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Everything happens too fast!

In the first glance, Fang Yuan’s Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon is also surrounded by the stars of the group. Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon charge to the left and dash to the right, roaring again and again, but nothing changed.

In the first glance, Yelu Qunxing is still at the other end of the battlefield, and the stars are also flying around, starring him like the star of the stars, the god of the stars.

In the first glance, the vast majority of Gu Immortal felt that Yelu Qunxing had already won the game. The overall situation of this battle has been fixed. Because it is a scene that is displayed in front of the group, it is too familiar.

Prior to this, Yelu Qunxing defeated five Gu Immortals in a row, all the same situation.

Although there is no wording in this world, the mindset of the group is almost like this.

Then, a moment later !

Fang Yuan suddenly gave up Sword Escape Immortal Gu, and the speed that broke out in a flash was simply shocking.

At a glance, the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon smashed the star fragments that were blocked along the way and rushed to the front of Yelu Qunxing.

Open mouth spit.

Flood Dragon Breath !

Yelu Qunxing is still confident in his protection, and the entire head is instantly cut off.

The human body is quite fragile and has many Achilles heel. Even if it is transformed into Immortal Zombie, the head is still weak, and it is death when it is cut off.

Yelu Qunxing is on the spot!

Fang Yuan grabbed the situation and grabbed his body.

Yelu Qunxing’s soul is also cut off a part of it, and in the future it is possible to jump out of his body, Fang Yuan has already stuffed him into the Immortal Aperture.

The whole movement is very fast.

Fang Yuan has been plotting for a long time!

Stimulate Sword Escape, sprint, breathe out, grab. The whole process is the four actions.

But even then, after Fang Yuan completed these four actions, his entire body of the Flood Dragon has already rushed out of the battlefield, as much as the casual li.

It can be seen how amazing his speed is!

If it is a simple human body, I am afraid that it has been exploding directly with the tremendous pressure brought about by such violent acceleration.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan became the body of the Flood Dragon.

Even so, Fang Yuan felt that the whole body was under a lot of pressure during the sprint.

In the field of vision, it has been produced blurry.

If it is the eyes of human beings, it must not keep up with this speed. Fortunately, Fang Yuan changed into the dragon eye of Sword Flood Dragon.

This speed, even Fang Yuan himself feels a little overwhelmed.

“If you are flying at this speed, you must do all the benefits and attention on the households dragon body.”

“Because once the direction is biased, maybe a moment later will hit the mountain or the ground.”

“This speed is too fast, maybe the previous breath is still in the air, a moment later direction slightly biased, you have to several li!”

Fang Yuan thought about it.

When he first remembered his first drill in the Paragon Immortal Aperture, he bumped into the Southern Border’s hill and smashed himself into the same place. The whole hill was destroyed by the roots and eventually collapsed.

This speed is suitable for the explosion, but to be honest, the scope of application in actual combat is not wide.

Fang Yuan Once the speed is at its maximum, you must concentrate on the Full Dragon Sword Flood Dragon’s Flood Dragon body, and you can’t distract yourself. As a result, he can only do some very simple actions, or rely on the entire changed Sword Flood Dragon body.

In this case, it is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Because Fang Yuan changed into Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, although rough skin and thick flesh, the Paragon Immortal Body’s Dao Marks coexisted, and the irresistible features still exist.

“Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation is still a typical strong offense, weak defense, and the offensive and defensive sides are extremely unbalanced.”

“Fortunately at this time, I actually succeeded and successfully killed Yelu Qunxing. Luck Qi right !”

“First find a place to swallow the Immortal Aperture.”

Fang Yuan did not turn around and flew away, leaving the Bloody Battle Plain.

Gu Immortal on both sides of the field, also stupidly looking at his silhouette until his speed did not diminish and disappeared into the horizon.

The group of immortals looked at a messy battlefield, and there were countless stardusts. Many of the stars were automatically floating in midair, and many people were suddenly realized!

“Liu Guanyi, he killed Yelu Qunxing!”

“Unbelievable! It’s like a dream.”

“Too fast, that speed can’t be reacted at all.”

Regardless of Righteous Path or Chu Du, they are all talks about wēng wēng wēng. Gu Immortals don’t secretly sound transmissions, they speak directly, and it seems that only the real voice can make the excitement in their hearts excrete.

Yelu Xiaojin stupidly stands at the door of the Golden Dawn Great Hall, like a sculpture.

In Yelu Qunxing, Fang Yuan killed before death, he was still yelling, sarcasm Fang Yuan, satirizing Fang Yuan.

Now these words go out, and his own actions, like the slap of each and every one, pā pā pā constantly fanned on his face.

He was shocked, horrified, and could not believe this fact!

Yelu Huihong also stood in the same position, holding the wine cup in his hand and the wine stains on the beard.

Fang Yuan killed Yelu Qunxing’s the previous moment, he was sitting and sending the wine cup to his lips.

After the incident, Yelu Huihong was shocked, and subconsciously got up and did not take care of the wine cup in his hand, letting the wine in the cup spill over his beard, neck and clothes.

