Wu Liao ignored Wu An. He directly bowed to the door of the great hall and shouted: “Wu An is a man who is guilty, Wu Liao asks an adult and reports this person!”

Wu An’s heart immediately mentioned the eyes of the blind.

He is afraid, he is afraid.

He was afraid that the door in front of him would open in a moment later, then Miss White Rabbit was driven out and his eyes were tearful.

Then he Wu Ann is finished.


The temple door was quietly closed, and it seems that Fang Yuan did not hear it.

But how is this possible?

This is not a common place, but the interior of the Super Gu Formation, forming a large inhabitable palace community.

Fang Yuan is in charge of two of the key Immortal Gus, and the area of ​​Wu Family can be described as a hole in the fire.

Wu Liao and Wu An’s every move, he can see clearly.

Wu Liao’s previous calls, how could Fang Yuan not hear?

Never possible!

Seeing that Fang Yuan ignored himself, Wu Liao, who was originally confident and confident, stunned.

He knows that Wu An had tried every means to ask for Fang Yuan for a while, and Wu Liao certainly understood.

Wu Liao did not stop. Because he knows that the human heart is greedy and selfish, many people are different from themselves, for example, the previous Wu Family Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

But later, Fang Yuan did not meet Wu An at one time.

After discovering this fact, Wu Liao was very happy.

He used his own people and felt that since Fang Yuan refused Wu An, he must be disgusted with the immortal destiny business.

“Also! Like Wu Yihai, this and the others, how do you care about this little profit? He first entered the family, and he cares more about his reputation. He cares about the future development in the Wu Family.” Wu Liao guessed in the heart.

With such an idea, he came to see Fang Yuan and was full of thought that Fang Yuan would meet himself.

But now?

The door of the temple was closed tightly, like a wall, and it seemed to be a mountain that was blocked in the heart of Wu Liao.

Wu An laughed heartily.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and a heart fell back from the throat to the origin.

Wu Liao’s visit. It is the best temptation.

Wu An suddenly felt that he already understood Fang Yuan’s mind.

Wu Liao did not believe in evil, and once again he pleaded for it, and the temple door was still closed. There is no slight reaction.

Wu An’s laughter is bigger and her mind is fixed.

He started talking: “Wu Liao, you still don’t call. The adults are dealing with important things inside, you bother him, okay?”

Wu Liao’s face is blue and green. Very ugly.

Wu An sneered and shook his head.

Wu Liao is very disdainful of Wu An, Wu An also feels that Wu Liao is too stubborn, not at all reasonable, not the way of life.

“It seems that this move is dangerous, but it works very well.”

“Also, the foundation of Miss White Rabbit was very good. At first I saw her appearance at first sight, and the dim sum of the livers jumped out of the eyes of the blind. I want to put her in my arms and squatting and licking it!”

“See the beauty of Miss White Rabbit. As long as it is a man, he will be a fan! Wu Yihai is also a male and vigorous man. And he is the first to gain power, and the beauty is dedicated to his body, and he is more satisfied with his psychology. And before him It is the Eastern Sea rogue cultivator, Miss White Rabbit is between the Southern Border rogue cultivator, the rogue cultivator and the rogue cultivator. Of course, mutual understanding and heartfelt love. What is more, Miss White Rabbit is the virgin body of the genuine. It’s like a dry fire…hey hey oh!”

I thought about it, a moment later, and Wu An’s unpredictable things happened.

I saw the great hall, and the Miss White Rabbit stood on the other side of the door. Appeared in front of two Wu Family Gu Immortal.

“What happened? This is coming out? How is the time so short?” Wu An was very surprised.

“Must be the adult heard my words, so I sent this female immortal out.” Wu Liao is overjoyed, look at towards Miss White Rabbit’s gaze is a slight glimpse.

Even though he hates resentment, he can see the beautiful face of Miss White Rabbit at the moment, and he can’t help but confess the beauty of Miss White Rabbit.

“Time is so short. Could it be unsuccessful!?” Wu An’s heart suddenly sinks into the bottom of the valley, his eyes straight and his mouth dry.

But very quickly, he saw Miss White Rabbit change his clothes, not the previous simple animal dress with white fluff.


More attractive to Wu An, the Miss White Rabbit’s ears hang a pair of emerald pendants. The pendant is in the shape of a ball and is very full.

This is the Southern Border’s custom.

Once the girl marries and breaks the virgin body, she will wear this style of pendant, indicating the harmony between men and women, guaranteed Perfection.

Wu An is overjoyed, ecstasy!

Wu Liao is pale, his eyes are also very sharp, jade ball pendant on saw Miss White Rabbit ears.

“Is it finished?” Wu An came up and asked cautiously.

Miss White Rabbit has a weird color, but it is still nodded and does not speak.

