Southern Border, Wu Family.

In the cultivation room, Fang Yuan is suspended in midair, with a solemn color.

His long hair fluttered, and the various atmospheres of Gu insects continued to rise and entangled with each other.

“The key step…” Fang Yuan whispered in his heart and his eyes became sharp.

He cautiously drives out one mortal gu.

This is Metal Dao mortal gu, only Rank 1 level nothing more.

It is naturally risk-free to motivate this alone. But the situation is different at the moment.


A muffled sound came from Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan suddenly suffered an electric shock, and the male body trembled, his face turned white, and a trace of red blood on his mouth.

“It failed again.” He sighed in his heart.

Falling from the air to the ground, holding the chest and checking the injury.

“Fortunately, just using a Rank 1 mortal gu, this injury is not a problem, no need to use Resetting Person Immortal Gu healing. With the powerful resilience of the Paragon Immortal Body itself, it can be restored in three or two days.”

Fang Yuan This is trying to continue to improve the rigid back ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is just the back, with the core of Rank 6 Immortal Gu Vajra Thought. Fang Yuan succumbed to this ultimate move and succeeded in defeating Xia Family Gu Immortal Xia Feikuai with wisdom.

Afterwards, Fang Yuan always felt that this ultimate move was still in its infancy, and there was room for improvement.

This feeling is valued by Fang Yuan’s.

He knows that his Wisdom Dao and Transformation Dao double Grandmaster Realm are not rumor, but very operational.

“It is a pity that these days have been improved. Although there has been some progress, they have had little effect. It seems that my Realm is still insufficient, and I will give up for the time being.”

Fang Yuan sighed.

In fact, his speed of progress has fallen to other Gu Immortal, which is already very impressive.

At the beginning, Evildoer Xiong Lei spent a lot of years in order to calculate a Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Thunder God Child. His progress speed is very long, and even Fang Yuan has no one at this time.

However, it is also wise for Fang Yuan to give up.

Because he has the means to pull up Realm, just raise Realm and improve the ultimate move. You can do Overnight.

As Fang Yuan’s Dragon Fish was sold, his economic status was obviously improved.

This is the effort to improve Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Estimating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is actually very resource intensive. For example, after the failure of the drill, Gu Immortal will be backlash, suffer damage, and always heal. Gu insect is also damaged and needs constant replenishment. If the Immortal Gu is damaged, it will be more troublesome.

But if Realm is enough, it can be improved at once, saving a lot of energy, time and resources.

Fang Yuan is now improving, Realm is relatively reluctant, although it can be improved, but the price paid is a relatively large number.

After thinking about it, he decided to give up the small plan in this cultivation.

After a short break, Fang Yuan urged Gu insect and poured his heart into Treasure Yellow Heaven.

In Treasure Yellow Heaven, his heart was swayed and turned to the face of one Gu Immortal’s will to communicate.

“Your Divine Deer Fruit, I have 1,300 block immortal essence stones, sell it to me.” Fang Yuan said.

This Gu Immortals will shake his head and feel helpless: “I said, this price is low. Fellow Immortal You have come to me three times. If you really want to buy, then there are two hundred immortal essence stones. You take these goods directly.”

This Divine Deer Fruit is Rank 6 immortal materials.

It is not a rare coffin, but it sells less.

There is no reason for it, and there is less market demand.

However, Fang Yuan needed it to feed Vajra Thought Immortal Gu.

He received Vajra Thought Immortal Gu and had to solve the problem of feeding Immortal Gu and could not let this Immortal Gu starve to death.

Fang Yuan didn’t talk, but kept looking.

The Divine Deer Fruit on this stall is very good. Fang Yuan has visited Treasure Yellow Heaven several times and found the quality of Divine Deer Fruit to be first class.

In terms of price, it is also reasonable.

Therefore, he only went back and forth several times.

Divine Deer Fruit is not the fruit on the trees and flowers. They are shaped like a baby’s fist and grow on the antlers of a Desolate Beast.

Hanging fruit elk.

Fang Yuan already explored the specific name of this Desolate Beast. It is also sold in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

However, even if he buys a batch, Divine Deer Fruit, which can produce much, is a question worth exploring.

Any resource output is a doorway for cultivation.

Fang Yuan can produce Dragon Fish, not the result of random trials, but the experience of Dongfang Clan’s.

This is the background from a super family. Therefore, Fang Yuan’s Dragon Fish has a good appearance, with a smooth output, low cost and high returns.

“Now, I’m going to raise some of Divine Deer Fruit to deal with the first feeding of Vajra Thought Immortal Gu.”

“When it is more plentiful in the future, consider how to raise the fruit-eating deer to achieve self-sufficiency and independent feeding of Vajra Thought Immortal Gu.”

“As for the future, whether this Divine Deer Fruit can be mass-produced becomes another profitable point, so look at the future.”

Fang Yuan thought about it and talked with the Gu Immortal will: “Let me see it again.”

But at this time, the pressure of Gu Immortal in front of Fang Yuan suddenly stopped, and then changed his mouth: “My body’s mind is betting, he said that you can discuss the price. Or you talk about it yourself.”

