The landscape is flat and looks innocent.

Zhao Lianyun’s Divine Sense continues to spread, eventually showing her entire Blessed Land overview.

Not long ago, she successfully promoted immortal and became the Spiritual Fate House’s Wisdom Dao Rank 6 Gu Immortal, which made this Higher Rank Blessed Land.

Lianyun Blessed Land.

A total of 800 600,000 acres, a large tributary of tributaries, with an external time flow rate of one to thirty-three, Immortal Aperture Blessed Land can produce more than 30 Green Grape Immortal Essence each year.

“Half of the grasslands, half of the plains.” Zhao Lianyun whispered in his mouth.

The Blessed Land landscape is associated with Gu Immortal’s individual circumstances.

The prairie landform may be the Northern Plains of Zhao Lianyun. Since the crossing, most of the time has been spent in Northern Plains. As for the plain landform, it is possible to inherit the style of Central Continent.

Not planted and cultivated, the grassland at this time is already green and green. On the plains, it is also fertile soil, and if it is cultivated a little, it will have rich products.

In addition to Blessed Land, there is Immortal Gu.

Rank 9 Passion Immortal Gu will not say, Zhao Lianyun because of Higher Rank Blessed Land promoted immortal, also received second Immortal Gu.

This is a Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, which is like a flying ant. It is flying at an amazing speed. It is a white silver color. When it is still, it will emit a faint white-light halo.

“Fortunately, you know, I am no longer a mortal, but a Gu Immortal!”

Zhao Lianyun pulled back his mind and slowly opened his eyes and turned his attention back to the outside world.

She is gently sighed.

After Cheng Xian, although there is joy, but more is emptiness and desolate.

After the Battle of Adverse Current River, Ma Hongyun was killed by Fang Yuan, but his soul is still there.

This is not the wild guess of Zhao Lianyun, but the result of the calculation of Spiritual Fate House Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Xu Hao.

Zhao Lianyun chose to believe, and this has become the driving force and hope for her cultivation.

Thinking of Ma Hongyun and the hope of a resurrection, Zhao Lianyun converges and starts to leave the retreat.

Today is a big day.

Zhao Lianyun walked through a corridor, and female immortal Li Junying had already waited for her.

“Lianyun has seen Jun Ying elder sister.” Zhao Lianyun immediately saluted.

Li Junying said with a slight smile : “Lianyun younger sister You are welcome, let me go, I will accompany you to Secret Inheritance Peak.”

Secret Inheritance Peak is a place where Spiritual Fate House Gu Immortal is often involved.

Zhao Lianyun was the first time to get involved, and I really saw this peak. It floats and floats, surrounded by Void, like near real, the mountain is full of breath, not cited, obviously laying a major Immortal Rank gu formation.

In charge of this peak is the neutral Revered Elder of the Spiritual Fate House, known as Female Immortal Liu Fang.

Zhao Lianyun did not see Female Immortal Liu Fang in this trip, but was welcomed by her will.

Zhao Lianyun didn’t notice it, but Li Junying frowned slightly.

According to common sense, as a contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, Zhao Lianyun will be sect focused on to cultivate, the first time to enter Secret Inheritance Peak, receive sect subsidy, will be personally entertained by Secret Inheritance Peak.

But Female Immortal Liu Fang did not follow this convention.

“Zhao Lianyun met with Senior Liu Fang.” Zhao Lianyun bowed to Liu Fang’s will.

“You don’t have to be polite, you are My Sect contemporary fairy, please also take a closer look at this.” Liu Fang will smile and look very polite, handed Zhao Lianyun an Information Dao mortal gu.

Zhao Lianyun took over the list, and there was a lot of enthusiasm. She listed a lot and let her see it. It was a dazzling feeling at a time.

“Lianyun has a shallow eye, and please ask the shadow elder sister for me.” Zhao Lianyun is a smart person, and he quickly handed the donkey to Li Junying.

Li Junying took a look, slightly nod.

The list of items in this Information Dao mortal gu is actually more solid than the previous ones.

She immediately sound transmission Zhao Lianyun said: “Lianyun, you have become Gu Immortal, with Immortal Gu Passion and memorial, and Higher Rank Blessed Land, already very high.”

“Once you become Gu Immortal, you have to operate Immortal Aperture and accumulate background. The first task is to feed Immortal Gu. Fortunately, your Passion Immortal Gu, although it is as high as Rank 9, has no feeding problems.”

“So, what I want to consider now is to remember Immortal Gu. And to feed this cockroach, the ingredients are the brightest flowers. In the welfare of Spiritual Fate House, there is just a way to cultivate the brightest flowers, you should choose. ”

Zhao Lianyun has nodded, sound transmission replied: “The elder sister said very. What about the other two?”

Being a contemporary fairy in Spiritual Fate House, nature has extraordinary benefits.

According to the regulation of sect, once the cultivation base of the contemporary fairy has progressed in breakthrough, you can select three resources from Secret Inheritance Peak and get it for free.

Other Gu Immortal, except for making a great contribution, can only redeem these resources with their own sect contributions.

Li Junying lightly smiled, again: “Besides, I suggest you choose odds of success grass. Since you are Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, you naturally have to operate from Wisdom Dao. The odds of success grass is not only a Wisdom Dao resource, And it’s easier to cultivate. Treasure Yellow Heaven has a good market in the market. If you choose this one, you will never lose money.”

“The choice of this one, the choice of elder sister will never be wrong.” Zhao Lianyun even hurriedly said.

