The banquet is lively and extraordinary, and the engagement banquet is politically significant.

Not only for the different race, but also for Fang Yuan.

For the toast of nonhuman Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan all are welcome, and with his social skills, he and the nonhuman Gu Immortals are greatly closer.

Fang Yuan originally’s identity is rather embarrassing.

He is a pure Human Race, and in the big league of different races, he is born to be a political loneliness. Nonhuman Gu Immortals has natural doubts about Fang Yuan.

But this time, Fang Yuan and Xue’er are engaged, which gives people a completely different look. It can be said that it successfully squeezed into the circle of nonhuman Gu Immortal. Prior to this, Fang Yuan just integrated into the Langya school nothing more.

“Of course, the real key, or I have the Rank 8 battle strength.” On this point, Fang Yuan is in the air.

Gu Master World, this is the unique Heaven and Earth that everyone and every one is above the collective. As long as the cultivation base is superb and the battle strength is extraordinary, it will be unprofitable.

“If I know that I have Rank 8 battle strength, will You Chan retreat?” Fang Yuan’s mind suddenly rushed out of this single thought head.

The Dragon Fish business is the next focus of the operation of Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture.

If You Chan is reluctant to leave, for Fang Yuan, it will be perfect. But unfortunately, You Chan will not do this.

Fang Yuan shook his head in secret.

You Chan is a vested person, and it is difficult for her to spit out the cake. With Treasure Yellow Heaven, even the Rank 6 Gu Immortal dare to scream in the business and Rank 8 Gu Immortal, even provocative.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is a place that even Heavenly Court can’t touch!

“You Chan ……Eastern Sea Six beautiful people…Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower body…” Fang Yuan is socializing while thinking.

Others don’t know the secret of You Chan, but after Fang Yuan inherits the Shadow Sect legacy, it is obtained with many key intelligence. It is pointed out that You Chan is the Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower body of one of the Ten Perfect Physiques!

This is the big secret of You Chan, which is well hidden by her, but Shadow Sect has a special way to search for Ten Perfect Physiques.

Shadow Sect In order to refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, you must search for and collect Ten Perfect Physiques. In the process, Shadow Sect discovered the secret of You Chan.

But at the time, Shadow Sect already had the Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower body, so there was no start for You Chan.

As for You Chan, obviously Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower, why cultivation Water Dao, this is the difficulty of the rogue cultivator. You Chan got Water Dao inheritance in the past, there is no other choice, so I have to go all the way to cultivation.

After that, changing the genre was very troublesome and risky, and You Chan has been cultivating to this day.

Fang Yuan this time can be calculated as You Chan to test himself, on the one hand because Fang Yuan holds a lot of information from You Chan and knows that Dragon Fish is her biggest rival in the business of Dragon Fish. On the other hand, Fang Yuan owns the Ghost Official Clothes, inherits many of the Ultra Mountain True Monarch’s ultimate move, and has the means of Shadow Sect and Langya School’s numerous inheritance.

As for the Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower body, there is a clear record in the twenty-seventh chapter of Chapter 4 of Human Ancestor Biography.

In other words, Littleman surpassed Forest Sea Reincarnation, relied on perseverance, built a ladder, and got rid of Ordinary Abyss.

Littleman saw Human Ancestor, Human Ancestor lamented that if he had Perseverance Gu, he would be able to overcome Adverse Current River and not cause so much trouble.

Human Ancestor wants to save his children, but until now, he has not done anything.

Human Ancestor saw that Littleman had Perseverance Gu and gave birth to new hopes. He said to Littleman: “Littleman, Littleman, I want to ask you to do me a favor.”

Littleman asked: “Human Ancestor, what do you want me to do for you?”

Human Ancestor tells Littleman that he wants to use Littleman’s Perseverance Gu.

Littleman said: “Human Ancestor, the reason why I can get rid of the ordinary abyss is to rely on the trees you planted. I cut down the trees and build them into ladders to let me climb. So, I owe you a favor. It.”

Littleman agreed to lend Perseverance Gu to Human Ancestor.

But after Human Ancestor got Perseverance Gu, he found that he couldn’t use it.

“This is Littleman’s perseverance, not your Human Ancestor’s perseverance.” Thought Gu appeared at this time, telling Human Ancestor the truth.

Human Ancestor is sad and deeply sighed.

