Fang Yuan went straight to Feng Jiuge.

Of course, his body has been covered with a layer of Immortal Clothes, the Immortal Clothes sparkling, and a long curved ankle strap that surrounds Fang Yuan’s waist and arms.

As Fang Yuan rushed, the Immortal Clothes belt swayed.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Adverse Current River Protection Seal !

“This is another trick.” Feng Jiuge saw this, a sigh in his heart, he was a headache for this move, very helpless.

Therefore, Feng Jiuge directly chooses to withdraw.

Very relaxed, he and Fang Yuan opened a distance.

“Manipulating the Adverse Current Protection Seal ultimate move, involving too many minds, Fang Yuan can no longer be distracted by him, even if he has the Immortal Dao means, it can not be used. As a result, when he motivated Adverse Current Protection In the case of Seal, in addition to defense, other aspects are very common.”

Feng Jiuge secretly thought, with a smile on his lips.

When the enemy entered me, Fang Yuan couldn’t catch up with Feng Jiuge. After trying several times, it was futile.

Feng Jiuge’s eyes flashed with thoughts, and the analysis in my mind did not stop for a moment: “How is Fang Yuan alone?”

This time against Feng Jiuge, there is no Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others around Fang Yuan. Therefore, Feng Jiuge only faced Fang Yuan. In the previous World War, his tactics of eradicating other Gu Immortal were directly lost.

“But, as a result, Fang Yuan has no hope of winning. Even if the defense is outstanding, he can only be a target nothing more. Whether it is attacking or moving, it is not as good as me, the initiative of the battlefield.”

“No, Fang Yuan will never be so unwise! He must have other crafty plots and machinations.”

Feng Jiuge did not care, but became more cautious.

Fang Yuan chased him, he was far back, pulling out a safe distance.

“Feng Jiuge, are you chasing me, but are you just running away?” Fang Yuan sneered and asked.

Feng Jiuge smile spread: “Why should you make a profit? Fang Yuan, you should catch up with me first. You are not easy to push the Adverse Current Protection Seal. It’s been a long time, no matter how hard it is, I’m afraid even immortal essence At the end of the day? Such a powerful means must have a huge price.”

Feng Jiuge is firmly in the initiative, not only in terms of speed, but also tactically suppressing Fang Yuan.

This time is a big fight, unlike the last time.

The last time I played, it was hot and hot. This time, two people chases after as another runs away, in addition to saying a few words, but quietly silent.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, Feng Jiuge did this, he also has a way to deal with it.

The experience of five hundred years of previous life is not a joke, nothing else, just a combat experience, it is definitely rich and old.

Then a moment later, Fang Yuan swooped down and fell to the ground.

Feng Jiuge did not chase, but carefully floated in the air, and then carefully looked at the Sand Desert.

The last time he ate the loss at the favourable location, he was used by Fang Yuan to use the percussion Gobi pit once.

This lesson, Feng Jiuge, of course, is in mind. On the way before, the already done homework did not find anything special about this Sand Desert.

Pū chī.

a light sound , Fang Yuan drilled directly into the Sand Desert and headed deep into the underground.

Feng Jiuge constantly investigated and used the Immortal Dao method to confirm that there was really nothing to do with it. He used the boxing drum and the palm clock to bomb the underground Sand Desert.

Dōng dōng dōng !

铛dang dang!

For a time, the drums and the bell sound symphonized, and the deep holes of each and every one appeared on the Sand Desert. A lot of sand splashed out and spread the square seeveral li to the yellow sand.

But Fang Yuan, regardless of whether he is still careless, continues to drill deep into the ground.

Feng Jiuge frowned.

The deeper the depth, the more Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, the more natural it is for Feng Jiuge.

At the same time, he still has doubts in his heart: “Fang Yuan this time is so confident, could it be that, he arranged in the ground in advance? Or know the underground, what special environment can you use?”

Feng Jiuge’s thoughts in his mind flashed rapidly, and then he shot down.

The whole person, like a sharp arrow, directly inserts into the Sand Desert and chases it to Fang Yuan.

He has to chase.

Because Fang Yuan is in the ground, using Immortal Formation to continue to remove the detective ultimate move, Feng Jiuge must be chased down.

Even if it is not to remove the detective ultimate move, but to arrange the gu formation or Battlefield Ultimate Move in the ground, if Feng Jiuge is hesitant and does not pursue, it will leave Fang Yuan a lot of time to fully prepare him. In this case, Feng Jiuge is too stupid.

Therefore, Feng Jiuge must pursue, to pressure Fang Yuan, forcing him to expose more trump card, breaking his fighting rhythm.

Boxing drum, palm clock!

Even in the depths of the underground, Feng Jiuge’s Sound Dao ultimate move is still a formidable power.

The explosion continued to take place around Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan is full of calm colors.

This time has no favourable Gobi’s favourable location, and Fang Yuan is fully sensed by Feng Jiuge’s mighty offensive.

Despite the richer Earth Dao’s Dao Marks in this underground, Feng Jiuge’s ultimate move is still very stressful.

This is the advantage of Sound Dao.

Every genre often has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Although Sound Dao is a small genre, it also has its own advantages.

The advantage is that Sound Dao is good for communication and has little effect on Dao Marks’ mutual exclusion. For example, the ordinary genre, such as Earth Dao ultimate move, may encounter ample environment in Water Dao’s Dao Marks, and it may be cut by 5~6. The same power of Sound Dao ultimate move will only be weakened by 20-30%.

