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Northern Plains, bone burial ground.

Here is a piece of white bone, densely packed bones, piled together.

Some bones are large, like a small mountain-like, and some bones are small, placed on the feet, not to attract attention.

Most of the bones are pale white. In the wind and the sun, skin and flesh have been digested by nature. Only these bones are engraved with the toughness of the Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

But there are also some bones with strange colors. There is a golden yellow zebra, a brilliant glow, a glamorous purple, and a poisonous smoke.

Gu Immortal Liu Yong is very careful.

He is Huang Jin bloodline, Liu Family’s one Rank 6 Enslave Dao Gu Immortal.

At the moment, he is driving six Desolate Beast Bone Armor dogs and walking in the bone burial ground to find the target.

There are different opinions about the reasons for the formation of the bone burial ground.

Some people say that this is Olden Antiquity Era, two Enslave Dao Great Expert battles, so many Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast died.

It is also said that this is the graveyard of the bones. After countless bones feel that the limit will come, they will choose a place to bury themselves.

It is also speculated that this is the refining gu wonderland set up by the Northern Plains’ Refining Dao Great Grandmaster during the Immemorial years. After the changes in the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, it has gradually become what it is today.

In any case, there are indeed a large number of Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast bones in the bone burial ground.

Liu Family took care of this and worked hard to make it a production base for Bone Dao Gu insect.

Each year, Liu Yong borrows here to select the right bone for his underarm Bone Armor dog. Supplement the external Bone Armor.

“This white bone seems to be a snake bone, and it is cartilage. It can’t be used. After swallowing, the Bone Armor produced is soft. There is no protection at all.”

“This is Poison Gu. Bone Armor dogs are not very toxic. Eating is courting death.”

“This bone is right, it seems to be the bone of the Desolate Beast iron giant lizard. Although it is not the hardest, it is also right, especially the weight.”

After Liu Yong’s inspection, there were more and more discoveries.

Finally, he will be his own dog. Six Bone Armor dogs were stocked in six locations.

And he himself lay on a huge skull and looked up at the sky.

“Today is a good Heaven Qi, the wind is beautiful.” He looks at the blue sky, cloudless, but the sun is not very warm, the wind scorns his face, making him feel quite right.

Looking at the sky, Liu Yong gradually felt boring.

“Well? Is the family intelligence Gu insect coming over?” Suddenly, he browed his eyes and his eyes were shining. I noticed that something interesting is coming.

He quickly hung up his mind and entered his own Immortal Aperture and got into the Information Dao Gu insect.

Among the contents of Gu insect. It tells some of the gratifying progress that Liu Family has made in various aspects in recent months.

Then I talked about some rumors, the latest developments of expert.

In the end, it is the focus, expounding the development of these days of bloody battles.

“Murong Gang has won eight people in a row, so great!”

“However, between his battles, he must cultivation for an hour or so to recover. Unlike Yelu Qunxing, it is an uninterrupted challenge.”

“I heard that Murong Gang’s protection is extremely powerful, but the immortal essence is also very expensive!”

“Hey. It’s a pity to mention Yelu Qunxing. It was actually killed by Chu Sect’s 2nd Revered Elder Liu Guanyi sneak attack. It’s despicable!”

Liu Family, as Huang Jin Clan, is a force of Righteous Path. Of course, when propagating intelligence, it should be mixed with its own position and political interests.

Although the information is not out of shape, the method of recording is different, and the feelings are quite different.

Just like the famous example on Earth—“Fighting and losing” and “Fighting and losing”, the position of the two words is changed, and the obvious feeling is different.

All in all, after expounding the strength of Fang Yuan and mastering the facts of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation, the intelligence also focuses on portraying his rogue shameless, mean and insidious image.

Fang Yuan’s identity “Liu Guanyi” is definitely a fame (of course a bad name), no one knows about everyone in Northern Plains Gu Immortal, Crown Prince Feng Xian, Heavenly Monarch Baiju and the others are clear, even Central Continent and other foreign domains also know the name of Liu Guanyi.

After expressing indignation and disdain for Fang Yuan’s, Liu Yong thought of himself and sighed.

“My cultivation is Enslave Dao, and it’s not for me.”

“When can I also go to the bloody battles meeting to shake the prestige?”

“Maybe one day, I can defeat Liu Guanyi and pick up Tyrant Immortal Chu Du! How powerful it is!”

Liu Yong thought about flying and thinking, just then, a sudden explosion broke out.

Hong long!

The entire ground is strongly shaken.

“How, what’s the matter?!” The huge skull under Liu Yong’s body was also shaken off the skeleton of the neck.

Liu Yong flew up in a hurry, suspended in midair, wide-eyed, wondering: “This is the defense gu formation was attacked, actually someone attacked here? This is my Liu Family’s site!”

Thinking of this, Liu Yong felt a little ridiculous.

I Liu Family is the dignified Righteous Path force, Huang Jin Clan, the Northern Plains, the family of the dominant.

Especially recently, the enemies Hei Family fell, and the enemy Chu Du was also targeted. It was the spirit of the moment, when the enthusiasm was strong, someone actually attacked the site of my Liu Family.

Who gave him the courage?

It’s just Dog’s Courage Cover Sky!

