A long black wavy hair, draped over the shoulder.

The bridge of the nose is tall and the lines of the lips are like a knife. At this moment, his lips are scornful and there is a cold and graceful look.

It is Ying Wuxie’s soul.

At this point, he has left the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, pulling the soul out and floating in the air.

“Is this flesh?” Ying Wuxie frowned, looking at a hail in front of her eyes.

This hail, from time to time, does not exude ice-cold cold, translucent, like crystal, inside which is sealed with one Gu Immortal.

She is delicate and petite, like a young girl, a carved green dress, ears pendant with two Yu Zhu Zi, the inside of the beads seems to contain water, swaying, swaying green water.

At this moment with both eyes closed tightly, Bai Ningbing died, even the thoughts in his mind were frozen, and life and death were decided by others.

This female immortal is naturally not someone else. It was before the eyesight was unsatisfactory. When he saw that Fang Yuan did not escape in time, he was captured by Bai Ningbing and captured by the Western Desert female Gu Immortal Fairy Cui Bo.

Seeing that Ying Wuxie was hesitant, Fang Yuan urged: “In this case, where can I find the flesh that meets your requirements? Let’s use it first.”

Ying Wuxie nodded: “Hey, that’s all. Just get started!”

Fang Yuan will show his right hand and fly a Rank 7 Immortal Gu from the palm of his hand.

This Immortal Gu image is strange, like a goose egg, the eggshell is translucent, looking from the outside, you can see the bright green Light Qi inside. Close to it, I felt a bit of chilling chill from this Immortal Gu.

This chill is not the same as the icy ice of the hail.

The hail of the hail is a bitter bone. And the chill of this Immortal Gu is directly on the soul of the person.

Ying Wuxie’s soul, because of the appearance of this Immortal Gu, did not help but shudder.

On the other side, Bai Ningbing stood quietly, and his eyes were inevitably attracted by the Rank 7 Immortal Gu.

“Is this the soul of Immortal Gu?” Bai Ningbing whispered.

That’s right, it’s the Immortal Gu.

The origin of this Immortal Gu is also quite tortuous.

At first, it was green, refining, which was one of the first generation Gloomy Soul Soul Fragment.

Then handed it to the fairy Mo Yao of Spiritual Fate House.

In order to save the lover Bo Qing, Mo Yao uses his soul-changing technique to exchange his soul and Bo Qing.

Bo Qing Remnant Soul was rescued by Shadow Sect, hidden in the depths of Central Continent Earth Abyss, and tried to heal. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and eventually captured by Heavenly Court.

Mo Yao’s Remnant Soul stayed in Bo Qing’s Immortal Zombie body, with a change of soul Immortal Gu and Bo Qing’s series of Sword Dao Gu insects.

After this, Fang Yuan entered the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River and used Mo Yao’s remnant to seduce the single Immortal Gus. This includes the soul change Immortal Gu.

However, although Fang Yuan used Wisdom Halo to refined these Immortal Gus, he did not know anything about the Immortal Gu.

Until the star of Will of Heaven in the dream pointing to Fang Yuan, taught a powerful ultimate move to change the soul of a dream. Fang Yuan knows this, the role of this Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan took advantage of the dream to change the soul, at the most critical moment, occupied Ying Wuxie’s Original body, and then calculated that Gloomy Soul’s main body succeeded and snatched Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

It can be said that the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Shadow Sect defeated, Fang Yuan dying, and changing the soul of Immortal Gu worked is very important!

Now, this Immortal Gu is being used again, but this time, Fang Yuan is not to deal with Shadow Sect, but to help Shadow Sect. Even himself, he became the owner of Shadow Sect!

The mystery of fate is really unpredictable.

Before that, whether it is Fang Yuan or Shadow Sect, how can you expect such a scene?

Under the influence of the soul change Immortal Gu, Ying Wuxie’s soul successfully exchanged with the soul of Fairy Cui Bo.

“What are you doing? What happened to you?” After the soul of Fairy Cui Bo got out of the hail, he woke up and was terrified.

But she lacked the flesh, and the voice of the soul screamed in her ears. It was only a meaningless scream.

Of course, Fang Yuan is clear.

He has the soul of Gu insect, which is just a mortal gu, a lot of it, one of the legacy of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Fang Yuan sneered, gently stroked the hand of Fairy Cui Bo.

Fairy Cui Bo felt an irresistible force and took her entire soul to Fang Yuan’s hand.

“No!” She screamed screamingly, her voice screaming, even Bai Ningbing frowned slightly.

a moment later, she was stopped by Fang Yuan and stuffed into Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Although Fairy Cui Bo has been searched by Bai Ningbing, there is no secret to the ready, but the Gu Immortal soul itself can also be used.

Soul Shaking Mountain is a way to use it.

Gu Immortal Souls, especially the Human Race Gu Immortal soul, the higher the cultivation base, the thicker the soul background, the more Audacity Gu will be formed after the Soul Shaking Mountain is smashed.

But now, Fang Yuan has other means.

Naturally, thanks to the heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch, there are many Soul Dao methods recorded, one of which is to refining the adult shape Soul Beast by Gu Immortal.

Fairy Cui Bo of Rank 7 cultivation base, if converted to Soul Beast, it is Far Ancient Soul Beast.

Fang Yuan If she was transformed into Soul Beast, without any Enslave Dao means, Fairy Cui Bo would be obeyed and loyal.

