On the periphery, the densely packed ants, standing on the silhouette of countless Soul Beast, is truly the size of the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses. What is more trembling in fear is that they are in a state of momentum, as if they are mountains, not moving, and Shi Potian is shocked, such as tsunami scouring, mountains bursting and ground splitting.

Not only is the size of Soul Beast, it is shocking, and there is no shortage of Far Ancient Rank, Immemorial Soul Beast. Gu Immortals also felt the breath of many wild Immortal Gus.

“Immemorial Soul Beast has five heads!”

“Just out of the black light, is it Soul Beast army now?”

Three Rank 8 Gu Immortal communicated in secret.

The development of the situation has made the three people feel very uncomfortable. This kind of Luck Qi is too bad, revealing the evil and evil.

Ling Wei Yang said solemnly: “It seems that the next journey, we have to use the worst situation to consider the problem.”

“Hate!” Bi Chentian clenched his fists. “Since Fate Gu was destroyed by Red Lotus Demon Venerable, Life and Death Gate’s ability to absorb souls has reduced countless times. Many powerful souls are left in Heaven and Earth. After the enlightenment of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, the Heaven and Earth revolution in Grand Era, the species Soul Beast appeared, many souls even turned directly into Soul Beast. Now in Immemorial Black Heaven, Soul Beast is the most, pulling Heaven’s Guide And Earth’s Virtue, when can we get rid of the chaos, and Heaven and Earth clear and bright?”

“Come on!” said Wanhai Longliu. “After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the Immortal Zombie between Heaven and Earth almost died. These are the damned people of escaping from fate, and now they are dead, which makes Fate Gu The resistance of the refining has dropped by countless times. Now with the Grandma Sha host, even without the successful Dao Marks in Undefeatable Blessed Land, there is a lot of progress.”

Ling Wei Yang shook his head: “Attention, the Soul Beast army is surrounded. It is imperative to get rid of these Soul Beast army!”

Wanhai Longliu sighed: “The best way is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s defensive ultimate move. Unknown to Ghosts, which is the same as Unknown to Gods. It is rumored that Gu Immortal, who has this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, can’t find Soul Beast. Now Well, just use my Dragon Migration.”

“It’s just that I am not only going to drive myself. I have to carry three Immortal Gu Homes, and a lot of Gu Immortal. After this show, I can’t take action for the next three days.”

Three immortals discussed it and finally agreed with Wanhai Longliu’s proposal.

Dragon roar sounds!

Innumerable flying dragon’s white light shadow, produced out of thin air, wrap up to live in three Immortal Gu Home.

Pale dragon shadow, gathered into a river. Countless light dragons, vast, with an unstoppable momentum, wrapped in three Immortal Gu Home, rushing forward.

Soul Beast army roaring, layered barrier.

But the Dragon Migration was extraordinary and powerful, and the Soul Beast army was forcibly rushed out of the way, allowing the three Immortal Gu Homes to be successfully evacuated.

Soul Beast is acting very fast and the army has not given up. Instead, chasing after him.

Wanhai Longliu did not dare to revoke the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move “Dragon Migration”, only grit his teeth.

Both sides chased three a long time chen. Soul Beast army This gave up and attention was drawn to a group of poisonous snakes.

“No way! This time, I have to rest for at least seven days before I can do it again. Next, it depends on you.” Wanhai Longliu’s face is pale, bloodless, originally sly eyes, full of bloodshot, dry A strong feeling of weakness.

After the Dragon Migration ultimate move was removed. Wanhai Longliu almost fell to his head and fell into a deep sleep.

He is with both eyes closed tightly. Beep.

His snoring is very strange, listen carefully. It is like the whistling sound of a dragon.

As he fell asleep, a thick fog formed around his body.

In the thick fog, the knot began to knot again. After an hour, the scorpion became thicker and thicker, and gradually turned into a pale white dragon egg.

“Get rid of those Soul Beast.”

“It’s really thrilling!”

“The just that move move seems to be the means of Wanhai Longliu, one of the Rank 8 Great Experts. It’s so arrogant, it’s amazing.”

Among the three Immortal Gu Homes, there was a burst of cheers and admiration from Gu Immortals.

Bi Chentian and Ling Wei Yang are superficial.

Wanhai Longliu has fallen into a deep sleep. The three Rank 8 battle strengths have lost one, but the distance is almost half.

