Feng Jiuge is a red and white alternating robes, looking like a jade tree. Looking at the Shadow Sect, he smiles softly and looks more graceful.

He has no fighting intent or Murderous Qi, but Shadow Sect is full of pressure.

“Feng Jiuge…” Fang Yuan came out of the crowd and whispered in his mouth.

His style is outstanding, white robe is like snow, face is like jade, eyes are like paint, deep and unmeasurable.

Seeing such a scene, Miss White Rabbit’s heart was suddenly moved, Dark Dao: “In this world today, the two outstanding two under Rank 8 are finally going to make a decision today!”

In fact, although Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge did not communicate for a long time, the fate of each other was long-lasting.

A few years ago, Fang Yuan snatched Fox Immortal Blessed Land and took the chance of Feng Jinhuang. He jumped into Feng Jiuge’s vision.

But at that time, Feng Jiuge was arank 7 Gu Immortal of aloof and remote, a long-standing, peak character. Fang Yuan is just a mortal, like an ant, even if it is a bit of a lottery, it is just nothing more.

Who would have thought that in just a few years, Fang Yuan not only made Gu Immortal, but also the owner of Spring and Autumn Cicada, smashed 88 Floors True Yang Building, and participated in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain and the Adverse Current River. Dreamland war. There are no two limelights today, and Heavenly Court is famous on the list. It is already on the same name as Feng Jiuge!

Fang Yuan saved Feng Jiuge, Feng Jiuge also saved Fang Yuan, and all the grudges have been closed.

Now two people will compete in a true strength in the purest form of camp.

“Feng Jiuge, you are chasing me and killing me, I don’t know if I will send your life to my hands at the same time?” Fang Yuan sneered, figure fired out and flew directly to Feng Jiuge.

While speaking, he appeared on the Immortal Clothes belt, black hair stunned, eye-catching radio, and started, opened the curtain of this fierce battle.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Adverse Current Protection Seal !

Feng Jiuge Eyes are condensed.

He has readily seen that this is the ultimate move of the world.

He also speculated that the Adverse Current Protection Seal may be more complicated, difficult to catalyze, and take longer to brew. If you are a sneak attack, don’t give Fang Yuan the opportunity to push this move, the battle must have the upper hand.

It is a pity that Fang Yuan has never given such an opportunity to Feng Jiuge.

Moreover, Shadow Sect’s detective ultimate move is very good, so that Feng Jiuge can’t always find the possibility of sneak attack.

Shortly Fang Yuan smothered, and the smile of Feng Jiuge’s mouth was spread.

He said to himself – “I can directly move over, but I used my own Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, one song open way. More importantly, I have not finished this song open way.”

Tough barely fell, his whole person suddenly sent out golden light.

The golden light didn’t have any killing power, but the golden light flashed and disappeared.

The whole person of Feng Jiuge disappeared completely.

“What?” Almost a moment later, Fang Yuan heard a guzzling sound of a guzheng.

The sound suddenly became bigger, and immediately weakened, like a person playing, flying away from his ear.

Fang Yuan was shocked and suddenly remembered. This is the means of Feng Jiuge’s mobility, which once shined in the fights of the Five Regions.

It allows Feng Jiuge incarnation to spread out invisible and unpretentious sounds, and then condense the figure. The Sound Dao genre is actually not mainstream, and this move is even more remote and wonderful, and the usual methods are basically unable to contain Feng Jiuge’s transfer.

“Be careful!!” Hei Loulan screamed.

They of course also play the sound of the heald guzheng, and each and every one is subconsciously retreating.

But their speed is not as good as one song open way, and they don’t know the specific position of Feng Jiuge’s. The direction of retreat is just a random choice.

Miss White Rabbit suddenly heard, the earrings of the guzheng sounded suddenly, and immediately Feng Jiuge’s silhouette came out, just in her near.


Feng Jiuge, with some strange eyes, pointed at Miss White Rabbit and made a sound like a weapon collision.

Miss White Rabbit made a sharp scream, and in an instant she sensed a strong death threat.

She quickly retreated.

Sharp sound waves, right in her chest.

a moment later, blood flies, Miss White Rabbit is filled with raging black fog.

In the black fog, the Black Vine appeared, and a gecko stepped on the foot, and suddenly flew up into the sky.

Rank 6 cultivation base’s Miss White Rabbit, not Feng Jiuge’s opponent. But at the crucial moment, her other identity, the Black Vine rescue, appeared and saved her life.

Despite this, Black Vine is also seriously injured, quickly escaping, trying to heal.

Feng Jiuge is not chasing.

He knew that he had failed in the raid and had lost his chance to make everyone alert. There was no such first hit.

The key is……

Feng Jiuge slightly eyebrows, looked towards the vast Gobi Desert at the foot: “Here?”

“The soundtrack Gobi, your place of burial!” When he said this, Fang Yuan rushed again.

“so that’s how it is.” Feng Jiuge suddenly realized, a moment later, dissipated into sound waves, one song open way, and once again, let Fang Yuan fight empty.

However, Feng Jiuge, who came out again at a distance, was not so good-looking.

The smile on the corner of the mouth has been cut a lot, and the eyes are even more dignified.

