Take over Wu Family?

Qiao Siliu said something, and suddenly Fang Yuan was so excited.

How can he not be tempted?

To know that Wu Family is a super family, and not a general super family, has always been strong, and has been ranked first in the history of Southern Border’s.

The Wu Family has a large family and a variety of Resource Points. The background is magnificent and the library is rich. If you can take charge of such a super power and become number one person, then the resources of Fang Yuan’s future cultivation are basically no need to worry!

To say that, Fang Yuan’s assets are not small.

Soul Shaking Mountain Audacity Gu trade, Dragon Fish trade, Eternal Hate Spider trade, Nether Fire Dragon Python trading, as well as Stardust Grass, Star Dart Gu, Star River Gu, Star Fire Gu, Shooting Star Heaven Meteor Gu, etc. Also in the beginning of development.

It is no exaggeration to describe Fang Yuan as the word “jinjin”.

If you count the real estate of Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture’s, it is the background of common Rank 8 Gu Immortal. If you count the Wisdom Gu, Soul Shaking Mountain in Langya Blessed Land, the Marketplace in the Eastern Sea turbulent Sea Territory, etc., Fang Yuan has exceeded the common Rank 8!

But if you take these capitals and compare them with a super power, it is still a shame.

Any super power, even if there is no Rank 8 Great Expert today, has appeared in history, and the historical background is very rich. Coupled with the various Resource Points that the superpowers control in the Five Regions, they can fully exploit assets like Fang Yuan.

For example, the bloody Sky Pit that Wu Family once controlled, the output of this is higher than the Fang Yuan’s Dragon Fish trade.

The Resource Point, like the bloodstream Sky Pit, has twenty or thirty.

The Resource Point, which is less than the bloodstream Sky Pit, is similar to the bone burial ground and the light crater of the Northern Plains Liu Family.

There are nearly ten top-level Resource Points that are better than the bloodstream Sky Pit.

Don’t forget, there are resources from the Immortal Aperture of Wu Family Gu Immortal, and Blessed Lands and Celestial Grottos by the Wu Family ancestors.

Of course, superpowers tend to have more income and more expenses. Wu Family is currently in a situation where the family business is greater than the strength, Wu Yong is only able to hold on. Wu Yong, this is definitely not to be kept, it must be to spit out some.

Even so, if Fang Yuan can control Wu Family, his income will be huge, and far surpasses his own level.

Fang Yuan quickly calmed down.

He glanced at Qiao Siliu and immediately understood what the other party was saying.

As Qiao Siliu said, when Wu Yong goes, Fang Yuan plays Wu Yihai and will be the first person to succeed Wu Family Revered Great Family Elder.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Fang Yuan does not doubt the true and false of Qiao Siliu’s words, because it is too easy to verify.

Qiao Siliu came here and acted in a hurry and revealed a sincerity.

Fang Yuan frowned and smiled: “There is such a major event! I don’t know.”

“It is imperative that we rush back to Wu Family as soon as possible. Wu Bachong has called Revered Family Elders to discuss and returned a lot of Gu Immortal. Even if they can’t go back, there will be will, but they have missed you alone. Intention, don’t ask.” Qiao Siliu is anxious.

Rely on Wu Yihai, this is the perfect time for Qiao Family to intervene in Wu Family!

Fang Yuan sighed: “oh! I came to Wu Family. It was very short, and there was no foundation or connection. I had to master the authority and inherit the position of Revered Great Elder. They deliberately missed me. It is enough to prove that my hope of taking over is very embarrassing.”

“No, you have great hopes. Yihai, don’t forget, you still have me, you have my Qiao Family behind you!” Qiao Siliu looked at Fang Yuan affectionately.

Fang Yuan blinked: “How do you help Qiao Family? Qiao Zhicai How do adults care?”

Qiao Siliu looked a little stagnation, she hesitated a bit, still did not dare to hide Fang Yuan, Shen Sheng said the truth: “My family’s Revered Great Elder also followed Sir Wu Yong, mysteriously missing, unable to contact, Life Tablet Gu broken. In addition to the two of them, there is Tie Family’s Gu Immortal Tie Mianshen. They are chasing the cause of Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao, and they lose contact, and life and death are unknown.”

Fang Yuan’s pupils suddenly shrank: “What is going on here?”

Qiao Siliu smiled bitterly: “Believe me, I know only so much.”

Fang Yuan hesitated: “So amazing, I can’t hide the outside world for a long time. Who is taking action? Qiao Zhicai is not in the adults, how can Qiao Family help me?”

“You can rest assured that Qiao Family has reached an agreement. I am the plenipotentiary.” Qiao Siliu said.

Fang Yuan was a little surprised at the heart.

Qiao Family is the weakest family among the Southern Border superpowers. But they went to the next heart, Qiao Zhicai, although missing, but still can follow the development strategy of the past, have to say that any super family, there are extraordinary.

But Fang Yuan didn’t actually want to go.

He keenly felt that this is a huge whirlpool, and the power behind the scenes is quite large!

What if he succeeded in taking over as Wu Family Revered Great Family Elder?

