After several days.

Central Continent, Spiritual Fate House.

Zhao Lianyun Divine Sense spreads, check looks at his own Immortal Aperture.

Lianyun Blessed Land, has been very different from before.

A flower field, planted with a large number of bright-eyed flowers, this is the food that her Immortal Gu remembers, must be cultivated.

In addition, there is a small grassland. The grass is planted with odds of success grass, which is small, pointed and green. In the sky above the grassland, there is also a swallow of one by one.

This is Lao Yan, the most diligent, flying flexible, Yan Yu black and white and three colors, Zhao Lianyun special intention introduced a batch, for the odds of success grass insects.

Odds of success In the process of growing, grass will produce a pest that will erode grass blades and greatly reduce profits.

“Thousands of immortal essence stones have spent most of the time, almost bottoming out.” Zhao Lianyun looks at the foreground of the eye, sighing in the heart.

At first, she felt that the money was very large, but after using it, she found that it was not used at all. Because she is not only the resources to cultivate 1~2 items, but to form two relatively complete ecosystems.

It’s not just the seeds of the flowers, the seeds of the grass, the soil, the water, the climate, etc., all of which require investment.

“According to time, after one year of Immortal Aperture, the eye-catching flower yield can satisfy the feeding needs of Immortal Gu. Two years later, the profit of odds of success grass and bright eyes will make me gain hundreds of immortal Essence stones. After three years, we can return Li Junying’s loan.”

“And all of the above are in the best of circumstances, there will be progress and results. And not counting other cultivation expenditures in the whole process.”

Zhao Lianyun fully felt the difficulty of Gu Immortal cultivation.

This is only two resources cultivation, the two operate separately, without mutual interference. At the same time, it is a plant, which is much less than the standards and difficulty of beast group and nonhuman.

Moreover, Zhao Lianyun is the Higher Rank Blessed Land, Space Dao and Time Dao resources are very rich. The most important thing is that she is Unknown to Gods ultimate move, immune to Disaster and Tribulation, don’t worry about this biggest trouble!

“The number of Laoyan is still a little too small to meet the entire pasture. I have to introduce a new batch.” Zhao Lianyun re-communicates Treasure Yellow Heaven and enters Divine Sense.

These days, she fully felt the convenience of the market in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“Audacity Gu!” Zhao Lianyun soon discovered that someone in the Treasure Yellow Heaven was selling Audacity Gu.

She knows that Audacity Gu is unique to Fang Yuan, but in the Treasure Yellow Heaven market, because Audacity Gu is in short supply, there is always a black market. That is, someone first acquired Audacity Gu in large quantities and then sold it at a high price. Therefore, the seller who sells Audacity Gu is not necessarily Fang Yuan. And Gu Immortal’s will and identity can be exchanged at will, Treasure Yellow Heaven is safe and free, so even if it is Heavenly Court, you can only sit and watch Fang Yuan for sale.

“After a few years, I can sell bright eyes and odds of success grass, and other competitors will also be affected by the market. The price is not comparable to Audacity Gu.”

Fang Yuan is the great enemy of Zhao Lianyun, she is very concerned about the trade of Audacity Gu.

But the more concerned, the more she perceives the strength of Fang Yuan’s strength, and the heart is inevitably low.

“According to this accumulation speed, I can’t catch up with Fang Yuan, and even he will be further and further away. Damn…” Zhao Lianyun secretly gritted his teeth.

But at this moment, the front did not know why, causing a sensation, a large number of Gu Immortal will, originally scattered in Treasure Yellow Heaven’s all-round method, now all gathered in that direction.

Zhao Lianyun’s heart: “don’t tell me is a big deal? Listen to Li Junying, this big deal that can cause such a sensation is rare in Treasure Yellow Heaven. The previous time, some people sold a lot. Zodiac Beast. I didn’t expect my Luck Qi right, promoted immortal, I will see it soon.”

Zhao Lianyun is naturally reluctant to give up the opportunity to open her eyes. She also scatters Divine Sense in the past and is sure to have a good time.

Soon, she rushed to the scene.

Here, a huge Gu Immortal will, fatty, looks in the air, around him, with Year Gu.

Massive Year Gu!

“There are so many Year Gu? There are more than a hundred thousand.” Zhao Lianyun startled. She was the first to see that there were so many Year Gus piled up together.

The huge amount and scale have a visual impact.

“Li Junying elder sister is right, mortal gu is just a difference in quantity for Gu Immortal.” Zhao Lianyun was also very emotional.

“How do these Year Gus sell?” Immediately, Gu Immortal will ask for the price.

The seller’s fatty will answer with a smile, and the price tag is very fair. It immediately triggered the close communication of other Gu Immortal.

“If these Year Gus have no problems, I will definitely buy a batch.”

“This is Time Dao mortal gu, the scope of use is very wide, whether it is refining gu, or other aspects, there is a general demand. And the price is so fair, maybe I have to pay more. Even if I can not use it, I can resell it in the future. I can’t get rid of it.”

“Who is this seller? Selling Year Gu at this point in time is very good. By convention, the top few Year Gu sellers on the market have not yet arrived.”

Gu Immortals has a lot of talk.

Divine Sense and the will to communicate, not confidential, let Zhao Lianyun learn a lot.

She listened carefully and soon discovered that the seller of Year Gu was probably a newcomer. Although the timing of the sale was chosen a little earlier, it is inevitable that it will collide with the previous producer.

If it is this seller, it is only a hammer to buy and sell, but if it is long-term business, intends to squeeze into the Treasure Yellow Heaven market, it is bound to trigger a reign of terror.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lianyun’s eyes are slightly bright.

If it is the latter case, then this is undoubtedly a vivid teaching lesson.

“I will also sell resources in the future and enter the market of Treasure Yellow Heaven. My resources are not the only ones in the world. I must go through this stage. How can there be a whole monopolistic trade, and how can Gu Memortal World be? Fang Yuan is so lucky! I have to study hard and pay close attention to the sale of this Year Gu. Maybe I can learn a lot.”

Zhao Lianyun warned herself.

The scene was very hot, and many Gu Immortal took action to acquire Year Gu.

Time Dao Gu insect has a wide range of applications and market demand has been high.

A pen transaction was reached, and the profit quickly accumulated to a certain height, making some of them Gu Immortal very jealous.

“Slightly, the Gu Immortal, who sells Year Gu, has earned at least 50,000 pieces of immortal essence stones in such a short period of time.” Zhao Lianyun was shocked.

But even more surprising is still behind.

The seller’s Year Gu is constantly being sold and is being replenished. Although the sale and purchase transactions have been carried out many times, but around the fat will, those Year Gu goods are actually not increasing!

“Oh my God, how much Year’s inventory is this person.”

“No, this is a big handiwork.”

“newcomer is not good! Year’s big sellers have always been only Xie Baoshu, Rong Xin and Wang Mingyue. If this time is not good, it will lead to a commercial war.”

Zhao Lianyun has been listening, in the heart is more and more.

The mysterious seller has a strong foothold, and the original three vested interests will never give up.

A commercial battle about Year Gu is about to start! (~^~)

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