After careful inspection, Fang Yuan did not find any traps.

He slowly approached the dry corpse, and when the Mogan was only 5~6 steps, the mutation was born.

Fang Yuan couldn’t help but cursing in the belly, because he once again lost control of the young Heavenly Thief and became a bystander.

The teenager Heavenly Thief whispered in the mouth: “This person is trapped at the bottom of the well, don’t tell me is surrounded by the wild beast, can’t escape?”

Then, he came to the side of the corpse, first silently for a moment, and then began to search for the corpse.

There were no accidents, and the corpse was very common, and there was no pit trap.

In the process of searching the corpse, the young Heavenly Thief found that the dry corpse should be Gu Master, and the Rank number is not low, identity nobly.

He didn’t have anything left by Gu insect, but the clothes he was wearing were lined with a map of sheepskin.

The teenager Heavenly Thief has nothing to gain, except for this sheepskin map.

In this underground hole, the light is quite dim, and the teenager Heavenly Thief only sees one after another blurred lines on the map, which is not clear.

He took the map into his arms and carefully searched around, but there was nothing else to discover.

However, the young Heavenly Thief is already very satisfied.

Because it has the most precious water source in the Sand Desert.

He also took care, first checked the water quality and found that there was no problem, then this cautiously took a sip.

This water comes from the depths of the underground. It seems that the dry corpses cost a lot of great effort before they were discovered.

The young Heavenly Thief took a sip of water and suddenly felt a cold and refreshing, and the bloody atmosphere in the mouth that was originally bloody before was so much lighter.

The young Heavenly Thief’s throat rolled a bit, and the slobber squirmed a strong urge in his heart, and then he leaned down directly and buried his face in the dark spring.

Hey, I drank a few big mouths, and he only suddenly looked up and dripped all around.

Sitting on the ground, the young Heavenly Thief didn’t talk, his hands on the ground, his eyes closed, and after a long while, the long sigh of satisfaction.

After a break, he extended the hand, wiped the water stains on his face, stood up and returned to the bottom of the dry well.

The young Heavenly Thief immediately took a nap, and the bottom of the dry well was much colder than the underground cavity.

However, the young Heavenly Thief has a reason to come here.

He looked up at the wellhead, although he covered several layers of animal skin, but the night wind was very large, actually had blown the big animal skin, revealing a huge hole.

From the hole, the teenager Heavenly Thief saw the dark night, the Starry Sky hanging from the sky.

He sighed, took out some hides from his body, and felled wood, and soon set up a prototype of a bonfire. Later, he drilled the wood to get the fire, and after a hard work of tea, he successfully ignited the bonfire.

The fire smoke was not big, and it drifted away along the wellhead. The warmth of the fire stream of light came and gradually expelled the coldness of the young Heavenly Thief.

Young Heavenly Thief first baked a few pieces of meat, and after swallowing, swallowed.

Eat a cooked food, full of feeling, let him can’t help but sleepy.

But the young Heavenly Thief was forced to sleep, with a faint fire, and the map of the sheepskin that had just arrived was in his hands.

“The history of this sheepskin map seems to have been around for a long time.”

“Hey? Is it the place that it focuses on, isn’t it a small oasis for my ethnic group to survive?”

Junior Heavenly Thief startled.

On this sheepskin map, the small oasis is highlighted, along with a few lines of Western Desert’s text.

The text is quite small. It seems that because of the age of too long, most of them are already ambiguous, leaving only the first few words, intermittent and clearest.

The teenager Heavenly Thief barely recognized, with difficulty reading out: “buried land of immortal … unknown… curse…”

“Weird!” After a long time, he didn’t have any more clues. The brow could’t help but tighten.

“I have come to this world for more than a decade. I have heard stories about the old people in the middle of the family. But these are legends. Is there really a fairy in the world?”

“It doesn’t seem impossible. Look at Gu Master and you know that this world is amazing enough and anything can exist.”

“The fun of the land of immortal… could it be that, the home of my life still buried a fairy?”

“But why are there curses? What are you saying?”

