
Old Ancestor Qian Bian hearing that, suddenly an angry intent.

Although he has a lot of wives, the most favored of them is the third room, Fairy Cui Bo.

Who doesn’t know about this in Western Desert’s Gu Immortal World?

Fairy Cui Bo is now in trouble. If it is man-made, the Gu Immortal that does it is not to put his Old Ancestor Qian Bian in his eyes!

There are two of the biggest possibilities.

The first one was the hands-on Gu Immortal, who was tough on the mountain and also a Rank 8 Great Expert, not afraid of his Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Another possibility is the legacy of the Western Desert Zombie Alliance division. The value is too great, the wealth is moving, the killing intent is spurred, and it is impulsive and risky.

“I forbear.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian took a deep breath and pressed the angry intent in his heart.

At this time, he is not suitable for going out.

The meat pack on the surface of the body is still agitating and continues to grow Zodiac Beast.

He needs healing and healing himself.

If you are forced to leave the country, if you encounter other Rank 8, you may have to reveal the truth.

“I occupy the Sand Desert, Gu Immortal World knows that I have inherited the Reckless True Inheritance here. If it reveals the facts of weakness, I am afraid it will provoke some people’s minds. Fine, for the time being, let Hong Yun│ Red Cloud to explore the real thing.”

Thinking of this, Old Ancestor Qian Bian will say with the sound transmission: “Hong Yun│Red Cloud, you immediately depart, find Cui Bo, save her.”

The female immortal outside the door is sincere and fearful: “reporting to Husband adults, this mistress Hong Yun│Red Cloud battle strength is not enough, its own safety is small, if it delays the Husband plan, then the crime deserving ten thousand deaths.”

“No problem. I will give you the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, leaving me with a will and immortal essence to protect you. You go though.” Old Ancestor Qian Bianhab barely fell, the door opens a gap and flies from it. Out of a will, wrap up a Rank 8 Immortal Gu, and a lot of immortal essence.

Female immortal Hong Yun│Red Cloud Daxi, worshipped three worships: “this mistress leads.”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian retreats Hong Yun│Red Cloud female immortal and concentrates on himself.

Although he loves Fairy Cui Bo, he is more concerned about himself. Looking at this great hall during the battle, the more Zodiac Beast, Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s brow is also wrinkled and deeper.

“These Zodiac Beasts are not Desolate Beast or Far Ancient Desolate Beast.”

“It’s full of Will of Heaven, it’s against me, I can’t use it!”

“Kill them, take them locally…it’s not as good as selling them directly to Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is also helpless.

This time crossed Myriad Tribulation and almost dried his background. Now his Immortal Aperture is a mess, his condition is also like so, the battle strength is going to drop a bit, even worse than before the transcends tribulation.

What is even more irritating is that although the entire Myriad Tribulation has been spent, Dao Marks has only lost money and has not gained anything.

“Gu Immortal cultivation is really getting harder and harder.”

“I even have Reckless True Inheritance, but I am suffering from Myriad Tribulation, which is also nine deaths and still alive.”

“It’s no wonder that in the history of the vast Human Race, the popular Rank 9 Gu Immortal is only ten people. Oh! ”

Old Ancestor Qian Bian sighed deeply and stuffed a Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast into the Immortal Aperture.

Through Immortal Aperture, he sent the Zodiac Beast to Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Any merchandise that enters Treasure Yellow Heaven will give off a treat light.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian’s Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast, although not a local one, is part of his own physical body, combined with Will of Heaven and Time Dao’s Dao Marks. But after entering Treasure Yellow Heaven, it suddenly exudes a strong and high-rise treat light.

This layer of light, suddenly attracted the attention of Gu Immortal.

Some are the will of Gu Immortal, and others are communicating with Divine Sense of Gu Immortal of Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“How do you sell this Zodiac Beast?” Soon, Gu Immortal Divine Sense took the initiative to find the door.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian laughed ,replied : “Not busy, not busy.”

Later, he stuffed a lot of Zodiac Beast into Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Zodiac Beast itself is rare, after all, this is a ferocious beast that lives in the River of Time. Whether it is Five Regions or two days, it is rarely seen. As for entering the River of Time, this difficulty is even higher than entering Black and White Two Heavens. It is often only possible to switch to Time Xo’s Rank 8 Great Expert.

Now Old Ancestor Qian Bian has come up with so many Zodiac Beast, and not all common Zodiac Beast, not Desolate Rank, or Far Ancient Desolate Rank, which suddenly triggered the sensation of Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“With Gu Immortal Great Expert suddenly selling a lot of Zodiac Beast, go and squat.”

“The quality of these Zodiac Beasts is very high and amazing.”

“Unimaginable, there are actually so many Zodiac Beasts. I am afraid this seller is Time Dao’s Great Expert!”

Gu Immortals kept talking and speculated.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian is quite satisfied. The sensation he deliberately created has begun to spread rapidly, and soon there will be more and more Gu Immortal, paying attention to it.

“These Zodiac Beasts are pure and natural. I didn’t plant any means of slavery until the end. You look at it.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian preached.

Gu Immortal Under a cursory view, this is indeed the case, asking prices.

“No hurry, no hurry.” Old Ancestor Qian Bian is just a dodge.

He is waiting.

These Zodiac Beasts are not really wild beasts, but his fleshly fairy, combined with Myriad Tribulation. And the real natural Zodiac Beast, there is still a difference.