Wu An spit out a big suffocation, closed his eyes, and the huge pressure left him. All of a sudden, he was somewhat uncomfortable, and almost lost his strength and fell to the ground.

“But why is it so fast?” Wu An has a single thought in his heart. “No, ah, don’t tell me Wu Yihai. In that respect, the adult is also a young girl? This is not without the Southern Border.” There are quite a few people like **********cultivation. Hey hey, if this is the case, I can contribute a lot of wonderful Gu insects to the adults in the future. However, Wu Yihai is already Rank 7 Gu Immortal. A Dao Marks, the ordinary mortal gu, I am afraid the effect is not too big.”

“This is the jade bead, which was given to me by Wu Yihai. The adults told me to take care of two. He will be the main cultivation base in the future. Two adults will perform their duties without disturbing his cultivation.” Miss White Rabbit said again.

As soon as this was said, Wu An immediately looked proudly towards Wu Liao with the eyes of the winner.

Wu Liao’s male body swayed, fell back one step, looked at Wu An with a resentful look, turned and left.

“Wu An, let’s go, too.” Miss White Rabbit said.

“Girls still don’t call me an adult. I’m Wu An. What is an adult? You can call my name directly in the future.” Wu An’s face was very intimate and didn’t make people feel abrupt.

Today, the identity of Miss White Rabbit is different.

Wu Yihai has not only been fortunate to Miss White Rabbit, but also gave the jade bead pendant, which recognizes her servant status.

Miss White Rabbit feels Wu An’s attitude changes before and after, can’t help but the heart is even more confusing.

She started talking: “So Wu An, Wu Yihai adults have some words, special intention brought to you.”

“Please ask the girl for advice!” Wu An quickly turned a face.

Miss White Rabbit said something startling : “Actually… Wu Yihai, I didn’t want me.”

“What?!” Wu An lost color and eclipse.

Miss White Rabbit remembers the scene before.

When she took the initiative to send her arms and her mind was in turmoil, a pair of powerful hands took her shoulder.

Then, from the two warm big palms, a powerful force that did not allow rebellion was pushed out of the Miss Yuan Rabbit.

Miss White Rabbit’s face was white, and for a moment she felt that she had failed.

But a moment later, she heard Fang Yuan’s voice coming into her ear: “When I was at Eastern Sea’s, I was always a rogue cultivator. The pain of the rogue cultivator, I know very well. Some things, though sweet, are swallowed. In the abdomen, it is a price to pay. I must have this kind of consciousness at this moment. However, I don’t want to do this kind of horrible thing.”

Half barely fell, Miss White Rabbit saw a hand reaching her chest, holding a Gu Insect in her hand.

“This is the clothes you use first, then talk to me.” Fang Yuan’s voice, came again.

Miss White Rabbit obeys her life, and the clothes are turned into clothes, covering her lovable body.

When she looked up again, she saw that Fang Yuan was smiling at her: “I joined Wu Family, but I still have a rogue cultivator in my heart. I am afraid I can’t change it all my life. This Gu Insect, even if it is Rogue cultivator A little care for the rogue cultivator, the same way.”

The heart of Miss White Rabbit stunned, and it was hard to say that it touched her body and mind.

For a moment, she choked, tears in her eyes, and her eyes blurred.

But in this vague vision, Miss White Rabbit can feel Fang Yuan’s smile, how gentle smile, like the sun shines on her heart, giving her great warmth.

“However, if you go back like this, I am afraid I can’t explain it. Your intention, Wu An, I know very well. So, you have to go on this thing.” Fang Yuan said, pulling out a pair of jade fall.

With his power, to make these things, only nothing between the thoughts.

Miss White Rabbit was full of tears and took the pair of beads.

“From today, you are my aunt.” Fang Yuan smiled.

Miss White Rabbit gently un’ed, slightly nod.

“Immortal destiny business, you do it. But I won’t take over, I will help, but I will not officially come out.”

“This is a violation of the interests of other Righteous Path families. After all, the entire Super Gu Formation was built with the strength of everyone.”

“I first arrived at the Southern Border, and I didn’t need it. It’s not these small profits.”

“You are so smart, should you understand?”

“Well, I understand.” Miss White Rabbit replied quickly, his voice trembled.

“Go back, transfer my meaning to Wu An, and the people around him. My income is given to you.” Fang Yuan said.

Miss White Rabbit is full of courage and wants to see Fang Yuan again.

But she still couldn’t.

She lowered her head like this and turned and walked back. Just back to Fang Yuan’s, the tears went one after another, like a pearl rolling down.

The situation is much better than she imagined.

The name Wu Yihai will be deeply imprinted in the depths of her heart.

“I understand, I understand!” After listening to the Miss White Rabbit’s retelling, Wu An full head was sweaty, and the previous triumphant, all disappeared.

He subconsciously looked back at Fang Yuan’s residence, his eyes were taboo and more awe.

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