A few days after the delivery of Copper Dragon Fish.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is already picking up.

“What is this Dragon Fish?”

“Copper Dragon Fish? What’s new in species?”

“Listen to the seller’s words, this Copper Dragon Fish is better than the Common Dragon Fish.”

“haha, there is a good show here.”

“right, I thought this seller has been defeated by You Chan. I didn’t expect him to fight for so many days, actually made such a sharp counterattack!”

“The ability to have a Copper Dragon Fish is good for us. It can be inferred that the seller is in possession of Gourmet Dao’s True Inheritance.” Many Gu Immortal envy, especially those of Gu Immortal.

The problem of Immortal Gu feeding is not just the martyrdom of Fang Yuan alone.

Gourmet Dao True Inheritance, many Gu Immortal experts want to get it, and suffer from no chance.

However, Treasure Yellow Heaven is very safe and Heavenly Court is helpless. These Gu Immortal experts directly find the will of Fang Yuan.

They talked directly about Gourmet Dao True Inheritance, indicating their strong desire to acquire.

No matter who it is, Fang Yuan ignores it.

There is too much inheritance in his hands. If you let go, you will be able to detonate the market and make a lot of money.

But the Haus is undoubtedly the enemy.

The next Grand Era, the Five Regions, is open, and anyone can be a Fang Yuan’s enemy. Heavenly Court is a deadly enemy!

“Check, give me the identity of this seller.” Fang Yuan refused to see, but still some people did not give up.

Some Rank 8 Gu Immortal decided to collect Fang Yuan’s intelligence and clues, then figure it out for themselves, or find other Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal to help.

His people are not guilty and guilty.

Most of the troubles of feeding Immortal Gu are due to the number of Immortal Gu in the hand.

There are many Immortal Gus, and these Gu Immortal are basically well-know figures in the same cultivation base. And Gourmet Dao True Inheritance is not as simple as solving the Immortal Gu feeding problem.

And the Dragon Fish business!

The emergence of Copper Dragon Fish suddenly made Gu Immortals saw. Under the means of Gourmet Dao True Inheritance, this business will have great potential!

However, they are doomed to fail.

Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao is a defense, even Hua An, one of the three Wisdom Dao in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World. On Heavenly Court, there is nothing to do with Will of Heaven.

Once Fang Yuan, once for the shadow projection, and hiding. Today, he has begun to ignore such troubles.

A very common Copper Dragon Fish, held by You Chan’s hands, the Copper Dragon Fish from time to time also twisted.

You Chan’s hand is shaking gently, her face is even more ugly.

This small and inconspicuous Copper Dragon Fish, in the eyes of You Chan, is a huge threat. This is far lower than the price of Fang Yuan, which is terrifying and much more serious.

“I didn’t expect that this opponent could actually make such a counterattack. It is really powerful. My previous concerns are completely correct.”

For a moment, You Chan calmed down and sighed.

The emergence of Copper Dragon Fish directly harmed her Dragon Fish business and was a fundamental threat.

The degree is extremely serious, and the situation has suddenly become very serious for You Chan!

In fact, not only is her Dragon Fish business, but the Dragon Fish business in the whole world is subject to the strong challenge of Copper Dragon Fish!

“I have experimented a lot, and the Copper Dragon Fish is indeed better than the Common Dragon Fish because it has more proportion of Gourmet Dao’s Dao Marks with the body. What should I do?”

You Chan pursing lips, full of solemn color.

Her temperament is tenacious. At this time, after accepting the reality, the heart emerged with a strong unwillingness.

“I have worked so hard for so many years of cultivation, can you easily defeat?”

“Dragon Fish business is my most important economic pillar. If it is a glimpse, it will be too much harm to my cultivation.”

“Never admit defeat!”

“Yes, my You Chan is not a delicate woman, how can I admit defeat?”

“Copper Dragon Fish, since the other side can support and cultivate, why can’t I?”

You Chan pinches his fists, his eyes are bright and swaying, and his chest is filled with strong fighting spirit.

She has to fight, try it out and improve the Copper Dragon Fish.

Only in this way, she can fight against this mysterious enemy at the moment, otherwise she will not be qualified for the fight by relying solely on Common Dragon Fish.

You Chan is not blindly confident, she also has the background of Gourmet Dao.

She inherited a Gourmet Dao inheritance, but there is no such thing as Fang Yuan.

Although Gourmet Dao is rarely spread, Gu Immortal of cultivation Gourmet Dao is far more than just founder.

It is because You Chan has taken the nutrients from Gourmet Dao inheritance that she chose the Dragon Fish business as her pillar industry.

In fact, she has been trying to improve the quality of Dragon Fish. It’s just that she hasn’t had a breakthrough penetration of the progress of nothing more.

“But now, the results of the improvement of Dragon Fish are in front of me.”

“I didn’t make progress before because Gourmet Dao didn’t make up. Now that I have a finished product like Copper Dragon Fish, I reversed it. If I can’t push it back, I can just kill it directly.”

“hehe, you may not think about it, your Copper Dragon Fish asked the market, but it became a chance for me to improve!”

You Chan is full of enthusiasm and actively researches the Copper Dragon Fish. In the days that followed, she was crazy, sleepless nights.

On this side, Fang Yuan is also working hard to support and constantly calculate to solve the Spring and Autumn Cicada’s problem.

Step by step and difficult to move forward, it is like a person who is seriously ill, dragging the weak pace, to climb the steep mountain.


But no matter how hard and difficult, I can’t resist Fang Yuan’s ambition.

He steadily moved forward, and although every step was quite difficult, the results were few, but under the gradual accumulation, the accumulated results became more and more gratifying.

In the process, Fang Yuan once again deeply felt the power of Wisdom Halo.

The more he uses it, the deeper his feelings.

Bathed in Wisdom Halo, Fang Yuan is inspired and these inspirations point in the right direction.

Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, the more he supported him.

Between 恍惚, more than half a month passed.

On this day, Fang Yuan suddenly swayed his arms and screamed.


He finally figured out the success and found the solution to Spring and Autumn Cicada’s.

Almost at the same time.

Eastern Sea, the windless Dragon Fish Sea Territory, suddenly burst into waves.

In the depths of the seabed, You Chan excitedly waved his arms and looked at the currents and vented his joy.

“I have succeeded!”

“The new breed of Copper Dragon Fish has been researched by me.”

“Although I have to rely on the other party’s Copper Dragon Fish to introduce, but with 1~2 only Copper Dragon Fish, I can breed more Copper Dragon Fish.”

“This battle of Dragon Fish, I will never lose!”

“What are the tricks, don’t hesitate to go all out.”

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