He asked Thought Gu: “What should I do? I know Perseverance Gu can help me, but I can’t use it. I know Featherman can help me, but Passion can’t tell me to control those Featherman.”

Thought Gu tells Human Ancestor: “No one can force others to love him, but you can create a gu to let Featherman do things for you. think about it, Littleman How does He have Perseverance Gu.”

The words of Thought Gu are very inspiring to Human Ancestor’s.

Human Ancestor is delighted: “Thought Gu, thank you, give me such a good suggestion. I know what to do, I have to create a gu myself.”

Thought Gu curiously asked: “What kind of jealousy would that be?”

Human Ancestor shook his head: “I am not too clear, but I already have an idea. I want to make this a thing that everyone in the world wants.”

So Human Ancestor left Ordinary Abyss, arrived in the Blue Ocean.

This is the blue sea that gave birth to Life Gu, the source of all life in the whole world.

Human Ancestor is coming ashore from the blue ocean, and now he is back here.

Human Ancestor was thirsty. He picked up the blue sea and drank a few mouthfuls. But the more he thirsty, the more he was satisfied. Human Ancestor was very satisfied: “I want to use this blue sea water to refining gu. After refining, no matter who it is. Get it, it won’t be satisfied, I want more.”

As a result, Human Ancestor took away many of the blue ocean waters.

The sea is reduced and the beach is exposed. Human Ancestor found many sea urchins lying on the beach.

This is not Life Gu, but hard work.

There will be hard work in any life.

Human Ancestor shines brightly, he said: “I want to refine the shackles, people need to, but want to get, more or less will work hard.”

So, he collected a lot of hard work.

After completing this, Human Ancestor left the Blue Ocean and went to the Life and Death Gate.

Into the door, Human Ancestor did not go directly into the Life and Death Gate, but just turned around on the road.

He collected a lot of worries, he said: “I am smashed, people can not abandon when they get it, they will worry that it will be lost.”

Leaving Life and Death Gate, on the road, Human Ancestor encountered sadness.

Human Ancestor laughed happily: “It’s great, I want to make it. If people lose it, they will be very sad. This way, people will not even throw it away.”

So he collected these sadness again.

Human Ancestor collected all of these things, so he started refining gu.

The refining gu’s fire burned and burned a lot of black smoke, attracting a lot of cockroaches and life to watch.

“Human Ancestor, what are you going to do?” Stupid is attracted, curiously asked.

Human Ancestor is said with a smile : “Stupid, stupid, if you want to know, it’s better to get into the fire and see it.”

Stupid cockroaches drilled in and the results did not come out.

Soon after, Wisdom Gu was also attracted. It asked: “Human Ancestor, what are you going to do?”

Human Ancestor is also said with a smile : “Wisdom Gu, Wisdom Gu, if you want to know, it’s better to get into the fire and see it.”

Wisdom Gu also flew in.

However, it just flew into the black smoke, was blinded by the eyes, fluttered for a while, then flew out.

“Human Ancestor, Human Ancestor, I was almost cheated by you. I have already seen what you have to do, I am leaving.” Saying, Wisdom Gu flew away.

Human Ancestor felt a pity, lamenting: “Thus, my sorrow, after being made, can make stupid people a slave, and can make wise people suffer from a moment of blindness.”

However, one day passed and another day passed.

The fire of refining gu is burning constantly, but it never succeeds.

Burning black smoke, for a very long time without dispersing, suspended in the air, turned into a vast dark cloud that masks Heaven and Earth.

“Human Ancestor, you should be a fellow, still a step. This last step is the most crucial step.” Thought Gu said.

Human Ancestor nodded, he stood up resolutely and walked in front of the fire: “It seems that such a beggar needs to be created with human hands.”

So, Human Ancestor cut his hands and threw them into the fire.

Call bang!

The flame suddenly exploded, and the endless smoky dark clouds in the sky were exhausted. Under the golden sunlight, a girl appeared in front of Human Ancestor’s.

“Father, thank you, you gave me life, my name is Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower.” The girl was covered with pearly Treasure Qi and smiled at Human Ancestor.

Human Ancestor looks at her, laughing: “haha, I have another daughter. But wait, how is my refining?”

Ten Thousand Golden Wonderful Flower spreads the right hand and lifts the cockroach in front of Human Ancestor’s and says, “Father, you see, this is what you have made, it is called wealth.”

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