
On top of the clouds, a silhouette stops and hoveres, and looks at the clouds and clouds, and the earth is silent.

This person is dressed in a blue golden armor, his beard is down to the chest, tall and sturdy, and his face is old, it is Southern Desolate Immortal.

“Sovereign Yao pay respects to Southern Desolate”! A silhouette is revealed by Yao Family’s Reved Great Elder, Rank 8 Gu Immortal Sovereign Yao.

Southern Desolate Immortal sideways, like a smile yet not a smile : “You and I are all Rank 8, you can call Fellow Immortal, you don’t have to be so polite.”

Sovereign Yao performed a respectful dedication: “On the cultivation base, the Southern Desolate adults are many times higher. On the basis of the generations, it is the great grandson of the Southern Desolate adults. How can they be rude?”

Southern Desolate Immortal nodded, sighed: “You are very good, but unfortunately, I am waiting for Huang Jin bloodline to fade. Outside the vast Northern Plains, Longevity Heaven, there is only one Rank 8 Gu Immortal, a member of my Huang Jin Clan!”

Crown Prince Feng Xian is also a member of Gong Family, but in the eyes of Southern Desolate Immortal, it is not a bloodline and is still an outsider.

“Thinking about my first generation, there are four Rank 8s in Huang Jin Clan, and one of them, called Tiger God, is a sacred sneak peek at the seeds of Rank 9 Realm. Unfortunately, it falls into Black Heaven. In the middle of the year, Huang Jin bloodline is indeed the first generation is not as good as the first generation.”

In the eyes of Southern Desolate Immortal, a deep disappointment was revealed.

Sovereign Yao can’t speak.

This criticism of the entire Huang Jin bloodline discourse, Sovereign Yao is not qualified, that is Southern Desolate Immortal is qualified to comment.

In fact, what Southern Desolate Immortal said is also true.

Sovereign Yao has no way to refute.

This is indeed the case, Northern Plains’ Huang Jin Clan, has gradually decayed, talents withered, but the rogue cultivator, the new star in the Demonic Path emerged, emerge endlessly. Such as Heavenly Monarch Baiju, Chu Du, and Liu Guanyi and so on.

“However, Ju Yang First Ancestor has also anticipated this situation.” Southern Desolate Immortal suddenly talked to Rank 1 and said something that surprised Sovereign Yao.

“Oh? Ju Yang First Ancestor rises from Medieval Antiquity Era, can he predict the situation at this time?”

“The ancestor repaired Luck Dao. But Wisdom Dao is definitely not weak. In addition, the so-called Luck’ is essentially a variable, and the ancestor created Luck Dao, naturally changing the world. He created 88 Floors True Yang Building. It has been said that the future of this building will fall. Once it collapses, it is the beginning of Grand Era, the signal of the transformation of Heaven and Earth.” Southern Desolate Immortal.

Sovereign Yao was shocked: “So?”

What is Grand Era?

Can produce Immortal Venerable, Demon Venerable’s era. It is the recognized Grand Era.

Southern Desolate Immortal Long sigh: “Ju Yang First Ancestor is bitter and arrogant, and all sorts of means are to think of the sinister and retaining strength. (‘) Let his descendants and grandchildren wind up the enemy waves in this Grand Era. The people of the tide. If you are not good, you must also protect yourself and save the bloodline seeds.”

Sovereign Yao hesitantly said: “Our Huang Jin bloodline is no longer unbearable, and we can’t even do it ourselves. Northern Plains is still under our control, even if we don’t care. And Longevity Heaven is there.”

Southern Desolate Immortal shook his head: “Longevity Heaven is stronger, but it is just the ancestor of Immortal Aperture. And that Heavenly Court has three Immortal Venerable left Immortal Aperture, and members of the Heavenly Court all donated their own Celestial Grotto Longevity Heaven’s background, how can it compare with Heavenly Court? Just like this time, Central Continent took the initiative to directly launch three Rank 8 Gu Immortal and three Immortal Gu Home. Does our Huang Jin bloodline have such strength? ?”

Sovereign Yao screams: “What? Central Continent?”

Southern Desolate Immortal stopped explaining, just saying: “Follow me.”

The words have not been finished yet. He will fly to the sky.

Sovereign Yao is busy closely from behind.

Two centuries run through Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier into Black Heaven.

Under the leadership of Southern Desolate Immortal, Sovereign Yao went straight to the southeast.

Flying For a while, Sovereign Yao shook his heart: “In Black Heaven. Crisis, although I often explored, I searched for Rank 8 immortal materials, but never like today, I have a bon voyage, no obstacle at all. Could it be that. Southern Desolate Master holds the Black Heaven’s road map?”

But in fact, the road map is not suitable for Immemorial Nine Heavens.

The clouds in the cover of Nine Heavens are constantly changing. There are also fixed places, but they are very rare.

The Central Continent line has been very smooth, but it still suffers from the Astral Flying Pig group, the Poisonous snake group and so on. Southern Desolate Immortal and Sovereign Yao are both disaster-free and safe, as if they are visiting their own back garden.

“Okay, it’s here.” Southern Desolate Immortal stopped the figure.

Sovereign Yao also slowed down and flew to his side, standing.

He felt a little strange, there was nothing left in the air, and there wasn’t even a trace of wind. How did Southern Desolate Immortal stay here?

a moment later, Southern Desolate Immortal responded with an action.

He burst into a rushing golden light, like a sun shard, forcing Sovereign Yao to close his eyes.

Sovereign Yao has a heartbeat.

Black Heaven is dark and deep, and this kind of radiating glare is undoubtedly a self-reported ferocious beast attack.

But he was alert for a long time and did not see any beast group attack.

“Is this still Black Heaven?” Sovereign Yao wondered.

