Adverse Current River flows quietly.

The more upstream, the calmer the river.

However, in the minds of the trekkers, Adverse Current River has flown in, smashing thousands of waves and reversing any thoughts that continue upstream.

Destruction** is not terrifying, terrifying is the destruction of thought and consciousness.

The original Human Ancestor also lost in the Adverse Current River. Now these Gu Immortal seem to be repeating the mistakes of Human Ancestor.

“Oh, perseverance can’t live!” a moment later, Yuyi Yezi finally reached his limit, unable to move forward, and was quickly washed away by Adverse Current River.

Then there is second place Central Continent Gu Immortal, third place…

Shi Zhenyi exhausted, stunned and was washed away by Adverse Current River.

Bu Zhen Zi is unwilling, but can only look at himself and drift away.

The face of Bi Chentian and the others has become more ugly with the elimination of each Central Continent Gu Immortal.

Soon after, the Central Continent’s side, which was originally crowded, left only Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang.

Achieving Rank 8, this willpower is really amazing!

Wei Lingyang shows the background of the Rank 8 expert.

As for the Gu Immortal that was washed out of the river, they were all picked up by Bi Chentian one after another and smoothly closed. They were not obstructed by Old Ancestor Xuehu and Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink Mao Li Qiu.

“Why are our Gu Immortal being brushed away, and those who don’t want to do it, but stay in the river?” Some Central Continent Gu Immortal is very blind to Ying Wuxie, Fang Yuan and the others.

“Ran XnumX, the willpower is amazing. But we have all been brushed out, they are also fast.” A Central Continent Gu Immortal started talking just out of the Adverse Current River.

However, Zhong Xian did not wait until Fang Yuan or Ying Wuxie and the others exhausted, but there was a situation in saw Ma Hongyun.

Ma Hongyun, who struggled to swim, suddenly took a sip of water and almost brushed it down.

“Be careful!” Even Bi Chentian couldn’t help but whisper.

Ying Wuxie was overjoyed, but a moment later, Ma Hongyun actually regrouped and continued to sway.

A false alarm.

“It’s the girl, tut tut, the willpower is amazing.” Mao Li Qiu saw the details.

It was at the crucial moment that Zhao Lianyun made an effort to help Ma Hongyun and stabilize him.

In fact, when the Adverse Current River returned to normal, the river was calm and the test of physical strength was not great. Especially in the upper reaches, the river is slower and shallower, but the rebellious force against the will and mind is getting stronger and stronger.

“Fortunately, we can’t separate again.”

“You know, how many things have I experienced in order to be with you again, how much has suffered and how many things have been lost?”

Zhao Lianyun can’t speak, at this moment, she has no spare time to open mouth to speak.

Her old body has already ignited the power that makes Zhao Lianyun feel incredible.

Zhao Lianyun has forgotten her physical strength and old age, she wants to be with Ma Hongyun.

Even if you struggle to swim, you don’t have time to look at the people around you.

Even if you can’t talk, it’s at stake.

“Even if the results are tragic, I have to do my best to perseverance. Every minute and every second, as long as I am with him, side by side, no matter what, what is the situation, I feel happy!”

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun continued to travel, although the speed was very slow, but the situation stabilized.

A false alarm.

Bi Chentian and other Central Continent Gu Immortal, or the Grand Extremity Lord and Profound Extremity Lord, were frightened and frightened.

Old Ancestor Xuehu is coldly snorted, it is difficult to hide the color of disappointment.

The changes in the situation of Adverse Current River and each time are all affecting the mind of Gu Immortals.

Even among them, there is expensive for the existence of Rank 8. Even Rank 6 Rank 7 Gu Immortal, is also the expert in the same cultivation base, the elite of a domain.

“Even if it is the body of the Immortal Zombie, is the felt tired?” Ying Wuxie smiled.

On top of his head, he glared at Purple Mountain True Monarch, who was pulling Ying Wuxie’s hair, screaming and screaming, sometimes crying or laughing.

“I am just a Soul Fragment of the ontology. It hasn’t been long before this world.”

“But since I was born, I know my responsibility!”

“Now, the purple man is mad. Leave him alone, he can even be killed by the river. I am the only hope of Shadow Sect.”

“Even if I am exhausted here, I can’t give up. By grabbing Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun, I can have chips, delay the time, and win the purple people to wake up again!”

Responsibility to let Ying Wuxie perseverance go on.

Bai Ningbing grit his teeth, the chest is constantly ups and downs.

“He He He.” She even smirked, her face was a little distorted, and her eyes were translucent.


“It’s wonderful!”

“In the Adverse Current River, I have never had a realized experience. This is the way that Human Ancestor has traveled!”

“Interesting, really interesting!!”

“Even if it is a failure, it is not a trip. Even if you lose your life, it is worth it!”

Hei Loulan is full of anger.

“How can I stop here?”

“mother, your blood enmity I haven’t reported yet!”

