Ba De trembled and woke up, his old face was very red, and his sly look was flashing on his face.

Fang Yuan concentrated on the second layer Super Gu Formation. Before Chi Gui was stunned, the entire gu formation was borrowed from Fang Yuan, making Fang Yuan a user of Super Gu Formation.

Ba Quanfeng’s sneak attack, Chi Gui’s fainting, turned out to be Fang Yuan.

“Very good, as a result, I am relying on Super Gu Formation, and I have a big stack in this battle!”

Don’t worry about Fang Yuan using his own Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

As a result, he has more strength to fish in troubled waters.

Previously, if Fang Yuan used the Adverse Current Protection Seal, he could escape, but as a result, he let go of the sorrowful Shadow Sect. At this point, he chose to stay, and the degree of control over the scene has increased by a large chunk, waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Of course, Fang Yuan did not relax his vigilance.

He said to these Rightse Path Gu Immortal seriously: “You are all far away from me. If anyone tries to get close, I will be a traitor and gu formation.”

“What do you mean?” Righteous Path Gu Immortals looks at Fang Yuan, who is vigilant, discolored.

At this time, Ba De made a sound, but helped Fang Yuan to explain: “I agree with Wu Yihai, no one should be close. Chi Gui is seriously injured and stunned, it is caused by the traitor Ba Quanfeng sneak attack!”

He informed Righteous Path Gu Immortals about what happened before.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals is naturally amazed, especially knowing that the second layer Super Gu Formation couldn’t be pulled up just if the Fang Yuan rescue was successful. These Righteous Path gu formations are fortunate and have begun to guard against the surrounding Gu Immortal.

Ba De took a look at Fang Yuan and continued to lead the overall situation. A path of order was issued.

Righteous Path Gu Immortal A lot, Ba De can’t save the fainting Chi Gui, it doesn’t mean other Gu Immortal can’t.

Ba Quanfeng was also severely tortured.

The rest of the Righteous Path Gu Immortal actively took a break to heal his injuries and prepare for the next fierce battle.

This time, in the distance outside the Super Gu Formation.

Zuo Ye Hui finally calmed down.

Its tall, tall black body is like a mountain standing quietly.

Then, slowly raising his head, open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, take a deep breath.

Immediately the air produced fierce waves, and the complex atmosphere of the numerous Gu insects blended together, and bursting into the air.

Its entire body began to swell, as if it were a balloon, and the momentum was getting more and more.

After reaching it, it suddenly opened a large mouth, a dark black ray of light, sprayed out.

The speed of the light column is extremely fast, and it is shot directly on the second layer gu formation with lightning speed!

There are no sounds and roars.

Everything is silent, quietly silent.

But the second layer gu formation also exploded with the magnificent ray. The redness on behalf of Flame Dao represents the green color of Wind Dao, representing the light blue of Water Dao, representing the darkness of Dark Dao. The four colors converge in one place, resisting the fierce bombardment of the dark light column.

The entire gu formation creaked.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals has a variety of looks.

Once the Super Gu Formation couldn’t support it, they became the fish on the cutting board. Luck Qi could survive half-residually. Luck Qi was not good and would be turned into gray.

Many savvy people began to look at Fang Yuan’s look.

Fang Yuan is a person of manipulates gu formation. His every move affects the hearts of all the people.

Fang Yuan’s face is always calm, and no one can tell.

But this calmness often means self-confidence and safety. Righteous Path Gu Immortals is gradually letting go.

After a while, the dark black light column slowly dissipated, and the second layer gu formation’s magnificent ray overflowed, and it also fell.

“Prevent it!”


“Wu Yihai is really good!”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals cheered and changed their minds about Fang Yuan’s.

“I really didn’t misread you, Wu Yihai, you saved us all.” Chi Gui woke up from a coma, murmured in his mouth, and looked gratified.

His current state is still not good, so he has to rely on Fang Yuan to continue with the Super Gu Formation.

Qiao Siliu is a pair of eyes, staring at Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan pulling competitive against a crazy tide, successfully saved the field, saved the Roundeous Path, and became a hero in one fell swoop. Qiao Siliu had a good impression of Fang Yuan before, but it was not the best, but at the moment she looked at Fang Yuan who stood upright, but she was pēng pēng, and she had a wonderful feeling.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Night Grey, vs. Super Gu Formation, this is a contest between spear and shield.

In the end, the latter was a little better and successfully resisted the terrifying offensive of this time.

The radiance completely dissipated, and the smoke fell, and Zuo Ye Hui, who was filtering for breath, squinted and looked at the Super Gu Formation.

The dream is not damaged.

It is extremely large, like a huge pot with the bottom of the pot facing up and the cover over the ground.

In the Super Gu Formation second layer, there are hidden Ring Gu Immortal such as Fang Yuan, Ba De, and Qiao Siliu. This gu formation has lost the fourth layer and the third layer. It can no longer wrap up to cover the dream as before. It can only be like a diagonally worn hat, covering a half of the dream.

“Don’t be broken?!” Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing and the others were all surprised, which was inconsistent with the situation that Purple Mountain True Monarch informed them.

