[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point to read, get the first hand news of 515 red envelope, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

“However, the mortal gu for Dream Interpretation is very expensive. Today, Dream Interpretation is only ten times less.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan can’t help but frowned slightly.

This is a problem.

Dream Interpretation ultimate move is very sharp, but it is very expensive for Dream Dao mortal gu.

Together with these Dream Dao mortal gu, they are all Fang Yuan alone, refining out, and the production has not been able to improve.

Disclose these Dream Dao Gu Formula to Langya School and let Hairyman Gu Immortal help refining gu?

Fang Yuan did not consider this at all.

During this time, the value of these Dream Dao mortal gu Gu Formula is even greater than Immortal Gu!

Of course, Fang Yuan believes that Langya Earth Spirit can afford this price, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world. If it is spread out, the impact will be too great.

Fang Yuan is the top of the Five Regions in terms of dream exploration. Once these Dream Dao Mortal Gu Formulas are known, their advantages are gone.

This is what Fang Yuan would never want to see.

Therefore, he would rather refining himself, preferring to be inefficient and strictly controlling the source. As long as you don’t disclose it, who can still be clear?

“Looking for help from others, but you can re-on the foreign object like Spring Dream Tree, improve the efficiency of my refining Dream Dao mortal gu.” Fang Yuan once again put his mind on the fruit tree.

The spring dream fruit tree is a very strange plant.

It exists in a dream and has no entity. But it needs a real tree, as the cornerstone of the basis, in order to survive.

Fang Yuan knows a spring dream tree, located at the foot of an unknown volcano in Central Continent’s.

The volcano erupts every few hundred years to form fertile soil. After a while, some people will gather at the foot of the mountain.

Fang Yuan once picked the fruit of this spring fruit tree, which ultimately helped him a lot.

It is a pity that Fang Yuan did not have the means to transplant the fruit trees.

The spring dream fruit tree at the foot of the volcano. Attached to a jujube tree for thousands of years. If Fang Yuan moves the fire jujube tree, it will cause the spring dream fruit tree to be destroyed without any support.

But now Central Continent is also a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den for Fang Yuan.

Meeting Past Acquaintance can provide camouflage. But it cannot avoid the calculation of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. Crossing Dark Immortal Gu can help Fang Yuan in this respect, but Crossing Dark Immortal Gu is just the Rank 6 level. To be honest, it is not enough.

this problem. Fang Yuan has no solution for the time being, beyond his ability.

Let him look for the second spring fruit tree again, he did not have this means, can only give up.

After a short break, Fang Yuan did not rush into the dream.

For the eighth scene of dreams, Fang Yuan also needs to calculate.

He is now Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, who has some things in advance to help him explore his dreams.

This is his advantage, of course he has to use it.

However, in terms of Wisdom Dao, what he lacks is not Realm. It is Immortal Gu. Solving Riddle Immortal Gu is his only Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu. There is only one, and there is no matching Wisdom Dao ultimate move, so the role of the Living Riddle Immortal Gu is not very large.

At present, Fang Yuan is barely enough.

On the Wisdom Dao side, it is not his current development focus, so Fang Yuan chose to maintain the status quo.

The calculations are of course not just about dreams, but also the environment in which Fang Yuan itself is.

“As I expected, Ba Family is my biggest enemy. I have been troubled by me for a while, and I have been resolved. The status quo seems to be dying.”

Ba Family is not alive and kicking, but it makes Fang Yuan somewhat jealous.

After all, the other party does not act, Fang Yuan does not know what to do with Fang Xiang, what is brewing. What is the plot? If you take the action, you can see the other party’s calculations, and then calmly respond, the soldiers will block the water to cover the earth.

“Overall, the external environment is still right. It’s really good to use the identity of Wu Yihai.”

“Original immortal destiny business is a weakness. But after my previous treatment, it has not been a problem, but it has become a bureau in front of me. Maybe you can put a bad brain on Gu Immortal?”

After all, the number of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is still scarce.

Even Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is not necessarily a Righteous Path. I don’t know the rules of the Righteous Path.

As for Wu An and Wu Liao, they all did their work and did not let Fang Yuan worry about anything.

Wu Liao had some time to report some things, but Fang Yuan was determined to be a shopkeeper, and after training him, he warned him that there was no major event, don’t bother himself.

Wu Liao was greatly disappointed. He felt that Fang Yuan and his predecessor, Rank 7, were all the same, and his attitude towards Fang Yuan’s was faint.

Fang Yuan is keenly aware of this and does not care.

This super dream is slowly expanding all the time.

Fang Yuan secretly exploring dreams will lead to a reduction in dreams, but for the whole dream, it is a small part, at most, the speed of dream expansion is slower.

This can be completely covered.

Demonic Path and loose immortals, which are explored through immortal destiny business, are the best cover of Fang Yuan.