“I haven’t killed the man by hand!”


“Give me a perseverance down…”

Hei Loulan trembled and gave Unimaginable perseverance.

However, as time goes by, finally someone again perseverance does not live.

“Is my wonderful end here?”

“I still have … great hatred… no…”

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan double double force exhausted, was washed out.

But their safety, no need to worry, Old Ancestor Xuehu already meets outside the river.

As a result, there are only six people in the Adverse Current River.

Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun are at first.

Ying Wuxie and the mad Purple Mountain True Monarch are in the second sequence.

Fang Yuan third.

Wei Lingyang fourth.

“There is hope!” Now, Old Ancestor Xuehu will be betting on Ying Wuxie’s.

As long as Ying Wuxie captures the captives of the Ma Zhao in the river, the Old Ancestor Xuehu side can take the initiative, taking Central Continent Bi Chentian and the others, and Longevity Heaven Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink.

But if Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun are allowed to be washed out, then everyone has a chance, and there will be a scuffle in the end. After all, who will succeed, it is not clear. Not only look at their respective strengths, but also look at their own Luck Qi.

“Wei Lingyang adults, it’s up to you.” Bi Chentian chanted in his heart, his fists in his hands, his fists were all sweaty.

Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink is a smile of hey hey.

A pair of big eyes, staring at the river, don’t know what to think.

“Ah! I am a big Heavenly Court’s glory…” After a moment, Wei Lingyang was so embarrassed that he was very unwilling, but he finally reached the limit and was washed down by Adverse Current River.

Central Continent Gu Immortals suddenly exclaimed, such as the death test.

Someone even more incredulously said: “How is it possible? Wei Lingyang adults but dignified Rank 8 Gu Immortal, how can they lose to these people?”

“Upstream of Adverse Current River, really has nothing to do with the cultivation base, mainly depends on their respective will.” Someone explained.

Central Continent Gu Immortal Silence, does this mean that dignified Rank 8 Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang, will not compare with the rest of these people?

Bi Chentian slowly said: “Don’t forget, before Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun, they were all resting on the hills made up of large floating soil. According to the information, they even have wild fruits to fill the hunger. Adverse Current River floods. At that time, they were already in the forefront, and the Gu Immortal behind them was going through more long struggles and efforts, and the physical strength and will of the ones were consumed in this process.”

Central Continent Gu Immortals This is no problem.

“That’s right.”

“Wei Lingyang has failed, but if it is the same starting point, he must be the last winner!”

Because of Bi Chentian’s words, the morale of Central Continent Gu Immortals has stabilized.

Bi Chentian expressionless, but my heart is heavy.

“Next, how is this good?” Bi Chentian hesitated.

For the Central Continent’s side, their disadvantages are already great.

A safe choice is to retreat immediately and retain your strength. Or go to Black Heaven and see if you can join Wanhai Longliu, maybe on Immortal Gu Home, maybe you can kill him again.

There is also the choice of Third Type, which is to stay here, and compete with Old Ancestor Xuehu and Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink for Ma Zhao.

“I still wait for Wei Lingyang to come back and discuss this matter again.” It is a big deal, Bi Chentian is difficult to be the master. After all, he is not the dominant person, Wei Lingyang is the leader of this trip.

However, in this this period of time, the Adverse Current River has changed again.

“I… not willing!” Ying Wuxie looked up loudly roared, but immediately drowned by Adverse Current River and slammed it down.

“Is it finally over! Ying Wuxie, give me death!!” Fang Yuan was arrogant in his heart, and he was ready to wait for this moment.

He and Ying Wuxie slammed together.

The two sides tangled in the water and stopped moving forward.

But as a result, Fang Yuan and Ying Wuxie, and Purple Mountain True Monarch are inevitably washed away by Adverse Current River.

Paragon Immortal Body vs. Strength Dao Immortal Zombie.

There is no doubt that Ying Wuxie is in an absolute downwind. In an instant, Fang Yuan has three fists and two feet, and his bones are broken.

But Immortal Zombie itself is a living dead, deadly only has one, that is the mind. Even the heart is not a weakness.

Fang Yuan used to be the Immortal Zombie for a while, and naturally knows the difference. But Ying Wuxie tried to protect her mind, no matter how the other parts of the body were destroyed by Fang Yuan, he chose to protect his head.

There is no doubt that this is a smart choice.

Because once the time was delayed, Fang Yuan was entangled in Adverse Current River, and it was time for Ying Wuxie to counterattack.

Don’t forget, Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing, and Old Ancestor Xuehu have already gone out there.

Among all the people present, only Fang Yuan is a lonely loner.

Race against time!

Fang Yuan wants to get rid of Ying Wuxie and Purple Mountain True Monarch before they rush out of Adverse Current River.

Ying Wuxie is desperately delaying the time, linger on in a steadily worsening condition.

Fang Yuan For a time, there was no way to take Ying Wuxie.

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