Northern Plains, Northern Icefields.

The cold wind whistling, and the snow on the glacier fluttered. Under the glaciers, there is also a negotiation in which the atmosphere freezes like ice.

Living here, the incognito two nonhuman races Stoneman and Snowman, not long ago, started negotiations because of a territorial dispute.

Today, the talks have lasted for six days and six nights.

“The area is the territory of my Stoneman family. It was an inseparable site of my Stoneman family more than 400 years ago. This is the bottom line of my Stoneman family, and I also want to understand the Snowman family!” Shi Zong’s voice Very loud, the sound echoed in the room.

Stoneman Gu Immortals, who participated in the negotiations, looked cold.

The Gu Immortals of the Snowman family are more ugly.

The Stoneman family’s attitude is very tough, putting tremendous pressure on the Snowman family.

Snowman Gu Immortal Bing Yuan said, “This is true more than four hundred years ago. But after that, one of my family’s one Gu Immortal Senior and Shi Zong Revered Great Elder, you bet, and it is a bet from this area.”

Shi Zong quickly waved his hand: “It’s just a joke, it’s not true.”

Bing Yuan sneered: “At the time, it was all gambling contract.”

Shi Zong looked serious and asked: “Where is the gambling contract?”

Bing Yuan was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

This Shi Zong is not to be skinned, to use its means to eliminate its own Information Dao covenant, but also to gambling contract, as the Dignified Stoneman family of Revered Great Elder, this face is too shameless.

But the Gu Immortals of the Snowman family, although angry, can understand at the same time.

Because in this ice sheet, the real land is very rare and very rare, the Stoneman and Snowman families have been so prosperous for so long, the population is too large, and the land is overloaded.

Shi Zong abandoned the dough and regained the Mozambique area. He also wanted to benefit the Stoneman family for the overall situation of the Stoneman family.

But as the matter stands, the interests Snowman family, naturally received violated.

In the end, this difficult negotiation has come to fruition.

Snowman succumbed to the loss of the Stoneman family and mastered the area.

Immediately, the Stoneman family issued an order requesting that Snowman in the Mozambique area be relocated, leaving room for the takeover of the Stoneman family.

Back to his own territory, Rank 7 Gu Immortal Bing Zhuo was angry: “This Stoneman is too odious, relying on his own useful Rank 8 battle strength Immemorial Stone Dragon, is it so black and white?!”

Bing Yuan advised: “Calm, Bing Zhuo, the attitude of the Stoneman family. We haven’t seen it for thousands of years?”

In the northern ice sheet, the Stoneman and Snowman families are interdependent, but overall, the Stoneman family has the upper hand.

The reason is only one, that is, they have Immemorial Stone Dragon, which is Rank 8 battle strength.

With such a tough battle strength, the Stoneman family has prevailed in many conflicts and defended their own interests.

Referring to Immemorial Stone Dragon, the anger on Bing Zhuo’s face quickly subsided and turned into a helpless sigh: “oh! Rank 8 battle strength, Immemorial Stone Dragon… If my family has Rank 8 battle strength, they can stand up to court, how much it is good.”

Bing Yuan was silent, and he said: “It is not impossible to have Rank 8 battle strength. I have a plan. If it works, what does Immemorial Stone Dragon count?”

Bing Zhuo listened, his eyes flashed brightly: “What strategy, say it quickly.”

“Actually, this is a long time in my heart, and it is an opportunity now, and I will tell you what I know.” Bing Yuan slowly said.

Bing Zhuo hearing that, horrified: “You mean Liu Guanyi, oh no, is Fang Yuan?”

Liu Guanyi’s identity is Fang Yuan. This news has already been announced by Heavenly Court and spread throughout the world. Although the Snowman family is partial, the major news is still known.

“Fang Yuan is the Rank 8 battle strength, recognized by the world. There is also the Superior Heavenly Eagle. Not long ago, it was a good relationship with us, so if you let Xueeer marry him and let our Snowman family marry him, He can be tied to my family’s War Chariot. We have this cuddling, and we will not be bullied by the Stoneman family. Moreover, there is one Rank 8 to oversee, which will greatly benefit the development of our family.” Bing Yuan Road.

Bing Zhuo thought about it, while nodded: “Indeed, although Fang Yuan is a Human Race, it is universally enemiesd and ready to rely on Langya School. There is no problem in the camp. But wait…”

Bing Zhuo questioned towards Bing Yuan: “I have a good relationship with him and him? How do I remember that we just had a fierce battle with him and ambushed him. Although the finalization was a jade, it was far from the level of goodness. It.”

Bing Yuan said with a smile : “Bing Zhuo You were retreating some time ago, thinking about the improvement of the ultimate move, all you don’t know. In this recent period of time, Fang Yuan used Langya School to give almost the power of refining. Immortal Gu, in the process of encountering difficulties, needs Snow Lotus Flower Essence immortal materials. I will be the master, open the door and sell many Snow Lotus Flower Essence to Gu Immortal Sixth Hair of Langya School.”

“so that’s how it is.” Bing Zhuo stunned, but immediately frowned. “It’s sold, we also benefit, why didn’t we send Snow Lotus Flower Essence directly?”

