Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

Han white jade texture of the palace stands tall, silver white sky, always bright.

Among the palace communities, there is a dark hall, which is particularly conspicuous.

On the plaque in front of the temple, there are three large characters Suppression Soul Palace!

The atmosphere that emerged from the palace itself highlights the out of the ordinary of the palace. There is no doubt that this is a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home!

In the center of the Suppression Soul Palace, there are five huge columns.

Between the red crests, the chains of purple gold chains are connected in series to form a giant net.

In the center of this giant network, there is a group of Remnant Soul.

It is Gloomy Soul’s main body !

Fairy Ziwei expressionless stands on the edge of five giant pillars: “Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, you were Rank 9 Gu Venerable before your death, and you are not willing to perish, go against the sky. You are going to end this sunset, it is the bitter fruit you brewed by yourself. Are you right?”

Her voice was very clear and echoed in the vast palace.

In contrast, the Remnant Soul, who was always silent, did not make a sound.

Fairy Ziwei said again: “In the past, you slaughtered the world, harmed the people, satisfied one’s own desires, and created your own glory. Now you become a prisoner, have not repented, repented, and strive for the good for the world, for their own atonement? ?”

Remnant Soul is silent.

Fairy Ziwei sighed and spurred Immortal Gu Home Suppression Soul Palace.

Suddenly, the majestic Gu insect breathed up, just like a wave rolling. The five giant pillars emit red light and heat, just like lava cast.

The giant nets woven into numerous purple gold chains are also fascinating and fascinating.

Gloomy Soul’s main body began to tremble, and as time passed, he trembled more and more.

When the magnitude of the tremor reaches a certain level, the information of one stock is searched and sent to the Suppression Soul Palace along the numerous chains of Zijin.

Thus, the surface of the giant pillar emerged as an image of one scene after another, like a human skin, and played some scenes of Gloomy Soul’s life.

Among them are the scenes of his cultivation, the heroic posture of his battle, the dialogue with people, the variety of forests, and the numerous.

The entire Soul Search process continued for a fragrant time, which slowly stopped.

Fairy Ziwei is very dissatisfied. The information that is searched out is superficial and too precious.

a moment later, her eyes are condensed, sneer out: “Gloomy Soul, since ancient winner is the king, loser is the villain, why are you? You have no hope, you still hope that anyone can break into Heavenly Court, can you save you? Hehe. How can you be so recalcitrant and ruthless? Your ending is fixed and cannot be changed.”

Gloomy Soul is still speechless, like a stubborn iron, a stone.

Fairy Ziwei coldly snorted, turned and walked away.


A loud bang, the door of the Suppression Soul Palace closed behind her.

Looking at the empty Heavenly Court, the palace was quietly silent, and Fairy Ziwei’s brows wrinkled slightly.

These days, the feeling of her heart is getting more and more intense.

On the other side of Feng Jiuge, there was no waiting to appear to Fang Yuan and the others.

Not only that, but in the Western Desert intelligence collected by Heavenly Court, there has been no news of someone smashing the tributaries.

Everything is calm.

But Fairy Ziwei is sensed from this calm.

“Unfortunately, Gloomy Soul has fallen to such a point, and he is still recalcitrant! The search for information has not helped me to calculate the whereabouts of the Fang Yuan group of people.”

“In the end, it was the Rank 9 Venerable, Soul Dao’s peak Legendary. Even a Remnant Soul, it can resist the search of Suppression Soul Palace. It’s amazing! The translocation is everywhere, just because I have only one Remnant left. Soul, let alone Immortal Gu Home, is a Rank 6 Immortal Gu, and there is no resistance at all.”

“It’s that’s all. Even if Gloomy Soul doesn’t work together, Suppression Soul Palace is still Soul Search, but it’s quite a little more. But in time, it will be one day, and the information on Gloomy Soul will be hollowed out.”

“As for now”

Fairy Ziwei looked up at the sky, his mouth slightly tilted up, revealing a beautiful smile.

“It’s time to let my Heavenly Court’s be famous, and it’s all over the world.”

A few months after the end of the dream, the Heavenly Court, which gradually disappeared, burst out of a sultry news of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering!

The former Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, now the Remnant Soul body, was captured by Heavenly Court, and the conspiracy of the sky was destroyed by Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately set off an uproar in Gu Immortal World.

Countless Gu Immortal was shocked.

Rank 9 Venerable cover and press An era is the invincible existence.

Unexpectedly, Heavenly Court actually captured and captured a Rank 9 Venerable. And among all the Venerables, the murderous nature is the heaviest, and the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable!

Although this is just Remnant Soul, it is shocking enough.

Of course, there are voices that question the true and false news, but they soon disappear.

Heavenly Court is naturally well prepared to list the evidence, announce the Zombie Alliance, Shadow Sect and the previous Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Dreamworld and more.

Ironclad is like a mountain, convincing.

For a time, the whole world focused and concentrated on Central Continent Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court’s past glory has been turned over by countless Gu Immortal.

It is the first force of Gu Immortal World’s, and it is the strongest from start to finish!

It was first created by Genesis Immortal Venerable, and it has been through several generations of Immortal Venerable.

Even the three Demon Venerables attacked Heavenly Court, but they ended up missing.

It’s mysterious, it’s powerful, it’s aloof and remote, it’s deep and unmeasurable!

It is Heavenly Court! !

Northern Plains, Longevity Heaven.

Southern Desolate Immortal is lying on the sickbed, and the last anger is left on the old face.