These people are in a dream, although almost all are in the wall, but occasionally there are 1~2 bits. Although they can’t be explored, they can also bring out some Dream Dao coffins from the dream.

These Dream Dao coffins are naturally capable of refining Dream Dao Gu insect.

These Gu Immortal are the best, although only a few people have such a harvest, but still inspired the rest of Gu Immortal’s great enthusiasm.

The Righteous Path family, in secret, also acquired Dream Dao’s coffin from these Gu Immortal.

Wu Family is no exception.

However, among the Gu Immortals with the Dream Dao coffin, there are very few people who choose to take out the Dream Dao coffin, which is basically collected.

Wu Family only bought more than a dozen coffins. These Dream Dao coffins Fang Yuan did not dare to move, Wu Family was staring up and down.

After the break, Fang Yuan fell into a dream.

It is not a super dream, but his own dream.

To get the Dream Dao coffin, of course, the dream of my own is the best and safe.

Unfortunately, those of Gu Immortal are not aware of this.

Southern Border, White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

In the middle of a vast gu formation, Bai Ningbing barely sat down.

White Phase Heaven Spirit is condescending, manipulates the entire gu formation.

Gu formation runs quietly, and there are inexplicable streams of light from time to time. Sometimes they gather into a stock, just like a road, sometimes scattered flowers, dancing.

Bai Ningbing has a pale face. But before the atmosphere was taught, it was even and smooth.

This is because during the operation of gu formation, there is a lot of pressure to replace Bai Ningbing. He used his body to store the Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire, which was a bit messy. It was a lifeline on the edge of the cliff.

“Next. The most important step is to start with Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire with the body!” White Phase Heaven Spirit is full of seriousness, “Young Lord people, you have to hold on, you can’t have the slightest slack, you must Always cooperate with gu formation to suppress Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire. The whole process must have at least 49 (7×7) days. During this period, you can’t get the rest, as long as I don’t stop, it means no end. Even if you slack off a little bit at the last minute, you will lose your weight and die.”

Bai Ningbing stared at Venus, and he was dizzy, almost making him unable to sit still.

This situation, let alone four 19 days, I am afraid that for a long time, he has the danger of being unable to support.

At the end of the day, he was slightly upset, but he was laughing.

“He He He, it’s fun.”

“According to my current situation. This is impossible to do…”

“It’s just the right amount to measure.”

“Even if you die like this, it’s wonderful!”

His body is very tired, but the consciousness is excited.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ningbing whispered. To White Phase Heaven Spirit: “What are you going to do, don’t you start soon?”

White Phase Heaven Spirit smiled and thought: I have been waiting for a lot of years, waiting for such a Master, it seems that the pattern is not bad, it is dead.

Think about it this way. White Phase Heaven Spirit mobilized the entire gu formation.


a moment later, the brilliance of the eruption, broke out from the gu formation, and quickly filled the entire Heaven and Earth.

“Ah!” Bai Ningbing screamed.

A large flame, from his eyes, nose and ears, etc., surged out.

The hot flame filled his entire body in an instant, burning Bai Ningbing into a humanoid torch.

It hurts!

Bai Ningbing itself is a person who is seriously injured and will not frown. But at the moment, he has no grace and looks up.

It is really because this kind of pain is too intense, so that he has to do so in order to vent one or two.

Bai Ningbing originally also thought of the pain when the flame burned. But in fact, it is not the case.

In the tragic sound, he suddenly clear comprehension a little: this Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method, not only for Raging Waves Rise Dragon Fire, but also for Bai Ningbing this person. Whether it’s his flesh, his soul, or his Dao Marks, he is constantly disassembling under the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu.

This as if is to treat Bai Ningbing as an immortal materials, the pain is naturally fierce, and the words are difficult to express.

“Support, hold!” White Phase Heaven Spirit yelled.

Bai Ningbing has turned his eyes and violent pain, pushing him to Danger Realm in an instant, and he is about to fall into a coma.

Once he is in a coma, as long as he is so momentary, he will be burnt to the ash by the whole dragon!

Northern Plains, the first peak of the Great Snow Mountain.

Ma Hongyun is also miserable.

“Ahhhhh Aah!” He called the blue veins on his neck.

The violent electric mang, constantly pulsing on him, entangled in the death, let Ma Hongyun the whole body is shaking violently, as if it is epilepsy, it seems to be dancing.

After a while, the electric mang dissipated, and Ma Hongyun gasping for breath, sweating under the rain, there was no strength in the whole body.

“Not successful yet?” Madame Mo Shou frowned and had some elegant intents.

Ma Hongyun has been Lightning Refining many times, although it is battered and exhausted every time, but has never lost his arms and legs, and is still intact. Also, his cultivation base has been unknowingly promoted to Rank 5 peak.

This makes Madame Mo Shou somewhat speechless.

Ps. chasing more children’s shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting currency there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking plus and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed!

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