After becoming the owner of Shadow Sect, the real great gain of Fang Yuan lies in the means and the ultimate move. Although immortal materials and Immortal Gu are quite numerous, the overall value is far from good.

It’s just these insights and means that take a long time to turn into real strength.

And Fang Yuan is now facing the pursuit of killing, but the most missing is time.

The soul of Fairy Cui Bo was suppressed, and Fang Yuan added the soul of Immortal Gu. At this time, Bai Ningbing had opened the hail and released “Fairy Cui Bo”.

More precisely, Ying Wuxie is the body of Fairy Cui Bo.

“It’s so cold.” Ying Wuxie, he’s still covered in heavy frost.

Bai Ningbing would like to wave his hand, and the frost on Ying Wuxie suddenly disappeared.

Ying Wuxie thanked him and then caught up with the numerous Gu insects thrown by Fang Yuan.

A lot of mortal gu, of course, Immortal Gu, and immortal essence stones.

“You still want me to motivate Leading Soul to Enter the Dream?” Ying Wuxie looks at these Gu insects, some strange.

“You are holding. Leading Soul to Enter the Dream’s ultimate move. I know that this trick is so complicated that I can’t practice it in a short time. Now we have Heavenly Court’s detective ultimate move, we are in urgent need of your battle. Strength !”Fang Yuan calmly.

Ying Wuxie is heavily nodded, his eyes are shining, his fists are clenched: “Sect Master is saying, I must live up to the trust of Sect Master!”

Bai Ningbing showed a hint of surprise in his gaze.

Although Ying Wuxie reinvigorated his fighting spirit, his temperament seems to have changed.

Fang Yuan un’ed, but it is well known.

Wisdom Dao is ternary, Thought, Intent, Emotion. Ying Wuxie itself is a sorrowful one. It is only because of the high morale that it is reorganized, so the temperament has changed and it is natural.

“Sect Master, what are we doing next? You can talk about it!”

“Even if I attack Heavenly Court, I will follow closely behind!”

“****娘的, these Righteous Path dog scorpions come to kill one!!”

Ying Wuxie said that she was also excited to wave her arms. She was so excited that she had a huge chest and waved waves.

Fang Yuan pondered then said: “Heavenly Court’s chasing is exactly what I said about anxiety. They are the people who know our intelligence best. The Gu Immortal sent by them must be strong enough that we can’t fight.”

Fang Yuan spoke until here, brow involuntarily gently wrinkled.

He thought of Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge said that he himself accidentally bumped into Fang Yuan and the others by chasing an Immortal Gu associated with Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable.

But this kind of collision is too coincidental.

Is Feng Jiuge the back of Heavenly Court’s?

It seems to be, but not like.

Fang Yuan puts her in the air and thinks: “If I am Heavenly Court’s side and deal with Shadow Sect remnant, I will do my best to carry out a fatal blow. Sending Feng Jiuge comes over and seems to be a poor arrangement.”

This point Fang Yuan can’t understand.

The possibility of Heavenly Court making mistakes is quite small.

Heavenly Court has two major attacks against Shadow Sect. The first was the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and the second was the Battle of Dreams.

These two times are very important, because Heavenly Court’s take action, resulting in a loss of Shadow Sect, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul 100,000 annual plan fell apart.

“When I became the head of Heavenly Court, was there a flaw in Heavenly Court? No, there must be something I didn’t want to understand.” Fang Yuan whispered in his heart.

At the same time, a person came from the Western Desert Boundary Wall.

He is tall and straight, Sword Eyebrow star, gentle, graceful, and heart-wrenching.

It is Feng Jiuge!

“With such a Rank 8 Immortal Gu, crossing the Boundary Wall, it’s easy to countless times.” Feng Jiuge looked back and involuntarily emerged from the previous scene.

Two Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal suddenly appeared, preventing the fight between Feng Jiuge and Wu Yong.

Heavenly Court returned the Gu insect of the Southern Border Righteous Path. Wu Yong was seriously injured and could only accept it and withdraw it directly.

“Feng Jiuge, you have vowed that from now on, you will go to the Shadow Sect remnant like Fang Yuan.”

“This Rank 8 Immortal Gu will lend you for the time being. Even if you meet Rank 8 Gu Immortal again, it will not be so difficult.”

“However, for Fang Yuan, you should pay attention to some.” Heavenly Court Gu Immortal 嘱咐Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge asked, “What do you mean by this?”

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal’s eyes are deep: “Fang Yuan itself is a complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, and must be eradicated and killed. But killing him is not enough.”

“Red Lotus Demon Venerable selected chess pieces is Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan has Spring and Autumn Cicada, also known as Shadow Sect Lord, will definitely go to River of Time, look for Stone Lotus Island, inherit Red Lotus ‘True Inheritance.”

“Red Lotus Demon Venerable’s True Inheritance, hidden in the depths of the River of Time, is a mystery.”

“Tracking Fang Yuan, constantly forcing him to pursue Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, and then destroying Fang Yuan and Red Lotus’ True Inheritance!”

Feng Jiuge’s eyes flashed, and he only understood the deep meaning of Heavenly Court’s.

“Fang Yuan, Red Lotus’ True Inheritance…”

Back to reality, Feng Jiuge whispered in the mouth, and immediately flew to the sky, straight to Fang Yuan and the others hiding place to go straight.

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