This is a palace made of green copper.

In the middle of the palace, there is only a brass crane neck and Earth Palace lights. The neck of the crane is slender, and a rounded arc is drawn. The tip of the straight crane is a peach-sized fire candle.

It is this candle that shines through the entire great hall.

The candlelight is weak, and many corners of the green copper palace are immersed in the darkness.

A thin body of the Youth Gu Master is standing on the huge bricks of the palace. There is a huge pillar near him, red lacquer, and it is so thick that three adults must hold hands together to get around.

The candle illuminates and is blocked by the giant pillar, making the youth Gu Master half-baked with candlelight and half covered in darkness and shadow.

It is Han Li.

At this time, Han Li had cold sweat on his forehead, and his heart was uncertain.

“I am big!”

“This Zhen Yuanzi Senior, although Righteous Path Gu Immortal, but his True Inheritance is not someone like me, qualified to get it.”

“Being able to go this step is already exhausting my mind. There are several steps in it. I rely solely on Luck Qi!”

Han Li has experienced these and is very aware of the dangers of this green copper giant hall.

Now think about it, he is afraid of it.

In fact, the inheritance of the Righteous Path is often not dangerous. The Demonic Path is a tricky and sinister.

Zhen Yuanzi’s inheritance test, although these dangers, is nothing for Gu Immortal. But for Han Li, which is still Gu Master, it is too dangerous.

Han Li himself is a strong luck person, and has a relationship with Fang Yuan with Connecting Luck, which has led to the opportunity, and now has the Rank 4 cultivation base.

This level, at his age, without Gu Immortal backing, is very rare.

Han Li stood in the field, motionless, and he tried to look sideways and see the road he had traveled. He wanted to withdraw.

This Yuan Yuanzi’s Gu Immortal True Inheritance, for him, is too high, although very tempting, but now Han Li has completely reawakened.

He tried to figure it out for a long time, and then he tried to take his right leg to the left and right.

a moment later, his vision suddenly changed.

“Is it going forward?”

Han Li quickly glanced around and suddenly his face was white.

He found that the red lacquer giant pillar had been left behind by himself, and it was more than ten steps ahead of the original place.

It’s a big step closer to the brass palace’s Earth Palace.

As long as it is reached, Han Li will be recognized and completely inherit the Yuan Inheritance of Zhen Yuanzi.

But Han Li is now determined to retreat.

This step forward, but he licked the cat and encountered a dead mouse, and mistakenly hit it. His real thought is to get out of here, and the result is going forward.

As you can imagine, once he has just had the idea of ​​moving forward, choosing the other direction is definitely a very bad ending.

For Formation Dao, Han Li from the rogue cultivator, the background is very shallow and almost blank. To put it bluntly, it is the country-style, three-legged cat.

Being able to come here is based on his intelligence, calm thinking, and Luck Qi.

Among these factors, the Luck Qi factor is the most prominent.

This also led to Han Li becoming less and less confident.

Because of this kind of thing, Luck Qi is very unreliable. A sane person, if he only works by Luck Qi, is pure gambling.

“oh! I am now taking the gamble and seemingly withdrawing the draws back one step to the right rear. It is safer.” Han Li observed all around. At this point, he was completely confused and could only come by feeling.

Then he falls back one step.


The vision changed again, and the result surprised him, because he is more advanced this time, with tens of steps!

The success of the Brass, the neck palace, is now close at hand, and Han Li even reaches out and can almost touch it.

Of course, Han Li is still a bit far from the real count.

The ruler is the end of the world.

Han Li hesitated.

In the face of this situation, he will inevitably have to be shaken. After all, it seems that success is close at hand, as long as he is one step further.

“But is it really right?” Han Li is in a tough decision.

Time flies very quickly, and in his feelings, it seems to be just a moment.

The difficult choice made him sweat out. But in the end, his clear and bright reason, but also overcome the greed of the heart.

“How can a cultivation have a lucky heart?” Han Li spits out one mouthful of impure air, and his whole state of mind is sublimated.

He began to look for a way to retreat.

This green copper great hall is just a form of space. Like Fang Yuan in the Southern Border super dream gu formation, the same as the great hall.

Han Li’s current position directly indicates that he is now trapped in the center of the gu formation.

