First modified a b.

Black Vine, is wrong, is b.

The “Black Vine” is now uniformly modified to “Black Vine”.

Black Vine is the name I always wanted to take for another character of Miss White Rabbit.

莬 is a kind of plant, and 菟 is the meaning of tiger. Lu Bu’s red rabbit, everyone should be familiar. Why is such a strong mount, the name of the red rabbit?

In fact, there is a saying like this. It was not called the Red Rabbit, but the Red Horse. The rabbit is the meaning of the rabbit, and the cockroach is the meaning of the tiger. The mount of originally Lu Bu should be red, which is the meaning of red tiger. Because of the false words or other reasons, it gradually became a red rabbit.

I personally prefer this statement.

Therefore, the meaning of Black Vine is that the black tiger just happens to be in a contrast with the previous “white rabbit”. Her signature ultimate move, everyone is also saw today, hehe.

To tell you the truth, this is the Gourmet Dao ultimate move.

Why do you want to take this name?

Hey, and the tiger is corresponding, but there is no domineering of the latter, but more compact and sinister. Great for Black Vine.

Then talk about the reasons for the explosion today.

Why is it more explosive?

Feedback has always supported my readers and friends!

Since I moved to full-time last month, I have fallen into a Predicament.

It is mental fatigue and irritability.

Because I kept myself at home all day, thinking about the plot, from day to night, from morning to night, time is long, very depressed, very depressed.

The status is getting worse.

I realized that this is not the way, and I can only ruin myself. Therefore, I tried to adjust myself, touched the society more, and walked outside, gradually adjusting.

In this period of time, some people questioned me, denied me, and mocked me. Actually, I don’t care. Anyway, I have been used to it for so many years. But I have always supported my friends, and I can’t stand it.

I have played a metaphor in a book review: some of our readers are like a school alumnus with me, have 4~5 years of friendship, and have two or three years of friendship. No matter how the book is, it has been supporting each other and coming along. Even if my state is not good, even if it is bad, it is always together. It’s like the first elementary school I’ve been to, although it’s been abandoned and dismantled, but our little schoolmates often look at it when they pass by. This is purely subconscious behavior. Perhaps you will still be watching the desolateness in front of the big iron gate of the primary school.

Yes, what I said is feelings.

Some people may resent the word, do you want to be so vulgar?

Then I want to say that you don’t understand our feelings. I don’t understand when we have faced various blame and ridicule, and struggled hard.

Of course, I welcome new friends to join us. I am very willing to let our harmonious and united collective grow stronger.

Today’s update is dedicated to you, my friends.

I know, you are always there!

There is still one more after that.

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