Bing Yuan will smile:. “Serious matter, I had also had a case, the idea of ​​marriage and Fang Yuan also not very strong .secondly, if direct delivery, no matter gallant, Fang Yuan by no means stupid person, I’m afraid It will not be accepted. Thirdly, this matter has long been known, and if it is sent directly, it will lead to the suspicion and speculation of the Stoneman family.”

Bing Zhuo nodded, silent.

He understood in his heart that this is a good relationship. In fact, it can’t be said. It can only be said that the relationship has improved some of that’s all. It is difficult to marry Fang Yuan.

Because before, Fang Yuan has Superior Heavenly Eagle time, Snowman family on Fang Yuan had expressed good intentions, but the other’s reaction was very cool.

Now Fang Yuan becomes Rank 8 battle strength itself, and has Superior Heavenly Eagle. The status is to go up a level. Snowman family to marriage and Fang Yuan, not on Fang Yuan favored a plus, but cling Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan lost the situation of Superior Heavenly Eagle, Snowman is still not aware.

But Bing Yuan is more confident than Bing Zhuo. She said: “You can rest assured. My granddaughter is very attractive and Gu Immortal. It is a good marriage candidate. In this respect, how can the Stoneman family have the advantage of my Snowman? This is how to avoid weaknesses.”

“My family is married to Fang Yuan. Although there is a climbing component, Fang Yuan has a side to help me. It is also good for him. Others are not good, Snow Lotus Flower Essence has a stock.”

“Furthermore, if this plan is not successful, it will not hurt, and it will not be a bad relationship with Fang Yuan’s. Try it.”

This “try it out” rhetoric finally touched Bing Zhuo.

The latter is nodded: “Try it.”

Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Hua la la !

The sound of the waves of the gloomy river is soaring and loud, and it is in the ear of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan’s Divine Sense swept around, and after a few moments of observation, there was no mistake, and I gathered Divine Sense back.

Using Time Dao in Hei Fan True Inheritance, Fang Yuan once again restored the time flow in his own Paragon Immortal Aperture to its original level.

The cosmic resources in Paragon Immortal Aperture are very superior, surpassing by far by Perfect Rank Blessed Land.

In terms of Space Dao resources, the entire Paragon Immortal Aperture has 500 million acres and is extremely wide.

In terms of Time Dao, it is now restored, and the flow rate to the outside world is as high as one to sixty. Ten Perfect Physiques Perfect Rank Blessed Land is just one more than 40. The Higher Rank Blessed Land, about one to thirty, is half the size of Paragon Immortal Aperture.

At the same time, Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Immortal Aperture is also very strong, and there are 96 immortal essence produce per year in Immortal Aperture. The time to convert to the outside world is 16 immortal essence per day. Now Fang Yuan is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, so I got sixteen Red Jujube Immortal Essence.

Sixteen Red Jujube Immortal Essence, if converted into immortal essence stones, it is 1,600 immortal essence stones!

In other words, Fang Yuan Every day, even if you don’t move anything, it’s the Red Jujube Immortal Essence produced by Immortal Aperture, which is equivalent to the value of 1,600 immortal essence stones!

This is a bit terrifying.

But in fact, it is far more than that. As the Fang Yuan’s Time Dao’s Dao Marks increases, the flow rate of the Immortal Aperture will also increase. After Immortal Aperture has become more powerful, there will be more immortal essence of production.

When it comes to the Rank 8 cultivation base, it is more terrifying!

If you only follow the most basic level, 16 immortal essence per day, Rank 8’s jaundice immortal essence is converted into immortal essence stones, that is 160,000 pieces of immortal essence stones!

Fang Yuan In Treasure Yellow Heaven, dumping Year Gu earned tens of millions of immortal essence stones. When he arrives at the Rank 8 cultivation base, he doesn’t have to do anything, just the outside world for a hundred days, which is the value of a thousand 6 million immortal essence stones.

The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the assets. This gap is not simply linear, but a geometric level skyrocketing.

Of course, this is the case of Fang Yuan’s.

Paragon Immortal Aperture is a special case, a unique one under the sun. Shadow Sect uses 100,000 to accumulate up and down, almost all of which is used for refining. This kind of terrifying advantage is not difficult to understand.

Previously, Fang Yuan was forced by Will of Heaven and Disaster and Tribulation to have a slower flow rate.

But now, Fang Yuan battle strength is soaring, confident to survive the Disaster and Tribulation, and Old Man Yan Shi’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Stone Celestial Grotto Mystery, you can calculate the content of Disaster and Tribulation in advance.

Coupled with the needs of its own development, it is inevitable to restore the flow rate.

Even Fang Yuan intends to use the Time Dao method to increase the flow rate of the time.

“But there is still a wait. The Time Dao in Hei Fan True Inheritance, after each reminder, must wait for a while before urging other ultimate moves to affect the tributaries.”

“With such a slow flow rate, Illuminating Mushroom can quickly multiply. Manner Gu and Intelligent Sword Gu are temporarily placed outside the Immortal Aperture.”

Fang Yuan forgets, as a result, he will probably meet the minimum standards for feeding Manner Gu and Intelligent Sword Gu.

Manner Gu and Intelligent Sword Gu should also be feeding.

However, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu feeding is too difficult, and this problem has been backlogged in Fang Yuan’s heart. And as time goes by, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

Now, to solve this problem, Fang Yuan is finally sighed in relief. (~^~)

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