“Mu Linglan!” Behind Old Ancestor Xuehu, Wei Lingyang smirked.

Mu Linglan already had a sense of enlightenment. He licked his teeth and moved faster than Zhao Lianyun, pushing the weak Zhao Lianyun into Ma Hongyun’s arms.

“Live well!”

Throwing this sentence, he turned back and hugged the waist of Old Ancestor Xuehu.

Old Ancestor Xuehu struggled, but still stopped moving forward and was immediately washed away by Adverse Current River.

The crisis of Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun was temporarily solved.

“Fast, go!” Ma Hongyun squatted Zhao Lianyun and was shocked.

“Damn thing!” Old Ancestor Xuehu hated Mu Linglan, kneeling in the water and hitting Mu Linglan’s chest.

He is a Dao Marks, naturally beyond Mu Linglan countless.

Mu Linglan is just Rank 7. How could it be his opponent?

Soon the bones were broken, and the blood of the big mouth was sprayed out, dyeing the surrounding river.

After a dozen breaths, Mu Linglan couldn’t support it, completely broke his breath and died.

Seeing that his companion was killed in front of him, Central Continent Gu Immortals had no corners of the eye.

“Mu Linglan, your sacrifice, Central Continent will remember, Heavenly Court will remember!” Wei Lingyang, moving towards Old Ancestor Xuehu.

Old Ancestor Xuehu was entangled by Mu Linglan and has slipped into the third sequence.

He was immediately attacked by the grief of Central Continent Gu Immortals.

“Xuehu!” Madame Mo Shou worried about her husband’s safety and took the initiative to go back to support.

The two sides are in a tangle together, and they are rushing down, and soon hit the fourth column of Ying Wuxie and the others.

This time, a large number of Gu Immortal strangled in the river, and the scene became very chaotic.

Bi Chentian and the others were stunned at high altitude.

Dignified Gu Immortal, at this moment, there is nothing in the air, fighting hard in the water, like a common man.

But now it is already late for Bi Chentian to intervene.

Soon, a lot of blood was stained with red, and many of Gu Immortal’s bodies went down the river.

“Ying Wuxie!” Fang Yuan rushed into the battle group and he finally arrived.

“What about my family?” Ying Wuxie finally found Old Ancestor Xuehu in a chaotic battle group and asked aloud.

“Always upstream!” replied Old Ancestor Xuehu.

It turned out that when Old Ancestor Xuehu and Mu Linglan were entangled, Purple Mountain True Monarch went up against the flow and planned to produce Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun two.

Because of this, Old Ancestor Xuehu is willing to be together with Central Continent Gu Immortals are in a tangle together, in fact, this is his plan to block the enemy.

Ying Wuxie got the answer and screamed, leading Hei Loulan and the others, leaving the battle group and rushing to the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Fang Yuan Daxie: “Ying Wuxie, where are you going?”

Ying Wuxie sighed and shouted: “Where is Taibai Yunsheng?”

“You go!” Taibai Yunsheng immediately responded with a look of death and rushed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was blocked.

Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, and Bai Ningbing were able to get out.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Fang Yuan was so aggressive that he quickly broke the bones of Taibai Yunsheng.

However, Taibai Yunsheng has sprouted his death, firmly entangled Fang Yuan, holding him in his death, even biting his teeth and hitting his head.

Fang Yuan 一时间,竟然也挣脱不得。

情急之下,他大吼道:“Old Bai ,你还记得Royal Court Blessed Land 吗?”

Taibai Yunsheng 一愣,露出破绽。

Fang Yuan 眼中凶光一闪,两根手指毫不留情地戳穿Taibai Yunsheng’s 眼睛。

Taibai Yunsheng 遭受重创,大量的血水从眼洞中喷涌而出。

Fang Yuan 趁胜追击,再施辣手,Taibai Yunsheng 终于停止了动作,motionless 。

he died.

