swallow you too. You think that refining gu is simple. Single, safe? You deliberately failed in the process of refining gu, this is to find the death road! Let’s die, die, this is your perseverance, this is what you are looking for.” Sha Xiao sneer.

His voice had not yet fallen, and the flame suddenly rose and covered the young Heavenly Thief.

“How can it like this?” The teenager Heavenly Thief wanted to go out of conflict, but there was a huge suction in the flame that allowed him to stop where he was, simply unable to move a single step.

Shortly, he is going to be buried in the flame. This is what Fang Yuan found, and he can manipulate the body of the teenager Heavenly Thief.

“How do I feel like I am cleaning my butt for Teenly Thief?” Fang Yuan was a little embarrassed.

However, he is not confused.

Sha Xiao gave the Gu Formula to Heavenly Thief, and Fang Yuan had been contacted.

This is the Rank 1 Gu Formula, Fang Yuan and the Refining Dao Grandmaster, so it is clear at a glance that the principles in Gu Formula are clear and thorough, and in the heart.

Now, although the teenager Heavenly Thief has made a mistake, it is not irreparable to fall into the eyes of Fang Yuan.

Sand bunker.

Fang Yuan manipulates the body of the young Heavenly Thief, suddenly aiming at a certain position in the flame, directly throwing a bunker.

This Gu insect did not mobilize, but as a coffin, throw it directly.

The body was weak and suddenly attracted the flames and soon burned a bunch of powder.

When the flame suction was greatly reduced, Fang Yuan took the opportunity to jump out and get out.

He rolled a few laps on the spot and put out the remaining flames on his body.

The injury is very heavy.

The face, neck, arms and so on of Heavenly Thief are burnt very badly, almost unrecognizable.

But Fang Yuan did not care about his injuries, but concentrated all his attention on the flame.

The teenager Heavenly Thief is not out of danger because the refining gu process has not really ended.

If this flame is allowed to burn, it will surely burn again to the young Heavenly Thief.

Therefore, Fang Yuan urged the smoke, smouldering, and wrap up the flame of the size of the washbasin.

A heavy cigarette, wrap up the flame quite tightly.

The danger gradually diminished, and Fang Yuan also felt that his connection with the flame was also weakened.

“When you go on like this, you can stop the refining gu with a smog. If you still get a little backlash, you can save it.”

To do this, Fang Yuan also tried his best.

After all, the young Heavenly Thief was too messy and actually wanted to deliberately fail in the process of refining gu.

This time refining gu, but his strength has subsided, because the loss of valuable sand pits.

Just then, the mutation was born.

The smoke was suddenly absorbed by the flame.

“What happened?” Fang Yuan was also unexpected.

But immediately the baby phantom in his saw flame, he suddenly understood: “This baby is very problematic, I am afraid that physique out of the ordinary, it is quite weird!”

As a coffin, the baby is added to the fire.

Fang Yuan has been watching, not carefully checking the baby, so I don’t know how weird the coffin is.

This one is beyond the expectations of Fang Yuan’s.

The flames skyrocketed again, and the baby’s phantom jumped in the heart and rushed to the teenager Heavenly Thief.

“Well, this time is life-threatening.” Fang Yuan sighed in his heart, and the young Heavenly Thief died. His time to explore the dream must also fail.

The shortly flame had to be thrown into the body of the young Heavenly Thief, and Fang Yuan suddenly became blessed, and the inspiration in his mind was suddenly blasted.


He first throws a cigarette.

When the smoke smog appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the child phantom in the heart of the flame. He screamed and rushed straight to eat the smoky cigarette.

The downtime Fang Yuan slammed a few steps and pulled the distance away from the flame.

But soon, the flame heart child chewed the smoke and rushed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan laughed heartily: “Come on, there is this clear water!”

The clear water scorpion was also thrown out, and the flame heart child swallowed it again.

The flame suddenly extinguished, and the clear water smashed into a green water in the flame heart, which was not melted by the flame.

The red flame also turned into orange yellow, shrouded in halo, and no burning flame before, but very restrained.

The verdant clear water and the orange-yellow flame flow to each other and are suspended in midair.

Fang Yuan drives the body of the young Heavenly Thief, and does not retreat, and comes to this strange water and fire.

