Fang Yuan took the Immortal Gu of this jellyfish to his hand and placed it on the front of the eye.

a moment later, his eyes are bright.

This is one Immortal Gu.

But the specific is a few turns, Fang Yuan is not clear.

Because in this Adverse Current River, no Gu insect can be used. These Gu insects falling into the Adverse Current River seem to be sleeping in the fossils, self-seal, and no trace of breath.

This led to Fang Yuan, who had just not taken the Immortal Gu of this jellyfish look.

Until Bi Chentian couldn’t help but remind him, Fang Yuan was realized suddenly.

If it is outside, without this Adverse Current River, Immortal Gu breathe out, Fang Yuan can be distinguished from the Immortal Gu by a long distance, and it is a few turns to Immortal Gu.

As for what Immortal Gu is, it depends on Gu Immortal’s own personal vision.

“This Immortal Gu, seems to be…Love Gu?” Fang Yuan had an open mind and looked at it for a while, and he finally guessed the cockroach’s foot.

Wisdom Dao has three elements: Thought, Intent, Emotion.

Since there is Passion Immortal Gu, there is also Love Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan’s guess, nature is right. Bi Chentian can’t help but secretly worried.

Love Gu is very important for Central Continent Gu Immortal.


Because this Immortal Gu was temporarily added to the Immortal Gu Home Horned Link Camp. Along with this, there are many other mortal gus.

This Love Immortal Gu, along with a number of mortal gus, adds an effect to the Horned Link Camp, which tracks the location of Passion Immortal Gu. Even if Passion Immortal Gu is in an Immortal Aperture, it doesn’t matter.

Because of this, Immortal Gu Home Horned Link Camp can track Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.

Otherwise, in the Uncontained Road, the love **** issued power, the Zhao Lianyun, Yuyi Yezi, Shi Zhenyi, Bu Zhen Zi, Mu Linglan five people, who know where they went?

After adding Love Immortal Gu and its other Gu insects, Horned Link Camp was able to detect the location of Passion Immortal Gu and tracked the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.

But then, because of the interaction with Old Ancestor Xuehu and Purple Mountain True Monarch, the Horned Link Camp suffered tremendous pressure and was much damaged. Before that, after a long journey and a collapse of Uncontained Road, Horned Link Camp itself was not complete.

As a result, when the Profound Extremity Lord and the Grand Extremity Lord launched the gu formation, the Main Formation exploded, and the Adverse Current River was dumped, the situation of the Horned Link Camp was already five strokes.

Thus, the entire Immortal Gu Home collapsed, and the Gu insect that made up Immortal Gu Home, regardless of immortal and mortal, followed the river and was taken away.

If they were left outside, these Immortal Gu and Mortal Gu could take the initiative to fly with Gu Immortal and put them into the arms of Gu Immortal.

But in the Adverse Current River, these Gu insects are subject to such a special environment, forced to seal, self-sleeping, how to call like a dead thing.

Love Gu is one of the countless Gu insects after the disintegration of Immortal Gu Home.

To be precise, it is a very lucky one.

Because the vast majority of Gu insects are being smashed by waves during the process of drifting, they are smashed by stones or giant trees that are constantly colliding in the river.

Gu insect itself is very fragile.

Adverse Current River became the cemetery of Gu insect.

Of course, the hardness of Gu insect itself is also different.

Most of the Gu insects are broken when they are pinched. But there are also jade, stone-like Gu insect, hardness such as jade stone. And this Love Gu is a bit special, its body is very soft, and it can survive even if it is hit.

Obviously, this is the main reason why it survived in this Adverse Current River.

However, it fell to Fang Yuan’s hand, and its condition is not good at all.

The jellyfish-like body is very broken, and there is a huge wound that occupies almost a quarter of the area of ​​Love Gu, and some are awkward.

Bi Chentian had a sharp eye and saw that Fang Yuan wanted to take down the love Gu of the jellyfish, and he quickly reminded him.

After reminding him, he suddenly regretted his heart.

If you don’t remind me, maybe Fang Yuan will abandon it and ignore it.

But now, Fang Yuan is looking at bright light, and at first glance he knows that he has discovered the truth.

Bi Chentian slammed the uneasiness in his heart and arched Fang Yuan. He said, “This Fellow Immortal, this is my Central Continent. It is better to have a good relationship and give this Immortal Gu to me. Can it?”

Fang Yuan’s eyes picked up slightly: “Your proposal can be considered. But what is this? I have to know.”

Bi Chentian replied: “This is Love Gu, Wisdom Dao Gu insect.”

The number of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is very small, Bi Chentian emphasizes Love Immortal Gu, and thinks that Fang Yuan should not be Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Love Gu itself, for most of Gu Immortal, is indeed a chicken rib.

It is a pity that it is tasteless.


Gu Immortal does need the will as a helper. Whether it’s a sect rally or a Treasure Yellow Heaven, any meaning is widely used.

But for this, you only need some common level advice.

There is no need to pay a huge price to support a Love Immortal Gu.

After all, not Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, Gu Immortal’s Dao Marks are mutually exclusive, using other genres of Immortal Gu, the effect is lower than the normal standard. At the same time, the light of a Love Immortal Gu, can not bring up the composition of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Gu Immortals will be in love with this Immortal Gu unless it is the case of Love Immortal Gu, to form the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move of other genres, or to have a special special effect.

Not all Immortal Gus are popular.

Gu Immortal has a genre, Immortal Gu also has a genre. Gu Immortal has 6~7 Rank 8, as does Immortal Gu.

For Gu Immortal, only the right Immortal Gu is valuable to you.

Fang Yuan Five years of previous life, the Five Regions chaos, often Gu Immortal held a trade fair, exchange Immortal Gu with each other.

But Bi Chentian can’t expect it. Fang Yuan is the most special one of all Gu Immortal in the whole world.

First of all, his Wisdom Dao Realm, up to the Grandmaster level. This kind of character is not Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, but what else.

Secondly, there is no mutual exclusion between Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Body Dao Marks. He can cultivation any genre!

Finally, Fang Yuan was waiting for this thing some time ago. He felt that although he had Wisdom Dao Realm and means, he lacked Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu.

So, for Fang Yuan, this Love Immortal Gu is very important.

So he took Love Immortal Gu and went to his arms.

In this Adverse Current River, the Immortal Aperture Portal can’t be opened and can only be carried with you for the time being.

Bi Chentian saw his movement, and suddenly complexion sank, the tone was even more anxious: “Fellow Immortal! Let go of that Immortal Gu, we are not enemies, we can make a deal, each need.”

Fang Yuan forgot the same as Bi Chentian: “You can make a deal, but not here.”

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