Morning sun rises, in the early morning, with the moisture of the night.

Two Hou Family Gu Immortal, standing in the clouds, overlooking a canyon below their feet.

Golden Firmament Gorge !

This canyon is filled with special fog. At night, the fog is awkward and has no features. When the light of the morning sun is mapped in the canyon, the fog glows out of the golden glow.

These trivial golden glows are not glaring, and the whole thick fog seems to be full of golden peaks. The vast canyons are splendid and magnificent.

“This is the Golden Firmament Gorge, which is rich in Metal Dao and Cloud Dao resources. Once upon a time, Wu Family forcibly snatched the past from my family.” One Hou Family Gu Immortal said, “But now, it’s time to recapture this lost foundation! ”

Another Hou Family Gu Immortal nodded, his body began to bloom weak ray of light.

The rays of light lasted for a few breaths, and after dissipating, he changed dramatically and turned into a famous expert in Demonic Path Gu Immortal.

He turned to Hou Family Gu Immortal nodded, and then swooped down to the Golden Firmament Gorge.

The Golden Firmament Gorge originally had the Wu Family Gu Immortal guard, but because of Wu Yong’s always, Fang Yuan’s command, the evacuation returned to the Wu Family headquarters.

The news broke through for a while, but it was discovered by other superpowers.

However, Hou Family is also a Righteous Path force and cannot attack directly here. Righteous Path regulation is here, so Hou Family wants to make Flexible Transformation. On this trip, they used the excuse to chase Demonic Path Gu Immortal and enter the Golden Firmament Gorge.

Once the Golden Firmament Gorge was annexed, the established facts were made, and then Wu Family wanted to get back the Golden Firmament Gorge, which was not so easy.

There are a lot of excuses for Hou Family, such as “We help you Wu Family to guard the Golden Firmament Gorge, you have to get some compensation” and so on, it is enough for Wu Family headache.

Grinding the skin is the masterpiece of the Righteous Path.

Unless Wu Family has more powerful force, it is strong enough to let Hou Family take the initiative to avoid.

Hou Family Gu Immortal The changing Demonic Path expert, like a big bird, swooped over to the golden fog.

Feeling his breath, the fog in the Golden Firmament Gorge Valley suddenly changed, and the crisp sound of the cockroach came from the eardrum.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh !

a moment later, countless blades, spear, sword, halberd-like golden light shadows, suddenly flying out, seemingly endless.

Wu Family Gu Immortal Although he withdrew, he kept the gu formation of this Resource Point.

At this moment, start on your own and try to be outside.

Hou Family Gu Immortal gaze, slamming, a smashing Blade Qi, from the top down, suddenly cut. Wherever you go, the space is broken and the winds and waves are raging.

Apparently, Hou Family was prepared and spurred Blade Qi Immortal Gu.

Wu Family gu formation is nothing but gu formation, where is the opponent of Rank 7 Immortal Gu? Not only the numerous golden light shadows were shattered, but the gu formation body was also completely destroyed by a single blow.

All of a sudden, the golden fog that was originally flooded the canyon suddenly broke open from the middle, and most of the golden fog, Xiao Shan, reveals the true face of the canyon.

Hou Family Two Gu Immortals, all eyes are hot.

“Demonic Path thief, where to go?” A Hou Family Gu Immortal, shouting in the mouth, followed closely from behind.


A purple waterfall, like a smoke, drooping down, up to 18 feet.

Toxic Epidemic Waterfall !

On the other hill near the waterfall, there is a mortal village with a Wu Family special intention.

“Kill, kill it!” A large group of mortal Gu Master, killed from the mountain.

Wu Family Gu Immortals has retreated and has retreated to the final line of defense.

The Wu Family leader, a Rank 4 Gu Master, took the risk and yelled at the enemy: “Yang Family is so mean, you dare to sneak attack me Wu Family!”

“hmph! Our Yang Family has long endured you for a long time. You have invaded this place for so many years, too tyrannize! My father, mother, but just want a detoxified Gu insect, but they are all dead on this mountain. Today The new hatred and old hate have come together!” Yang Family’s Gu Immortal leader is younger, with hatred and anger, take the lead and kill the mountain.

“Damn!” Wu Family Gu Masters is defensive, but Yang Family is well prepared and has a lot of people.

The Wu Family Gu Master has been defeated and has to be evacuated from the secret cave.

Yang Family Gu Masters defeated Wu Family and cheered on the ruins of the village.

On the head of the cloud, Yang Family Gu Immortal was silently nodded, full of joy and joy.

Here is the junction of the Yang Family and Wu Family boundaries. Yang Family has long sought a long way to differentiate a Yang Family Van Race group, move around, indulge them, and conflict with Wu Family produce.

It is precisely because of this excuse that Yang Family can attack and occupy the Wu Family site at this moment.

According to the regulation of the Righteous Path, these are the nuisances of the mortal stage, unless the battle damages the Gu Immortal seed, it may be a family situation.

Toxic Epidemic Waterfall is just a very common mortal Resource Point, producing some of Poison Dao’s mortal gu, not in the eyes of Gu Immortal.

However, once this gap is opened, Yang Family only needs to drive straight in, and it can be used to capture the real treasure land!


Hong long long.

