“Is it finally triumphed.” After a while, Zhao Lianyun got the challenge from the pool of blood.

Her injury was very serious, and her eyes were black.

Fortunately, however, Zhao Pu has already died, so the blood of the Zhaomian and Reality Ultimate Moves of Zhao Lianyun and Yuyi Yezi has also been solved.

If it is unresolved, Zhao Lianyun and Yuyi Yezi will undoubtedly die with Zhao Pu.

Call and call

On the other side, Yuyi Yezi gasped and leaned against the wall and stood up.

When he saw Zhao Lianyun, the little Year Gu Gu was suddenly stunned and changed his face: “Pity, Fairy Lianyun, your face, no, you”

Yuyi Yezi has big eyes and stutters, and she doesn’t know how to express it.

Zhao Lianyun can’t help but Strange, Dark Dao: “What happened to me?”

She quickly looked down and looked at herself. First she saw her own hands.

A pair of old, skinny hands.

Zhao Lianyun suddenly stunned her heart, and then she found out that she had become an old woman without knowing it!

Her back is down, all around, dim-sighted from old age, full head of white hair.

“How can it like this?” Zhao Lianyun was shocked.

She grabbed her own hair and easily grabbed a white hair in her hand. In fact, the strong and powerful hair roots have been lost and become extremely rare.

Yuyi Yezi said solemnly: “I am afraid that it is a love effect. Love **** consumes your life span, and then bursts out powerful power, killing Zhao Pu directly.”

“Is it like this?” Zhao Lianyun was stunned and looked confused.

Who is from a great youth. It suddenly became the state of old and decrepit, and the mind was strongly shaken.

“That’s it.” Yuyi Yezi nodded. Busy comforted, “But don’t worry. Only if you use Longevity Gu, you can regain your young body. Gu Immortal may not get Longevity Gu, but you are different, you are the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, Sect will definitely give you Longevity Gu as a support.”

Zhao Lianyun didn’t speak.

The emotions in her heart are quite complicated. Shocked, lost, unbelievable. There is nothing wrong with it.

She is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but even before crossing, she has not experienced such an old state.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Lianyun finally eased.

“I want to move on!”

“The old and decrepit doesn’t matter anymore, and the Fortune is still waiting for me there.”

Zhao Lianyun Through the window, looking at the first snowy peak in the distance, her gaze became firm again.

“You can’t continue!!” Yuyi Yezi was shocked and quickly walked over to Zhao Lianyun and grabbed her arm.

“Passion Immortal Gu’s formidable power is powerful, but it is not stable. Maybe next time, it still has to swallow your life span. Thus, you will die completely!” Yuyi Yezi persuaded.

“Even if it is dead, how is it?” The old lady Zhao Lianyun looked at the less Year Gu Xian Yuyi Yezi. Lightly smiled.

She didn’t smile at all, but Yuyi Yezi stayed.

Then, Zhao Lianyun gently pumps his arm.

She clearly did not use Strong Qi. But Yuyi Yezi feels like an invisible force that impacts his heart. Let him let go of his hand involuntarily.

Then he stood still in silence. Look at Zhao Lianyun, carrying his old steps and walking outside the temple.

This scene is unremarkable, but Yuyi Yezi has a strong shock.

He even subconsciously held his breath, this moment, Zhao Lianyun’s aging back, deeply imprinted in his heart.

“What kind of consciousness this is!”

“For the love of the heart, I am willing to sacrifice, not afraid of death and destruction.”

“Zhao Lianyun, without you, I am sure to die in the hands of Zhao Pu.”

“Fine, let me follow you, big deal, this life is for you!”

Yuyi Yezi’s age is not too big, and her heart is full of blood. After making up her mind, she quickly keeps up with Zhao Lianyun’s pace and follows her.

The immortal essence in Void Orifice is running low, and Zhao Lianyun is also worried about calling the Passion Immortal Gu, which will directly lose her life span. So she chose to go straight to the snow peak.

As a result, under the influence of the grand formation, Zhao Lianyun and Yuyi Yezi separated, she came alone to the peak of a snow peak.

There is still a great hall on the peak, a quiet atmosphere.

“There was a fierce battle here!” Zhao Lianyun slowly stepped into the great hall, and soon found that the great hall was very broken, and there were traces of fierce battles everywhere.

“Is it, Fairy Lianyun?” A voice suddenly passed to Zhao Lianyun’s ear.

Zhao Lianyun gave a slight glimpse and immediately heard it. This is the voice of the Water Dao Gu Immortal Mu Linglan.

“This is the eighth peak in the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land. I started a fierce battle with Peak Lord Xiao Feifei. Now both sides suffer.”

“Now, we are all hiding ourselves and trying our best to heal.”

“You have to be careful not to miss her calculations. She has an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move that can cause people to lose memory.”

Bone barely fell, a streak of strange light flew out, in the middle of Zhao Lianyun’s forehead.

“Oops!” Mu Linglan yelled. “When each time is forgotten, the relevant memories will come to your mind. Use Immortal Gu to defend, don’t push Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, it’s more dangerous. Once you forget Immortal The memory of Realm Ultimate Move, you will suffer from the backlash of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Hold on, I am healing, have a battle!”

Zhao Lianyun is busy.

She shrank to the corner, reminded Immortal Gu to protect herself, and then waited for the ultimate move.

“Damn!” Zhao Lianyun was upset. She knew her situation, and she had just become Gu Immortal. Most of the battles came from special training. If the memory of this period disappears, it is extremely huge loss for her.

Memory begins to come to mind

Northern Plains.

