Hope is still very embarrassing.

Today’s battle is a three-way melee.

Heavenly Court’s forces are firmly in the first place.

Because of the Rock 8 battle strength Purple Mountain True Monarch and Zuo Ye Hui, Shadow Sect is second.

Southern Border Righteous Path is the third. Although there is Super Gu Formation, after all is dead, it is also infiltrated by Fairy Ziwei using Constellation Chessboard.

As for Fang Yuan, the identity of the Southern Border Righteous Path is actually closer to the Shadow Sect camp. He is special.

In terms of the situation, Heavenly Court and Southern Border Righteous Path are both on the Shadow Sect’s side.

Shadow Sect itself is hard to beat Heavenly Court and is at a disadvantage. It was attacked again and was at the bottom of the list.

“One day, at least one day from the Southern Border source.”

“According to the current trend, let this situation develop, I can’t support this time.”

“When Shadow Sect is defeated, Heavenly Court and Southern Border Righteous Path forces will probably come together to deal with me.”

“Shadow Sect is only one thing, and this Super Gu Formation is far from supporting a day!”

Fang Yuan regained his gaze and scanned the Super Gu Formation, worried.

Because of Chi Quyou’s design, the second layer of this Super Gu Formation can only be made by one person. There are more people and no use. Therefore, even if Fang Yuan recalls Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal, they can’t help themselves and resist the erosion of Fairy Ziwei.

What’s more, Fang Yuan has hidden dangers of identity.

If Southern Border Gu Immortal is from Heavenly Court, they will know the true identity of Fang Yuan’s. These Southern Border Gu Immortal letters still do not believe what action will be taken. For Fang Yuan, these are unknown dangers.

Fang Yuan certainly thought about it, and there is first layer gu formation.

This Super Gu Formation has a total of four layers. Fang Yuan is currently only the second layer of the manipulates, leaving the first layer gu formation.

Fairy Ziwei If the erosion is successful, the second layer gu formation Fang Yuan will be self-destructing. In theory, there will be a possibility to pull up the first layer gu formation and continue to compete.

However, according to the Information Dao Gu insect given by Chi Gui, the manipulator of the first layer gu formation must be Chi Family Gu Immortal.

This is Chi Guyou’s personally arranged gu formation. From his perspective, he is of course first based on his own interests.

The first gu formation has many means of identifying identity. If it is a simple bloodline, Fang Yuan has the means to pretend.

Unfortunately, no.

One of the tools is about Life Tablet Gu and Soul Lantern Gu.

Fang Yuan is not in Chi Family, leaving what Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu.

This aspect involves Information Dao. Fang Yuan can only sigh, and can’t help but curse in the bottom of his heart: “Chi Quyou this old fogey !”

Rank 8 Gu Immortal, where is there a fuel-efficient lamp?

When Chi Quyou was laid out, he certainly wouldn’t expect such a complicated situation. But now, this hand has been placed to contain Fang Yuan’s huge test. It became a dead end, and Fang Yuan was constantly approaching the end of the dead end.

But I have to say that Chi Quyou is quite right.

At least for Chi Family, it is a huge guarantee.

Fang Yuan has to pay attention now, don’t let Chi Family Gu Immortal die. Especially Chi Gui, once he has any danger, he will use the Super Gu Formation to move him back.

With Chi Gui, there is first layer gu formation.

Of course, Chi Gui’s attitude, what will happen to Fang Yuan, is still an unsolved secret.

Fang Yuan will never activate Chi Gui without going to the end of the line.

The situation is complicated and the three sides are in a mixed battle. Fang Yuan has a special status. Although he is temporarily in the camp of Southern Border Righteous Path, he is not very secure.

There are too many factors influencing the impact.

The Wisdom Dao means is moving.

Fang Yuan’s mind, all kinds of thoughts come and go, he thinks that his head is about to smoke!

How to escape?

This problem is still unsolvable.

“Spring and Autumn Cicada?” Single thought head rises in Fang Yuan’s mind and is immediately denied by him.

Spring and Autumn Cicada absolutely can’t be used.

Its within the body contains Will of Heaven, which itself has a huge risk of failure.

A few times ago, Fang Yuan relied on Will of Heaven’s secret support, time after time was born again. But now that he is standing on the opposite side of Will of Heaven’s, Will of Heaven can’t wait to divide his five horses.

In this case, Fang Yuan used Spring and Autumn Cicada again to try to regenerate himself.

Will of Heaven in Spring and Autumn Cicada will remove him directly.

Using Spring and Autumn Cicada is suicide!

Unless it is in accordance with the Shadow Sect’s method, it will be Reverse Refining. But now, where does Fang Yuan have such time?

“Not right!”

“I can use the Time Dao method to speed up the time flow of the Immortal Aperture. Thus, I gave up the Super Gu Formation, and when I collapsed into the Immortal Aperture, it was possible to refine the Spring and Autumn Cicada.”

“No, this method is not right. There is also Disaster and Tribulation.”

“Immortal Aperture is getting faster, and Disaster and Tribulation is coming, Will of Heaven manipulates, it’s definitely hard.”

“And when I lost Time Dao Realm, I was not sure. In the race against time, I made the pure Spring and Autumn Cicada.”

“And this method, to give up the Super Gu Formation, is really a stupid choice of self-mutilation.”

This road does not work either.

Destiny Evil Intention is full and seems to have completely lost its way.

But Fang Yuan did not give up.

He is still in perseverance.