The sound of the river sounded like a thunder, echoing in the ears of Yao Family Gu Immortal.

He stood at the top of the celestial emperor’s dome and looked at the fierce river surface where the red and the red intersected.

Not far from here is where the two rivers meet. Scarlet Dragon River, Yellow Dragon River, the two rivers meet, forming a huge vortex of the river, the waves rolling, sinister anomalies.

Southern Border’s Three big rivers are not simple. Whether it’s Red Dragon, Yellow Dragon or Green Dragon River, there is always an essence spring in the river. These essence springs, mixed with in the mighty rivers, all the way out, making the riverside Spiritual Qi soaring, more conducive to the output of gu cultivator resources.

The corpse of the Emperor!

This is a very special mountain. In ancient times, a Southern Border Rank 8 Gu Immortal turned into Zombie, where he was attacked by super forces.

Rank 8 Immortal Zombie died in battle, and it has become a battlefield ruin, worthless.

But I didn’t think about it. As time passed, the time gradually passed. The broken body of Rank 8 Immortal Zombie was nourished by the magnificent Spiritual Qi on the riverside, and then washed with the water from the river, gradually rooting and sprouting, and eventually grew into a corpse.

This corpse, up to the severe hundred zhang, is home to a large number of zombies, the zombie Trans in the Transformation Dao, and the Corpse Qi Q of Qi Dao.

The Southern Border Zombie Alliance headquarters had seen this treasure before the exposure, and offered a high price. It wanted to acquire Wu Family as the headquarters and the result was rejected by Wu Family.

“The Zombie Alliance didn’t succeed, but now it’s my Yao Family!” Yao Family Gu Immortal was uplifted.

He looked farther across the wide river and looked towards the other side.

It is the site of Wu Family.

After embezzling the corpse of the corpse, the Wu Family was completely east of the Red Dragon and the site north of the Yellow Dragon.

Yao Family occupies the top of the corpse, as if is a bridgehead, facing the Wu Family territory glare like a tiger watching his prey.

The news about Wu Yong’s death and death did not know where it came from.

After learning the news, several super forces immediately plotted, so this time’s action is not alone.

Yao Family, Yang Family and Hou Family are just three families that’s all.

In the Wu Family headquarters, there is noisy.

“Damn! These three Great Clan, eat the bear heart leopard, and dare to marry me Wu Family’s tiger must!”

“The loss of the three places, especially the loss of the corpse of the corpse, is heartbreaking. I thought that Wu Family spent a lot of effort and cost in order to seek this place.”

“Counter, we have to fight back! We have Immortal Gu Home, what are you afraid of?”

Wu Family Gu Immortals Some eagerly roared, some argued endlessly, some raised their arms and shouted, and some silent.

At this time, Wu Yong disappeared, life and death are unknown, more than ten days have passed.

The message Wu Family has always been hidden, but as Wu Bachong had expected, the behind-the-scenes black hand has been spreading the news.

At first, those super families did not believe it.

Because Fang Yuan had already expected this situation, he deliberately took out more false information and confused it.

But this move itself is counterintuitive.

The super forces are not stupid. After these days of research and observation, they finally started. This hands-on, let Wu Family be surrounded by songs, suddenly lost a large territory.

In the Chamber of Deputies, because of Wu Yong’s disappearance, the main position was empty. Wu Bachong, who is Wu Family 2nd Revered Elder, sits on the other side, silently watching the performance of the surrounding Wu Family Gu Immortal, with a heavy heart and a hint of pride.

Especially when he looked toward Wu Qiao, his mouth couldn’t help but pick it up.

Because Wu Qiao was the Wu Family Gu Immortal who had previously defended the corpse of the Emperor. This Resource Point suddenly lost, and it was a major blow to him Wu Qiao.

Wu Qiao is as silent as iron, and expression is cold.

Even if he sensed Wu Bachong’s provocative gaze, he pretended not to know, as if it was an iron statue.

“Don’t bother, calm down.” Wu Bachong said.

This time, no one refutes him, and the forum is quickly settled.

Wu Bachong was very satisfied. In the focus of the eyes of the celestial beings, he sighed and said: “Wu Family has such a big thing, we can’t do it, or ask Wu Yihai to make a decision.”

Wu Qiao suddenly frowned.

Gu Family’s Gu Immortals look at each other.

Some people have begun to be dissatisfied with Fang Yuan and complained: “My family has done such a big thing, Wu Yihai adults still stay in Super Gu Formation.”

“I heard that Joe Fairy Siliu passed away ten days ago. I also heard that there is a Miss White Rabbit…” Gu Immortal, who said this sentence, is more sinister.

Wu Qiao’s brow wrinkles tighter, open mouth wants to support Fang Yuan, but he thinks about the situation of powerless to defend oneself, hesitated, and finally did not say anything.

Wu Family’s letter was quickly sent to Fang Yuan’s hand.

When this happened, Fang Yuan did not feel the slightest accident, he had already expected.

“It seems that the situation has not allowed me to stay here again.” Fang Yuan looked at the dreams of the flow and made a deep sigh.

These days, he really wants to continue to explore dreams.

But Luck Qi is very poor, and the window here has turned out some absurd dreams, which makes Fang Yuan unable to start.

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