Central Continent, Hidden Dragon Cavern

“I am waiting for pay respects to Heavenly Court.” Two Gu Immortals, all on the ground.

They are one old and one young.

Both grandfather and grandson.

Both are Gu Immortal of Wind and Cloud Residence.

The young Gu Immortal is Feng Chanzi, while the old man is Old Man Bei Feng and Rank 8 cultivation base. In Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, it is also famous. If nothing else, it has become a member of Heavenly Court.

Be aware that being a member of Heavenly Court is not easy and even more unusual.

The Rank 8 cultivation base is not enough. It must be the expert elite in Rank 8. This standard has been reduced since the beginning of Heavenly Court. The Heavenly Court has never been shaken, and it’s hard to beat it!

But now, Old Man Bei Feng, but almost prostrate oneself in admiration, is on the ground and expresses his respect.

What is worthy of his respect is an old man who is weak and trembles, as if a gust of wind can blow down.

But the old man, who is unusual, has a great deal and has a strong and colorful look in the history of Heavenly Court’s.

He is Duke Long!

“Get up, take me to the cave.” Duke Long indifferently said.

“Yes.” Old Man Bei Feng took the lead.

A moment later, Duke Long came to the deepest point of Hidden Dragon Cavern.

This is a huge deep trench, which is not too big compared to the trench controlled by the Northern Plains Zombie Alliance.

Hundreds of thousands of city pools are packed in, all of which are easy and convenient.

Compared to the trench, Duke Long and Old Man Bei Feng are simply a little dusty.

Standing from their point of view, the entire trench is covered with a deep darkness. This darkness is so deep that it is impossible to see the truth inside.

Hong long long !

Suddenly, a violent earthquake occurred in the entire trench.

On the two walls of the trench, countless pieces of gravel splashed.

The huge sound waves during the earthquake were deafening and involuntarily trembling in fear.

Old Man Bei Feng’s face changed dramatically and quickly spurred Immortal Gu in Immortal Aperture. Suddenly the brilliance of the brilliance, countless glory and flowing water, gorgeous and intertwined.

It turned out that there was a huge super gu formation!

Compared with this gu formation, Southern Border Gu Immortals is a gu formation of dreams. It can only be regarded as a kitten at the foot of an elephant.

Old Man Bei Feng presided over the gu formation, and soon changed his face, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

“This time is so big!” He dignified Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but at the moment it seems to have some Rating Strength.

In the super gu formation, it is obvious that a terrifying life is suppressed, and Old Man Bei Feng can only cope with gu formation.

“He He He, it seems that after so many years, you are still so energetic. Di Cang Sheng.” At this time, Duke Long faintly started talking.

“roar! !!” a moment later, the sound of Dragon’s Roar, which rang through the sky, swayed the entire trench.

The glow of the Super Gu Formation suddenly vanished and the water splashed.

Old Man Bei Feng’s forehead, all dripping cold sweat, said: “This is still isolated by Super Gu Formation, and there is such a volume. If you face this Evil Dragon, it is…”

Duke Long did not care, faintly commented: “It seems that the temper has not changed much, it is still so violent.”

“Dead old man !!!” this time, from the gu formation is a vocal.

The sound is equally deafening.

And a moment later, an extremely extreme Dragon Head, suddenly emerged from the stream of water.

It is Evil Dragon Di Cang Sheng !

This Immemorial Desolate Beast is a great end, but the Central Continent Earth Arteries combines countless hatred, anger, cursing and other emotions to form the Legendary.

It is cultivated by Innate Earth, because most of the combination is the negative emotions of human beings, which leads to the wisdom of human beings since it was formed.

At first it was only Long Xiao’s Roar, but after learning, it started with Hope Gu from Own Luck, learning the human language, and even once in a while, became a human being, stealing Gu Immortal skills.

There was a time when it was a big hit in Central Continent, and it made people and earth turning upside down.

But in the end, it was still suppressed by Duke Long.

This suppression is countless years.

But Heavenly Court, but it can’t kill it.

Because of its formation, most of it comes from the negative emotions of human beings. As long as the Human Race is still alive, the Evil Dragon will be a strong day. Even if it annihilates its body, there is no leftover.

But soon, it will form on other Earth Arteries and continue to stir the Heaven and Earth.

So Heavenly Court will set the gu formation to suppress the Evil Dragon.

The caretaker rotates. This time Feng Chanzi sells immortal materials for personal gain and is punished to Hidden Dragon Cavern as a caretaker. And his grandfather knew that Feng Chanzi had no ability, he took the initiative to give up the opportunity to enter Heavenly Court’s, and also came here to take care of Evil Dragon.

After seeing Duke Long, Evil Dragon turned out to be extremely angry.

It is the enemy who meets each other and is extremely jealous.

“Roar, what a loud voice, you can’t break free from this jail.” Duke Long still looks flat.

Di Cang Sheng heard this, no longer roaring, suddenly laughed: “Hahaha, I almost forgot. Dead old man, you are really dying. Your limit is coming, only the last chance to continue Even Longevity Gu can’t play a role. Haha, it’s funny. Although you suppressed me, but what about it? I am still alive, you are alive.”