The normal Zodiac Beast is enslaved. But these are filled with Will of Heaven’s Zodiac Beast, I am afraid that slavery will not work. Even if someone can do this, it will be the Great Expert level, with Transcendent’s means.

Therefore, Old Ancestor Qian Bian wants to sell these Zodiac Beasts and must take action in the shortest possible time.

This sale cannot be done long.

After a long period of time, everyone discovered the flaws and published them, and the business would suffer a huge blow.

“It is best to have a buyer, directly open the high price, swallow these Zodiac Beast!” Old Ancestor Qian Bian in his heart with a wishful thinking.

The potential objects he wants to sell are in the superpowers, or on Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

More and more Zodiac Beast is being placed in the Was put to Treasure Yellow Heaven by Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Gu Immortals was amazed and thought that this was a big deal. The scale of Zodiac Beast is very rare in the recent fifty years.

Seeing more and more people, Old Ancestor Qian Bian began to announce: “I am troubled by this person, which Fellow Immortal bought more, which one to sell first. In terms of price, just take the treasure on each Zodiac Beast Light calculation, virginity.”

As soon as this statement comes out, those rogue cultivators and hidden immortals complain.

But there are also many people who stand out and ask or discuss prices.

These people are not Rank 8 Great Expert, it is the representative of the super power.

Old Ancestor Qian Bian has been negotiating with these people. His mood has gradually settled down. According to this popularity, after Zodiac Beast sells, he can make a lot of money!

It may not be able to make up for the loss of transcends tribulation.

Feng Jiuge flying at high altitude.

The sky is clear and cloudless.

Overlooking it, I saw the sand dunes rolling up and the lines were soothing and smooth. What makes Feng Jiuge feel more comfortable is that this Sand Desert is not dead, it is growing some plants.

Some are the guides of the immortals, some are the shuttle arrow shrubs, some are white teeth flowers, bringing a lot of life to the Sand Desert.

These are all common plants in the Western Desert.

The fairy guides, very similar to cacti, with pointed needles on the surface. The immortal guides are all human palm shapes, but some have fists, some stick out the index finger, some hold up the little finger, some erect the middle finger, and the direction of the finger is also southeast and northwest, up and down, left and right. Numerous.

The shuttle arrow shrub is the most common shrub in the Western Desert. Its branches are thin and hard, and the common ones are as high as one foot. Some special ones can reach two 30 feet, which is higher than the building. Among the sharks and shrubs, there are often some sand worms and even wild cockroaches.

As for the white teeth flower, it is like a sunflower, with a basin size, facing the sun and absorbing sunlight. A circle around the disk is the petals of orange yellow. In the center of the disk is a white flowered tooth, very densely packed. Under the sunlight, there is a layer of halo like a pearl.

The unique scenery of these Western Desert, Feng Jiuge has no heart to appreciate.

His main attention is concentrated not far ahead.

“Near, Fang Yuan and the others should be nearby.” Feng Jiuge began to dive down.

Soon, his height dropped dramatically, and fell on the hot Sand Desert.

He descended very quickly, but from beginning to end, it was silent, and no wind or waves formed.

Feng Jiuge both eyes swept, the bottom of the glow glow flashes, he found.

“There is an Illusion Formation here!”

This Illusion Formation is naturally unbreakable, although it is only a genre, but if it is broken, it must be the grass to scare the snake.

Feng Jiuge thought for a moment, he found this Illusion Formation, does not isolate the inside and outside air.

Just a gust of wind blew over.

Feng Jiuge will extend the hand and gently catch it in front.

He caught the sound of the wind in his own hands.

Then his hand slowly grasped, and an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move spurred in the dark, and the breath converges to the extreme.

Finally, Feng Jiuge opened his fist and would hold the sound of the wind in his palm and gently pat it on his chest.

Hū Hū Hū ……

Immediately, his whole body was swaying around a sound of the wind, naturally, and before with the slightest difference.

Driven by this sound of the wind, his footsteps eased and penetrated the interior of the Illusion Formation, the arrived gu formation.

The field of view has changed dramatically.

A huge sand vortex directly dominates Feng Jiuge’s entire vision.

The sound of hong long long continually shrouded his ears, making Feng Jiuge feel like he was on the edge of a huge waterfall.

The rising stocks of smoke and dust are also like the water vapor from the waterfall.

The entire sand whirlpool covers an area of ​​100 acres and has a magnificent scenery.

Feng Jiuge quickly scanned the week and found no trace of Fang Yuan and the others. He turned his attention to the center of the sand whirlpool.

There, there is a black hole, a bottomless hole.

After the investigation, Feng Jiuge did not hesitate, and got up again and flew into the hole.

The wall of the cave is made up of spiral sand, and Feng Jiuge flies down. The hole in the sand whirlpool is still very wide for Feng Jiuge alone.

Deep into the sand hole, Feng Jiuge was soon in a deep darkness.

Feng Jiuge doesn’t look at things, but it doesn’t matter. His methods of investigation are not few, and they are quite subtle.

It’s dark, it’s hard to beat him.

“There is a breath of Time Dao!” Feng Jiuge’s heart jumped and he knew he was right.

If you don’t do well here, there is a tributary of time. Fang Yuan follows the tributary of the time to enter the River of Time and find Red Lotus’ True Inheritance!

Ps: There is a single chapter after it, about the 8 month author signature postcard giving event, everyone is interested to take a look.

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