Said, Gu Immortal will retreat to the second line.

Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

This is what he is waiting for.

The Gu Immortal, who sells Divine Deer Fruit, left Divine Deer Fruit in Treasure Yellow Heaven, leaving a will to look after.

Although this will can think and communicate, but it adheres to the price bottom line that Gu Immortal’s body confesses, which makes Fang Yuan unable to negotiate.

Now that Gu Immortal Divine Sense is coming in, Fang Yuan communicates with him, but there is great hope.

There is a lot of content that you can talk about.

“I need Divine Deer Fruit to feed Immortal Gu.”

“So, if we can make a deal, it will never be just this time.”

“How? I am out of the 1,300 block immortal essence stones.”

Fang Yuan persuaded.

Then Gu Immortals hesitated: “You and I first contacted, I have no idea, I should believe you, or do not believe? He He He, forget, 1,400 block immortal essence stones, we can deal.”

“After making a sale of three orders, the price will follow the 1,300 block. What do you think?”

Obviously, this Gu Immortals is not stupid and savvy.

Fang Yuan refused: “If I have enough money, I will not bargain with you. One hundred and two hundred and fifty pieces of immortal essence stones.”

Guy Immortals smiled bitterly: “fine. If I am in a hurry to turn around, Divine Deer Fruit sells slowly again, I will not promise you the price.”

Pay in one hand and deliver in one hand.

The deal was reached, Fang Yuan sighed in relief, Vajra Thought Immortal Gu’s feeding problem was temporarily resolved.

Next, it’s the turn of the Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu.

This Immortal Gu devours seaweed.

Of course not the common algae, but Ancient Ink Seaweed, Rank 6 immortal materials.

This seaweed is dark and magical. Once the skin is broken, it will render the surrounding sea water into a black ink.

Fang Yuan is now tight, but he is planning to acquire and hoard a part of Ancient Ink Seaweed for feeding Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu.

Wait until the future, and further plans.

From this point of comparison, Immortal Rank Day Gu is much more pleasing. Because it also swallows the water of the gloomy river, Gu Immortal does not need to consider its feeding problem.

In Treasure Yellow Heaven, Gu Immortal, which sells Ancient Ink Seaweed, is more than Divine Deer Fruit.

However, Fang Yuan has been in contact, but there is no deal.

There is no talk about the price.

However, he is not in a hurry, there is still a lot of time from the next feeding of the Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu.

“Fortunately, the Dragon Scale Sea Area has been built, and as long as it continues to grow, it will become more and more plentiful in the future.”

“The next step is to build a cave, and the Large Scale raises the Eternal Hate Spider.”

After Fang Yuan’s consideration, Eternal Hate Spider’s market is also very large, especially the Western Desert. Although there is no such demand for Dragon Fish, there is a lot of demand.

But now, Fang Yuan is in short supply and needs time to accumulate.

Only after accumulating a sum of money can we start construction.

“According to this situation, I expect that after more than a month, I will be able to make the first fund and build a cave.”

“I hope that at that time, Wu Family will calm down and let me go back to the super dream.”

Wu Yihai’s identity limits Fang Yuan’s freedom of movement. Especially in the case of Wu Family, he is also not good at expressing his position.

For more than a month, Wu Yong led Wu Family to confront the major superpowers. Among them, there are gains and losses. In general, it is the reputation of Wu Family, but the loss of substantial benefits is very small.

Therefore, this situation will continue.

Wu Yong wants to find the scene and save his reputation. Other super forces, Great Clan, are not willing to win some substantial gains.

The confrontation between Righteous Path is different from Demonic Path.

The Demonic Path Gu Immortal is often violently abrupt, and the Righteous Path is rainy and soft, often lasting and just right. Especially between the super-powers, it is a big family business, it is difficult to let the two forces, regardless of other, die each other, fight you to die.

Fang Yuan’s self-cultivation life has not lasted for a long time.

A few days later, he received another task for Wu Yong.

“Mountain Nut? Drive the Mountain Old Monster?”

Fang Yuan brows frowned.

He is not confident in completing this task, but this trend is not very good.

Last time, Fang Yuan solved the problem of Broad Cold Peak. In fact, he retained his strength and means, and the results were unsatisfactory. It’s only a five-year contract, and it’s also corrupting the resources in Broad Cold Peak.

Although this is the unspoken rule of the Righteous Path, he will also touch the bottom line.

This is of course Fang Yuan’s intention to leave a bad impression on Wu Yong. The superiors certainly don’t like to use such people, so they sent Fang Yuan to the Super Gu Formation earlier, which is exactly the same as Fang Yuan’s wish.

But Wu Family is indeed sparsely populated and the site is too big. The mountain nut thing is a sudden, so Wu Yong had to use Fang Yuan to solve this problem.

Remarks: Hey, only one more tonight. A lot of things happened in June, and some things in life have involved me a lot of energy. But I have to do it. Uh… The key is that the problem is still there and remains to be resolved. (~^~)

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