At the end of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain ruins, around the Super Gu Formation, the bottle righteous and demonic sides, the other battle finally came to an end.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House is unscathed, shining and quietly floating in midair.

The Purple Blood Creates River Formation is already on the verge of collapse, and the blood is no longer there. There is only a group of scarlet blood, scattered and floating in the purple-black space.

Before the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, the seven Illusion Demon Immortal was detained in a squash, escaped, and only obediently surrender.

The battle has been fixed.

“Let me see your true face.” Wu Yong is still unscathed, and the greenery in his eyes is fleeting.

In an instant, the colorful magnificent ray, which is covered in the body of the seven Illusion Demon Immortal, suddenly dissipates as the wind meets the wind.

His true face is exposed.

The three Rightse Path Gu Immortal were present at the scene.

Qiao Zhicai eyes narrow, hoarsely said : “Yao Geng ?”

It turned out that the seven Illusion Demon Immortal, not others, is part of the super-power Yao Family, Gu Immortal Yao Geng.

He was originally engaged with Wu Yiran in order to compete for the legacy of Immortal Jing Yan. In the fifth time, I suddenly died with Wu Yiran.

He was broken in the Life Family Gu of Yao Family, and everyone thought he was dead.

But I did not expect that he is actually seven Illusion Demon Immortal!

“Okay, very good. The original Yao Family is actually a place to hide dirt.” Tie Mianshen voice ice-cold.

Yao Geng smiled: “This is just my personal behavior, not related to my Yao Family.”

Wu Yong saw that he had to maintain his own family until he died. It was not the disposition of a devil in his imagination. He could not help but wonder: “How do you think, dare to set up a situation to frame me?”

Yao Geng’s smile on her face is even bitter: “I said, I am just a unimportant person. Or more accurately, I am just a chess piece. I am forced to be manipulated and I am forced to do nothing.”

Wu Yong looked dull: “Then tell me, is the Rank 8 Gu Immortal that appeared before you? Tell me all his intelligence.”

Yao Geng laughed heartily, tears flowed down: “If I said, I don’t know the person at all, even the time I contacted him is longer than you. Do you believe?”

Tie Mianshen said: “Is it because of Seven Illusion True Inheritance?”

Yao Geng nodded, looking sad.

Tie Mianshen sighed: “To receive Seven Illusion True Inheritance, you must first receive an Information Dao covenant. My family analyzed it and thought it was a trap. However, it is puzzling that many of the successors of Seven Illusion True Inheritance, I have never fulfilled the Information Dao Covenant for life. It seems that you are the first victim.”

Spoke until here, Wu Yong, Qiao Zhicai suddenly disappeared. The two looked towards Yao Geng’s gaze, with a hint of compassion.

“So far, there is nothing to say. Winner is the king, loser is the villain, to kill the shackles, with yours.” Yao Geng vain, has completely lost his fighting spirit.

“Where is the Rank 8 Gu Immortal?” Wu Yong asked again, he didn’t feel good.

Yao Geng knows everything and says – “I am like you, I thought he has been hiding somewhere in the line. After waiting until you find the most important array core, even after capturing me, I understand that he I have not been here for a long time.”

Wu Yong heard until here, the feeling of bad feelings in the heart is more and more intense.

He slammed and banned Yao Geng, detained in the Xiaozhulou, and then mobilized the Immortal Gu Home to launch terrifying attacking power.

Hong long!

Purple Blood Creates River Formation was attacked by Wu Yong, revealing Blue Heaven clouds.

Three Gu Immortals seeing the sky again, for a moment, the color has not yet surfaced, and the various bodies are slightly shocked.

“Not good, it has already passed such a long time day!”

“This Purple Blood Creates River Formation includes not only the Wisdom Dao, Blood Dao, Void Dao, Information Dao’s profound mystery, but also the Time Dao approach.”

In this gu formation, the time perception of the three Gu Immortals is implicitly affected, resulting in a production illusion.

Even Wu Yong has made this calculation.

He always thought that his time in the Purple Blood Creates River Formation was not long.

But after breaking the gu formation, he only realized the sudden, and it has already passed such a long time day.

“Not good! It seems that the Rank 8 Gu Immortal is not trying to wait for me to fight, but simply wants to besieged us. What is his real purpose?” Wu Yong sinks in his heart and quickly contacts the family. .

Purple Blood Creates River Formation isolated inside and outside, causing Wu Yong and the others to communicate with Treasure Yellow Heaven, let alone contact the family.

At this moment, three immortals have contacted their respective families, and soon their faces have changed dramatically.

A lot of information came to my mind, and the three immortals were a bit dumbfounded. I didn’t expect that there were so many things happening in these days!

Gu Family, Yang Family, Qiao Family, Chi Family, Chai Family, Xia Family, Ba Family, etc. Gu Immortals are also in chaos.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s plan is to besiege Wu Yong and the others, causing the illusion of Wu Yong’s death, triggering the turmoil in the Southern Border political situation.

He succeeded.

Great Family, Yang Family, Qiao Family, Wu Family, etc., for their own interests, set off the storm.

Just when they were in a tangle together, when they were in the middle of each other, Super Gu Formation suddenly appeared a large number of people and launched a storm attack.

After receiving a letter of help like a snowflake, all the families were lost.