Li Junying was very satisfied with Zhao Lianyun’s attitude, and the tone was involuntarily softer.

“So what should I choose for the last one?” Zhao Lianyun asked again.

“Nature is the first item.”

“immortal essence stones ?”

“right.” Li Junying sees Zhao Lianyun expression. He can’t help but laugh. “Whether it’s a bright flower or an odds of success grass, the scale provided by sect is not enough for you to grow large areas. This kind of resource, if not planted in large areas. If you lose your meaning, you need a lot of immortal essence stones to buy more seeds and cultivate them.”

“Immortal essence stones are important things that Gu Immortal must stock. Because it is not only the most common currency in Gu Immortal trading, but it can be converted into immortal essence for you to use, the most valuable.”

“so that’s how it is. Then I chose immortal essence stones.” Zhao Lianyun did not hesitate, and immediately exchanged the will.

The two came out of Secret Inheritance Peak and flew back to their accommodation.

Before leaving, Li Junying took out a batch of immortal essence stones and gave it to Zhao Lianyun: “Lianyun younger sister, this is my and your brother’s immortal essence stones, a total of three thousand. You are despite Utilize because it borrows unlimited time.”

“Ah!” Zhao Lianyun snorted and revealed the moving expression. “Sect supplies me, but only a thousand immortal essence stones. Elder sister, you directly borrow me three thousand, how does this make?”

Li Junying patted Zhao Lianyun’s shoulder: “Stupid little girl, sect has provided you a lot. You are a sect person, have dependencies. You know, those rogue cultivator Demon Immortal are all clasped immortal essence Stones live.”

“To discuss the immortal essence reserve, Rank 6 Gu Immortal has just promoted immortal, almost a poor white. Rank 6 Gu Immortal with hundreds of immortal essence stones reserves, already the Intermediate Rank level. Thousands of immortal essence stones reserve, Rank 6 Gu There is almost no immortal, very rare.”

“Your situation is different, because you are not only Gu Immortal of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, but also the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, which is a special case supported by sect.”

“In the normal situation, in the Five Regions and Two Heavens, the greater part of the Rank 6 Gu Immortal hands immortal essence stones but hundreds, a few of them have hundreds, very few cases, can have immortal essence stones.”

“And among the Rank 7 Gu Immortal, there are at least a few hundred immortal essence stones, most of which are broken, and very few are tens of thousands.”

“These common sense, you know it will be fine.”

“many thanks elder sister advice!” Zhao Lianyun solemnly, a grateful face.

Li Junying’s words tell her that sect is not treating you badly, and our couple are also strongly supporting you.

“I must work hard.” Zhao Lianyun grimly says.

Li Junying nodded: “Go to cultivation. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and ask your brother-in-law Xu Hao.”

“Yes.” Zhao Lianyun flashed a touch of joy in his eyes. Someone pointed and no one pointed, of course, two concepts.

Looking at the back of Zhao Lianyun’s back, the smile on Li Junying’s face is gradually disappearing.

Since Feng Jinhuang’s worship at Duke Long, her days have started to be difficult.

She and Husband Xu Hao, but the famous inverted phoenix. But now, Spiritual Elders of Spiritual Fate House knows almost everything, Feng Jinhuang is the Immortal Venerable seed, and the future is boundless!

This time, Female Immortal Liu Fang’s attitude, can clearly see the political trend of Spiritual Fate House.

Li Junying also expected this festival, special intention to accompany Zhao Lianyun to prevent people from deducting Zhao Lianyun’s sect benefits. Fortunately such a thing did not happen.

It can be expected that for the couple, they will usher in a political winter. Under this cold wind, they can only unite with everyone who can be united, such as Zhao Lianyun, and then warm up.

Northern Plains, Chu Family.

The famous Strength Dao Gu Immortal expert Chu Du put down the Information Dao Gu insect in his hand.

“Fang Yuan, it’s not easy to get along with you.” Chu Du smiled.

This Information Dao Gu insect is exactly what Fang Yuan took the initiative to ask for him to borrow immortal essence stones!

Fang Yuan used the pseudonym of Liu Guanyi to cooperate with Chu Du for a period of time. The relationship between the two sides is very shallow. Not long ago, Heavenly Court took action, assassinated Gu Immortal Yun Liang, destroyed Longevity Heaven’s political plot, and announced that Fang Yuan and Liu Guanyi were the secrets of the same person, to plant the disaster to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Chu Du knows at this point that Liu Guanyi is Fang Yuan.

However, Tyrant Immortal Chu Du was not surprised. In fact, he once suspected this aspect, and even sang a poem, special intention tried Fang Yuan.

Whether it is Liu Guanyi or Fang Yuan, Chu Du wants to cooperate with each other.

But now Chu Du’s identity is not what it used to be.

He is now the Revive Great Family Elder of the Chu Family, and there are many Gu Immortal under the door, and he is already a member of the Righteous Path.

As the Northern Plains Righteous Path Gu Immortal, if he continues to cooperate with Fang Yuan, once he is exposed, all his previous efforts in power will be lost.

Working with Fang Yuan is extremely risky.

Original Chu Du also intends to ignore it and keep it vague, but Fang Yuan did not give him this opportunity. The direct general came to a letter borrowing immortal essence stones.

In the letter, Fang Yuan only said that by immortal essence stones, but deliberately did not say the specific number, meaning to let Chu Du looks at.

This makes Chu Du even more tricky!

“It’s not like Fang Yuan.” Chu Du was very emotional.

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