Sovereign Yao’s attitude is very determined.

Heavenly Monarch Baiju laughed: “This, Fellow Immortal rest assured. Chu Du has long been awake and has passed with me. At this point, he can make concessions.”

“This is fine.” Sovereign Yao nodded.

The two sides exchanged for another time, the chess game was a little half, the time was almost the same, and the two immortals went one after the other and flew White Heaven | daytime.

Then the two announced that in the duel, Sovereign Yao won the first prize. The bloody battle conference ended with the victory of Huang Jin Clan.

Chu Sect, Bai Immortals of Baiju Family, each and every one face, but Chu Du looks calm and has long been estimated.

In contrast, Gu Immortal of Huang Jin Clan is a festive atmosphere.

The subsequent victory and defeat executions were not detailed, shocking the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world, and even affecting the bloody battles that affected the other four domains, and the curtain came to an end.

Southern Border, Super Dream.

A deep seabed.

In the dark, I can’t reach my fingers.

Fang Yuan was immersed in it and his body was extremely heavy.

The pressure in the seabed is that there are countless slender Flood Dragon silhouettes in the sea around him, stalking around him.

These are the Flood Dragons that live in the sea.

Every sea otter has a Desolate Beast level of combat power.

Densely packed, the number of layers of sea otters, hundreds of thousands.

Fang Yuan At this moment, the character played has become Rank 6 Gu Immortal, but in the face of this many sea bream beast group, it is also unmatched.

“What’s more terrible is that to pass this ninth dream, you must kill all the sea otters.”

Fang Yuan smiled in her heart.

If it is placed in reality, he will even kill and succumb, and the possibility of assaulting survival will be quite embarrassing.

And in this dream. It has its own rules. Fang Yuan is to explore the dream failure if it is to break through.

This does not give Fang Yuan a way to live!

“When you want to get rid of these sea otters, it’s impossible to use the background and the means in the dream alone!”

Therefore, if Fang Yuan wants to get through this scene, the option placed in front of him will only have one. One is the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation.

“But with such a large number of sea otters, my Dream Interpretation ultimate move can only be issued less than ten times, and it can’t solve such a big problem at the moment.”

“It seems that this scene is probably the last cultivation career of the dream master.”

Fang Yuan produces a clear comprehension in mind.

Dreams are divided into categories, most of which are realistic dreams, which are the scenes in the life of a certain life. A few are strange and weird dreams.

The dream that Fang Yuan explores is obviously a realistic dream, probably in the original fact. Exaggerated. But it also highlights some of the facts that have happened.

“This Gu Immortals used to be the Gu Master of War Immortal Sect.”

“The talent is right, but after rising to Rank 6, it is dwarfed by the surrounding Gu Immortal.”

“Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects, and sect contribution, planning cultivation resources. This Gu Immortals inborn talent natural talent is unsatisfactory, the battle strength is not strong, the means is not very clever. It is difficult to have sect contribution, it is more difficult to obtain cultivation resources. So, I just thought about going to the Eastern Sea to explore.”

“The result, first through the Five Regions aperture wall, broke the Immortal Aperture foundation background. Later I heard the rumors of Immortal Gu Home Dragon Palace, came to this Sea Territory exploration, the result was suffered by the beast group’s cofferdam, killed herein.”

Think of it here. Fang Yuan finally made the decision and chose to give up.

He took the initiative to leave this dream.

Generally speaking, the deeper the exploration of this dream, the breakthrough of the scene of the harvest, will be before the sursures.

But Fang Yuan is wise. I chose to retreat.

He kept the Dream Interpretation ultimate move in his hand and didn’t put it here for unnecessary waste.

A moment later, Fang Yuan came to reality.

I used Audacity Gu to heal and check my condition.

Water Dao Quasi Grandmaster.

This Realm, still has not changed.

There is still a certain distance from the true Grandmaster level.

However, it is enough to annex many Immortal Aperture Blessed Land in the Marketplace. Because of the greater part, they are all Rank 6 Water Dao Blessed Land.

“According to the current situation, it is best to increase the average, first of all the genre Realm, at least to the Great Master.”

“as a result, I can swallow any Rank 6 Blessed Land.”

“Although Rank 6 Blessed Land has helped me improve my cultivation base, the number of swallows has increased and the effect will be considerable.”

Fang Yuan is pondering.

Next, he mainly invested in his own dreams and refined some of Dam Dao’s mortal gu.

Of course, I will also take some time to make calculations.

These days, he has an inspiration to combine Ten Thousand Me ultimate move with Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

The progress of the calculation has been relatively smooth. Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao Realm is enough, Transformation Dao is also Grandmaster, and the only underestimated Wisdom Dao calculation method is a little lacking.

But this is harmless.

Miss White Rabbit came to report on this period of time, the status of immortal destiny business, and some of the information she collected.

Fang Yuan sat on the futon and closed her eyes and said to her: “You said yours, I listen.”

Fang Yuan listens to the words of Miss White Rabbit while calculating his own things.

He does two things at once.

Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, he is not difficult to do this.

Miss White Rabbit narrates and looks at Fang Yuan’s face, his eyes are full of affection.

But to her disappointment, until her report ended, Fang Yuan did not open her eyes and look at her.

“Okay, you can retire.” Fang Yuan spoke.

Miss White Rabbit had to be disappointed, with the novice divine light, slowly quit here.

Outside the temple, Wu An already waited for a long time.

“Girl, please, please.” Wu An’s attitude toward Miss White Rabbit is much more respectful than before.

Miss White Rabbit As long as she received the interview with Fang Yuan’s, it proved that Fang Yuan was uninterested in her favor. This layer of Gu Immortal made Wu An attach great importance to Miss White Rabbit. Because Miss White Rabbit is a big deal for immortal destiny business!

Miss White Rabbit has some concerns. Ask Wu An: “Wu An, Wu Yihai adults have all the same cultivation?”

Wu An stunned: “What is the meaning of this?”

Miss White Rabbit sighed faintly: “Wu Yihai adult cultivation is really hard, and I don’t want to waste almost every minute. Even listening to my report, he has not stopped cultivation. Has he always been?”

Wu An blinked: “Girl, in the truth, I haven’t seen the Wu Yihai adults how to cultivate, but I can see the glimpse of the leopard. Wu Yihai is probably the most cultivator I have ever seen. Others Not to mention, he alone kept himself in the great hall, and I couldn’t do it for a long time without leaving the house.”

The white color of Miss White Rabbit’s face is even more important: “Because of this, I am worried about Wu Yihai. He cultivated, it seems to be desperate! Cultivation pays attention to relaxation. In the long run, I am worried about Wu Yihai. Will not support, and break the mood. Wu An, if you have the opportunity, you must persuade Wu Yihai adults, okay?”

Wu An said: “The number and time of your meeting is more than me. How can I persuade?”

However, he is still nodded and should bear the following: “If I have the opportunity, I will try my best to persuade Wu Yihai.”

Fang Yuan analyzed the intelligence of Miss White Rabbit.

This has kept him in a clearer grasp of the entire Southern Border’s situation.

Overall, the Southern Border’s situation is still stable.

Although Wu Duxiu passed away, there was only one Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wu Yong left in the Wu Family. But after this person took over the Wu Family, they showed a strong battle strength and clever political means.

For this reason, even Ba Family, Tie Family, etc. glare like a tiger watching his prey, had to temporarily hold on to the dark mind.

The confrontation pattern of Rank 8 is so, from top to bottom, reflected in all aspects of Southern Border’s. In the Super Gu Formation, the situation is also flat. Immortal destiny Business is sitting, some Gu Immortal benefit, muffled and rich, happy, some Gu Immortal a detached point of view, temporarily ignore it.

The “Northern Plains’ Blood War Fighting Conference has ended. The result is that Chu Sect has been reorganized into Chu Family, Baiju Family has been preserved, and the combination of Huang Jin Clan has won a lot of cultivation resources.”

“In this way, the Northern Plains’ situation is also stabilizing.”

“Eastern Sea, Western Desert, and Central Continent, the general information I got was basically from the concept of Treasure Yellow Heaven, only have one. But it is also relatively calm and peaceful.”

In fact, peace and stability are the norm in the overall situation of Five Regions.

Who is good at the end of the day, but is going to kill and die?

Northern Plains’ turmoil, in fact, the source is also from Fang Yuan. It was he who smashed the 88 Floors True Yang Building, which contained a Shadow Sect plot, which eventually caused a series of terrifying effects.

Until the period of the Five Regions chaos, the entire Five Regions was dominated by war, and all orders tend to collapse, and the battle became the main theme of Gu Immortal cultivation.

The external conditions are very relaxed and stable.

For Fang Yuan, this is the best thing.

He sank into his dream and began to refining Dream Dao mortal gu.

The green hills are green and the caravans are temporarily resting at the foot of the mountain.

call out.

In the moonlight, a flexible turn in the air, bypassing the front stone, accurately hit the trunk behind the stone.

Suddenly, the sawdust flew, slightly slender trunk, almost cut off by the moonlight.

“Practicing for so many days, I finally succeeded!” Fang Yuan was sweating, but her heart was infinite joy.

“Kid, it’s quite right.” Beard Gu Master came to Fang Yuan’s.

“Beard uncle, thank you for teaching me this hand!” Fang Yuan laughed heartily, revealing white teeth and bright sunshine.

The beard Gu Master seems to have been shaken by this kind of sunshine. He has some doubts: “Ordinary people, the passion to maintain this kind of training, has been right for seven or eight days. Your boy is getting greedy early, as long as he has time, he trains for more than a month, and the enthusiasm is not attenuated. Is this boring cultivation really interesting?”

Fang Yuan clenched his fists and his eyes sparkled like a morning star: “Of course! Uncle, don’t you think it’s amazing? It’s amazing if you wave your hand, you can make a gorgeous offensive. The cultivation itself is very enjoyable.” ”

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