Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Little Eastern Sea.

Dragon Scale Sea Area.

One Gu Immortal sleeves fluttering, suspended in midair, overlooking the sea at the foot.

His face is more common, but his temperament is extremely outstanding. A pair of black scorpions are deep and exudes a vicissitude.

It is Fang Yuan’s Time Dao Rank 6 Gu Immortal clone.

At this moment, the sea is stirring, the waves are ups and downs, but there is no sea breeze.

“My Paragon Immortal Aperture, there is no change in the imposing manner, so there is no ups and downs. And the reason why this Dragon Scale Sea Area is rolling is the Immortal Formation that I originally placed.”

Time Dao clone whispered in my heart.

Today’s Dragon Scale Sea Area is the first Sea Territory in Paragon Immortal Aperture. It was operated by Fang Yuan and invested huge capital.

Time Dao clone Look carefully, you will see the rolling waves, countless Dragon Fish shadows, rubbing scales, densely packed, the number is extremely terrifying.

Fang Yuan has invested heavily, and has the extremely rich Time Dao resources in Paragon Immortal Aperture. With the support of Gourmet Dao, Dragon Fish is extremely fast and the number is skyrocketing.

Not only Common’s Dragon Fish, but also a large number of Copper Dragon Fish, a lot of Iron Dragon Fish, and some Silver Dragon Fish.

Fang Yuan clone gaze through these Dragon Fish and search only in the depths of the Dragon Fish group.

Soon, he looked happy and found the target.

This is a golden light splendid Dragon Fish. The golden scales are dense and heavy, and the eyes are out of the stagnation of other Dragon Fish, with a vivid spirituality.

Compared with other Dragon Fish, it is the smallest, even less than the size of the palm of an ordinary person, and looks quite compact.

But in the observation of Fang Yuan clone, this golden scale Dragon Fish is full of Gourmet Dao’s Dao Marks, and there are few other different Dao Marks.

Don’t look at its small size, but the breath that comes out is the ancient Faran Desolate Beast!

Other Dragon Fish can only reach the Desolate Beast level, but the Gold Dragon Fish can reach the Far Ancient Desolate Beast level!

This is absolutely not to be underestimated. This means that after the Dragon Fish variety has been improved to the golden scale, it really breaks through the limits of the original species, breaking through the shackles and reaching a new height.

“At this point, Dragon Fish has cultivated Gold Dragon Fish, and it is the limit.” Fang Yuan clone sighed.

Far Ancient Dragon Fish swims in the sea, and Dragon Fish, whether it is common dragon fish or Desolate Beast Dragon Fish, whether it is Copper Dragon Fish, Iron Dragon Fish or Silver Dragon Fish, revolves around Far Ancient Dragon Fish.

Far Ancient Dragon Fish is the natural king of the Dragon Fish population. Once it appears, it will inevitably lead to the follow-up and support of countless downscale Dragon Fish.

“Even even my to cultivate Dragon Fish, the control of the Dragon Fish group is not as high as the Far Ancient Dragon Fish.” Fang Yuan clone blinked, and he was very concerned about this.

It can be said that at this moment, this group of Dragon Fish, if there is a fight between Far Ancient Dragon Fish and Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan is definitely not as good as the appeal of Far Ancient Dragon Fish.

This Far Ancient Desolate Beast can be used to sway all Dragon Fish’s desperate followers as soon as they appear on this Dragon Fish group.

“But it’s fine. Far Ancient Dragon Fish rules all other Dragon Fish, and I lead Far Ancient Dragon Fish. Unfortunately, the Dragon Fish species really don’t have any battle strength, even Far Ancient Dragon Fish, at Far Ancient. The Desolate Beast is also the bottom of the battle strength. So these Dragon Fish can only be used for sale.”

Time flies, and it’s a little half a month.

These days, You Chan has been quite tormented.

Although she developed the Silver Dragon Fish, she actually relied on Qin Baihe, Heavenly Court’s help, and of course she was on the finished product of Fang Yuan’s Silver Dragon Fish.

Therefore, although You Chan can cultivate the Silver Dragon Fish, its production is far from the orthodox figure of Fang Yuan.

In the Treasure Yellow Heaven market, in the Dragon Fish business, Fang Yuan still pressed You Chan.

The effect of Silver Dragon Fish is really good, and Fang Yuan has no price increase, which makes other Dragon Fish not competitive at all.

The scale of Silver Dragon Fish sold by Fang Yuan is far larger than You Chan.

The strength of both sides is clear at a glance, and Fang Yuan certainly has a clear advantage.

However, You Chan has not given up here, still in perseverance, she is firmly defended, and the defensive is quite tenacious.

White Crane Sea Territory.

Qin Baihe suddenly cheered: “Hahaha, finally solved this difficulty, and our means have been refined. Thus, Silver Dragon Fish’s output can be improved!”

You Chan looks awkward and has a gaze in his eyes.

This is the result of her half-month struggle with Qin Baihe, sleepless, and on on Heavenly Court.

“Just… even if we have such a result, the output speed of Silver Dragon Fish is still not as good as that of the opponent.” You Chan sighed.

“Little nephew, you don’t have to worry. As long as we continue to work hard, Silver Dragon Fish is not Audacity Gu, it will always be completely cracked. By then, our output will be comparable to that person.” Qin Baihe Very optimistic.