However, the road to retreat has become apparent at this time.

Even Han Li, whose foundation is weak on Formation Dao, can be seen.

Han Li’s mind is clear and bright, and follows the route of the retreat, and continues to retreat, farther and farther away from the Brass Crane’s Earth Palace lights.

“I really hope that the next journey is as simple and smooth as it is now.” Han Li just said this in his heart, and suddenly his vision changed suddenly.

He was horrified to find that he was directly in front of the arrived brass crane neck in front of the Earth Palace lights!

“How, what happened?” Han Li was puzzled.

A sense of consciousness, slowly awakened in the wick.

The old voice, stupidly echoing in Han Li’s ear, like the one just woke up from sleep: “right, right, fated person, you can to discern this grand formation, come to me, I have proven that I am qualified to inherit True Inheritance.”

Han Li to blush with shame: “I, I really want to withdraw.”

The voice began to become clear, and it was organized: “hehe, this is the intention of Zhen Yuanzi to arrange this array. When the Brass neck is close to the Earth Palace, any choices are forward. False. Only talented high, deep understanding of the Damen’s Gu Immortal, can be discern this point. Understand that the retreat is the real way forward, or those Forming Dao is weak, but can also know the advance and retreat Gu Immortal, temperament can Jia also has the opportunity to inherit True Inheritance.”

Han Li suddenly realized: “So, I am the latter kind. And, are you not the will of Zhen Yuanzi Senior?”

“Of course not, I am Formation Spirit Immortal Gu. It is the original creation of Zhen Yuanzi Senior, the world does not know.” The voice replied.

Han Li ignorant: “Formation Spirit?”

“I don’t understand this? Blessed Land has Earth Spirit, Celestial Grotto has Heaven Spirit, gu formation can also have Formation Spirit. What are you Gu Master? You are not Gu Immortal?!” Suddenly, the Formation Spirit tone rose. .

“Not good means that I am really mistaken. If I am not qualified to inherit True Inheritance, can I leave here?” Han Li 讪said with a smile.

Formation Spirit is very confused: “Inconceivable, you are not Gu Immortal, then there are a few steps in the middle, how did you pass it? Luck Qi, how bad your Luck Qi is!”

“Oops?!” Han Li thought that the Formation Spirit would praise his Luck Dao.

Formation Spirit The tone is not moving: “It’s awful! Zhen Yuanzi’s original idea was to pick out one of the Gu Immortal heirs. You don’t have immortal essence, you can’t suppress the Immemorial Desolate Beast Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion.” True Inheritance, this gu formation is going to start collapsed, but you can’t conquer Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion, you just can’t run away? No, no, how can you run off? Finished, finished, I didn’t expect to have just inherited True Inheritance, my new master, the result is so dead!”

“No, there must be a chance!” Han Li didn’t want to be obediently surrender.

“It’s useless, the strength gap is too big.” Formation Spirit’s manifestation of the Formation Spirit is very pessimistic about the matter.

Sure enough, as it said, the gu formation began to collapse, and the entire green copper great hall became virtual.

The wick floated up and landed on Han Li’s shoulder.

The real environment emerges.

This is a huge deep hole in the underground of the Sand Desert.

A large number of Shasuo began to fall, without the support of the Immortal Dao gu formation. This artificially opened, the vicissitudes of the sand hole immediately began to collapse.

Han Li has no way to enter the ground.

In front of him, a small mountain-like huge Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion.

It is sleeping at the moment. If it is one Gu Immortal, it can follow the arrangement of Zhen Yuanzi, and it will be able to conquer it. Even if it can not be recovered, it can wake it up and no longer be a successor.

This is actually an assessment of Zhen Yuanzi.

Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion is Immemorial Desolate Beast. If the successor is good enough, then you can control this Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion.

But Han Li is obviously not.

Not only is it not, it may be swallowed up by Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion.

The sandstone continually fell from the top of the head and wandered on the Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion.

Han Li launched a storm, but Mortal Realm Ultimate Move hit the body of the claw-winged lion, like a breeze.

Azure Clawed Ghost Winged Lion Suddenly a front squat, open the mouth directly and swallow Han Li into the belly!

Remarks: At the beginning of the month, ask for the monthly ticket of the guarantee.

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