On the Soul Shaking Mountain, Audacity Gu is everywhere.

Fang Yuan picked up all the way and continued to grow his own soul.

His soul background began to skyrocket, and after a hard time, it rose directly from the original 1,000,000 Human Soul to five 1,000,000 Human Soul levels.

A feeling of bulging to the extreme, about to be blasted, filling Fang Yuan’s heart.

Fang Yuan has reached the limit and walked out of Soul Shaking Mountain to Unrestrained Valley.

After some cultivation, his soul was tempered, as if the steel was constantly roasted and honed in the fire, and it became more and more exquisite.

This time, his soul background is stable on the one hundred and fifty 10,000 Human Soul.

“At the 1,000,000 Human Soul level, each time cultivation is a rise of fifty 10,000 Human Soul?”

“Recounting the need for reassuring, and the time of Audacity Gu production, I need at least half a year to reach the level of 10,000,000 Human Soul.”

Fang Yuan estimated it and frowned slightly.

This degree, he is still too slow.

Ten years later, ten years later, Heavenly Court completed the restoration of Fate Immortal Gu. By that time, Heavenly Court will have an absolute advantage, and Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect are almost hopeless.

It takes half a year to reach 10,000,000 Human Soul and then 100,000,000 Human Soul. Above the 100,000,000 Human Soul, there is a higher level.

Fang Yuan is not satisfied with this degree.

“If I can increase the production of Audacity Gu, the degree can be improved.”

Now it is the production of Audacity Gu that restricts his soul background.

Soul Shaking Mountain is undoubtedly a cornucopia, but it requires a lot of good quality souls to produce a steady stream of Audacity Gu.

According to the original agreement, part of these Audacity Gus was attributed to Langya School, which was sold by Langya Earth Spirit to make a profit. The other part belongs to Fang Yuan.

Today, Fang Yuan uses this part of the Audacity Gu for his own Soul Dao cultivation. Leading to his economic pillar in this regard, he suddenly lost a big chunk.

Fortunately, before the Year Gu business, I made a big profit, and there is a lot of money in Fang Yuan’s hand.

Fang Yuan calculated that it was not wise to negotiate with Langya Earth Spirit to change the share of Audacity Gu on both sides. Because Fang Yuan also relies on Langya School, not only hides in Langya Blessed Land, but also relies on Langya School’s refining gu ability to help himself refining gu.

Before the first batch of refining gu plans, the three Immortal Gus brought great help to Fang Yuan. Now is the second batch of refining gu plan, mainly a large number of mortal gu, White Lotus Giant Silkworm Gu is one of them, the focus is on two Immortal Gus. One of them, Heavenly Mystery, was created by Paradise Immortal Venerable and acquired by Shadow Sect’s Old Man Yan Shi to develop an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move called Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery.

The effect of this trick is extremely mysterious, and it is expected that the next time the Disaster and Tribulation has the body!

If Langya School refines Heavenly Mystery Immortal Gu, it means that Fang Yuan can motivate Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery, which is of great help to his transcends tribulation.

“But… the task, let the Langya School refining Immortal Gu, has been consuming my sect contribution violently. I can’t check this!”

So after this time Soul Dao cultivation, Fang Yuan motivated Information Dao mortal gu to see Langya School’s sect mission.

It must be said that the contemporary Langya Earth Spirit is far more suitable for the Langya School than the previous one.

Under his series of policies, the entire Langya School has fully tapped its potential and has exploded.

At this time, Langya School has a lot of sect tasks, the greater part is the refining gu task of Fang Yuan, and then, under the heavy competition, it is a kind of exploration of the type Grand Mound.

Since the establishment of the Immortal Formation, Langya School has been dedicated to exploring the Grand Mound and exploring the massive natural resources.

This is the main exhibition of Langya School.

But Grand Mound is a dangerous place, where Gu Immortal doesn’t want to get involved. Although it is rich in resources, the ferocious beast is piled up and there are strange woods. However, Gu Immortal of Langya School, although refining gu has a hand, but in terms of combat, it is inherently inadequate.

Although in the recent period, efforts have been made to improve, but there are not many real combat experts.

So, encountering a lot of powerful ferocious beasts or plants, these Hairyman Gu Immortal are uncomfortable. Exploring the progress of Grand Mound has not been smooth.

Look at these types of missions, Fang Yuan’s minds are flying and colliding.

A few breaths of effort, he chose a dozen of the most cost-effective tasks.

a moment later, he will pick up all the tasks he has selected!

“Revered Great Elder.” Fang Yuan communicates with the Langya Earth Spirit through the Information Dao mortal gu.

Langya Earth Spirit immediately knows Fang Yuan’s move, very pleased and open-minded: “Fang Yuan, you have a horse, solve these tasks, it is very easy!”

But Fang Yuan shook his head: “This is exactly what I want to communicate with you. These tasks, I plan to send my men and do it for me. I think, this does not violate the Langya School rules?”

Langya Earth Spirit gave a slight glimpse. When he first laid out the door gauge, he did not think of this layer.

After careful study, this aspect is not a loophole. Because Gu Immortal took over the task and asked for help, what else can I do?

