Southern Border.

Drizzle, the wind and the wind, the green hills in the dim night, calm and peaceful.

On the nameless mountain, a huge pine, pine cover, and pavilion, has grown from germination to six years.

“Come on, fast, and in half an hour, I can make the Pine needle Immortal Gu of Rank 7. Six years of hard work…” Rank 7 is eager to look forward to Zheng Qing.

He is Wood Dao Gu Immortal, this time refining gu, is the use of wood refining.

Although it takes a long time, it uses the Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable’s method, so the success rate is quite high.

Zheng Qing originally is just a mortal who cuts wood on the mountain and falls off the cliff. As a result, he is supported by a towering giant lotus in the valley.

By chance, Zheng Qing has inherited a Wood Dao inheritance from Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable.

After painstaking cultivation, he became Gu Immortal. Slowly cultivation, rarely go out, hundreds of years, and become a Rank 7 situation.

His temperament is quiet, and he has to say that Origin Lotus True Inheritance is really suitable for him. This time refining gu, he incarnation Qingsong, a stay is six years, wind and rain is not awkward, silent close-door cultivation, let the outside world change.

Hong long long ……

At this moment, suddenly from the depths of the underground, there was a deep roar, as if thousands of monsters were roaring.

“What happened?” Zheng Qing naturally heard the sound and suddenly became alert.

“I don’t make sense. My refining gu method is from Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable. Whether it is the process of refining gu or the end of refining gu, it is natural evolution, and mysteriously quiet, there is no possibility of leaking. So it is unlikely Leading people to snatch, etc…”

Zheng Qing was first confused, and immediately moved in the heart.

He thought of an answer.

He also experienced such a change a few months ago.

That time, the earth shook, as if an unprecedented python had turned over in the depths of the underground. Although it didn’t have much impact, it really scared Zheng Qing.

Afterwards, Zheng Qing communicated with Treasure Yellow Heaven, only to know that a huge earthquake, unprecedented in scale, covered the entire Southern Border.

“Don’t tell me this time is the same?”

Zheng Qing’s guess is soon confirmed.

Sure enough, as he thought, this time is still an earthquake like before. However, the scale is beyond the expectations of Zheng Qing.

Hong long long !

The terrifying earthquake seems to be devour everything, and Heaven and Earth are shocking, as if the end is coming. The huge gully is produced and stretches 10 Million Li.

Zheng Qing Unfortunately, the unknown hill he is in is being swallowed by the ravine.

The hill collapsed, and Zheng Qing still wanted to perseverance, but when he reached the limit, he had to restore the human form.

Rao is his good mood. At this moment, he must be vomiting blood. Six years of hard work will see the result, but it will be turned into nothing at this moment.

“What is the earthquake like this! How can I be so bad luck…Eh!”

Suddenly, his bloody red eyes were suddenly big.

I saw a huge mountain in the vast gully. The stone is orange-yellow, crystal-like. There are countless holes in the surface of the stone. The holes are as big as houses, some are as small as fists, and a lot of yellow smoke is spewed out from these holes.

These smog became more and more intense, and soon they turned into soil around them. The original orange-yellow boulder was covered in a thick layer of soil in just a dozen breaths.

Zheng Qing has a shortness of breath. He has Origin Lotus True Inheritance. He is very knowledgeable and knows like this treasure.

“This turned out to be the Earth Dao in the ground! This is Rank 8 immortal materials… Wait a minute!” Zheng Qing investigates the extreme move and expands further and further.

His “both eyes” grew bigger and bigger, and he exclaimed in his mouth: “I didn’t read it wrong? Not only Earth Dao, but also jade scales, ground caves, spring thunder condensation beads…”

These immortal materials are of high value and are also very large in number.

The feeling of failure of refining gu has been thrown away by Zheng Qing, and he has rushed to collect these Heaven and Earth Treasures.

Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land.

Fang Yuan cultivation is Sword Dao ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Threefold Sword Wave !

Huā huā huā !

The splendid silver water waves are raging and lingering. The 3-Layer wave is full of momentum and waves, all of which are sharp and flawless.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Invisible Flying Sword!

Flying Sword Immortal Gu suddenly flew out and suddenly disappeared, and the speed was fast.

Fang Yuan is of course able to accurately sense the position of Flying Sword Immortal Gu, but it is difficult for others. This is one of Bo Qing’s ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Cloud Flying Sword!