There are more resources than the harvest of dreams.

What Fang Yuan needs is not resources, but the realm that dreams bring.

The latter is a major opportunity for a lifetime!

Although it is a temptation and great interest to become a Wu Family power, Fang Yuan knows that life is countless choices. If you want to go further, you can’t let your interests go to mind. Be sure, what is it? the most important!

“Once I became the Revered Great Elder, I was going to oversee the center and go back to Wu Ceremonial Mountain. How can I leave the Super Dream? This is how I am going to get in.”

“But it is extremely unwise to directly reject Qiao Siliu. It annoys the Qiao Family and the relationship is broken, which does not benefit me.”

“More importantly, in the eyes of ordinary people, if I stay here and do not fight for family power, it is very strange. It will cause serious suspicion. After all, I also showed certain political ambitions before.”

Fang Yuan keeps thinking and paces in the great hall.

Qiao Siliu is anxious to say: “Yihai, what are you still hesitating?”

“This news is too shocking. I can’t accept it for a while, let me think about it first.” Fang Yuan waved his hand.

“The time is tight, let’s go now, think on the road, that’s it.” Qiao Siliu said.

“No, things are not as simple as you think!” Fang Yuan shook his head and looked calm. “Do you know, you have fallen into trap?”

Qiao Siliu: “What do you mean?”

Fang Yuan said: “We are so swaying back, what does Wu Family’s Reved Family Elders think? They are not stupid, Wu Yihai leads Qiao Family, and takes over the position of Reevered Great Elder, but puts big brother Wu Yong to death. Regardless of it, but lead the outsiders to snatch the family interests.Thus, more centrifugally, I am underpowered, lack of prestige, how to take over the position of Revered Great Elder?”

Qiao Siliu blinked again and again, thinking: Wu Yihai’s words seem to make sense.

“That don’t tell me. We have to stand still, let Wu Bachong dominate the overall situation, and take over the position of Revered Great Elder?” Qiao Siliu asked.

Fang Yuan said that she couldn’t easily send Qiao Siliu so easily, but she smiled at her mouth: “We can wait, don’t worry.”

“Not in a hurry?” Qiao Siliu has wide eyes.

Fang Yuan’s smile is meaningful. He looks at Qiao Siliu: “I believe that even if I don’t go, Wu Bachong can’t lead the whole world, isn’t that so?”

Qiao Siliu again.

Wu Family, the hall of deliberation.


Wu Bachong’s slap on the table smashed the entire table and the smoke was flying.

He roared: “Wu Qiao, what do you mean?! I don’t care what you propose, you refute, are you deliberately dismantling my desk?”

Wu Qiao faintly sneered, standing in the middle of the hall, he squinted Wu Bachong: “2nd Revered Family Elder, you are too anxious. Sir Wu Yong is life or death, we are not clear, District Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu’s brokenness does not represent the truth. When you look at you, you sit directly on the main seat. I now kindly remind you that you should sit in the position where you should sit.”

“Wu Qiao Revered Elder, Wu Family is facing a huge crisis, and we should discuss the business at the moment, instead of remembering these details.”

“I think Wu Bachong is the master of the overall situation. There is nothing wrong with it. He is 2nd Revered Elder. In the current situation, Wu Family also needs a leader!”

“Wu Qiao, what is your plot, when we don’t know? I just want to say that you are surnamed Wu, not surnamed Joe.”

In the hall, a few Gu Immortals sat, immediately speaking, helping Wu Bachong to speak and besieging Wu Qiao.

Wu Qiao sneer: “To be ranked senior, the most qualified to take over the position of Revered Great Family Elder is Wu Yihai! Is 2nd Revered Elder going to be a good place? You are Central Continent sect here?”

A moment of silence.

“This statement is reasonable.”

“I am waiting for the family, the first heavyline.”

“Wu Yihai didn’t come? Wu Bachong, have you notified?”

Several Gu Immortals have made their voices, and their greater part is guarded, and this time they are basically Gu Immortal will.

Wu Bachong looked at the words and looked angry, but his heart was cold and snowy.

“The fire is not here.” He sighed in his heart.

On the surface, he stood up and patted his forehead and snorted: “I am reckless, it is a family of worry. You said that the right is to let Wu Yihai adults guide us. I welcome Wu Yihai to return! Also very willing to take orders from him.”


As soon as this was said, Gu Immortals had a glimpse.

Wu Qiao was also obviously amazed.

What medicine is sold in this Wu Bachong gourd?

The result of Wu Family’s discussion was quickly passed to reach Fang Yuan here.

Qiao Siliu looked at Fang Yuan with a look of surprise: “very good, we didn’t rush back, but we can also lead the Wu Family situation.”

Fang Yuan is as sinking as water, everything moves towards him and he does not want to see the situation develop.

Wu Qiao’s performance is in his expectation. After all, this former Wu Family 3rd Revered Elder, already was bought by Qiao Family.

However, Wu Bachong’s move to retreat is a real hand, which really makes Fang Yuan shine.

“The situation is a bit bad.” Fang Yuan shook his head and sighed.

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