Yelu Qunxing is dead!

Yelu Family’s expert, the name of Northern Plains Gu Immortal, Yelu Qunxing died.

The death is so sudden, no warning.

If Yelu Xiaojin is the future hope of the Yelu Family, then Yelu Qunxing is the mainstay of the current family.

But he is dead.

I will live my life here!

This is an extremely heavy blow to Yelu Huihong and Yelu Xiaojin!

It is also a very big loss for the entire Yelu Family!

“It’s amazing, it’s too powerful.”

“It’s the 2nd Revered Elder of Chu Sect, and this battle strength is amazing.”

“Chu Du is Divine Vision, I used to look at Liu Guanyi, I am still too shallow.”

On the Chu Du side, Gu Immortals has a happy face.

Although I don’t like Fang Yuan very much, but the record is here, Fang Yuan solved their problem Yelu Qunxing, and it was solved forever.

Since then, there has been no such figure in the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world!

“It’s amazing. It turns out that Elder Liu has always been pretending to deliberately attack each other, and then fight, and step by step the opponent. It has a strong strength, but it is not necessary. Until the end, the deadly killing!” Xue Wuhen looked up Long sigh.

He is completely dressed.

Such a reversal made him admire Fang Yuan.

“Before I was ridiculous, I still thought that Elder Liu was just like this. Hey, if I am an opponent of Elder Liu, I am afraid that before death I don’t know how to die. I am still too young!”

“Everybody should note that this Liu Guanyi is very cunning and must be guarded in the future.” In the Golden Dawn Great Hall, Nuer Gu’s face gloomy broke the silence for a long time.

Now that they reflect on the performance of Fang Yuan, they all find that Fang Yuan is dark and cunning.

Before the battle, the screaming screaming, the weakening in the battle, all these were disguise, until finally he showed the poor and real means.

Doesn’t usually act, but when it happens Shi Potian!

“Flat, if you come across this Liu Guanyi alone, you can still avoid it.” Nian’er Yifang takes care of the family star around him, and his tone is worried.

Nian’er Pingzhi nodded: “Well! I understand. I am only Sword Child now. If I become a Sword Master and become a Rank 7 in the future, I must compete with this Liu Guanyi Elder.”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals each and every one opening.

“Yelu Qunxing died very badly. In fact, the entire battle was in the hands of Liu Guanyi. What we saw, what Yelu Qunxing felt was an illusion.”

“Hey, who can expect him to have such strength.”

“Yelu Huihong Elder, you don’t have to blame yourself. Next we will definitely give you this blood enmity for Yelu Family!”

Yelu Huihong has already reacted at this moment.

One of the biggest puzzles in his mind is why the strands of densely packed stars around Yelu Qunxing and the heavy lines of defense are easily penetrated by Liu Guanyi!

He and Yelu Qunxing have had many discussions and it is very clear how powerful these protective forces are.

This doubt lingers in the heart of Yelu Huihong, like a thick haze.

He took a deep breath and his face was still pale, but he forced himself to calm down because he represented the entire Yelu Family at the moment.

If he does not perform well, the entire Yelu Family will be shamed!

“Gong Wanting adults.” Yelu Huihong gave a deep tribute to the Lord. “My family’s Yelu Qunxing is my pure Huang Jin bloodline. I am a god, a glory, a good man of my Huang Jin bloodline. But now, His bones are still in the hands of the enemy, and even his soul may still exist. In the next squat, ask the adults to come out, to find the body of the stars for the Yelu Family, and his soul.”

“This is inevitable.” Gong Wanting whispered softly and his attitude was very clear.

According to the regulations set by the two sides before, it is indeed possible to exchange the corpses.

But now Fang Yuan has carried the body of Yelu Qunxing and doesn’t know where to go. Even if Righteous Path Gu Immortal wants to chase, it’s too late.

Therefore, Gong Wanting directly asks Chu Du.

Chu Du’s departure from Fang Yuan’s was also very unexpected. I have already asked for it. Fang Yuan is so strong, Chu Du still wants to rely on him.

Gong Wanting just asked, there is a chance to receive the Fang Yuan’s reply in Chu Du’s Immortal Aperture.

“The body of Yelu Qunxing, I have great use! Brother Chu, I can’t do it, just kick me out of Chu Sect.”

The simple two sentences show that Fang Yuan is inevitable and will not let go of his determination.

Chu Du frowned, in the mouth, Gong Wanting calmly with a smile : “Fairy adults please rest assured that the corpses of this star must be kept well. I have notified My Sect 2nd Revered Elder. But I want to exchange the corpse, but also You need to come up with the price.”

“It’s all right to talk about.” Yelu Huihong immediately responded, his attitude was clear.

[Thank you for your support of until now, this time from the point of the 515fan Festival writers Glory Hall and the general election of the works, I hope to support one. In addition, there are some red envelopes at the Fan Festival, and you will receive a subscription and continue your subscription! 】

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