Fang Yuan took a shot with both palms, and suddenly the clouds sprang and quickly spread. The sword is boundless, unpredictable, invisible and inferior.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Miles Flying Sword!

Fang Yuan reached out and pointed out that the sword light was like a streak of white light. Through Heaven and Earth, thousands of miles flew in the blink of an eye, and it was extremely accurate.

The final highlight, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword !

Fang Yuan took a shot with both hands and put it in the chest. Then the right hand smashed up, like pinning the endless sword light into the palm of his hand. Then his right fist slowly lifted and hovered over his head.

The first is a loose thumb, a light sound, a sharp sword light suddenly shot, the Cloud Cover Continent directly through.

Then the index finger and the middle finger are straightened out, and each has two sword light jets. The formidable power is very strong.

But the ring finger and the little finger are stretched out. After shooting the three-finger sword light, Fang Yuan will stop the ultimate move.

After some practice, Fang Yuan stood in place, realized and summed up.

“In these days, I have sorted out the Sword Dao ultimate move and summed up the five tricks. Except for the Threefold Sword Wave from Langya School, the other four moves are Bo Qing’s means, but they have all been improved.”

“Sword Dao’s situation is different from Wisdom Dao. Sword Dao Immortal Gu does not have Wisdom Dao, and Realm is far worse, so the improvement is limited. The power of ultimate move and Bo Qing are quite different. Especially the last move 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword, originally known as the ancient and modern, is the ultimate move of Megatron, but at this moment I can only urge the three-finger sword light, has reached the limit. At the same time, the attack power is only Rank 7 peak level.”

“If I can call the Rank 8 Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu, the power of the Sword Dao ultimate move can be promoted to the Rank 8 level.”

Unfortunately, Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu is difficult to trigger, it must be Rank 8 immortal essence.

Fang Yuan does not have Rank 8 himself, and can’t produce Rank 8 immortal essence.

In Fang Yuan’s hand There are three major Rank 8 Immortal Gus, Manner Gu, Years Flow Like Water, and Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu. Among them, Manner Gu is Legendary Immortal Gu, which is recorded in Human Ancestor Biography. The requirements for the use are very low. Years Flow Like Water is a bit worse, depending on the quality and quantity of Gu Immortal immortal essence. Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu is the normal Rank 8 Immortal Gu. Although it is a matter of Fang Yuan, it must be triggered by Rank 8 immortal essence.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has a huge room for growth in Sword Dao, but so far, after this round of development, it has reached the limit temporarily.

After the ultimate move was completed, Fang Yuan didn’t want to waste some idle time. After returning to Cloud City, he started the construction of Immortal Aperture.

Paragon Immortal Aperture, north end of Little Northern Plains.

The snow is flying, the coldness is overflowing, the snow is deep, and the airiness is different from before.


Occasionally there are a few Snow Monsters, squatting in the heavy snow, making a few quirks.

At the northern end, there is a mountain-like crystal stone.

This stone, the color of the water blue, is like a crystal texture, and the body is covered with large and small holes. There are a large number of holes, from which a frosty cold mist is constantly ejected. It is these fogs that have fundamentally greatly enhanced the surrounding environment.

Ice Dao Crystal!

This is Rank 8 immortal materials, quite rare. From Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm “Hū”, there is very little circulation in the market.

The first time I saw this Ice Dao Jing Jing, Fang Yuan lamented: “I don’t think of Snowman’s inventory, there are such good things!”

But immediately, Fang Yuan understood it.

Don’t look at it now, the Snowman family is not easy to live in, and the situation is embarrassing, but think about it carefully, how can the Snowman group that survived the cruel rush of the times be simple?

At least in all Snowman communities, this one was well-know figure at the time. It’s just a shackle, and now it’s in a bad situation, but it’s brilliant in the past.

Ice Dao is one of the key elements of the Snowman’s third gift.

As for why the Snowman family expressed such great sincerity, Fang Yuan did not have to guess that he must have defeated Immemorial Desolate Beast Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon before, and the battle scene was recorded by Xue’er and conveyed to the Snowman family.

However, this is what Fang Yuan deliberately indulges and is happy to see.

“With this Ice Dao crystal, you can create a production line for Snow Monster. Over time, it will be my new economic pillar!”

Looking forward to the future, Sixth Hair secretly heard the news: “Sect Master, Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu’s refining has reached the key steps, please come to refining gu!”

Fang Yuan suddenly consciousness.

If you can make Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu, the next Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster will become predictable.

As long as it is a gu cultivator, it is important to know what it means!

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