This kind of Gu Formula, of course, has a very low practical value.

Because of the coffins on the Gu Formula, many of them have been extinct and are not in the world.

Fang Yuan If you want to refining this mortal gu, only correct Gu Formula.

Of course he would not do this useless work. With this information, he already has a deep understanding of this mortal gu.

Next, Fang Yuan read the mortal inheritance of those Formation Dao.

This enriched some of his Formation Dao foundations.

Although he has not been specializing in Sect Master research for Formation Dao, the experience of previous life for five hundred years is more or less a side-click, or a coincidence, and access to some Forming Dao content.

So the degree of enrichment is not much, it is very limited.

It’s just this time, he has a targeted understanding of the test in the dream.

The Information Dao intelligence he collected was also purposeful. In some intelligence, he learned that there is a popular trend in Early Antiquity Era, Formation Dao.

This trend of thought, referred to as Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, considers these four primitives to make the gu formation quite stable, and the most basic gu formation is the most inclusive.

Of course, this trend of thought is only popular for a while, and decades later, it has been abandoned by the world. Compared with the development history of the entire Formation Dao, the decades of time are too short, this trend of thought is like a small wave, annihilated in the history of the river.

“It’s like human origin. Earth once thought that people were made by God, whether it was the Nuwa creation of China or the God of the West. This is a trend of thought. It has ruled people’s ideological cognition for a long time. It was attacked by Darwin’s theory of evolution. But whether Darwin’s theory of evolution directly pointed to the truth, and with the advancement of science, people have found that there are still flaws.”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts were scattered at random.

This Earth, Water, Wind, Fire trend is also like so.

Because with the development of Formation Dao, people have discovered that the gu formation of Earth, Water, Wind, Fire four primitives is not the most inclusive gu formation.

People continue to discover, constantly deepen their cognition and make continuous progress. Even the thoughts that were abandoned in the near future were an improvement at the time.

This information is quite valuable and directly gives Fang Yuan a correct answer to the Dream of First Act.

“It turns out that to truly form a gu formation, all the Gu insects must be used and blended together.” Fang Yuan was enlightened.

At the same time, there are some emotions: “This Tu Shicheng, it is really insidious, obviously it is necessary to use four Gu insects, all of them are used, and they are still sloppy, saying that at least two of them should be used to send mortal gu.”

Then, Fang Yuan fell into meditation.

Because even if you know the correct answer, how to put the four Gu insects around the heart and finally build a valid gu formation is still unknown.

If these four mortal gus can be refining out, Fang Yuan can be completely outside the dream. In reality, you can try to deduct it.

This is also the initial stage of dreams, a common way for laymen to break through the Dream Interpretation.

But now, the Earth Dao Gu insect is hard to refine. Even if you reform the Gu Formula, the Earth Dao mortal gu refining is really the same as in the dream?

To know that this is a dream, there are sometimes deviations from reality in the dream, not a replica of reality.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment, but decided to try it in a dream.

The second attempt, everything is repeated as above. But this time, Fang Yuan chose to push the four mortal gus at the same time to match the heart.


Four mortal gus while self-exploding, Fang Yuan was injured and kicked out of the dream.

For the third time, Fang Yuan chose Earth Dao Gu insect first, Water Dao Gu insect second, and the result failed again.

The fourth attempt, the fifth attempt… Until the seventh time, Fang Yuan finally succeeded.

Around the heart, four Mortal Dao Gu insects fluttered around each other. Water Dao, Flame Dao Two Gu insects, flying into an oval-like trajectory, from the heart to the heart. Earth Dao and Wind Dao Gu insect, the former suspended below the heart of the heart, while the latter hovered in the heart of the heart, both are motionless.

Under the mobilization of the heart, these four Gu insects formed a mysterious force, constantly emitting out the colorful rays of light.

In these rays of light, Gu Master’s primeval essence starts to recover quickly at twice the speed.

“For Gu Master, very practical gu formation!” Fang Yuan commented.

“Hahaha, right, very good, it is the son of Tu Shicheng, and I really have the inborn talent of Formation Dao!” Tu Shicheng saw Fang Yuan succeeded, laughed heartily, very open-minded.

Fang Yuan: “…”

This Heaven and Earth and the hills are slowly dissipating in the perspective of Fang Yuan’s.

The First Act of Dreams went through, and the Second Act began.

Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air , First Act He always perseverance did not use the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, and ultimately consumed only a dozen Audacity Gu nothing more, the cost is still very low.

Without careful understanding of his own Formation Dao Realm, Fang Yuan has focused his attention on how much improvement he has.

He found himself at this time, actually in a cage.

In the huge cage, there is still one small cage.

