Eastern Sea seabed.

“What a shame, You Chan, you come in a thousand miles, but I didn’t help you in the end.” Hua An smiled, facing You Chan.

The two are now at the same time.

You Chan came to Hua An for help, but because of Fang Yuan’s perfect Wisdom Dao defense, Hua An not only did not figure out what to do, but also exposed You Chan’s own situation first.

Hearing Hua An’s rather embarrassing words, You Chan shook his head. She looked at Hua An’s two white hairs, sincerely said: “Hua An, don’t say that. You don’t hesitate to lose life essence for my business. I’m thinking about it, I’m in your heart, and I’m in the heart. The reason is that it’s not successful, it’s just the other’s stronger nothing.”

Hua An nodded: “Your opponent of this time is very simple. Anyway, I didn’t help you this time. If there is anything I need to help in the future, I will come to me. As long as you don’t deny me Wisdom Dao. ”

“He He He, you.” You Chan laughed, Hua An’s guarantee made her look bright, and the haze in her heart dissipated a lot.

Two people say goodbye.

You Chan is flying high in the air.

The oncoming wind, blowing her sleeves fluttering.

Through this cold wind, she is as calm as ice.

“Although the opponent is very strong, I will not give up like this!”

“Although Hua An didn’t figure out what to do, it doesn’t mean I don’t have the power. It’s time to counterattack with my own means.”

You Chan is determined to look at the sea and sky, with a strong face.

You Chan has a new move, and Fang Yuan will soon be obtained.

He has also been paying attention to this You Chan.

You Chan sells Dragon Fish and adds a new regulation. As long as the old customer buys Dragon Fish from her, there is a discount. For ten years, as long as she buys Dragon Fish in her for several years, the discount will increase.

This method, she immediately stabilized the situation. Many buyers who were attracted to Fang Yuan before returned to her.

You Chan this method, making full use of its own advantage, is bullying Fang Yuan in the Dragon Fish business, is a newcomer!

The same method, if Fang Yuan copied, the effect is absolutely no better than You Chan.

Not only did You Chan do this, but he also increased the storage of Dragon Fish. She instilled more Dragon Fish into Treasure Yellow Heaven, almost piled up into mountains, and various Desolate Beast Dragon Fish can be described as hordes.

She is showing her own strong capital in the bare, bare and bare land.

This two-pronged approach, immediately received excellent results.

The atmosphere of public opinion in Treasure Yellow Heaven almost completely fell to You Chan.

“You Chan is the number one player. I didn’t expect her to be in Dragon Fish. The strength is so strong.”

“The challenger, it is estimated that it is a bit silly now. No matter who he is, there is still a gap with You Chan.”

“You Chan has been in business for a long time, and her first throne is not so challenging.”

“Let’s wait and see for a while, I always feel that this mysterious challenger is not that simple.”

There are also a handful of Gu Immortal looking forward to the Fang Yuan’s reaction.

However, in the following period of time, Fang Yuan did not have any movements, as if he had not received any news from You Chan.

Fang Yuan still sells Dragon Fish according to the previous regulation. Although it has just started to pick up the business, it has a huge blow.

“You Chan’s current strength, far surpasses to me. I am thin at the moment, and if it is dead, it is not what the wise man does.” Even Fang Yuan himself, after seeing You Chan’s handiwork, had to admit that he himself On the background of the Dragon Fish business, You Chan is more than just a chance.

Fang Yuan How long does it take to raise Dragon Fish, You Chan is much older than his time. This is a gap in accumulation. Fang Yuan is not catching up in a short period of time.

Fang Yuan’s counterattacks and provocations, Fang Yuan was patient.

This made the originally observed Gu Immortals, completely abandoned the expectation of Fang Yuan’s.

Only You Chan went there, but he didn’t have the slightest luck.

Fang Yuan’s is not moving, making her feel quite surprised and more worried.

Unstrapped swords tend to be the most terrifying, because if Fang Yuan moves and reacts, You Chan can follow Fang Yuan’s behavior to plan how to counterattack. But Fang Yuan is now motionless, and You Chan doesn’t know how to make a plan. It is natural to worry about emotions.

“Then should I win the pursuit? Force him to react?” You Chan thought about it, but chose a safe method.

“And that’s all, the situation today is very beneficial to me. If I continue, it will not be a few months. The situation of this mysterious opponent’s previous operations will fall apart and lose nearly exhausted.”

“In this case, what am I worried about? It should be that the other party is in a hurry.”

You Chan cultivation Water Dao, knowing that the good is good, the truth is too late.

Fang Yuan continued to observe for a few days, and soon found that You Chan also began to stand still.

His heart sighed and understood: This Dragon Fish business, he encountered a rather difficult opponent.

However, Fang Yuan is not in a hurry.

For the Dragon Fish business, he has a well-established deployment.