“But even so, we are just the same as that person. And it is too difficult to make improvements in this area. We don’t have this strength. In other words, we at most that is the one who maintains a draw.” This is still based on the fact that the other party is not launching the new Dragon Fish variety.” You Chan shook his head.

Qin Baihe open mouth I want to comfort You Chan, but I can’t say anything.

In fact, this commercial war has developed to this point, and the situation is clear.

You Chan is not a rival of Fang Yuan’s. He can only be beaten passively. After being beaten, he is trying hard to catch up and maintain a draw.

They did not counter the power to win, unless there were other powerful help, suddenly stepped in and helped them.

Heavenly Court is such a boost.

There is a large amount of Gourmet Dao inheritance in Heavenly Court.

But how can Fairy Ziwei help Qin Baihe and You Chan without compensation?

The two sides are also the relationship of the foreign Gu Immortal. Qin Baihe and You Chan are also very vigilant when they cooperate with Heavenly Court.

Fairy Ziwei is thinking about how to lure these two men into the chess pieces of Heavenly Court in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World.

The Five Regions chaotic Grand Era is coming, and the Heavenly Court is also laid out.

“I am afraid that this mysterious Gu Immortal, which sells Dragon Fish, is Fang Yuan.”

“Rely on his power, oppressing You Chan and Qin Baihe, will add to my Heavenly Court.”


In Heavenly Court, Fairy Ziwei also pays attention to Treasure Yellow Heaven.

But what worries her is that Fang Yuan has been slow to see the movement. Since the launch of Silver Dragon Fish, there has been no action, just to sell all kinds of Dragon Fish step by step.

In this case, Fairy Ziwei felt a little faint.

She knows that Fang Yuan is by no means the kind of person who is willing to give up.

“If this person is really Fang Yuan, there will definitely be a backhand.”

“He is a vicious and merciless person who never likes to leave a living path for others. The pattern of the Dragon Fish business is not the result he can accept.”

Just when Fairy Ziwei thought about it, You Chan over the Eastern Sea suddenly changed dramatically.

“What’s wrong, what?” Qin Baihe asked with concern.

“No, not good. My Dragon Fish sea experienced Gu Immortal raid! The entire gu formation has been destroyed, I have to go back immediately!!” You Chan yelled, very anxious.

Although she has many Dragon Fish in her Immortal Aperture, the real head is still in the Dragon Fish Sea Territory.

Dragon Fish Sea Territory is her key business, more than half of her body is on it, and suddenly it was suddenly attacked, it is still outstanding?

Qin Baihe suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. She grabbed You Chan’s hand: “I don’t want to be late, I will go with you. Rest assured, I have to see, who is it, eat the bear heart The leopard is bold, dare to swear in front of you and me!”

Immortal Gu Home, like a rainbow of red bursts, breakthrough the sea, and the anger of two fairy stalks, from the White Territory to the Dragon Fish Sea Territory.

The two Sea Territory are not so far away, which is one of the reasons why You Chan is more assured and stays on Qin Baihe.

So when they arrived at the Dragon Fish Sea Territory, the accused Gu Immortal had not left.

You Chan’s Immortal Dao gu formation has been broken, and Gu Immortals opened the Immortal Aperture Portal and continually searched for Dragon Fish.

“Great Dog’s Courage!” Rao is a good mood for You Chan. At this moment, he saw his hard-fed Dragon Fish, who was directly robbed. He was also angry and his eyes were upside down.

“Who are you, dare to commit my woman’s field, today is your death!!” Qin Baihe yelled, but on the side of You Chan sound transmission.

“Hey, be careful. This person is weird, and you look at his way of searching for Dragon Fish, it seems very sharp.”

Although Qin Baihe is angry, he has not lost his mind and clearly judged the situation of the scene. All kinds of clues and details can be seen.

You Chan followed Qin Baihe’s instructions and took a closer look.

I saw the mysterious Gu Immortal, who did not use the Immortal Dao method, but only drove a small Far Ancient Desolate Beast, letting You Chan raise his own Dragon Fish obediently obediently, all follow, go to the enemy Immortal Aperture is in the middle.

You Chan then carefully distinguished, and my heart was even more surprised: “What happened? This small gold scale Far Ancient Desolate Beast seems to be Dragon Fish? Gold…Dragon Fish?don’t tell me This person is me at Treasure Yellow Heaven The opponent is not in the middle? Wait, according to Heavenly Court’s point of view, then this person is probably the Fang Yuan?!”

You Chan just thought of it, it was charging Gu Immortal of Dragon Fish, Shi Shiran closed his own Immortal Aperture and turned to the two angry fairies.

“You are finally here, I don’t know that I deliberately delayed the time and let you come. He He He, in Fang Yuan, remember this name.”

“Before you die, you know the name of the murderer who killed him. It is the kindness that I have given you.”

Fang Yuan said this, a bang, the surrounding Heaven and Earth changed, an Immortal Dao battlefield suddenly rose, covering You Chan and Qin Baihe.

Qin Baihe, You Chan turn pale with fright, look at each other and see each other’s pale face.

Fang Yuan is a fierce player who is fighting for Rank 8. How could he suddenly come here?

He was not chased by Heavenly Court. Didn’t know which corner to go to?

How dare he, how dare to run out!

Moreover, it is so arrogant and murderous that it directly invades the sea of ​​others Gu Immortal in broad daylight! !

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