In this small cage, there is a dark mountain leopard, its dry belly, and the eyes of the hungry, all showing the danger of this mountain leopard.

“What happened?” Fang Yuan wondered.

At this time, Tu Shicheng stood outside the big cage and said to Fang Yuan: “I give you time it takes to drink a cup of tea and arrange these Gu insects into gu formation. After a cup of tea, this The head of the mountain leopard will regain freedom. At that time, I will never take action. It depends on whether you can use your own gu formation to resist the mountain leopard.”

“What?!” Fang Yuan suddenly blinked.

This kind of educational method, hey, are you really doing father?

“You are the son of Tu Shicheng, you must be. If you can’t do it, then you don’t deserve to be my son!” Tu Shicheng continued, expressionless.

“I am going!” Fang Yuan grinned and looked towards himself.

He found that he didn’t grow up much, almost the same as the First Act, at most fourteen.

“This Tu Shicheng, it seems that it should be Righteous Path Gu Immortal, is it so heart-wrenching? Perhaps this is just an intimidation, forcing his son to fully exert his potential?”

Fang Yuan guessed in his heart.

“Whoever became the son of Tu Shicheng is really a long way to go.”

With limited time, Fang Yuan quickly calmed down and began to check Gu insect on his hand.

The mountain leopard is just a common ferocious beast, but the young man in his dreams is definitely not resistant.

You can only rely on the arrangement of gu formation to resist the confrontation.

There are only five Gu insects, still five Rank 1 mortal gu. One of them was heartbroken, and the other four belonged to Earth Dao, Wind Dao, Water Dao, and Fire Dao.

Similar to the previous First Act.

The difference is that the four Gu insects he sent, although the genre, but the specific Gu insect is not the same.

How can these Gu insects be combined to form a gu formation?

Fang Yuan started to try.

With the valuable experience of First Act, Fang Yuan is skilled.

The first attempt failed quickly. In the dream, Fang Yuan spit out a mouthful of blood, the backlash was extremely heavy, and the lucky Gu insect was not damaged.

He has not been expelled from the dream.

“It seems that as long as the time limit for a cup of tea has not arrived, can I continue to try?”

“Although there are opportunities to continue to try, in reality, I hope I am embarrassed.”

Fang Yuan frowned.

After the injury, Gu insect was fine, but his condition was very poor, the primeval essence was limited, and he was injured.

Fang Yuan soon discovered that because of the injury, he was very unstable when he tried to continue. Gu insect flew up but was crumbling.

The second attempt also failed.

Although there is still plenty of time, Fang Yuan can no longer continue to try, because Gu insect has already died one time in the second failure.

If the four of him sent mortal gu, that’s all, but Fang Yuan’s heart was destroyed.

“My Gu insect is ruined, father, can I be second to heart?” Fang Yuan asked busy.

But in exchange for the answer, Tu Shicheng ruthlessly shook his head: “If you are in the middle of battle, who will give you the second replacement Gu insect? Son, you let me down, you have no chance. ”

Sure enough, when the time limit came, the small cage opened, and the mountain leopard rushed up, and suddenly broke Fang Yuan’s throat.

This dream is very real. Fang Yuan can clearly feel that his throat is bitten and the breathing becomes extremely difficult. The skin and flesh are torn off by the sharp teeth of the mountain leopard.

The blood from any wound on his body, flowing freely, was satisfied with the mountain leopard.

Tu Shicheng slowly shook his head and sighed: “You are not worthy to be my son.”

Then, turned and left.

“I really haven’t saved it. Is this Tu Shicheng’s Righteous Path, or Demonic Path?” was expelled from the dream, and Fang Yuan soul returns to the body.

He used Audacity Gu to heal the wound and he continued to explore.

Second failure, third failure, fourth failure…

Each time fails, Fang Yuan is slain by the mountain leopard, and re-experiences the tragic experience of being swallowed by the ferocious beast.

If you change to others, I am afraid that the lonely mind will collapse.

However, Fang Yuan is not afraid, the pain he suffers, the early is over the number of times.

Only when it is a breeze, my heart is still focused on how to build a gu formation.

Tenth failure, eleventh, twelfth…

This Second Act dream is much harder than the first dream. After Fang Yuan was expelled from the dream, the soul’s injury was also more serious than the First Act.

The First Act requires two Audacity Gus to recover, but the Second Act requires at least three Audacity Gus, sometimes even four.

Fang Yuan calmly calculates the cost.

“This way, the cost is getting bigger and bigger, don’t tell me to use Dream Interpretation ultimate move?”

“and many more.”

At the time of distress, Fang Yuan suddenly flashed.

He entered the dream and continued to try.

There is a door!

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