Langya Earth Spirit had to say to Fang Yuan: “Then you can guarantee that your subordinates will not do anything that harms Langya School!”

Fang Yuan laughed: “This is of course.”

With good communication with Langya Earth Spirit, Fang Yuan began to send Shadow Sect members.

Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie, Fairy Euphony, Miss White Rabbit, these battle strength are wasted if left idle. This time, both are used well.

Finally, even Bai Ningbing is involved.

Because from her point of view, the biggest reason why she is in alliance with Fang Yuan is to restore the male body, so I want to refining the Yin-Yang Transformation Gu of Immortal Rank.

But when she was now, Fang Yuan refining gu relied on Langya School, she sent her mind to Langya School.

Unfortunately, Langya School does not trust the stranger Bai Ningbing. Fang Yuan also secretly obstructed the two sides, causing Bai Ningbing to rely on the line of Fang Yuan.

As an ally of Fang Yuan’s, Fang Yuan did not command her power, but Fang Yuan would waste her valuable battle strength?

After Fang Yuan’s special intention exchange, Bai Ningbing believed that Fang Yuan: As long as she killed more ferocious beast plants, she would contribute to the sect contribution of the task completed by Fang Yuan, which Fang Yuan would use to accumulate Cloth refining Immortal Gu yin and yang turned sect mission.

A few days later.

Paragon Immortal Aperture, Little Northern Plains.

Large, large round snowflakes flutter in the air.

This special snowflake, pure white crystal, has the size of an adult’s palm.

This is the Rank 6 immortal materials, which is the condensedness of Heaven and Earth. As long as the temperature is slightly cold, it will not melt. And it will fly forever, even if it falls to the ground, it will fly in the air.

Fang Yuan finally checked it out. There was nothing wrong with it. He said: “These days, the gift of the Snowman family has finally been laid out. This work can come to an end.”

Since the Snowman family wants to marry Fang Yuan, Xue’er naturally does not come empty-handed.

She brought a gift.

The key point is Snow Lotus Flower Essence. This is the unique immortal materials of the Snowman family. It is unusually rare in Treasure Yellow Heaven, and Fang Yuan has gained a lot. He is all stored in Little Northern Plains.

The second largest number is the dance snow. It happened to be a drink of Rank 6 Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, and Fang Yuan harvested this batch, enough to feed 4~5 times.

Rank 6 Immortal Gu’s feeding difficulty, nature and Rank 8 Immortal Gu have as different as heaven and earth.

This is a small surprise, at least Fang Yuan does not have to worry about going to Treasure Yellow Heaven to acquire the dance snow.

Other than that, there are some other resources that have some goodness. Sold by Fang Yuan, left to stay, cleaned up.

“It’s still too little. If there is more resources, I will have a faster progress in operating the Immortal Aperture.”

“Since the Snowman family wants to marry me, these bridesmaids are not enough.”

Fang Yuan sneered in his heart.

He swallowed these ceremonies, but turned a blind eye to the marriage request of the Snowman family.

Audacity Gu produced some scale, so Fang Yuan launched Soul Dao cultivation again.

Day after day, he is immersed in the cultivation. His soul background, with the degree of visible to the naked eye, quickly rose. In addition to Soul Dao cultivation, he also used Wisdom Halo to start improving the ultimate move.

The ultimate move he masters is very, very much, involving all the genres in the world. He needs to improve the excellent ultimate move, and can use the Immortal Gu in his hand with the mortal gu. This will greatly increase his means and battle strength!

Fang Yuan is cultivating, Shadow Sect and the others are dedicated to Grand Mound exploration and battle, Sixth Hair, Langya Earth Spirit and the others are Fang Yuan refining Immortal Gu. Everyone has their own business, and Xue’er has gradually become the most anxious person.

The beautiful man of the Snowman family came with a major task of the Snowman family. As a result, Fang Yuan swallowed her bride price, but she never even saw her face. She kept her here, and did not care. .

Xue’er has repeatedly asked Fang Yuan, but she is only Rank 6 Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan has Rank 8 battle strength, there is a gap between the two levels, and in Langya Blessed Land, so Fang Yuan is one after another.

As a result, Xue’er can’t see, the heart is depressed, and the sorrow and anger of the face are getting heavier and heavier.

On this day, the Snowman family sent a letter to urge, and Xue’er had hope.

It turned out that the Snowman family saw that Xue’er had no progress, and he couldn’t get it from Fang Yuan’s. He discussed it privately.

They reached a consensus: Since Fang Yuan has received the bride price, there is a marriage. But why not meet Xue’er, I am afraid that because the bride price is not enough, it can’t match his diignified identity.

So, the Snowman family raised another batch, this time followed the letter, and the piece was brought to Xue’er.

“What is this?”

“My Xue’er is the Proud Daughter of Heaven in the family. It is a famous name. This time, but it is necessary to take the initiative to marry the Human Race, even the bride price is enough. Not enough, I can’t see it once!”

Xue’er was depressed and asked to see Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan finally met her.

But unexpectedly, Fang Yuan said something to her that was unexpected.

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