Under the strong offensive of Fang Yuan’s, more than a dozen breathed, You Chan became more and more tired and could not support the signs.

“Hey…” Qin Baihe made a long sigh and stopped the constantly stimulating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move floral whisper.

Fang Yuan didn’t defraud her. The floral move was really useless. Qin Baihe personally verified and joined the battle with a heavy heart.

She is Wood Dao Gu Immortal, and she uses the ultimate move. I saw the fall of the British, the petals are swaying. Some tricks, erosion power, some tricks, lace as a blade.

Qin Baihe is a fluttering, black hair dress, even in battle, it seems to be dancing, moving, touching more beautiful can be imagined.

On the other side, You Chan, is a broken drink, do not have a British atmosphere.

The second woman is the famous fairy in the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World, and her appearance is eye-catching. The two of them, like pearls and diamonds, complement each other. If Gu Immortal sees it, it is already half-hearted in the heart, and where will it be bothersome? Not to mention any spicy hand-breaking flowers.

It is a pity that the two women encountered Fang Yuan!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation !

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Adverse Current Protection Seal !

“ao roar! ”

Sword Flood Dragon, suddenly appeared, and kept going straight to the second woman.

“Not good!” You Chan exclaimed.

Qin Baihe suddenly mentioned a blind eye, said with clenched jaws: “The thief, eat me a trick!”

As she said, the petals around her were flying, and in a flash, a petal tornado was formed, and it was also attacked and greeted by the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon.

And You Chan also reacted and said, “I will help you!”

She said, making Water Dao ultimate move, spurting a ripple of water.

The water wave did not enter the tornado of the petals. In the blink of an eye, it was all integrated into it. The petals of the dragon’s roll swelled several times and the power increased sharply.

“A good move to make a living wood!” Qin Baihe praised, and self-confidence immediately rose.

The petal tornado hit the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, and the stalemate was only a moment, and the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon was smashed by the petal tornado.

So effective, but did not let the two fairy open, but have revealed a horrified expression.

“Oops, this Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon is fake!” Qin Baihe just after thinking to this point, a huge silver Flood Dragon, appeared quietly behind her.

Time seems to slow down at this moment!

Qin Baihe turned back in an inch, and the corner of her eye was letting her see that Fang Yuan’s truly changed Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon opened her bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, firmly covering her small body. The sharp dragon tooth, which is full of mouths, is twinkling with cold light, like a path of guns, just looking at, let Qin Baihe shudder!

“Fang Yuan, you dignified Rank 8 battle strength, fame expert, actually sneak attack!” On the other side, You Chan screamed and screamed with anger.

Fang Yuan has such a huge advantage, and actually implements the tactic of sneak attack, it is simply not to be skinned, there is no style of expert, shameless is extremely!

Shortly Qin Baihe is about to fall into Longkou, at the critical moment, You Chan has hit an unprecedented storm!

A majestic rain, all the raindrops stretched out like a million arrows, and shot at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is sneered, regardless of his mouth, his mouth is violently biting.


Because it was too hard, the upper and lower teeth hit each other and made a dull sound.

“No!” You Chan screamed.

Almost at the same time, her strong rain was rebounded by Adverse Current Protection Seal and attacked herself.

You Chan quickly resisted, and he was so busy that he felt deeply weak at this moment.

“How is this still playing?”

“His defense, using Adverse Current River, any of my offensives will bounce back and be used by him. It’s too shameless!”

You Chan is like an ice cave.

However, when Fang Yuan opened his mouth, there was no flesh and bones, and only some of the petals fell between the teeth.

On the other side, the huge petals floating in the air suddenly grew out of a body.

The body quickly emerged from the petals, it is the naked Qin Baihe, not the slightest cloth.

At the crucial moment, she urged the life of the ultimate move, let Fang Yuan hit a failure, Qin Baihe really fled Fang Yuan claws.

“Lily!” You Chan was pleasantly surprised.

Qin Baihe was a white face and his lips were shaking. She closed the escape from the ghost gate, and the situation was extremely dangerous. As long as she was slightly slower, she would be died on the spot.

The surrounding petals fluttered, densely packed, clinging to Qin Baihe’s body, and turned into a gorgeous dress in a blink of an eye.

You Chan quickly flew over and joined.

The two women’s vigilant eyes, firmly bet on Fang Yuan’s body, from their gaze, you can also see their horror and fear.

The Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon didn’t hit a single shot, but didn’t chase it again. Instead, it used a sharp dragon eye to scan around.

“Understood, so that’s how it is.” Suddenly, Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon opened, Fang Yuan’s voice echoed in the ears of two women.

Shuā shuā shuā !

Countless points of purple stars, once again shot down, all the petals in the entire battlefield are instantly annihilated.

Qin Baihe lovable body 狠狠一震.

Fang Yuan’s move made her no retreat, and she could no longer use the life-saving method for the second time.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon screamed and rushed again.