“Oh, I can’t think of the dignified Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable. It’s not in the evening after the death. It was planted in Heavenly Court.” Southern Desolate Immortal sighed deeply.

Before the sickbed, Sovereign Yao was softly comforted: “Southern Desolate adults, you should keep your eyes closed and rest for a while.”

Southern Desolate Immortal smirked: “I have no life essence, only a few days left. It’s fine. Three autumns, remember that I have been through you. After I die, you will take over the position of Southern Desolate.”

“Yes, adults.”

Southern Desolate Immortal has a layer of sorrow: “The times have changed, and the entire Five Regions has reached an unprecedented stage. I have already felt the raging wave of the times, it is not an ordinary wave, surpassing the previous Venerable era, is an unprecedented tsunami. Even if I am Longevity Heaven, if it is wrong, it will be destroyed in the tsunami of this era. Heavenly Court is so strong, it must be our biggest enemy, you must be careful.”

“Adult, your words, Junior must keep in mind.”

Southern Border, the corpse of the Emperor.

This is a very special mountain. In ancient times, a Southern Border Rank 8 Gu Immortal turned into Immortal Zombie, where he was attacked by super forces and eventually died. For a long time, the broken body of Rank 8 Immortal Zombie was nourished by the magnificent Spiritual Qi on the riverside, and then washed with the river to wash the water on the shore, gradually rooting and sprouting, and eventually grew into a corpse.

The corpse of the corpse is as high as the severe hundred zhang, close to the vortex of the red heart of the Red River. It is full of vitality and huge resources, and it is a strategic place.

At this moment, Wu Yong stood at the summit of the Emperor’s Dome, watching the intersection of the magnificent red and yellow rivers.

Behind him is the Wu Family Gu Immortal Wu Zhen.

Wu Zhen looked at the back of Wu Yong, does not conceal the reverence of the heart.

This corpse was originally a Wu Family, but it was taken away by Yao Family not long ago. After the dream battle, Wu Yong took the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House to show the super-battle strength and shocked the Southern Border Righteous Path. Also, in the subsequent negotiations, the Immortal Gu, which was lost from the Southern Border Righteous Path, was successfully recovered from Heavenly Court, and Wu Yong mostly distributed it to the Righteous Path family.

As a result, Wu Yong was so powerful that Wu Family was a heavy loss, but it swept away the previous situation and stabilized the first throne of the Southern Border.

With a big hand and a candy, Wu Yong didn’t go bad. In the following days, he succeeded in conquering the lost land, and many of the Righteous Path forces retreated, almost no blood.

Nowadays, among Wu Family, Wu Yong and Wu Duxiu have been compared. Wu Family has high morale and Wu Yong is wise, and will surely lead Wu Family to continue its glory!

“Wu Zhen, this corpse is a strategic place. Wu Family is up and down, only you can rest assured that I will give it to you.” Wu Yong does not look back, looking at the distant vortex , started talking.

“Yes, it must be held by Revered Great Elder.” Wu Zhen’s tone is trembling.

“Adult” he paused and continued. “The corpse is the last piece of land lost by Wu Family. Next, do we counterattack the past?”

Wu Yong frowned.

He has been secretly calculating the plan for counterattack.

But after receiving the Gloomy Soul’s intelligence from the Received Heavenly Court, Wu Yong decided to give up.

“The Wu Family has been damaged by many families, Gu Immortal. Since the lost land has been recovered, the territory is vast, the original staff is very stubborn, and now it is not enough. The next step is to recuperate and cultivate the Wu Family offspring. Immortal’s position.”

“Yes, Revered Great Elder is high, remember now.” Wu Zhen respectfully.

Wu Yong is now very high voice, his decision, Wu Family Gu Immortal will support.

“However, the things that had previously offended my Wu Family can’t be counted. Although it won’t expand the territory, the compensation resources must be there.” Wu Yong continued, with a hint of intent in his voice.

Wu Zhen suddenly expressed uplifting: “Revered Great Elder wise!”

Western Desert, Tang Family headquarters.

“Heavenly Court is so frightening.” Tang Family 2nd Revered Elder is worried.

Tang Family Revered Great Elder, faintly glanced at him, knowing why the other person came.

Previously working with Fang Yuan and the others, 2nd Revered Elder was opposed. Now that Heavenly Court’s news of Gloomy Soul’s has been made public, Tang Family Gu Immortal has been under tremendous pressure.

“Whether we are working with Fang Yuan and the others, will we be blamed by Heavenly Court’s?” 2nd Revered Elder sighed.

“How about responsibility? How about not reprimanding?” Revered Great Elder smiled.

2nd Revered Elder frowns, constantly staggering: “No responsibility, of course, all happy, we can continue to cooperate with Shadow Sect. But if we are responsible, our Tang Family is a super-power of Western Desert Gu Immortal World’s, can be combined with other The family fights against Heavenly Court. Of course, the secret must be kept secret, and there is no evidence. Otherwise, Heavenly Court takes up the righteousness and asks me to wait, and my family cannot borrow reinforcements.”

“And, really, I can only abandon the car and protect the handsome, and abandon Tang Fangming and Tang Lanke.”

Revered Great Elder said with a smile : “haha, look, you know the response, what are you panic?”


Revered Great Elder Convergence smile, grimly says: “My Tang Family is going to rise, it must be so risky. Danger lurks within the riches and honour, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s dream, if we don’t grasp it, don’t worry about it. Immortal destiny? As for Tang Fangming and Tang Lanke, I have long realized that it is the best destination for you and my Righteous Path.

2nd elder sighed long: “Great Elder see you!”

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