“As long as the time goes back, my advantage will be greater. At this time, I will bear it for the time being.”

Immortal Aperture runs this piece and is stuck in the Dragon Fish business, but this does not prevent Fang Yuan’s other cultivation.

The soul background has been bumped and raised to eight 10,000,000 Human Soul level. It should have been on the 100,000,000 Human Soul long ago, but in this period of time, Fang Yuan constantly practiced the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul Fragment, causing the soul to be injured and wear the background.

But this way, Fang Yuan’s harvest is the Soul Fragment ultimate move, the more the number. In the meantime, he even used Wisdom Halo to make some minor improvements to the Soul Fragment ultimate move.

In addition to Soul Fragment, some other Soul Dao ultimate move, Fang Yuan is also practicing.

However, these ultimate move, the power is much weaker than the original, because Immortal Gu is not enough.

Fang Yuan’s focus at this time has been placed on Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu.

Unlike most of Gu Immortal, whenever Fang Yuan has one Immortal Gu, his strength can quickly grow. This is because he inherited the inheritance of massive, and there is no lack of methods to use Immortal Gu.

Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu was created by Old Man Yan Shi, and Old Man Yan Shi is also Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Soul Fragment.

Fang Yuan takes out Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu.

Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu swings seven pairs of wings, floating in front of Fang Yuan’s.

Until now, Fang Yuan has to sigh his Luck Qi every time he sees this Immortal Gu.

He was absolutely not expected, he participated in refining Heavenly Mystery only twice, the second time was successful!

Be aware that this is the Rank 7 Immortal Gu!

This success is very lucky, and Fang Yuan when recalling feels like a dream. I really want him to come again. He has no confidence. This kind of success cannot be copied.

This is how refining Immortal Gu can make Gu Immortal ups and downs.

Sometimes refining gu, failed hundreds of times, success is nowhere in sight. And sometimes refining gu, 1~2 times succeeded!

Fang Yuan has experienced refining many times and has not succeeded. She has also experienced this time to make Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu. For refining gu, he is really not sure.

This is a pit!

Unlike other Immortal Gus, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move built around Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu is very rare.

This is because Old Man Yan Shi created Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu. In fact, it has not been many years, and it is worth a lot of Shadow Sect. It requires Old Man Yan Shi to plan completely, so he only designed several ultimate move that’s all.

The most important of these is the highest value, Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery.

This ultimate move can predict the content of Heavenly Disaster and Earthly Tribulation in advance, and what is the significance of this!

As long as the prediction is successful and targeted, the success rate of Gu Immortal transcends tribulation will be soaring, this is one Immortal Gu that has a huge impact on Gu Immortal World.

“Maybe in the future, can I do this kind of business?” Fang Yuan moved.

Such a business, once the formation of word of mouth, can not talk about the day to enter the gold, but it is absolutely not open for three years, open for three years!

Absolutely there is a big market.

However, in the current situation, Fang Yuan thought for a moment, or decided to forget.

Because he does not intend to expose Immortal Gu now.

The biggest enemy is Heavenly Court.

For ten years, he needs to do his best to prevent Heavenly Court from completely repairing Fate Gu.

Today, although he is developing rapidly, but still far from this goal, there is still a distant gap of a vast distance, and there is no hope of success.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yuan needs to regard Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu as his own trump card. If he is doing business, Heavenly Court’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal will not be trifled with, and will certainly be able to detect such a situation.

Therefore, Fang Yuan still intends to hide Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu and keep it secret.

Don’t want to waste a minute, Fang Yuan starts tempering ultimate move.

This ultimate move, centered on Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu, is not Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery but Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will.

In a short time, Fang Yuan does not have to rush to practice Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery.

Because Earthly Disaster and Heavenly Tribulation are not terrifying, it is easy for him to pass.

In the Rank 7 phase, the only risk is Vast Tribulation.

And he is still a long time away from Vast Tribulation.

Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will is a Wisdom Dao ultimate move with a heart of Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu, specifically for Will of Heaven, to drive Will of Heaven clean.

This move was created by Old Man Yan Shi, but he did not succeed, so he fell into Fang Yuan’s hand, Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will is just a Remnant Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan has been practicing for a while, and Remnant Ultimate Move will not succeed, but this experience has made him more familiar with the internal myfoundy of Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will.

He can’t help but sigh with the talent of Old Man Yan Shi.

With the traction of Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu, Will of Heaven can also be directly attacked and even erased by Gu Immortal.

However, there are still many relationships in this, far from true success.

But these have nothing to do with Fang Yuan.

His Wisdom Dao Realm is not as good as Old Man Yan Shi, but the basics are still there. His biggest advantage is that he can use Wisdom Halo!

Here, Wisdom Gu once again reflects the wonderful power of the Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

A few days later, Fang Yuan completed the Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will ultimate move.

Mastered this approach, he began to start with Spring and Autumn Cicada!

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