Duke Long faint nodded: “You are not wrong. Sometimes, I envy you this life, you can live long life, you have Long Life. This time, I am afraid you and I met for the last time. Let me I will borrow a ten-year life span from you.”

Tough barely fell, Duke Long will inhale gently.

On the side of Old Man Bei Feng was surprised to find that as one of the caretakers, he lost control of the entire gu formation in an instant.

Di Cang Sheng is a one-handed crackdown by Duke Long. This super gu formation is also hand-picked by Duke Long.

Duke Long is the true owner of this super gu formation!

“ao roar!” Di Cang Sheng made a fierce scream.

Duke Long is still inhaling.

Old Man Bei Feng can’t see what Duke Long is sucking.

It seems that there is a essence of life that cannot be detected with the naked eye, extracted from Di Cang Sheng’s with the body, and then Duke Long inhales his own within the body.

“It turned out that this super gu formation is not just a crackdown on Di Cang Sheng, and there is this equivalent.” Old Man Bei Feng came to the fore.

In the process of continuous absorption, Duke Long’s **originally dry and thin, but now it is ballooning. Originally, the face of the sallow scorpion quickly dissipates and turns into a healthy bright color. There is also a pale bun that becomes black and bright.

He was originally camel back, fragile bones, and the sound of gā gā gā was re-arranged.

The most striking thing is the pair of corals on his forehead, the Dragon Horn, which is originally wilting, like two meat scorpions, but at the moment it shows the purple gold texture, high-spirited and stabbing the sky.


The breath of the Rank 8 peak, like an invisible Qi Barrier, crushes all around.

Old Man Bei Feng can’t help but down draws back one step, looking at Duke Long’s back, and the depth of the eyes flashed a sigh of relief.

In contrast to Duke Long is Evil Dragon Di Cang Sheng.

It made a hoarse voice and conveyed it with awkwardness: “Dead old man, you are that ten years life span nothing more. Just when Ben Long pulled a bubble, hello, Hahaha…”

It is still laughing, but the laughter is very weak.

Duke Long shook his hands and dismissed his face: “Evil Dragon, you may not understand, how can I dignified Duke Long to fear death? I wake up this time to make up for my sins. And this decade life span , is enough.”

“What is enough? What do you want to do?” Evil Dragon asked.

“What else can you have? Grand Era is coming.” Duke Long speaks profoundly.

“Grand Era? Grand Era !could it be that is Earth Arteries, Boundary Wall is all gone, Five Regions is one…etc, dead old man, don’t leave, you tell me clearly!” Di Cang Sheng call.

But Duke Long took a sneer, where would he care about the yelling of a prisoner? He turned away and went away, leaving the Hidden Dragon Cavern without any love.

Southern Border.

A place of no name.

River water ripples.

There is actually a tributary here!

Ying Wuxie and the others have been waiting for the river and have been working hard for a long time.

A silhouette appears in the tributary of the time.

“Fast! Take action together and greet the adults!” Ying Wuxie met and suddenly yelled.

Hei Loulan and Bai Ningbing beside him, taking action and urging gu formation.

Under the influence of gu formation, Purple Mountain True Monarch broke away from the tributary of the time. He was like a drowning man who died, and finally climbed to the shore, breathing heavily, covered with water stains and wandering.

“This Purple Mountain True Monarch actually entered the River of Time and returned safely!” Bai Ningbing expressionless, but the heart is very shocking.

“Adult, have you succeeded in this trip?” Ying Wuxie was busy after seeing the smoothness of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: “I entered Red Lotus, I have already communicated with that will, and the harvest is great, before the sur surpasses imagine!”

“Yes?” Ying Wuxie was pleasantly surprised.

But Purple Mountain True Monarch is heavy: “I am relying on Red Lotus’ True Inheritance and watching the past. Before Fang Yuan was born again, our Shadow Sect was done, delaying Grand Era for five hundred years, annihilating and not growing. Great Dream Immortal Venerable, and even the Heavenly Court completely infiltrated the manipulates! Unfortunately, Fang Yuan’s rebirth changed everything. Shadow Sect is incapable, Grand Era is coming!”

Ying Wuxie’s looks naturally shocked.

Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan looked at each other and were a bit puzzled.

The former coldly asked: “What is Grand Era?”

Ying Wuxie took a deep breath and replied: “Earth Arteries meet, Boundary Wall disappears, Five Regions comes together, Great Dream to become Venerable. This is Grand Era!”

Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan are also shocked.

at the same time.

Fang Yuan entered the Southern Border in the image of Wu Yihai, and the Wu Family headquarters has already looked back.

“I am finally back.”

“This time is coming back, we must absorb the dreams and do our best to upgrade the genre Realm.”

“Time is still too late.”

“After five hundred years, the Five Regions are in a chaotic battle. I am afraid it is already a full genre of the Great Grandmaster. I really look forward to it.”

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