Liu Yong was furious and a little grateful: “Fortunately, I came here to take bones and feed my Bone Armor dog. Hey, this attacker is really bad luck, and it happened to me… Hey?!”

a moment later , Liu Yong saw the person who committed the crime.

No, to be precise, it’s a Flood Dragon.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon !

It has a pale dragon eye, a sharp dragon with a sharp sky, a Dragon Scale silver light 满, a Dragon Claw 狰狞, a powerful dragon tail, and a dragon tooth that gives a sense of ice-cold. Let Liu Yong see, both can’t help but shuddered.

“Oh? There are people from Liu Family here, it seems to me Liu Guanyi Luck Qi right.” Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon spit. The dragon eye bursts a strong killing intent.

“Liu, Liu Guanyi?!” Liu Yong is stunned!

At this moment, he was going to burst into tears.

The heart is crazy jumping. Li Yong was in a hurry and shivered. Liu Yong shouted in his heart: “Calm, calm down, Liu Yong! You can do it.”

Then there was another voice, yelling in his mind at the same time: “Calm a fart, the other is Liu Guanyi, even Yelu Qunxing is dead in his hands. He is mean shameless, insidious and cunning. I am just a little Rank. 6 Gu Immortal.”

“Calm, calm! Right, right! Liu Guanyi is the 2nd Revered Elder of Chu Sect, is Chu Sect not a Righteous Path? So Liu Guanyi that is Righteous Path Gu Immortal! How can he be a Righteous Path? Invincible to take action to the same people? To make money, it is what Demonic Path is doing.” Liu Yong tried to calmly analyze.

At the same time, another voice is screaming: “Then tell me, he Liu Guanyi is not going to participate in the bloody battle conference, what are you doing here? He directly broke the defense gu formation of our Liu Family. Evil Intention is so obvious! What else can you do?!”

Liu Yong, although the name carries a brave word. But at the moment, there is no courage. He is stuttering and his tongue trembles: “Liu. Why did Liu Daren come to me Liu, Liu Family here…”

“Of course…” Fang Yuan deliberately prolonged the tone.

“Yes, what?” asked Liu Yong.

But the one who greeted him was not Fang Yuan’s answer, but a Dragon Breath.

Dragon Breath of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, blended with Dragon Breath of Rank 7 Dragon Breath Immortal Gu, the speed is like a white light Dragon Breath!

Liu Yong’s upper body flew directly.

The blood spewed out and sprinkled on the bones of white, telling the sorrow and desolateness of the weak.

Then both bodies fell to the ground. The look before his death solidified on his face, and his eyes were still round.

“Incompetent generation. But it is not surprising… the major Huang Jin Clan. It is also a long time, and there will inevitably be decay inside. Just like Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.” Fang Yuan commented.

The bigger the trees. The more leafy, the more difficult it is to mix with some rotted leaves.

Woof woof woof !

Six Bone Armor dogs roared angry at Fang Yuan.

The owner has died. But they still read the old feelings, all running over, surrounded by the owner’s two halves of the body, loyal and defensive, seems to be expecting the owner to die and resurrect.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan raised a little comment on Liu Yong: “It seems that there is something remarkable about maintaining Desolate Beast. Unfortunately, without the wisdom of Gu Immortal, there are six Desolate Beasts. What can I have? use?”

Fang Yuan sneered, and immediately swooped down.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Half an hour later, in the Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, six Bone Armor dogs were fainted.

These Desolate Beast dogs come very often, and Fang Yuan is planning to introduce some Desolate Beast dogs to use their feces to feed the Immortal Gu.

In addition, Massive’s Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast’s bones are numerous and of great value.

Fang Yuan has moved into Paragon Immortal Aperture and will be free to use it for the time being.

Finally, the lower half of Liu Yong’s body, the Immortal Aperture in the abdomen, was temporarily sealed by Fang Yuan.

This Enslave Dao Immortal Aperture Blessed Land is suitable for the annexation of Fang Yuan.

There is also the soul of Liu Yong.

After Fang Yuan’s Dragon Breath, it still survived and was weak, let Fang Yuan take it.

Fang Yuan soon thought of reason: “This Liu Yong is Enslave Dao Gu Immortal. If you are a slave, you can control Desolate Beast and you need a strong soul background support.”

Fang Yuan quickly left the scene of the crime.

His actions are very fast.

Only the defensive gu formation, the empty bone burial ground, and the upper half of Liu Yong dying with a grievance.

“The next place is the light pit of the Liu Family.”

Fang Yuan licked his mouth and revealed a hint of excitement in his gaze.

He murdered a crime, actually did not want to evacuate, but also want to do another vote!

As the saying goes, the weapon is in hand, and it is easy to kill.

Fang Yuan became a Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and there was a Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation. The strength of the battle strength was so great that he started to be somewhat lawless.

Ps: So tired! But I am very happy because I have fulfilled my promise. I hope everyone can see it too. Everyone’s support is very strong, subscribe to force, monthly ticket to force! I must also update to force! ! In the starting point app, there is a road to creation, and I can vote for some glory. This is also a good publicity for this book! I know that many enthusiastic brothers and sisters have appreciated it and hope that more people will support me. Your time after time subscription, voting, appreciation, for my book, are time after time huge support!

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