Ma Family was defeated and was recruited by Hei Family.

“I don’t think we can still live, Miss Xiaoyun!” Ma Hongyun took Zhao Lianyun and turned it around, “Hahaha.”

“Let me down. You big fool!” Zhao Lianyun yelled.

Among the Royal Court Blessed Land.

“You kid is really good Luck Qi, actually can be the son-in-law of Chang Family. Hahaha.” Zhao Lianyun patted Ma Hongyun’s shoulder.

Ma Hongyun hehe smiled and scratched his hair: “Miss Xiaoyun, you can rest assured. You help me that many, I will not treat you badly.”

Zhao Lianyun loudly un’ed, nodded again and again: “Then I will rely on you later.”

My heart is secretly strange: How can I have some lost, sour emotions?

Inside the 88 Floors True Yang Building.

“You are actually a Demon from Beyond The Heavens! It’s still hidden in Ma Hongyun’s side! He He He, it’s so sweet, so bold. But unfortunately you met me.” Ju Yang’s Will shows a strong Killing intent.

Zhao Lianyun, like an ice cave, screams in his heart: “Damn, there is such a glimpse? The person who crosses is Demon from Beyond The Heavens? This world is also too unfair! Finished, this time is dead!! Is it going to die here?”

But a moment later, Ma Hongyun came forward. Standing in front of Zhao Lianyun.

He opened his arms and held Zhao Lianyun behind him.

“Kid, do you want to cover a Demon from Beyond The Heavens?” Ju Yang’s Will has a tone, and expression becomes ice-cold.

“What Demon from Beyond The Heavens! I don’t know what Demon from Beyond The Heavens, I only know that she is Miss Xiaoyun. Without her help, I may have been killed now.” Ma Hongyun tried to maintain Zhao Lianyun. Justify.

Zhao Lianyun’s pupils are shrinking, stupidly looking at Ma Hongyun.

“Even if you face Ju Yang’s Will. Can this guy come forward?”


“I am obviously Demon from Beyond The Heavens, not the people of this world!”

“You fool, you will die. Keep me, you have to offend Ju Yang’s Will. That’s your Old Ancestor, you fool!”

In the eyes of Hei Loulan looked towards Zhao Lianyun, there is also a killing intent.

“No. Miss Xiaoyun is innocent, you can’t hurt her!” Ma Hongyun perseverance. I want to protect Zhao Lianyun.

But Ju Yang special intention, regardless of Ma Hongyun, directly to Zhao Lianyun.

“No!” Ma Hongyun didn’t see the opportunity. Yelled, in a hurry, stretched out his arms and held Zhao Lianyun in his arms.

this moment.

Time seems to be getting longer.

Zhao Lianyun shrunk in the arms of Ma Hongyun, her heart began to pēng pēng jump.

An unprecedented sense of security, and warmth, filled her heart.

There is also a panic that comes with it.

This kind of panic is not a sentiment of life, but a wonderful feeling from the heart.

Zhao Lianyun found that at this moment, she fell in love with the stupid Ma Hongyun.

In this world, a man will watch the stars for her, accompany her to shout at the valley, heal her, and offer flowers for her. But who can give up life for her? !

In this world, even Deyang from Beyond The Heavens, which is rejected by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, who would be stupid to maintain?

Ma Hongyun.

Ma Hongyun !

A paragraph of memory, floating in the mind of Zhao Lianyun.

Then, another segment of the disappearance is nearly exhausted.

“No, don’t!” Zhao Lianyun burst into tears and screamed in grief.

Xiao Feifei’s voice came: “He He He, in my Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the most precious memory in your heart, will be lost. Is it painful? It doesn’t matter, forget it, you will be relaxed. Maybe you will laugh. He He He ”

The memory disappeared, and the smile really appeared on Zhao Lianyun’s face.

“Don’t laugh. This is Xiao Feifei’s famous Northern Plains’ sinister ultimate move, which can make people die in laughter. The longer you laugh, the easier it is to die.” Mu Linglan is busy with the sound transmission warning.

But Zhao Lianyun seems to be demented, laughing and opening his mouth, and the degree of opening is getting bigger and bigger.

“Damn!” Mu Linglan knew he had to take action.

He doesn’t usually act, but when it happens is Shi Potian’s amazing move!

“Ah! You are actually” Xiao Feifei because of the hands of Zhao Lianyun, exposed the position, caught a fatal blow under the hood, and died on the spot.

“Fairy Lianyun, you have to hold on!” Mu Linglan rushed to rescue Zhao Lianyun.

Zhao Lianyun’s face still looks, but the mind has recovered clear and bright.

Two rows of turbid tears flowed from her eyes.

She is now dim-sighted from old age, a white hair, very old, can only use Gu insect to replace the sound of the vocal cords.

“What should I do?”

“I almost forgot everything about him. Even his appearance has been forgotten.”

“I only remember his name.”

“I only remember”

“I love him!”

Ps: I once said such a passage, I wrote that any supporting role is devoted to feelings. I love the leading role and love any supporting role. In the name of Zhao Lianyun, there is a word of pity. She is actually a very poor person. If everyone is standing in her perspective, she will find her loneliness and her sorrow. Today, there is only one more, the wine is much more drunk, the state is very bad, and I can barely modify it here. After that, there will be another long story, but tomorrow I will delete it and improve the quality! In this way, there will be ** at the beginning of the month. Ah, the long-lost **! I hope that everyone will invest more in the end of the month. Of course, I hope that everyone can understand this and understand some of the ideas I have created. Thank you guys.

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