Western Desert’s Ultimate Gobi is the place with the Southern Border’s Silent Hill. They are already famous all over the world. For Sound Dao Gu Immortal, they are all Danger Realm forbidden.

Because in these two places, Sound Dao’s Dao Marks is suppressed very badly, any Sound Dao ultimate move formidable power will be resisted a lot.

Before, Feng Jiuge wanted to move to the back of Miss White Rabbit and kill him.

As a result, there are enough steps from the Miss White Rabbit, and the figure has been revealed.

This allowed Miss White Rabbit to escape the deadly killing intent.

“The soundtrack Gobi, the original Wonderland, but was personally stolen by Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable. I didn’t expect it to be here, how did Fang Yuan know? Oh, I almost forgot, he is the new owner of Shadow Sect, know some Secret information is also true.” Feng Jiuge guessed in his heart.

He guessed wrong next time, this place Shadow Sect is not clear.

Fang Yuan knows that because of his five years of previous life, the Five Regions chaos, this place is exposed. It is now being used by him.

“Uh?” Feng Jiuge suddenly face changed, surprised looking towards his arm.

I don’t know when it started, and there was a layer of frost on his arm and even his back.

“Is that dragon girl Bai Ningbing?” Feng Jiuge looked at Bai Ningbing in the distance, and his eyes flashed a sigh of praise.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move cold eye !

This is exactly what Bai Ningbing has shown.

Feng Jiuge is very fast, but the cold eye ultimate move is faster, as long as it is within Bai Ningbing’s field of vision, it is almost at the same time.

Feng Jiuge laughed, extended the palm, and gently stroked on the frost.

Suddenly, a melodious bell sound rang, and frost immediately melted.

Bai Ningbing coldly snorted, a pair of dragon eyes swelled.

“A little trouble.” Feng Jiuge frowned slightly and used one song open way again, disappearing in place.

But a moment later, when he appeared, he not only faced Bai Ningbing’s cold eye, but also called Fairy Euphony’s hook.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move

In the eyes of Fairy Euphony, two curved Xian Yue emerged.

Like the cold eye, this is also a sighting technique that is extremely fast.

Feng Jiuge was recruited and his body was slightly shocked.

Fairy Euphony’s face is moving, she is confident of the power of the moon, but playing on Feng Jiuge’s, just let his body shake that’s all.

Feng Jiuge’s defense, of course the background is strong.

At the beginning, even if he faced Wu Yong’s Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, he could resist it for so long. Hard to eat a month of ultimate move, nothing.

Zhi zhi 喳喳!

Suddenly, the sound of the birds was heard.

A group of Flame Bird, surrounded by Feng Jiuge.

Hōng hōng hōng bang!

a moment later, Flame Bird has self-exploding, the sound of the explosion is endless, but it quickly disappears.

Because this is on the battlefield of the Peregrine Gobi.

The explosion covered Feng Jiuge, and the hot flame spewed all around with the smoldering air.

For a time, Fang Yuan and the others’ faces were all covered with a layer of fire.

The temperature in the air suddenly rises.

Hei Loulan stood in the distance, his eyes glazed with a strong fighting intent. This is the angry bird that she evoked from Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

In the distance, Feng Jiuge reveals the figure again.

He was unscathed, and the angry bird self-exploding did not reach him.

Fang Yuan immediately rushed, and the rest of the Shadow Sect group attack came from all directions.

Feng Jiuge smiled silently: “I have been dodging for a long time. Come and eat me.”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Heaven and Earth Song !

In a flash, Heaven and Earth sang.

The songs came into the ears of the group, and their bodies trembled. It felt like the entire Heaven and Earth seemed to become steep and wide, and they themselves became smaller and smaller, turning into ants and turning into dust.

A small, humble feeling, born spontaneously.

Compared with the entire Heaven and Earth, what is it that is trivial and what counts?

This is the power of Heaven and Earth Song!

Not only does it affect Gu Immortal, but even their Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is the same. It is suppressed in Heaven and Earth Song, the formidable power is getting smaller and smaller, and after a few breaths, it disappears into the invisible.

This move is one of Feng Jiuge’s signature ultimate move. At the time of the fierce battle in Unrestrained Valley, Qin Baisheng had suffered from this.

It is now the turn of Fang Yuan and the others.

Hei Loulan and the others are naturally uncomfortable, but Fang Yuan is still going forward!

The Adverse Current Protection Seal is still motionless, but there are a few ripples on the surface. Not only that, but it also counters some of the power of Heaven and Earth Song to Feng Jiuge’s.

Feng Jiuge tasted the taste of its ultimate move for the first time!

Looking at Fang Yuan, who was in the middle of the road, his brows were deeply wrinkled and he had to use one song open way to move again.

Adverse Current Protection Seal has no way for Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, Longevity Heaven, and Purple Mountain True Monarch. Wu Yong is also helpless, not to mention his Feng Jiuge?

Feng Jiuge had a headache when he saw Fang Yuan.

He was finally deeply realized, Wu Yong felt at the beginning.

“Fang Yuan puts aside and first removes all of his wings!” Feng Jiuge didn’t want to entangle with Fang Yuan and hit the target with others.

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