The three Immortal Gu Homes are slow and the Gu Immortal inside is actively repairing Immortal Gu Home.

In the next a long time, Central Continent Gu Immortals encounted several ghost fox groups and Bear Mosquito groups. Or fight or retreat, relying on the great power of Immortal Gu Home, can continue to advance.

Bi Chentian suddenly felt a shock, his mouth curled up, showing joy: “Wei Lingyang adults, I found three thousand mile, there is a large piece of bacteria.”

“Is it?” Wanhai Longliu spits out one mouthful of impure air. “That’s time to take a break.”

The three Immortal Gu Home gently changed direction, changing the direction of the flying. After a while, the three Immortal Gu Homes were attached to the surface of the fly.

“Where is this? Is it safe?” Zhao Lianyun looked out the window, her face full of surprises, especially seeing Gu Immortal companions, leaving Immortal Gu Home, to free activities on the bacteria.

Yuyi Yezi smiled and explained: “Immemorial Nine Heavens, each has its own unique features. For example, the black lamp imposing manner is unique to Black Heaven. But in Nine Heavens, there are also some things in common. For example, Astral Flying Pig, and like the bacteria.”

“This kind of fungus grows only in Immemorial Nine Heavens. The bacteria itself is a kind of Rank 6 immortal materials. The most important thing is that it must grow in a single way. There can be no aliens in the surrounding Dao Marks, other life, even Rocks can’t exist. So once there is a bacterium, it proves that it is a safe place and can be used for rest. Well, I won’t talk to you, I have to go out and pick some bacteria to the hands. Good things are not easy to meet.”

Yuyi Yezi also quickly ran out of Feng Man Building.

Zhao Lianyun has no interest in anything with natural bacteria. When she became Gu Immortal, it was too short and too short to understand the significance of the cultivation resources. She is now full of brains how to save the lover Ma Hongyun.

After a while, there was almost no Gu Immortal left in the Feng Man Building.

“Don’t you gather some of the bacteria?” Zhao Lianyun looked at Bu Zhen Zi, and was surprised.

Bu Zhen Zi said with a smile : “Sect protects you, so I will never leave you.”

Zhao Lianyun is also understanding: “That seems, I have to go down.”

Bu Zhen Zi shook his head: “many thanks for your kindness, even if I am standing on the bacterium, I will not pick it up. Because it will distract my attention, if there is an accident, then I really regret it. ”

Zhao Lianyun heard this, and her heart rose into a warmth. She whispered: “Thank you.”

Bu Zhen Zi shook his head slightly: “You’re welcome, you are my contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House. I guard you and I am responsible for this trip.”

Zhao Lianyun sighed and sighed again at the window. She said quietly: “I don’t think Black Heaven is so dangerous, and there is such a safe place. It can be seen that there is no way to go, we will succeed this time. You said is it?”

Bu Zhen Zi did not hesitate and replied: “This is when… of course.”

He suddenly dragged the tone and looked very weird.

At the same time, Zhao Lianyun saw a bit of starlight flashing in the far away night.

This is of course not a black light bonfire, because the colors are completely different. This blue star glow, like countless diamonds, sprinkled on black silk, is extremely embarrassing, making people unforgettable at first sight.

Zhao Lianyun’s eyes narrowed slightly and he sighed: “It’s beautiful.”

“It is very dangerous! According to the record, this scale…” Bu Zhen Zi is a pale face with a vibrato tone.

Zhao Lianyun immediately alerted: “What do you mean?”

She just asked, and she remembered the warnings and orders of Rank 8 Gu Immortal Bi Chentian.

Outside of Immortal Gu Home, Gu Immortals ran back in confusion.

Wei Lingyang looks like an eagle, looking at the starlight approaching, sinking like a water: “A big nebula storm!”

Hundreds of millions of stars are flying.

Some meteors, in the night, draw the long tail of the severe li. There are many superstars in it, small as a sea island, big as a small continent.

Between the stars, there are countless starlight flashes, as if thousands of thunder and electric awns are intertwined.

The nebula storm is originally the unique imposing manner of Immemorial Blue Heaven. But for historical reasons, Immemorial Blue Heaven is broken, and a lot of stars fall into the Immemorial Black Heaven.

Therefore, there is a nebula storm in Immemorial Black Heaven.

“This level of nebula storm is only seen in my life!” Bi Chentian’s face is quite ugly at the moment. “Now, this piece of bacteria is like a trap that lures us to rest!”

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