The two fairies are pale, and the lips are tight, and the bracelet oneself fights.

This is the point of matter of life and death.

The two female immortal did not dare to have the slightest privilege, each of which used the means of trump card.

Hōng hōng hōng !

The offensive was fierce and gorgeous, like a colorful fireworks.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon shuttles through the fireworks, and the Adverse Current Protection Seal bounces off all the offensives, and there is a big deal!

The two women had injuries and the injuries were extremely fast.

However, Fang Yuan couldn’t take two female lives in a short time.

These two fairies are all Rank 7 Gu Immortal. They have a lot of life-saving means. The background is deep and famous. It is not so simple.

“Fang Yuan, don’t do it, we surrendered!”

“We admit that you are strong, Dragon Fish business, I swear that it will never be contaminated from now on. Please let us go.”

After a fierce battle, the two women were bathed in blood, gasping for breath, and they asked to spare.

For both of them, there is no odds of success and hope in this battle.

From the beginning to the end, Fang Yuan has the upper hand. Although the two women are stubbornly resisting, it is obviously not long after they resist.

“We can make all kinds of resources, a lot of goods, as long as you let us two.”

“Yes, if it’s a fight, we will definitely self-exploding Immortal Gu before we die, so that you can’t get anything.”

“We shouldn’t be against you. These Dragon Fish will be given to you. We also receive enough lessons. If you see you in the future, you must retreat.”

“And we swear that after this war, we will not be enemies with you for the rest of our lives, and we will not make any revenge.”

The two women spoke up one after another, and the opinions have been made consistent.

“Sure enough, it’s Junjie, knowing the time.” Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon slowly stopped and hovered gracefully in midair.

In the indifference of the dragon eye, the two beautiful women’s silhouettes are reflected. Fang Yuan continues: “Take your respective Immortal Gus first, and show your sincerity first.”

The two women suddenly felt a tight heart and looked at each other. They felt that Fang Yuan was really difficult!

Immortal Gu loses and their battle strength drops dramatically.

But if you don’t offer Immortal Gu, your life will still be in crisis.

After hesitating, You Chan said first: “We promised this condition, but in order to prevent accidents, we must first set a covenant that does not harm each other. Both sides automatically use Information Dao to restrain each other.”

“Come on.” Fang Yuan nodded.

However, in the next consultation with the body, it is the obstacle across the barrier.

Qin Baihe and You Chan stressed that once Fang Yuan violated the covenant, he would immediately be punished for death. This is a condition that Fang Yuan cannot accept.

Fang Yuan is brewing a plot. He has a self-contained Immortal Formation, which he intends to use to eliminate the unfavorable covenant.

However, this method is not controlled by Fang Yuan and is not flexible. It takes a while to gradually remove the unfavorable Dao Marks.

If you die immediately, it is useless to cleanse yourself into Immortal Formation.

Fang Yuan did not think about letting go of these two Gu Immortals.

Once they are let go, they will use the same method in the future and it will be difficult to ambush them.

Moreover, Heavenly Court may turn out the covenant for them, and it will become more troublesome. In the Dragon Fish business, Fang Yuan will always have a strong enemy.

The two sides did not negotiate, and the two women also thoroughly realized the true intention of Fang Yuan’s.

“Fang Yuan, it seems that you are ironic, and we are going to put us to death.”

“Even if it is dead, we will not let you gain something!”

Sadly fill the chest, the second woman is dead.

Fang Yuan sneered, the killing intent is thicker. After several fights, he finally found the opportunity in battle, hitting the middle of the box and tearing most of Qin Baihe’s body.

Qin Baihe The entire left half of the body was torn open, revealing the internal organs and the ribs that were broken.

“Lily, let me help you!” You Chan was worried, came to help, and knew that Fang Yuan’s real goal was her.

You Chan is completely unprepared and bitten by the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon.

Pū chī.

The thick blood, the gap between the teeth spurred a few strands.

Kā chā kā chā

Fang Yuan chewed a few times, and the original beautifully beautiful You Chan, completely became a muddy mixed mud sauce, fragrant and jade.

“Ah, my nephew!” Qin Baihe saw the beloved being murdered, and immediately screamed mournfully wails, her eyes flushed and her tears rolled down.

“Fang Yuan, you are the murderer, I am fighting with you!” Qin Baihe no longer dodge, rushing to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan sneered, to make a record of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and to solve the protection of Qin Baihe.

Immediately open mouth, spit out a smashing sword light Dragon Breath.

Dragon Breath In the past, Qin Baihe’s entire body was smashed, leaving only a good head, glaring and round, the beautiful face is still there, but the face is somewhat distorted, with bright red blood.

Fang Yuan fluttered past, stretching out Dragon Claw and pointing a shot.


Like a watermelon falling on the ground, Dragon Claw suddenly broke Qin Baihe’s head, blood bones and brains all around splashing.

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