“And this sheepskin map is also very weird. In this world, there is Information Dao’s Gu insect, which can record maps and store messages. The corpse should be a powerful Gu Master, why he didn’t use Gu insect to record this map. Want to use this sheepskin map?”

“This sheepskin map was sewed into the lining of the clothes. If the clothes are not ruined, I will not easily find them.”

“It’s so important to collect it. This sheepskin map should be very important. But it’s too unsafe to do so, it’s better to keep the map safe in an Information Dao Gu insect.”

The teenager Heavenly Thief whispered in his mouth, and his eyes were constantly flashing with thoughts.

Fang Yuan has always been watching, and the doubts of the young Heavenly Thief have long been thought of by him. These are doubts, especially the existence of the sheepskin map.

“I don’t care about this for the time being. This sheepskin map also indicates the position of this dry well. I can follow the instructions on this map and I will be back in the tribe.”

Although the teenager Heavenly Thief has no sense of belonging to this tribe, he also understands that it is completely impossible to live alone in this Sand Desert.

Not to mention the crisis in the Sand Desert, no one knows when the threat of the matter of life and death will suddenly come. When it comes to food, the food in the hands of the teenager Heavenly Thief is limited.

This small oasis background is too weak.

The eyelid is as heavy as the mountains, and the vision of the young Heavenly Thief is quickly blurred, and soon falls into a deep sleep.

He is really tired, not only physically exhausted, but also ups and downs in the heart.

When he slept, Fang Yuan’s vision was dark.

In this darkness, Fang Yuan felt that the power of the dream had melted several times, and his soul began to melt again.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan has had a previous experience, and now silently endures, patiently waited for the darkness to disappear.

The time of dreams is not easy to estimate. After the darkness is gone, Fang Yuan’s soul background is cut in half!

Once again, Fang Yuan was surprised to find that the teenager Heavenly Thief was tied up by the five flowers and fell to the bottom of the dry well.

In front of him, he stood a Gu Master old man with gloomy.

The old Gu Master is wrinkled, his hair is white, and his age is already very large. At this moment, his skinny hands are holding the weird sheepskin map.

He continually stroked the map of the sheepskin with his hands, and his eyes filled with complex emotions such as fanaticism, affection, greed.

This kind of look makes the teenager Heavenly Thief numb and feels like a metamorphosis.

“Who are you? Why are you kidding me?” asked Juniorly Thief.

He felt very feel wrong, and when he woke up, he was tied up and became a prisoner.

“You should be thankful, my Sha Xiao did not kill you, you still have a life.” The old man spoke, his voice was quite hoarse.

He cautiously took the sheepskin map into his arms and looked at the teenager Heavenly Thief: “Kid, are you a tribe?”

The teenager Heavenly Thief didn’t say anything.

Because he understood the truth in an instant, Gu Master old man must know the value and secret of this sheepskin map. He did not kill himself, but tied himself up. He should want to use himself.

Gu Master old man Seeing the young Heavenly Thief didn’t respond, and suddenly his face sank again. He fluttered a few steps forward, as if ghostly, standing in front of the young Heavenly Thief.

“Kid, don’t think that you don’t talk, I don’t know what is going on in your stomach. Hey, you probably haven’t heard of my name, Sha Xiao, let me taste my taste a little now.”

Gu Master old man Gloomy smile, suddenly lifted his toes and kicked.

In the heart of the teenager’s Heavenly Thief, for a moment, the intense pain almost made him go directly.

The young Heavenly Thief seemed to be kicked off like a sack, and immediately hit the wall of the well, and thumped and fell to the ground.

But the suffering has only just begun, and the young Heavenly Thief began to scream.

Because this foot of Gu Master old man is not simple, the young Heavenly Thief feels sore skin all over the body. At the same time, the muscle internal organs seem to suffer from thousands of ice needles.

The intense pain made the teenager Heavenly Thief quite unbearable. Soon it was painful to exchange tears, and the body curled up like a lobster.

“Kid, know that I am amazing.” Gu Master old man gloomy smiled.

His heart is happy.

The miserableness of the young Heavenly Thief made him listen and had a wonderful satisfaction.

Ps: There is a second at ten.

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