His will has not wavered, and despite the constant increase in pressure, Fairy Ziwei’s erosion of the Super Gu Formation has not stopped.

Perseverance !

Fang Yuan’s eyes are shining, he is not shocked, and his heart is very calm.

Danger Realm He has not encountered it. Instead, he has encountered many times.

In this world, cultivation, earning a life, no matter how you choose, there will always be risks.

Once people go to the heights, it is like climbing a mountain. There is no risk. How can there be gains and improvements?

Even if it is stronger than Old Ancestor Xuehu, the first battle strength of Rank 8 on the plain of Northern Plains is also at risk, Great Snow Mountain is destroyed, and hundreds of years of foundation is gone, refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu’s plan Completely failed, Adverse Current River was also snatched, and even Madame Madame Mo Shou was seriously injured.

Another example is Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Bi Chentian, Wei Lingyang, and these Rank 8 Great Expert, which is the existence of aloof and remote. As a result, he died in a hometown, and even his bones were all outside, and he could not return to his home.

There is also Sword Immortal Bo Qing, and Feng Jiuge who died in Lang Yuan Blessed Land in Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life…

Fang Yuan is not Ma Hongyun, not the son of Qi Luck. Compared with these people, he is actually very common.

In fact, Ma Hongyun eventually died, that is, there is Good Luck Equal to Heaven.

Heaven and Earth are indifferent, everything is a dog, any frightening talent colorful, exp out of the ordinary Gu Immortal, between Heaven and Earth, is also a sentient being, is nothing special, and also Treat Everyone Equally.

Five hundred years of previous life experience, compared with Heaven and Earth, what is it?

The so-called rigorous schemes and deep foresight, in fact, is full of world warmth, familiar with the world of that’s all.

Manpower is limited, who has not made a mistake? Even the Rank 9 Venerable can’t be excused, even if Human Ancestor was deceived by Wisdom Gu.

On the contrary, Will of Heaven is a mighty, leading the whole world, and Heaven and Earth are even more powerful.

It’s hard to be against people in the sky!

The same feelings are not just lingering in Fang Yuan’s heart.

Ying Wuxie is also deeply impressed.

He is fighting.

His opponent is one Rank 7 Righteous Path Gu Immortal, and at this moment, only Ying Xxie of Rank 6 Immortal Zombie is at a disadvantage.

Although he has the exquisite Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, but the opponent’s power, so that Ying Wuxie can barely maintain unbeaten nothing more.

After the previous big melee, Ying Wuxie fell into a dilemma of fighting alone, and the scene was in jeopardy.

Soul Beast is calling!

Ying Wuxie brings out the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the three Far Ancient Soul Beast revolves around him.

But his opponent, Xia Family Rank 7 Gu Immortal, was scornful.

Not long ago, when he first faced Soul Beast’s call, he was very busy.

But at the moment, after years of experience, Xia Family Gu Immortal sought to quickly restrain the Far Ancient Soul Beast.

That is to use the super dream.

The level of intelligence of Far Ancient Soul Beast is still low. With only a few tricks, Xia Family Gu Immortal can seduce these Soul Beast into a dream.

The soul enters the dream, which is a lamb in a tiger’s den.

The essence of Soul Beast is the soul that condenses into a solid.

Making full use of the surrounding combat environment is also one of Gu Immortal’s combat literacy.

Sure enough, Ying Wuxie’s hard-fought Far Ancient Soul Beast was solved by Xia Family Gu Immortal.

Ying Wuxie has a hard time laughing, he is difficult to get out of, and the situation can only rely on other help.

Just then, his complexion slightly changed, the message sent by Received Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan wants to cooperate with Shadow Sect!

After waking up, Purple Mountain True Monarch took the lead and communicated with Fang Yuan to propose cooperation.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan has always been afraid of Shadow Sect’s Information Dao. Although there are interests in each other, there is no progress.

Ying Wuxie didn’t expect it, at this time, Fang Yuan suddenly wanted to work with Shadow Sect.

“It’s too late!” Ying Wuxie’s heart was bitter and full of points.

too late.

It’s too late.

Fang Yuan doesn’t know where it is, and my Shadow Sect has already started to save the body!

Sixth Hair also sent a letter, and Fang Yuan needed an Information Dao Gu insect to communicate directly with Ying Wuxie.

Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect’s side, can’t communicate directly, and generally act as a middleman through Sixth Hair.

This is because the message Gu used to communicate is often a pair.

As a result, they leave a key clue to each other. Information such as location and so on can be easily inferred.

“Give him.” Ying Wuxie thought about it, no rejection.

Then, Fang Yuan’s voice sounded at the bottom of Ying Wuxie’s: “You are very embarrassed, Ying Wuxie, is about to be killed by Xia Family. Your Leading Soul to Enter the Dream ultimate move? Why not?”

Ying Wuxie heard this, and suddenly he was surprised.

“Fang Yuan!” He immediately sent a letter, “Are you don’t tell me on the battlefield here?”

“What do you think?” Fang Yuan hehe smiled. “Soul Beast is not used indiscriminately. You have used it three times before and after. The effect is getting more and more times. It’s just a matter of increasing risk and spending more time.”

Ying Wuxie was shocked: “Fang Yuan, you are really here! Damn, you actually got in, when? Wait, my opponent in front of me will not be you?!”

“If it is me, you are already dead. Don’t talk about unnecessary nonsense, let’s stay for a while…” Fang Yuan paused, “Cooperate!”

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