“The bunker is powder, solid and cultivated. The smoke wrap up, introverted fire letter. Clear water, heaven and earth turning upside down. Use blood again, yin and yang coordination. Wonderful!”

Said, Fang Yuan bite the tip of the tongue, spit a mouthful of blood, sprayed on the strange water fire.

“Oh.” After the strange fire and water hit the blood, suddenly became a blue child phantom, cheering and slamming on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan does not dodge or evade, let him pounce.

The blue phantom child goes directly to the teenager’s Heavenly Thief’s aperture, which turns into a Rank 2 Gu Insect.

“How can it like this?” Young Heavenly Thief came back to his senses, squatting on the spot.

“Damn, come again!” Fang Yuan was speechless, and the young Heavenly Thief was safe. He was thrown aside and once again became a bystander.

“Are you actually ruining a brand new Gu insect?!” Sha Xiao is also full of accidentally screaming.

“No, no.” Immediately, he realized that “stinky brat, you seem to have a cover of nature. Once you are in danger, your nature will prevail, allowing you to respond to your intuition and make the most correct response. , now refining gu is also like so.”

“You are innocent and stubborn, but your nature is quite pragmatic, cunning, and there are inborn talents that you can hardly match! The old man appreciates it, greatly appreciates it!!”

Sha Xiao said, laughing out loud.

“I have made one myself… a new one?” The young Heavenly Thief has not fully reacted and is authentic.

“right, you remind me. This new one is Rank 2 Gu. It seems to be the first of its kind. It is an unprecedented thing. The eyes of the old man can’t see its power.” Sha Xiao said.

This stimulate a strange Gu insect, which is quite dangerous.

For example, Spring and Autumn Cicada is the best example.

But the young Heavenly Thief has just cultivated, ignorant and ignorant, and knows the risk of Sha Xiao, and does not care about the life safety of the young Heavenly Thief.

So the young Heavenly Thief spurred this Gu Insect.

Once urging, this Gu Insect was once again turned into the shadow of the blue child, screaming, drilling the eye of the young Heavenly Thief, fluttering forward.

There is a stone bench in front, blue infant shade directly into the stone bench, and then drilled out, and then back to the teenager’s Heavenly Thief’s aperture, restored to Gu insect look.

The stone bench is unscathed.

The young Heavenly Thief stepped forward and reached out and touched it.


a light sound, stone bench for a pile of gravel.

The teenager Heavenly Thief was shocked and couldn’t help but draw the back of the step, looking at the stone powder on the ground with a shock.

“Miao Wei!” Sha Xiao immediately praised, “This Gu insect is very powerful, but it is the best Gu insect in the popular Rank 2. The key is that it seems to have the effect of wearing and protecting, you look carefully, stone bench It started to collapse from the inside.”

Sha Xiao looks very hot and sees a lot of profound mystery.

Young Heavenly Thief is a bit ignorant at this time.

Sha Xiao looked at his aperture again, and once again praised: “Big! You look at your aperture, this time motivates Gu insect, but it costs a little primeval essence, Unimaginable. This is Rank 2 Gu Insect, Formidable power is so big, but only needs Rank 1 green copper primeval essence. nothing more!”

“But I only have fourth grade natural talent, primeval essence is the highest but 20%. With this Gu insect, you can only use nothing more than twice.” Teenager Heavenly Thief is full of sorrow.

“What do you know? With this Gu Insect, you will be unfavorable, and the little one is at your fingertips. No one will protect you from this embarrassment.” Sha Xiao sneered.

“With this one, I can get the first?” Young Heavenly Thief involuntarily wide eyes.

“This Gu Insect will be turned into a blue child phantom once it is activated, and it will be a saw. It’s amazing. The Rank 3 Gu Master may barely dodge, but the Rank 1 and the Rank 2 Gu Master, as long as Nearly a distance, almost everyone will be tricked, too late to dodge.”

Sha Xiao constantly analyzes and sinks: “Well… Combine this Gu Insect with all kinds of power, you can call it sneak attack.”

Gu insect was created by the young Heavenly Thief, but Sha Xiao took the initiative to give this Gu Insect a name.

“Sneak attack 蛊…” Young Heavenly Thief suddenly frowned and wanted to oppose.

“It’s called sneak attack 蛊, old man is still very famous. Hahaha!” Sha Xiao arrogant, young Heavenly Thief can only roll one’s eyes, helpless. (~^~)

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