“If there is no Adverse Current Protection Seal, I have so many hits that I can’t support it now.”

“How exactly is Feng Jiuge cultivation? At the point of Rank 7, is there a accumulation of Dao Marks that rivals Rank 8?”

“Don’t want this, start counterattack!”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation !

For a moment, the glare of the glare broke out on Fang Yuan’s body.

But in a dense underground, rays of light can’t be revealed and spread out.

“Well?” At the moment when Fang Yuan changed, Feng Jiuge’s investigation of the ultimate move, it was sensed.

Then, almost at the time of a breath, the sand in front of Feng Jiuge suddenly exploded, revealing a huge hoe.

Compared with the dragon head, Feng Jiuge’s small body is like a mouse in front of an elephant.

“Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon !Fang Yuan !” Feng Jiuge’s eyelids shrink into a needle tip at this moment.

Fang Yuan’s counterattack, so sudden, so mad!

The Flood Dragon has a large mouth and a gleaming silver glow.

Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath !

For a time, the silver white shines like a million arrows, with a strong aggressiveness, reflecting the brilliant silver light around.

The sharp breath, and a distance, Feng Jiuge felt the tingling of the dough, as if there were hundreds of small needles in his face.


Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath spits out and hits Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge, suddenly dīng dīng slammed the ground, the defenses were provoked, and countless small sound waves, and then immediately followed, the sharp and unparalleled Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath forcibly destroyed.

Common Dragon Breath, only a short period, but Fang Yuan has a perseverance Immortal Gu, which makes Dragon Breath endless and enduring!

Feng Jiuge was defeated by the Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath. With the difficulty of mobilizing, the electric shot went to the sky and temporarily got rid of the impact of Dragon Breath.

But a moment later, Fang Yuan suddenly headed.

The stout Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath is like a white silver beam, and it immediately kills it, as if it is a peerless sword.

“Come on!” Feng Jiuge has no smile at the moment, and his face is reflected in the silver light.

Shortly Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath is about to hit again, he has to retreat again.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move one song open way.

With a click, he disappeared in the same place, and then flashed in the sky outside the thousand steps.

Fang Yuan took over Dragon Breath, shouted and continued to counterattack.

With the sturdy and slender tail, the speed of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon itself broke out immediately. At the same time, he also spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

Tens of thousands of Sword Dao’s Dao Marks, together with the increase, brought the impact speed of Fang Yuan!


A loud bang, the air was squeezed, and the sound of a sonic burst broke out.

In an instant, Fang Yuan rushed to Feng Jiuge’s.

Fast speed, Fang Yuan has a little reaction, but the vision is blurred, Feng Jiuge, a moment later in the original vision of a small black spot, has been standing in front of himself, a distance of ten steps from himself.

The mouth was once again opened, but this time, Feng Jiuge has also fully reacted.

He whispered: “It’s good.”

Then, in the face of the spurred sword light Dragon Breath, he actually did not dodge or evade, counterattack.


A blast of earth and earth, Feng Jiuge flew out like a cannonball.

For the first time, his face showed a strange color, and his heart was full of doubts: “How is it possible? Fang Yuan’s body, how is there a layer of Adverse Current Protection Seal?”

In the previous battle, Fang Yuan turned into a Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon and could not maintain the Adverse Current Protection Seal at the same time.

Just the same fight, Feng Jiuge was able to look at this and hit hard, and the result was completely reversed by Adverse Current Protection Seal.


Feng Jiuge had a severe chest pain and spit out a small amount of blood. With difficulty to maintain the figure, he paused in the air.

Just the blow was not only the offensive of Fang Yuan itself, but also the power of Feng Jiuge himself being reversed. The two are superimposed and directly hit Feng Jiuge to vomit blood!

Fang Yuan has the upper hand, a dragon roaring, and continues to chase it.

It’s just coming too fast, this time Feng Jiuge sees clearly, on the body of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon silver light, it’s still covered with a thin, transparent, flowing clothes.

“Really Adverse Current Protection Seal?”

“He can maintain two Immortal Realm Ultimate Move at the same time! How did it do it?”

One song open way !

Fang Yuan flew an empty space and Feng Jiuge disappeared into the distance.

Fang Yuan’s Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon has no direct pierce space ability, but the speed of straight flying is extremely fast.

Feng Jiuge’s one song open way, but there is a similar Space Dao power, directly breaking the sky, from one location, to another location.

From this point of view, Fang Yuan even turned into a Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, and there is Sword Escape Immortal Gu, still can not match the Feng Jiuge using one song open way.

Unless Fang Yuan will use the Sword Dao mobility ultimate move in Bo Qing inheritance, it will be successfully used.

But what about it?

One song open way is time-limited.

As soon as the time limit is reached, Feng Jiuge will fall in the wind.

“It must be broken as soon as possible, and there is still time in one song open way.” Looking at Fang Yuan who was rushed again, Feng Jiuge sank.

Remarks: During the week of cultivation, the body gradually recovered, but it has not recovered completely. In addition to the plot concept, it is quite a brain cell. The next week, occasionally two, if there is a second, it is 8 in the morning. Guaranteed one more, 8 point at night. (~^~)

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