A moment later, Southern Desolate Immortal’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move finally spurred complete, a dark gold palace, emerged from the Void, revealing the majestic temple.

Sovereign Yao never expected to have an Immortal Gu Home hidden inside.

He quickly recognized the origins of the palace, and suddenly he was very excited. He whispered in his mouth: “Isn’t this the Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace?”

Fortune Stealing Altar, 88 Floors True Yang Building, Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace are the three Immortal Gu Homes owned by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable.

88 Floors True Yang Building is placed in the Royal Court Blessed Land by Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Fortune Stealing Altar stays in Longevity Heaven, and this Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable is actually placed in Black Heaven, invisible For countless years!

“Ju Yang First Ancestor has placed this Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace here, and it must be meaningful. But what is his intention?”

Sovereign Yao is constantly speculating that Southern Desolate Immortal has looked back at him and said, “Come up.”

Sovereign Yao is accompanied by Southern Desolate Immortal in the Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace.

“You are here.” There is someone in the great hall.

He sat on the futon, not the cohesiveness of his will. He opened his eyes at this moment, his eyes were like electricity, and the golden glow was shining.

Sovereign Yao met this person and shivered, and his heart was shocked and stunned: “Ju Yang, Immortal Ancestor?!”


Awoo 呜!

The wolves are chasing and chasing three Immortal Gu Homes.

These wolves are slender. The posture is strong. They have black wolverines and minions, all of which are cruel and fierce. The most peculiar thing is that they are hairless, but the leather armor. Black light is very bright and very strong.

This is a night Sky Wolf group. It is very large, with tens of thousands of nights in Sky Wolf.

Every night, Sky Wolf, is Desolate Beast. Wolf King is Far Ancient Desolate Beast and has a Wolf Emperor. There is Rank 8 battle strength!

“Can’t escape, has been surrounded.”

“I don’t think of the Wolf Xerx Wild Immortal Gu!”

“The wolves of this size are not common in Black Heaven, and they have been hit by us.”

Three Rank 8 Gu Immortal exchanged quickly.

Ling Wei Yang shouted: “Spread northwest!”

Horned Link Camp took the lead and the momentum suddenly rose. The immortal essence was consumed madly and condensed into a huge angle.

Where the giant horn went, pierced the wolves, and only wore a large hole. Hundreds of Desolate Beast Night Sky Wolf died.

Immortal Gu Home Horned Link Camp rushed into the wolves, followed by the Bird Catching Pavilion and Feng Man Building.

A big battle, thrilling.

During the time, Wolf Emperor took the action himself, the huge wolf claws, like a hill, hitting the Immortal Gu Home directly.

Fortunately, there is a Rank 8 Gu Immortal to oversee in Immortal Gu Home, and three Immortal Gu Homes also show their powers and kill the wolves.

The hunting tactics of the wolves have reached the level of skill, three Immortal Gu Home charge to the left and dash to the right. Anything can’t be overwhelmed.

Finally, Wolf Emperor personally whistling, taking the initiative to take the wolf group to retreat, only to let this fight end.

It turned out that the wolves lost too much, and Wolf Emperor did not want to lose too much power. Only take the initiative to withdraw.

The three Immortal Gu Homes are both devastated and have a large loss of Gu insects, including two or three Immortal Gus. The three Rank 8 Gu Immortal are also sweaty, battered and exhausted.

The loss of immortal essence is even more of a huge number.

“How close is it to Northern Plains, the harder it is?”

“Night Sky Wolf group we have been rewarded five. Not only that, but also came across Dragon crocodile, ghost spirit fox … seems to be countless beast group, we must kill us.”

“These beast groups are also that’s all. The key is to stop encountering the black and white Inversion Cloud. At that time, my Feng Man Building almost couldn’t come back.”

“First rest, mainly repairing Immortal Gu Home.” Wei Lingyang said.

The three Immortal Gu Homes have just stopped, and thousands of miles around them, lit up with countless lights.

It’s like thousands of flowers in full bloom, and the light red is very delicate, just like the layers of petals are stacked, but in the flame, it is a deep black spot.

“Not good, this is the unique sky in Black Heaven – the black light, which is a bonfire, don’t look at it!” Bi Chentian screamed and quickly closed his eyes.

But it was already late, and many of Gu Immortal just glanced at it and lost their light.

In the three Immortal Gu Home, the screams and screams rang out.

Zhao Lianyun’s Luck Qi is very good, and at the moment she is facing the window and talking to Yuyi Yezi.

Yuyi Yezi’s eyes smashed into some black light bonfires, and immediately felt a diminished vision, blurred vision, and quickly closed his eyes.

He is know the plan early, and many Gu Immortal are not so lucky.

Some Gu Immortal were watching around the window, and at least tens of thousands of bonfires were seen at once, and the vision was dark and they could no longer be seen.

Three Immortal Gu Home hurriedly fled the danger.

Fortunately, the imposing manner of black light, unlike wind and rain, brought a substantial blow, Immortal Gu Home rushed out smoothly, and soon the black light of the sky was far behind.

The three Rank 8 Gu Immortal counted and found that at least three people completely lost their light, and the existing means could not be remedied. There are seven, the vision has dropped so badly that it has seriously affected the combat effectiveness and can be remedied, but it is costly. Some treatments of Immortal Gu have to be transferred from Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“Just out of the wolves, want to rest, just happen to encounter the black light imposing manner, but also in the most central position! This is too suffocating.”

“Wait, what is that?”

A large ant colony is moving.

Each ant is a Gu insect.

Ants 蛊!

“The ants will clear the way, and then it must be Soul Beast army, 100,000 million. Fast, go!”

The three Immortal Gu Homes just stopped and they had to keep running.

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