Not long ago, they received the sound transmission of Purple Mountain True Monarch, telling them that the next gu formation will be broken, and the opportunity to catch up will be able to lay the victory.

“It’s clear that Chi Gui has lost her ability and it seems that something has changed.” In the distance, the edge of the dream, Purple Mountain True Monarch is deeply sighed.

The trouble is big!

The best time has been lost, but he has already been on the string and has to send it.

The Purple Mountain True Monarch, which hides the figure, cannot be detected by others. On the edge of the dream, he has prepared a long time.

Just at this moment, launch the means!

For a time, Heaven and Earth changed color.

Colorful magnificent ray, straight into the topmost clouds.

Unbeatable atmosphere, huge and vast, like a tsunami, washed the psychological defense of Gu Immortals.

“What happened?!” Gu Immortals of Shadow Sect’s side closed their eyes.

Super Gu Formation in dramatic vibrations.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals also panicked: “What happened? What is this ultimate move?!”

The tension on Fang Yuan’s face flashed, and he said: “This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not aimed at us and gu formation, but this dream.”

After a violent eruption, the brilliance of the color has not completely dissipated. Instead, it begins to form the light of each and every one.

“Dream, dreams have disappeared, and they have become the glory of each and every one.”

“Heavens, what is this means? So Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.”

“A regular ultimate move has no effect on dreams, except for the Dream Dao!”

“so that’s how it is , the real goal of this group of Demonic Path Gu Immortal is the dream here.”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals exclaimed.

Someone gloomily looked at Fang Yuan and said: “I said that immortal destiny business is the bane! Let Demonic Path Gu Immortals imagine the use of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. This is absolutely huge gain, otherwise, how can it be triggered? So many Gu Immortal, reckless rushing strikes?”

As soon as the words were spoken, most of the Rightse Path Gu Immortal’s face changed slightly.

Fang Yuan listened, but there was no response.

Instead, Ba De angrily snorted, staring at the talking Xia Family Gu Immortal: “Shut up!”

At this time, the enemy is still not forgetting the internal strife. He is still giving the eye to the vital Fang Yuan. It is simply too boring, and Ba De is extremely angry.

But a moment later, the Xia Family Gu Immortal disappeared in place and then appeared outside the line.

“He, how did he go out?” Righteous Path Gu Immortals was awkward and immediately stunned.

Fang Yuan’s voice screamed: “This person’s heart is speculating. He wants to provoke distraction and be removed by me. The waste is used to test the details of the other party.”

“Nonense, who gives you the power, you are a grasshopper!”

“Fast, call my family, Gu Immortal, and call back.”

“Hurry up!”

Fang Yuan coldly laughed and roared another Xia Family Gu Immortal, and it disappeared.

a moment later, he appears outside the Super Gu Formation, facing the outside Heaven and Earth. Look at the big dreams, and the super-Glyse Super Gu Formation, a look of arrogance.

“Wu Yihai!” Ba De was in a hurry and almost jumped. “You follow the same thing?!”

Fang Yuan glanced at him faintly, lightly saying: “You are noisy, you go out.”

Ba De is stunned.

Other Righteous Path Gu Immortal : “…”

Ba De has a rush of chest and a red face. After all, he is still started. “You don’t forget, the Immortal Gu that formed this Super Gu Formation is from our super family!”

This is a *naked threat.

But Fang Yuan immediately laughed out: “Do you think that at this moment, who can summon get their own Gu insect? You don’t tell me, have you found that you have lost the ability to sense Immortal Gu?”

The fairy face is simultaneously changed.

Chi Gui at this time said solemnly: “Hey, everyone doesn’t bother. This is the gu formation of my family Chi Quyou. The original design was to prevent the traits from being broken and the gu formation was broken from the inside. So the first layer, Second layer gu formation, all by one person, the other people can’t intervene. Now even me, can’t implements this gu formation. Unless Wu Yihai can borrow gu formation back.”

Spoke until here, Chi Gui looks at Fang Yuan with sincerity.

“Chi Gui Fellow Immortal is seriously injured, he has worked hard and performed a valuable service, or he has dealt with his injuries first.” Fang Yuan sneered and broke Chi Gui’s expectations without any scruples.

Ba De is not angry.

The celestial beings were also flustered.

As a result, wouldn’t they have to rely on Fang Yuan’s breath?

Qiao Siliu These people who are close to the Wu Family are said to have Ba Family, Yao Family, and Yang Family, which are originally contradictory to Wu Family, Gu Immortal, and their faces are ugly.

“Chi Quyou this old fogey!” Someone cursed in her heart.

Chi Quyou has concealed these super families, but it makes sense that he is also thinking about the safety of the whole dream and gu formation. It’s just that things are going wrong, Chi Family loses control and makes an outsider a leader in the situation.

“You can rest assured that Wu Yihai is not a mad person. In this situation, we should have Having common wishes and mutual help in order to get through the storm.”

“My Wu Family is the first of the Righteous Path. With such a major event, I will definitely take the lead and provoke the girders.”

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