“hmph !”Fang Yuan 甩掉Taibai Yunsheng’s 尸躯,再次奋力潜游,向Ying Wuxie 追逐上去。

这一会儿,Old Ancestor Xuehu 和Wei Lingyang 的混乱战团,也分割开来,双方都是死伤惨重。

Bi Chentian 俯瞰Adverse Current River ,将全新的局势看得一清二楚。

Ma Hongyun 、Zhao Lianyun 仍旧在最前方,是第一队。

Purple Mountain True Monarch 处于second position 。

Ying Wuxie 等三人处于第三位置。

Fang Yuan 第四。

Old Ancestor Xuehu 和Madame Mo Shou 第五。

Wei Lingyang 等Central Continent Gu Immortal Sixth 。

Bi Chentian 大急,对于the Central Continent’s side 而言,已经处于劣势中的劣势。

Ma Hongyun 、Zhao Lianyun 在第一队,身边已经再无第二个Mu Linglan 可以守护。

第second team 的Purple Mountain True Monarch 是敌人,Ying Wuxie and the others 更是Shadow Sect’s 凶恶分子。第五位是Old Ancestor Xuehu 和Madame Mo Shou ,这就更不用说了。

without any choice ,Bi Chentian 只好将主意打到Fang Yuan’s body 。

“Fellow Immortal !”

“你只需护住最前方二人的性命,就能获得我Central Continent ,乃至Heavenly Court’s 友谊!!”

“你尽管开口,想要什么Immortal Gu 还是cultivation 资源,我偌大的Central Continent 什么不能满足你?”

“只要你出力,护住Ma Hongyun 、Zhao Lianyun 二人!”

“又是这样么……”Fang Yuan hearing that ,can’t help but 心中感慨。

他thought of Royal Court Blessed Land 。

在Royal Court Blessed Land 中,他也面临着一个抉择。若是能帮助Ma Hongyun ,对他而言,是非常有利可图的事情!

现在的情况,似乎和Royal Court Blessed Land 时,颇为相似。

不过Fang Yuan 闷声不吭,只管奋力上游。他现在********,想要铲除Ying Wuxie and the others 。什么Ma Hongyun ,都滚一边去。


Adverse Current River 越是上游,越难跋涉。

体力和Dao Marks background 已经是次要的,关键是对每个人意志的考验。

“Miss Xiaoyun ,我们一定要hold on 。我相信,一定会有机会的!”Ma Hongyun 不断出声,鼓励着怀中的Zhao Lianyun 。

河水ice-cold ,但身处在Ma Hongyun 的怀中,Zhao Lianyun 却是感觉到无以伦比的温暖。

这种温暖带给她巨大的动力,让她居然还能咬牙perseverance 。

紧随他们俩身后的,是Purple Mountain True Monarch 。

“Ma Hongyun !Zhao Lianyun !hey hey !只要拿捏住你们,我就可以钳制Old Ancestor Xuehu 。到时候,让他take action ,对付Southern Border’s 超级梦境。”Purple Mountain True Monarch 算盘珠子打的啪啪做响。

“保护紫大人!”Ying Wuxie 心中担忧。

“娘子,娘子,你醒醒!”Old Ancestor Xuehu 这边却是出现了状况。

Madame Mo Shou 昏迷过去。她在乱战中受了重创,勉强persevered 一会儿,终于perseverance 不住了,昏迷过去。

Old Ancestor Xuehu 心中慌乱。

他狠狠一咬牙,停止划动,抱着Madame Mo Shou 任由自身被Adverse Current River 冲刷下去。

Wei Lingyang and the others 任由他离去,巴不得少一位强力的竞争者。

Old Ancestor Xuehu 很快脱离了Adverse Current River ,利用Gu Immortal 手段,将Madame Mo Shou 的情况稳定住。

Bi Chentian 紧张起来,单凭他一个人,实在难以对付Old Ancestor Xuehu 。身边的其他Central Continent Gu Immortal ,在没有了Immortal Gu Home 的情况下,根本难以插手Rank 8 层次的战斗!

“先杀了你!”Old Ancestor Xuehu cautious and solemn ,将仍旧昏迷的Madame Mo Shou ,放入自家Immortal Aperture 。

然后他直接向Bi Chentian 冲去。

他乃是Northern Plains Demonic Path number one person ,vicious and merciless ,怎可能放弃这痛打落水狗的绝世良机?

“大不了是一死that’s all 。”Bi Chentian 萌生死志,不闪不退。

不过就在两位Rank 8 刚要开始战斗的时候,他们分别感受一股强大的气息。

as huge as a mountain 的狗尾紫貂,带着Grand Extremity Lord 、Profound Extremity Lord 两人,终于在此刻赶赴到了Adverse Current River 畔。


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