Dancer Hong Yun is a major in Cloud Dao, but since Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, Soul Search has become a must-have for every Gu Immortals because it is easy to learn. ★

At this point, she searched the soul of Han Li and immediately learned the general passage of Han Li cultivation. The natural adventure of Han Li in gu formation was also exposed.

“Interesting!” Dancer Hong Yun grabbed Han Li and then broke into the Sand Desert, and soon arrived at the underground sand hole.

The underground sand hole has almost completely collapsed. However, Dancer Hong Yun was accidentally and a small gu formation appeared in the corner.

She came to the gu formation, the gu formation opened a small passage, and the Formation Spirit opened inside: “Master!”

The Formation Spirit is called, naturally it is Han Li.

“The powerful Formation Spirit! gu formation has collapsed before, but it can be reorganized. I am afraid this is the work of the Formation Spirit. For example, “Dancer Hong Yun is shaking.”

“as a result, Zhen Yuanzi’s True Inheritance, I’m afraid it has been preserved. Haha, this immortal destiny is mine!” Dancer Hong Yun laughed in his heart.

In the depths of her eyes, the bright glow flashes are gone, and the hand is slightly forced. To Han Li said: “Little guy, I saved your life, as a life-saving grace, you will dedicate all of this True Inheritance to me.”

Han Li opened his eyes: “Okay.”

“Heard, Formation Spirit, your master has transferred you all to me.” Dancer Hong Yun turned his head and said to Formation Spirit.

“This…” Formation Spirit hesitated.

“What? You still want to defy your master’s orders?” Dancer Hong Yun slightly frowned.

Formation Spirit is silent.

Dancer Hong Yun sneered : “Formation Spirit, your original owner is Zhen Yuanzi. Zhen Yuanzi arranges True Inheritance, inheritance, and now Han Li reaches the standard and becomes your new master. Don’t tell me to regret it? ”

“Of course not.” Formation Spirit unhesitatingly.

“So now your new owner, Han Li, do you listen?” Dancer Hong Yun asked again.

“Listen.” Formation Spirit again unhesitatingly replied.

“In this case, Han Li will give you the ferry to me and repay my life-saving grace. Do you still want to deny it?” Dancer Hong Yun step by step.

Formation Spirit was silent for a while, and he always felt a little bit wrong, but he couldn’t say it.

In the end, he long sighed: “We don’t deny, you will be our new owner.”

“Hahaha, this and that’s it. acknowledgment allegiance me, don’t have any resistance.” Then, Dancer Hong Yun spotted the immortal essence and poured it.

Formation Spirit did not resist, obediently refined by this immortal essence.

It is the center of this gu formation and can replace Gu Immortal manipulates gu formation as long as there is enough immortal essence reserves.

Formation Spirit turned to Dancer Hong Yun, and the other Gu insects naturally followed, and soon the entire Immortal Rank gu formation was easy to change.

Dancer Hong Yun has harvested the severe Immortal Gus, a large number of mortal gu, and also from the Formation Spirit, the completed Formation Dao True Inheritance of the studied Zhen Yuanzi.

The Immortal Formation was completely opened and there was no defense against Dancer Hong Yun.

Dancer Hong Yun laughed heartily, but did not rush to accept, but turned and waved to Han Li.


a light sound, Han Li instantly turned into a pool of flesh and blood, can not die, and even the soul is completely destroyed.

It turned out that Han Li was not really awake, but that Dancer Hong Yun used the immortal means to secretly convey the will, manipulates Han Li, and promised himself to transfer all True Inheritance.

It is extremely difficult to snatch the Immortal Gu.

But Han Li is just a mortal, while Dancer Hong Yun is Gu Immortal.

Immortal and mortal are different, the strength of the two sides is very different, and Dancer Hong Yun is crushed by strength, and Han Li has no ability to fight back.

Of course, if a mortal, who really owns Immortal Gu, Gu Immortal wants to directly grab the mortal Immortal Gu, it is not that simple.

If you are not careful, the jade stone will be burned, Immortal Gu will be destroyed together with the mortal, let Gu Immortal all in vain.

The situation faced by Dancer Hong Yun is quite special.

Han Li passed the test and became the successor of True Inheritance, but because of the spoiler of Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion, he did not have a refined Formation Spirit, and all other Gu insects.

Therefore, among these Gu insects left by Zhen Yuanzi, it is still the will of Zhen Yuanzi.

This is a loophole that was captured by Dancer Hong Yun.

Another special place is the Formation Spirit.

Formation Spirit Immortal Gu is the original creation of Zhen Yuanzi. He modeled the Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit and arranged a Formation Spirit, support Gu Immortal manipulates gu formation for a gu formation.

Formation Spirit Immortal Gu is a washable Gu insect. Once it was used, Immortal Gu disappeared and turned into a Formation Spirit.

In the future, if Gu Immortal wants to use Formation Spirit Immortal Gu again, he will only re-fining one.

Formation Spirit has some wisdom, similar to Earth Spirit and Heaven Spirit, and can’t lie, it’s simple.

This gave Dancer Hong Yun the power to deceive and negotiate and persuade.

Without the Formation Spirit, but a bunch of Gu insects, they couldn’t be convinced by the inability to talk to Dancer Hong Yun.

All in all, Dancer Hong Yun accidentally inherited this Yuan Yuanzi’s Formation Dao True Inheritance.

“Zhen Yuanzi is Gu Immortal of Che Family. I didn’t expect him to be a Righteous Path. He didn’t leave his True Inheritance to the family, but he was here.” Qian Bian’s will said, “It seems that It is rumored that Zhen Yuanzi and the family disagreed, and were pushed out by other families, Gu Immortal, not rumor.”

“This is Husband’s Hongfu, we can only see this opportunity.” Dancer Hong Yun smiled.

“Well, wait until you save Cui Bo and return to the Wan Desert. You will give these True Inheritance to your body. Don’t worry, you can’t help you.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s will is a touch of tone.

Dancer Hong Yun has a bloody heart. She knows that she will contribute to this True Inheritance. The essence of it will be swallowed up by Old Ancestor Qian Bian. It is really bad to say how much it can be in her own hands.

However, she had to contribute.

Throughout the process, Qian Bian’s will is attached to her, and she has an insight into it.

Dancer Hong Yun is also considered to be good, but in the face of Rank 8, it is difficult to resist.

“But then, if I am alone, I will not venture here. I can meet Zhen Yuanzi’s True Inheritance and actually trust the will of Husband.”

With this in mind, the mood of Dancer Hong Yun suddenly became much more peaceful.

She checked her harvest a lot, and there were three Immortal Gus, two of which were Formation Dao Immortal Gu. Although the number is small, it is all Rank 7.

And the Formation Spirit can barely be half an Immortal Gu.

If this gu formation has crashed once, Dancer Hong Yun will have more to gain.

In a different position, Dancer Hong Yun couldn’t help but smash Han Li waste. He wanted to get Gu Immortal True Inheritance.

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