“how can it like like this?”

“Those Demonic Path Gu Immortal ate what bears and leopards, and dared to attack Super Gu Formation?”

“Not only that, but even Northern Plains Gu Immortal has appeared.”

“Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast like Zuo Ye Hui is also controlled?!”

These Righteous Path families are incredible.

But among them, there are many smart and intelligent people. After accepting this fact, they quickly reacted: the recent occurrences may have to be linked together, that is, a terrible conspiracy.

The real goal behind the scenes is actually a super dream!

“Go, we directly support the Super Gu Formation!” Wu Yong make a prompt decision.

“I can stir the Southern Border, I want to see the black hands behind all of this.” Tie Mianshen immediately expressed his willingness to follow closely behind.

Wu Yong’s face showed an anxious color: “My brother is still there, I hope there is nothing unexpected.”

At this juncture, Wu Yong still remembers to brush his reputation.

Qiao Zhicai quickly cooperated: “Sir Wu Yong is a younger brother, and it really is a heartfelt and mourning family. It is my “Righteous Path” model.”

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, cut through the sky and fly away to the Righteous Heavenly Mountain site.

In line with Wu Yong’s behavior, there is Chi Family Revered Great Elder. After receiving a letter of assistance from Chi Gui, he made a prompt decision, stopped the fight competition with Yang Family Gu Immortal, drove directly to the Chi Family Immortal Gu Home and rushed to Super Gu Formation.

The same is true for Yang Family, such as Hou Family, Yao Family, and Shang Family, who are not motivated by the Gu Immortal expert or the Immortal Gu Home.

These people don’t know why Shadow Sect attacked Super Gu Formation.

Because from start to finish, they don’t know what the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain is all about.

They only know some of the information that Heavenly Court deliberately leaked, knowing that Heavenly Court has blended and knows that Zombie Alliance’s destruction is related to the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

They don’t know the cause of the super dream, and they don’t even know that the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is hidden in the dream.

Heavenly Court concealed the matter, fearing that some Southern Border superpowers would help Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Although I don’t know the reason, it does not hinder the super powers and attach importance to the Super Gu Formation.

Not only because there is a super dream, the main reason is there is still one is Zuo Ye Hui!

The Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast, which was born at each time, brought sad memories to Southern Border Gu Immortal World and heavy losses.

Therefore, the Southern Superb forces of Southern Border’s have dispatched people, even Immortal Gu Home, mainly to deal with Zuo Ye Hui!

“At the moment, although we have been completely unprepared, but with Chi Family gu formation and Chi Family Gu Immortal, the defensive delay will not be a problem.” On the way, Qiao Zhicai said.

Tie Mianshen is silent.

Wu Yong shook his head: “I am very worried about the truth. The layout of the other party is very deep, and the chess pieces are ingenious. If you don’t expose Yao Geng, who can guess that he is seven Illusion Demon Immortal? The other person can penetrate the Righteous Path family. On the level of Rank 7, I am worried…”

Spoke until here, Wu Yong is silent.

Tie Mianshen came to understand and said, “Why are you worried about Super Gu Formation and what should be inside?”



The sneak attack is so sudden, so unpredictable.

“Ba Quanfeng, what are you doing?!” Ba De yell, surprised and angry take action.

Ba Quanfeng was shot by Ba De, and he was killed in an instant.

Ba De immediately took another hand, took control of it, and quickly rushed to Chi Gui’s side.

Chi Gui was seriously injured, with a golden face and blood flowing slowly from the Seven Miles.

Just now.

He calculated that he was urging the key moment of the second layer gu formation, and Ba Quanfeng behind him suddenly took action and slammed him.

Chi Gui has been loyal to Ba Family and two Gu Immortals. Because before he pushed the gu formation, both of them were wholeheartedly guards.

Unexpectedly, Ba Quanfeng actually took action at this critical time.

Ba Quanfeng is only Rank 6 Wind Dao Gu Immortal, Chi Gui is Rank 7 Formation Dao, and it is naturally stronger than Chi Gui. But at the time, Chi Gui wholeheartedly hosted the gu formation, which was not well protected, and called Ba Quanfeng.

Chi Gui was not only hurt by Ba Quanfeng, but the gu formation failed and was strongly backlashed.

All of a sudden, he was seriously injured and killed, and then unable to take action.

“Ba Quanfeng !!!” Ba De 嘶吼, eyes red and staring at Ba Quanfeng.

If you don’t witness it, you won’t think that killing Ba Quanfeng is actually the enemy’s inside?

“Surrender, Ba De, surrender, you don’t know who the enemy you are facing!” Ba Quanfeng’s situation is not optimistic, his breath is weak, his face is gray, he is dead. Far.

Ba De took the action and hanged his last breath.

“You won’t die so easily. Believe me, you will be sanctioned by the family, sometimes living more terrifying than death. You will die better than death!” Ba De biting jaw, saying such a sentence, obviously hateful This should be inside.

Ba Quanfeng is very insidious.

I have to say that the timing of his choice is just wonderful.

Seeing success, suddenly take action, breaking the hope of Righteous Path.

Not only did Chi Gui harm, but the newly added Earth Dao Immortal Gu was also destroyed.

Without the second layer Super Gu Formation, the Righteous Path will be defeated!

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